Genesis 27:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And it came to passe when Isaac was olde, his eyes waxed dymme of sight, and he called Esau his greater sonne, and sayde vnto him: My sonne. He answered him: Here am I.

Genesis 25:23-25

23 And the LORDE sayde vnto her: Two maner of folke are in thy wombe, and two maner of people shall be deuyded out of thy body, and the one nacion shall ouercome the other, and the greater shall serue the lesse. 24 Now whan the tyme came that she shulde be delyuered, beholde, there were two twyns in hir wombe. 25 The first that came forth, was reed, all rough as an hyde, and they called him Esau.

Genesis 48:10

10 (For Israels eyes were heuy for age, & he coude not well se.) And he brought the vnto him. So he kyssed them, & enbraced the,

1 Samuel 3:2

2 And it fortuned at the same tyme, that Eli laye in his place, and his eyes beganne to be dymme, so that he coulde not se.

Ecclesiastes 12:3

3 when the kepers of the house shall tremble, and when the stronge men shal bowe them selues: when the Myllers stonde still because they be so fewe, and when the sight of the wyndowes shal waxe dymme:

John 9:3

3 Iesus answered: Nether hath this synned, ner his elders, but that ye workes of God shulde be shewed on him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.