Genesis 4:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 And she proceaded forth, & bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a shepherde, but Cain became an husbande man.

Genesis 3:23

23 Then the LORDE God put him out of the garden of Eden, to tyll ye earth, whece he was take.

Genesis 4:25-26

25 Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, & she bare a sonne, and called him Seth. For God (sayde she) hath apoynted me another sede, for Abell, whom Cain slew. 26 And Seth begat a sonne also, and called him Enos. At the same tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 9:20

20 Noe beganne to take hede vnto ye tyllinge of the grounde, & planted a vyniarde.

Genesis 30:29-31

29 But he saide vnto him: Thou knowest how I haue serued the, and what maner of catell thou hast vnder me. 30 Thou haddest but litle afore I came hither, but now is it growne into a multitude, and the LORDE hath blessed ye for my sake. And now whan shall I loke to myne owne house also? 31 He saide: What shal I then geue the? Iacob sayde: Thou shalt geue me nothinge at all, but yf thou wilt do this for me yt I saye, then wyll I fede and kepe thy shepe agayne.

Genesis 37:13

13 Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: Do not yi brethren kepe the catell in Sichem? Come, I wil sende the vnto the. He answered: Here am I.

Genesis 46:32-34

32 and are kepers of catell (for they are men that deale with catell:) their small & greate catell, and all that they haue, haue they brought with them. 33 Now yf Pharao call you, and saye: what is youre occupacio? 34 then ye shal saye: Thy seruauntes are men yt haue dealt wt catell from oure youth vp hytherto, both we & oure fathers, that ye maye dwell in the lande of Gosen: for the Egipcians abhorre all kepers of catell.

Genesis 47:3

3 Then sayde Pharao vnto his brethren: What is youre occupacion? They answered: Thy seruauntes are kepers of catell, we and oure fathers also.

Exodus 3:1

1 Moses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in lawe prest of Madian, & droue the shepe on the backsyde of the wyldernes, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.

Psalms 78:70-72

70 And there he buylded his temple on hye, and layed ye foundacion of it like ye grounde, that it might perpetually endure. 71 He chose Dauid also his seruaut, and toke him awaye from the shepe foldes. 72 As he was folowinge the yowes greate with yonge, he toke him, that he might fede Iacob his people, and Israel his enheritaunce. So he fed them with a faithfull and true hert, and ruled them with all ye diligence of his power.

Psalms 127:3

3 It is but lost labour that ye ryse vp early, and take no rest, but eate the bred of carefulnesse: for loke to whom it pleaseth him, he geueth it in slepe.

Amos 7:15

15 the LORDE toke me, & sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, and prophecy vnto my people of Israel.

Luke 11:51

51 from the bloude of Abell, vnto ye bloude of Zachary, which perished betwene the altare and ye temple. Yee I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this generacion.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of the father the deuell, and after the lustes of youre father wyl ye do. The same was a murthurer from the begynnynge, and abode not in the trueth: for the trueth is not in him. Whan he speaketh a lye, then speaketh he of his awne: for he is a lyar, and a father of the same.

1 John 3:10

10 By this are the children of God knowne & the children of the deuell. Who so euer doeth not righteousnes, is not of God, nether he thath loueth not his brother.

1 John 3:12

12 not as Cain, which was of the wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he him? euen because his awne workes were euell, and his brothers righteous.

1 John 3:15

15 Who soeuer hateth his brother, is a mansleyer. And ye knowe that a mansleyer hath not eternall life abydinge in him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.