Ezekiel 17 Cross References - Coverdale

1 The worde of the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man: put forth a darcke speakynge and a parable, vnto the house of Israel, 3 and saye: Thus saieth the LORDE God: There came a greate Aegle with greate wynges, yee wt mightie longe wynges, and full of fethers of dyuerse colours, vpon the mount of Libanus, and toke a braunch from a Cedre tre, 4 and brake of the toppe of his twygge, and caried it in to the londe of Canaan, and set it in a cite of marchauntes. 5 He toke also a braunch of the londe, and planted it in a frutefull grounde, he brought it vnto greate waters, & set it as a willye tre therby. 6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate wyne stocke, but lowe by the grounde: thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches. 7 But there was another Aegle, a greate one, which had greate wynges and many fethers: and beholde, ye rotes of this vyne had an huger after him, and spred out his braunches towarde him, to water his frutes: 8 Neuertheles it was plated vpon a good grounde besyde greate waters: so that (by reason) it shulde haue brought out braunches and frute, and haue bene a goodly vyne. 9 Speake thou therfore, thus saieth the LORDE God: Shal this vyne prospere? shal not his rotes be pluckte out, his frute broken of, his grene braunches wythereed and fade awaye? yee without ether stronge arme or many people, shal it be plucked vp by the rotes. 10 Beholde, it was planted: shall it prospere therfore? Shall it not be dryed vp and withered, yee euen in the shutinge out of his blossomes, as soone as ye east wynde bloweth? 11 Morouer, the worde of the LORDE came vnto me sayenge: 12 Speake to that frauwarde housholde: knowe ye not, what these thinges do signifie? Tell them: Beholde, the kinge of Babilon came to Ierusalem, and toke the kinge & his prynces, and ledde them to Babilon. 13 He toke of the kinges sede, and made a couenaunt with him, and toke an ooth of him: The prynces of the londe toke he with him also, 14 that the londe might be holden in subieccion, and not to rebelle, but kepe the couenaunt, and fulfill it. 15 But he fell from him, & sent his Embassitours in to Egipte, that he might haue horses & moch people. Shulde that prospere? Shulde he be kepte safe, that doth soch thinges? Or shulde he escape, that breaketh his couenaunt? 16 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: He shal dye at Babilon, in ye place where the kinge dwelleth, that made him kinge: whose ooth he hath despised, and whose couenaunt he hat broken. 17 Nether shall Pharao with his greate hoost and multitude of people, maynteyne him in the warre: when they cast vp diches, and set vp bulworkes to destroye moch people. 18 For seinge he hath despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his honde thervpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape. 19 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, I will bringe myne ooth that he hath despysed, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne heade. 20 I wil cast my net aboute him, and catch him in my yarne. To Babilon will I cary him, there will I punysh him, because of the greate offence that he made me. 21 As for those yt fle from him out of ye hoost, they shalbe slayne with the swearde. The residue shalbe scatred towarde all the wyndes: and ye shal knowe, that I the LORDE haue spoken it. 22 Thus saieth the LORDE God: I will also take a braunch from an hie Cedre tre, and will set it, and take the vppermost twygge, that yet is but tendre, and plante it vpon an hie hill: 23 Namely, vpon the hie hill of Sion will I plante it: that it maye bringe forth twygges, and geue frute, and be a greate Cedre tre: so that all maner of foules maye byde in it, and make their nestes vnder the shadowe of his braunches. 24 And all the trees of the felde shall knowe, that I the LORDE haue brought downe the hie tre, and set the lowe tre vp: that I haue dryed vp the grene tre, and made the drye tre to florish: Euen I the LORDE yt spake it, haue also brought it to passe.

Genesis 49:10

10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Exodus 8:2

2 Yf thou wilt not let the go, beholde, I wil smyte all ye borders of yi lode wt frogges,

Exodus 12:26

26 And whan youre children saye vnto you: What seruyce is this, that ye haue?

Exodus 20:7

7 Thou shalt not take the name of ye LORDE thy God in vayne. For the LORDE shal not holde him vngiltie, that taketh his name in vayne.

Numbers 14:41

41 But Moses sayde: wherfore go ye on this maner beyonde ye worde of the LORDE? It shall not prospere with you:

Numbers 30:2

2 Yf eny man make a vowe vnto the LORDE, or sweare an ooth, so that he binde his soule, he shal not breake his worde, but do all that is proceaded out of his mouth.

Deuteronomy 5:11

11 Thou shalt not take ye name of ye LORDE yi God in vayne: For ye LORDE shal not holde him vngiltie, yt taketh his name in vaine.

Deuteronomy 6:20

20 Now whan thy sonne axeth the todaye or tomorow, and sayeth: What meane these witnesses, ordinaunces and lawes, that the LORDE oure God hath comaunded you?

Deuteronomy 8:7-9

7 For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe: A londe where in are ryuers of water, fountaynes and sprynges, which flowe by the hilles and valleys: 8 A londe wherin is wheate, barlye, vines, fygge trees, and pomgranates: A londe wherin growe Olyue trees and honye: 9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles:

Deuteronomy 17:16

16 Onely let him not haue many horses, yt he brynge not ye people againe in to Egipte thorow ye multitude of horses, for as moch as ye LORDE hath sayde vnto you, that from hence forth ye shulde come nomore this waye agayne.

Deuteronomy 28:43

43 The straunger that is with ye, shal clymme vp ouer the, and be allwaye aboue the: but thou shalt come downe alowe, and lye euer beneth.

Deuteronomy 28:49

49 The LORDE shal brynge a nacion vpon the from farre, euen from the ende of ye worlde, as a flyenge Aegle: a people, whose speache thou canst not vnderstonde,

Deuteronomy 29:12-15

12 that thou shuldest enter in to the couenaunt of the LORDE thy God, and in to the ooth which the LORDE thy God maketh with the this daye, 13 that he mighte set the vp this daye to be a people vnto himself, and that he mighte be thy God, as he hath sayde vnto the, and as he sware vnto yi fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob. 14 For I make not this couenaunt and this ooth with you onely, 15 but both with you yt are here this daye, and stonde with vs before the LORDE oure God, and also with them that are not here with vs this daye.

Joshua 4:6

6 yt they maye be a token amonge you. And whan youre children are their fathers here after, and saye: What do these stones there?

Joshua 4:21

21 & saide vnto the children of Israel: Whan youre children are their fathers herafter, & saie: What meane these stones?

Joshua 9:20

20 But this wil we do vnto them: Let them lyue, that there come no wrath vpon vs, because of the ooth that we haue made vnto them.

Joshua 10:16-18

16 As for the fyue kynges, they were fled, and had hyd the selues in the caue at Makeda. 17 Then was it tolde Iosua: We haue foude the fyue kynges hyd in the caue at Makeda. 18 Iosua sayde: Rolle greate stones then before the hole of the caue, and set men there to kepe them.

Judges 9:8-15

8 The trees wente to anointe a kinde ouer them, and sayde vnto the Olyue tre: Be thou oure kynge. 9 But the Olyue tre answered them: Shall I go and leaue my fatnesse (which both God and men commende in me) and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 10 Then sayde the trees vnto the fygge tre: Come thou and be kynge ouer vs. 11 But the fygge tre sayde vnto the: Shal I leaue my swetnes and my good frute, and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 12 Then sayde the trees vnto the vyne: Come thou and be oure kinge. 13 But the vyne sayde vnto them: Shal I leaue my swete wyne, which reioyseth God and men, and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 14 The sayde all the trees vnto the thorne busshe: Come thou, and be kynge ouer vs. 15 And the thorne busshe sayde vnto the trees: Yf it be true, yt ye anoynte me to be kynge ouer you, the come, and put youre trust vnder my shadowe. Yf no, then go fyre out of the thorne busshe, & cosume ye Ceder trees of Libano.

Judges 14:12-19

12 Samson sayde vnto them: I wil expresse a darke sentence vnto you, yf ye expounde me the same with in these seuen dayes of the feast, I wyll geue you thirtye shertes, and thirtie chaunge of raymente. 13 But yf ye can not expounde it, then shall ye geue me thirtie shertes, & thirtie chaunge of rayment. And they sayde vnto him: Shewe forth thy ryddle, let vs heare it. 14 He sayde vnto them: Meate wente out from the deuourer, and swetenesse from the mightie. And in thre dayes they coulde not expounde the ryddle. 15 Vpon the seuenth daye they sayde vnto Samsons wife: Persuade thy husbade, that he tell vs what the ryddle meaneth, or els we shal burne the and thy fathers house with fyre. Haue ye called vs hither, to brynge vs to pouerte? 16 Then wepte Samsons wife before him, and sayde: Thou art displeased at me, and louest me not: thou hast expressed a darke sentence vnto the children of my people, and hast not tolde it me. But he sayde vnto her: Beholde, I haue not tolde it vnto my father and mother, and shulde I tell it the? 17 And she wepte before him those seuen dayes, whyle they had ye feast. But on the seueth daye he tolde it her, for she was so importune vpon him. And she expounded the darke sentence vnto the children of her people. 18 Then sayde the men of the cite vnto him vpon the seuenth daye oreuer the Sonne wente downe: What is sweter then hony? What is strouger then the lyon? But he sayde vnto the: Yf ye had not plowed wt my calfe, ye shulde not haue founde out my ryddle. 19 And the sprete of ye LORDE came vpon him, and he wente downe vnto Ascalon, and slewe thirtie men of them, & toke their spoyles, and gaue chaunge of rayment vnto the, yt had expounded the ryddle. And he was wrothfully displeased, & wente vp vnto his fathers house.

1 Samuel 2:7

7 The LORDE maketh poore and maketh riche: He bryngeth lowe and exalteth.

1 Samuel 2:7-8

7 The LORDE maketh poore and maketh riche: He bryngeth lowe and exalteth. 8 He taketh vp the neady out of the dust, and lifteth vp ye poore out of the myre, that he maye set them amonge the prynces, and to let them inheret the seate of honoure: for the foundacions and corners of the worlde are the LORDES, and he hath set the compase of the earth theron.

1 Samuel 2:30

30 Therfore sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: I haue spoken, that thy house and thy fathers house shulde walke before me for euer. But now sayeth the LORDE: That be farre fro me. But who so euer honoureth me, him wil I honor also: as for those yt despyse me, they shal not be regarded.

2 Samuel 12:1-4

1 And the LORDE sent Nathan vnto Dauid. Whan he came to him, he tolde him: There were two men in one cite, the one riche, the other poore. 2 The riche man had very many shepe and oxen: 3 but the poore man had nothinge saue one litle shepe, which he had boughte, and norished it, so that it grewe vp with him and his children together. It ate of his bred, and dranke of his cuppe, and slepte in his lappe, and he helde it as a doughter. 4 But whan there came a straunger vnto the riche man, he spared to take of his awne shepe & oxen (to prepare oughte for the straunger that was come vnto him) and toke the poore mans shepe, and prepared it for the man that was come vnto him.

2 Samuel 18:9

9 And Absalom met Dauids seruauntes, and rode vpon a Mule. And whan the Mule came vnder a greate thicke Oke tre, his heade toke holde on the Oke, and so hanged he betwene heauen and earth, but the Mule ranne awaye from vnder him.

2 Samuel 21:2

2 Then the kynge caused for to call the Gibeonites, and spake vnto them. (As for the Gibeonites, they were not of ye children of Israel, but a remnaunt of the Amorites: howbeit the children of Israel had sworne vnto the, and Saul soughte for to smyte them in his gelousy, for the childre of Israel and Iuda.)

2 Kings 24:10-16

10 At the same tyme wente the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon vp to Ierusalem, and came vpon the cyte with ordinaunce of warre. 11 And whan Nabuchodonosor and his seruauntes came to the cite they layed sege vnto it. 12 But Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda wente forth to the kynge of Babilon with his mother, with his seruauntes, with his rulers and chamberlaynes. And the kynge of Babilon receaued him in the eight yeare of his reigne. 13 And he toke forth fro thence all the treasure in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kynges house, and brake all the golden vessell yt Salomon the kynge of Israel had made in the house of the LORDE (acordynge as the LORDE had sayde) 14 and caryed awaye all Ierusalem, all the rulers, all the mightie men, euen ten thousande presoners, and all the carpenters, and all the smithes, and lefte none behynde but the poore people of the londe. 15 And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon,

2 Kings 24:15-17

15 And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon, 16 and seuen thousande of the best men, and a thousande carpenters and smythes, and all the stronge men of warre.

2 Kings 24:16-17

16 and seuen thousande of the best men, and a thousande carpenters and smythes, and all the stronge men of warre. 17 And the kynge of Babilon made Matania his vncle kynge in his steade, and turned his name Sedechias.

2 Kings 24:17-17

17 And the kynge of Babilon made Matania his vncle kynge in his steade, and turned his name Sedechias.

2 Kings 24:20

20 for thus fortuned it vnto Ierusale thorow the wrath of the LORDE, tyll he had cast them out fro his presence. And Sedechias fell awaye fro the kynge of Babilon.

2 Kings 25:4-7

4 And the cite was broken vp, & all the men of warre fled in the night by the waye of the porte betwene the two walles, which goeth to the kynges garde. But the Caldees laye aboute the cite. And he fled by the waye to the playne felde. 5 Neuertheles the power of the Caldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the plaine felde of Iericho: and all the men of warre that were with him, were scatered abrode from him.

2 Kings 25:5

5 Neuertheles the power of the Caldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the plaine felde of Iericho: and all the men of warre that were with him, were scatered abrode from him. 6 And they toke the kynge, and led him vp to the kynge of Babilon vnto Reblatha. And he gaue iudgmet vpon him. 7 And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon.

2 Kings 25:11

11 As for the other people that yet were lefte in the cite, and were falle vnto the kinge of Babilon, and the other comen people, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne caryed them awaye.

1 Chronicles 29:24

24 & all ye rulers & mightie men, & all kynge Dauids children submytted themselues vnto kynge Salomon.

2 Chronicles 13:12

12 Beholde, God is the captayne of oure hoost, and with vs are his prestes, and the blowynge trompettes, to trompe agaynst you. Ye children of Israel, fight not agaynst the LORDE God of yor fathers: for ye shal not prospere.

2 Chronicles 20:20

20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.

2 Chronicles 26:13

13 And vnder the hande of the hoost thre hundreth thousande, and seuen thousande and fyue hundreth mete for the battayll, in the strength of an armye to helpe the kinge agaynst the enemies.

2 Chronicles 30:8

8 Be not ye hardnecked now as were youre fathers, but offre youre hade vnto the LORDE, and come to his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for euer, and serue the LORDE youre God, & so shal the indignacion of his wrath turne awaye from you.

2 Chronicles 33:11

11 Therfore dyd the LORDE cause the rulers of the hoost of the kynge of Assur to come vpo the, which toke Manasses presoner with bodes, and bounde him with cheynes, & broughte him vnto Babilon.

2 Chronicles 36:9-10

9 Eight yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes and ten dayes at Ierusale, and dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE. 10 But wha the yeare came aboute, Nabuchodonosor sent thither, and caused him be fetched vnto Babilon with the costly vessels and Iewels of the house of the LORDE, and made Sedechias his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 36:13

13 He fell awaye also from Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon (which had taken an ooth of him by God) and was styfnecked, and hardened his hert, that he shulde not conuerte vnto the LORDE God of Israel.

Nehemiah 9:36-37

36 Beholde, therfore are we in bondage this daye: Yee euen in the lode that thou gauest vnto oure fathers, to enioye the frutes and goodes therof, beholde, there are we bondmen. 37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whom thou hast set ouer vs because of oure synnes, and they haue dominion ouer oure bodies and catell, and we are in greate trouble.

Job 5:11

11 which setteth vp them of lowe degre, and sendeth prosperite, to those that are in heuynesse:

Job 10:16

16 Thou huntest me out (beynge in heuynesse) as it were a Lyon, and troublest me out of measure.

Job 40:12

12 loke well, that thou makest all soch as be stubburne, to obeye: treade all the vngodly vnder thy fete,

Psalms 2:6

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion.

Psalms 15:4

4 He yt setteth not by the vngodly but maketh moch of the that feare the LORDE: he yt sweareth vnto his neghboure & dispoynteth him not.

Psalms 22:27-30

27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him. 28 For the kyngdome is the LORDES, and he shal be the gouernoure of ye Heithen. 29 All soch as be fat vpo earth, shal eate also and worshipe: 30 All they that lye in the dust, and lyue so hardly, shall fall downe before him.

Psalms 55:23

23 The bloudthurstie and disceatfull shal not lyue out half their daies. Neuerthelesse my trust is in the.

Psalms 72:8-11

8 His dominion shalbe from the one see to the other, and from the floude vnto the worldes ende. 9 They that dwell in the wildernes, shal knele before him, & his enemies shal licke the dust. 10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes. 11 All kynges shal worshipe him, & all Heithe shal do him seruyce.

Psalms 72:16

16 There shalbe an heape of corne in the earth hye vpon the hilles, his frute shal shake like Libanus,

Psalms 75:6-7

6 Set not vp youre hornes an hye, & speake not with a stiff necke. 7 For promocio commeth nether from the east ner from the west, ner yet fro the wyldernesse.

Psalms 80:15

15 Manteyne it, that thy right hode hath plated, & the sonne whom thou maydest so moch of for thy self.

Psalms 89:38

38 He shal stonde fast for euermore as the Moone, and as the faithfull witnesse in heauen.

Psalms 89:45

45 Thou hast put out his glory, and cast his Trone downe to the grounde.

Psalms 92:12-13

12 & myne eare shall heare his desyre of the wicked yt ryse vp agaynst me. 13 The rightuous shal florish like a palme tre, and growe like a Cedre of Libanus.

Psalms 96:11-12

11 Let the heaues reioyse, and let the earth be glad: let the see make a noyse, yee & all that therin is. 12 Let the felde be ioyfull and all that is in it, let all the trees of the wodd leape for ioye.

Proverbs 16:18-19

18 Presumptuousnes goeth before destruccion, and after a proude stomake there foloweth a fall. 19 Better it is to be of humble mynde wt the lowly, then to deuyde ye spoyles wt ye proude.

Proverbs 19:5

5 A false wytnesse shal not remayne vnpunyshed, and he that speaketh lyes shal not escape.

Ecclesiastes 9:12

12 For a man knoweth not his tyme, but like as the fyshe are take with the angle, and as the byrdes are catched wt the snare: Eue so are men taken in the perilous tyme, when it commeth sodenly vpon them.

Isaiah 1:2

2 Heare o heauen, herken o earth, for the LORDE speaketh: I haue norished & brought vp children, and they are fallen awaye fro me.

Isaiah 2:2-3

2 It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hill where the the house of the LORDE is buylded, shal be ye chefe amoge hilles, and exalted aboue al litle hilles. And al heithe shal prease vnto him and the multitude of people shall go vnto him,

Isaiah 2:2

2 It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hill where the the house of the LORDE is buylded, shal be ye chefe amoge hilles, and exalted aboue al litle hilles. And al heithe shal prease vnto him and the multitude of people shall go vnto him, 3 speakinge thus one to another: vp, let us go to the hill of the LORDE, and to the house of ye God of Iacob: yt he maye shewe us his waye, and yt we maye walke in his pathes. For ye lawe shal come out of Syon, and the worde of God from Ierusalem,

Isaiah 2:13-14

13 vpo all high & stoute Cedre trees of Libanus, and vpon all the okes of Basan, 14 vpon all high hilles, and vpon all stoute mountaynes,

Isaiah 4:2

2 After that tyme shal the braunch of ye LORDE be beutiful and mightie, and ye frute of the earth shalbe fayre and pleasaunt for those Israelites that shall springe therof.

Isaiah 8:9-10

9 Go together ye people, and gather you, herken to all ye of farre countrees. Mustre you, and gather you: mustre you and gather you, 10 take youre councel together, yet must youre councel come to nought: go in honde withal, yet shal it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto us a childe shalbe borne, and vnto us a sonne shalbe geue. Vpo his shulder shal the kyngdome lye, and he shalbe called wt his owne name: The woderous geuer of councel, the mightie God, the euerlastinge father, the prynce of peace, 7 he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe.

Isaiah 11:1-5

1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote.

Isaiah 11:1-9

1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote. 2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God:

Isaiah 11:2-9

2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God: 3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge:

Isaiah 11:3-9

3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge: 4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked.

Isaiah 11:4-9

4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked. 5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes.

Isaiah 11:5-9

5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes. 6 The shal ye wolfe dwel with the labe, and the leoparde shal lye downe by the gote. Bullokes, lyons and catel shal kepe company together, so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth.

Isaiah 11:6-9

6 The shal ye wolfe dwel with the labe, and the leoparde shal lye downe by the gote. Bullokes, lyons and catel shal kepe company together, so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth. 7 The cowe and the Bere shal fede together, and their yongones shal lye together. The lyo shal eate strawe like the oxe, or the cowe.

Isaiah 11:7-9

7 The cowe and the Bere shal fede together, and their yongones shal lye together. The lyo shal eate strawe like the oxe, or the cowe. 8 The childe whyle he sucketh, shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest, and whe he is weened, he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne.

Isaiah 11:8-9

8 The childe whyle he sucketh, shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest, and whe he is weened, he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne. 9 Noman shal do euel to another, no man shal destro another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shalbe ful of ye knowlege of ye LORDE, euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth.

Isaiah 11:9-9

9 Noman shal do euel to another, no man shal destro another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shalbe ful of ye knowlege of ye LORDE, euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth. 10 Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse (which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles) for his dwellinge shalbe glorious.

Isaiah 15:7

7 In like maner the thinge yt was left them of their substaunce, they caried it by water to Araby.

Isaiah 26:5

5 For why, it is he, yt bringeth lowe the hie mynded citesyns, & casteth downe the proude cities. He casteth the to the groude, yee eue in to ye myre, yt they maye be trode

Isaiah 26:11

11 LORDE, they wil not se thine hie honde, but they shal se it, and be confounded: whe thou shalt deuoure them with the wrath of the people, and with the fyre of thine enemies.

Isaiah 27:6

6 It wil come to this poynte, yt Iacob shalbe rooted againe, and Israel shalbe grene & beare floures, & they shal fyll ye whole worlde wt their frute.

Isaiah 30:1-7

1 Wo be to those shrenkinge children (saieth the LORDE) which seke councel, but not at me: which take a webbe in honde, but not after my will: that they maye heape one synne vpon another.

Isaiah 30:1-4

1 Wo be to those shrenkinge children (saieth the LORDE) which seke councel, but not at me: which take a webbe in honde, but not after my will: that they maye heape one synne vpon another. 2 They go downe in to Egipte, (and axe me no councel) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and coforte in the shadowe of the Egipcias.

Isaiah 30:2-4

2 They go downe in to Egipte, (and axe me no councel) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and coforte in the shadowe of the Egipcias. 3 But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre cofucion, and the comforte in the Egipcians shadowe shalbe youre owne shame.

Isaiah 30:3-4

3 But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre cofucion, and the comforte in the Egipcians shadowe shalbe youre owne shame. 4 Youre rulers haue bene at Zoan, and yor messaungers came vnto Hanes.

Isaiah 30:4-4

4 Youre rulers haue bene at Zoan, and yor messaungers came vnto Hanes. 5 But ye shal all be ashamed of the people yt maye not helpe you, which shal not bringe you strength or comforte, but shame and confucion. 6 Youre beastes haue borne burthens vpo their backes towarde the South, thorow the waye that is ful of parell and trouble, because of the lyo and lyones, of the Cockatrice and shutynge dragon. Yee the Mules bare youre substaunce, and the Camels brought yor treasure vpon their croked backes, vnto a people that can not helpe you. 7 For the Egipcians helpe shalbe but vane and lost. Therfore I tolde you also yt youre pryde shulde haue an ende.

Isaiah 31:1-3

1 Wo vnto them that go downe in to Egipte for helpe, and trust in horses, and conforte them selues in Charettes, because they be many, and in horse me because they be lustie and stronge. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the LORDE. 2 Where as he neuertheles plageth ye wicked, and yet goeth not from his worde, wha he steppeth forth and taketh the victory agaynst the housholde of the frauwerde, and against the helpe of euel doers. 3 Now the Egiptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh and not sprete. And as soone as the LORDE stretcheth out his honde, then shal the helper fall, and he that shulde haue bene helped, and shal altogether be destroyed.

Isaiah 36:6-9

6 lo, Thou puttest thy trust in a broken staff of rede (I meane Egipte) which he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to his honde & shuteth him thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kinge of Egipte, vnto all the that trust in him.

Isaiah 36:6

6 lo, Thou puttest thy trust in a broken staff of rede (I meane Egipte) which he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to his honde & shuteth him thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kinge of Egipte, vnto all the that trust in him. 7 But yf thou woldest saye to me: We trust in ye LORDE oure God: A goodly god, in dede: whose hie places & aulteres Ezechias toke downe, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem, to worshipe only before the aulter. 8 Abyde the, thou hast made a condicion with my lorde the kinge of the Assirias, that he shulde geue the two thousande horses: Art thou able to set me there vp? 9 Seinge now that thou canst not resist the power of the smallest prynce that my LORDE hath, how darrest thou trust in yt charettes and horse men of Egipte?

Isaiah 39:7

7 Yee and parte of thy sonnes that shal come of the, and whom thou shalt get, shalbe caried hence, and become gelded chamberlaines in the kinge of Babilons courte:

Isaiah 43:14

14 Thus saieth the LORDE the holy one of Israel youre redemer: For youre sake I will sende to Babilon, and bringe all the strongest of them from thence: Namely, the Caldees that boost them of their shippes:

Isaiah 44:4

4 They shal growe together, like as the grasse, and as the Willies by the waters side.

Isaiah 47:15

15 Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the.

Isaiah 49:18

18 Lift vp thine eyes, and loke aboute the: all these shal gather them together, and come to the. As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE) thou shalt put them all vpo the, as an apparell, and gyrde the to the, as a bryde doth hir Iewels.

Isaiah 53:2

2 He shal growe before the LORDE like as a brauch, & as a rote in a drie grounde. He shal haue nether bewty ner fauoure. When we loke vpon him, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shal haue no lust vnto him.

Isaiah 55:12-13

12 And so shal ye go forth wt ioye, & be led with peace. The mountaynes and hilles shal synge with you for ioye, and all the trees of the felde shal clappe their hondes. 13 For thornes, there shal growe Fyrre trees, & ye Myrte tre in the steade of breres. And this shal be done to the prayse of the LORDE, & for an euerlastinge toke, that shal not be taken awaye.

Isaiah 60:4-12

4 Lift vp thine eyes, & loke rounde aboute the: All these gather the selues, & come to the. Sonnes shal come vnto ye from farre, & doughters shal gather the selues to the on euery side. 5 When thou seist this, thou shalt maruel exceadingly, and thine hert shalbe opened: when the power of the see shalbe couerted vnto the (that is) whe the strength of the Gentiles shal come vnto the. 6 The multitude of Camels shal couer ye, the Dromedaries of Madia and Epha. All they of Saba shal come, bringinge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the LORDE. 7 All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished. 8 But what are these that fle here like the cloudes, and as the doues flienge to their wyndowes? 9 The Iles also shal gather the vnto me, and specially the shippes of ye see: that they maye bringe the sonnes from farre, and their syluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the LORDE thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorified the. 10 Straugers shal buylde vp thy walles, and their kiges shal do the seruyce. For when I am angrie, I smyte the: and when it pleaseth me, I pardon the. 11 Thy gates shal stonde open still both daye and night, and neuer be shut: that the hooste of the Gentiles maye come, and that their kinges maye be brought vnto the. 12 For euery people & kingdome that serueth not the, shal perish, and be distroyed wt the swerde.

Jeremiah 2:9

9 Wherfore I am constrayned (sayeth the LORDE) to make my complaynte vpon you, and vpon youre children.

Jeremiah 2:35

35 Yet darrest thou saye: I am giltlesse: Tush, his wrath can not come vpo me. Beholde, I wil reason with ye, because thou darrest saye: I haue not offended.

Jeremiah 4:13

13 For lo, he commeth downe like as a cloude, and his charettes are like a stormy wynde: his horsmen are swifter then the Aegle. Wo vnto vs, for we are destroyed.

Jeremiah 5:2

2 For though they can saye: the LORDE lyueth, yet do they sweare to disceaue:

Jeremiah 5:9

9 Shulde I not correcke this, saieth the LORDE? Shulde I not be avenged of euery people, that is like vnto this?

Jeremiah 7:9-15

9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes: 10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions. 11 What? thinke you this house that beareth my name, is a denne of theues? And these thinges are not done priuely, but before myne eyes, saieth the LORDE. 12 Go to my place in Silo, where vnto I gaue my name afore tyme, and loke well what I dyd to the same place, for the wickednes of my people of Israel. 13 And now, though ye haue done all these dedes (saieth the LORDE) and I my self rose vp euer by tymes to warne you and to comon with you: yet wolde ye not heare me: I called, ye wolde not answere. 14 And therfore euen as I haue done vnto Silo, so wil I do to this house, that my name is geuen vnto, (and that ye put youre trust in) yee vnto the place that I haue geuen to you and youre fathers. 15 And I shal thrust you out of my sight, as I haue cast out all youre brethren the whole sede of Ephraim.

Jeremiah 21:4-7

4 Thus saieth the LORDE God off Israel: beholde, I will turne backe the weapens, that ye haue in youre hondes, wherwith ye fight agaynst the kinge of Babilo & the Caldees, which besege you rounde aboute ye walles: & I wil brige the together in to the myddest of this cite, 5 and I myselff will fight agaynst you, with an outstretched honde, ad with a mightie arme, in greate displeasure and terrible wrath: 6 and will smyte them, that dwell in this cite: yee both me ad catell shal dye of the pestilence. 7 And after this (saieth the LORDE) I shall delyuer Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, & his seruauntes, his people (and soch as are escaped in the cite, from the pestilence, swearde, and honger) into the power of Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilon: yee in to the hodes of their enemies, in to the hodes of those yt folowe vpon their lyues, which shall smyte them with ye swerde: they shal not pite the, they shal not spare them, they shall haue no mercy vpon them.

Jeremiah 22:23-28

23 thou that dwellest vpon Libanus, ad makest thy nest in the Cedre trees. O how greate shal yi mournynge be, when thy sorowes come vpon the, as a woman trauelinge with childe? 24 As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE.) Though Iechonias the sonne off Ioachim kinge off Iuda were the signet off my right honde, yet will I plucke him of: 25 And I wil geue the in to ye power off the that seke to slaye the, and in to the power off them that thou fearest: in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kinge off Babilon, and in to the power of the Caldees. 26 Morouer, I will sende the, and thy mother that bare the, in to a straunge londe, where ye were not borne, ad there shall ye dye. 27 But as for the londe that ye will desyre to returne vnto, ye shall neuer come at it agayne. 28 This ma Iechonias shalbe like an ymage robbed and torne in peces, which pleaseth no man, for all his apparell. Wherfore both he and his sede shalbe sent awaye, and cast out into a lode, that they knowe not. 29 O thou earth, earth, earth: heare the worde off the LORDE: 30 Wryte this man amonge the outlawes, for no prosperite shall this man haue all his life longe. Nether shall eny of his sede be so happie, as to syt vpon the seate of Dauid, and to beare rule in Iuda.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth. 6 In his tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israel shal dwell with out feare. And this is the name that they shall call him: euen the LORDE oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 24:1

1 The LORDE shewed me a visio: Beholde, there stode two maundes of figes before ye Teple of the LORDE, after yt Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilo had led awaye captyue Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim kinge of Iuda, the mightie men also of Iuda, with the workemasters and conynge men of Ierusalem, vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 24:8-10

8 And like as thou knowest the naughtie fyges, which maye not be eate, they are so euel: Euen so wil I (saieth the LORDE) let Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, (ye and all his prynces, & the residue of Ierusalem that remayne ouer in this londe, & them also that dwell in Egipte) to be vexed & plaged in all kingdomes & londes. 9 And will make them to be a reprofe, a comon byworde, a laughinge stocke & shame, in all the places, where I shal scatre them. 10 I will sende the swearde, honger & pestilence amonge them, vntill I haue clene consumed them out of the londe, that I gane vnto them & their fathers.

Jeremiah 27:12-17

12 All these thinges tolde I Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, and sayde: Put youre neckes vnder the yock of the kinge of Babilon, and serue him & his people, that ye maye lyue. 13 Why wilt thou and thy people perish with the swearde, with honger, with pestilence: like as the LORDE hath deuysed for all people, that wil not serue the kinge of Babilon? 14 Therfore geue no eare vnto those prophetes (that tell you: Ye shall not serue the kinge of Babilon) for they preach you lies, 15 nether haue I sent them, saieth the LORDE: how be it they are bolde, falsely for to prophecie in my name: that I might ye sooner dryue you out, & that ye might perish with yor preachers. 16 I spake to the prestes also and to all the people: Thus saieth the LORDE: Heare not the wordes of those prophetes, that preach vnto you, & saye: Beholde, the vessels of the LORDES house shall shortly be brought hither agayne from Babilon: For they prophecie lies vnto you. 17 Heare them not, but serue the kinge of Babilon, yt ye maye lyue. Wherfore will ye make this cite to be destroyed?

Jeremiah 29:2

2 after ye tyme yt kinge Iechonias & his Quene, his chambrelaynes, the prynces of Iuda & Ierusale & the workmasters of Ierusale were departed thither.

Jeremiah 29:4-7

4 Thus hath ye LORDE of hoostes ye God of Israel spoke, vnto all the presoners, yt were led fro Ierusale vnto Babilo: 5 Buylde you houses to dwell therein: plate you gardes, yt ye maye enioye the frutes thereof: 6 take you wyues, to beare you sonnes and doughters: prouyde wyues for youre sonnes, & hu?bondes for youre doughters: that they maye get sonnes & doughters, and that ye maye multiplie there. Laboure not to be fewe, 7 but seke after peace & prosperite of the cite, where in ye be presoners, & praye vnto God for it. For in the peace there of, shal yor peace be.

Jeremiah 32:4

4 As for Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, he shal not be able to escape the Caldees, but surely he shall come in to the hondes of the kinge of Babilon: which shall speake with him mouth to mouth, and one of them shall loke another in the face.

Jeremiah 32:4-5

4 As for Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, he shal not be able to escape the Caldees, but surely he shall come in to the hondes of the kinge of Babilon: which shall speake with him mouth to mouth, and one of them shall loke another in the face. 5 And Sedechias shalbe caried vnto Babilon, and there shall he be, vntill the tyme that I vyset him, saieth the LORDE. But yf thou takest in hode to fight agaynst the Caldees, thou shalt not prospere.

Jeremiah 32:5-5

5 And Sedechias shalbe caried vnto Babilon, and there shall he be, vntill the tyme that I vyset him, saieth the LORDE. But yf thou takest in hode to fight agaynst the Caldees, thou shalt not prospere.

Jeremiah 33:5

5 when the Caldees come to besege them: and they shalbe fylled with the deed carcases of men, whom I will slaye in my wrath and displeasure: whe I turne my face from this cite, because of all hir wickednes.

Jeremiah 33:15-16

15 In those daies and at the same tyme, I will bringe forth vnto Dauid, the braunch of rightuousnes, and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe. 16 In those daies shall Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwell safe, and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 34:3

3 and thou shalt not escape his hondes, but shalt be led awaye presoner, and delyuered into his power. Thou shalt loke the kinge of Babilon in the face, and he shal speake with the mouth to mouth, and then shalt thou go to Babilon.

Jeremiah 34:3-5

3 and thou shalt not escape his hondes, but shalt be led awaye presoner, and delyuered into his power. Thou shalt loke the kinge of Babilon in the face, and he shal speake with the mouth to mouth, and then shalt thou go to Babilon. 4 Yet heare the worde of the LORDE, o Sedechias thou kinge of Iuda: Thus saieth the LORDE vnto the: Thou shalt not be slayne with the swearde, 5 but shalt die in peace. Like as yi fore fathers, the kinges, thy progenitours were brente: so shalt thou be brente also, & in the mournynge they shal saye: oh lorde. For thus haue I determed, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 37:1

1 Sedechias ye sonne of Iosias (which was made kynge thorow Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon) reigned in the londe of Iuda, in the steade off Iechonias the sonne of Ioachim.

Jeremiah 37:5-7

5 Pharaos hooste also was come out of Egipte: which when the Caldees that beseged Ierusalem, perceaued, they departed from thence.

Jeremiah 37:5

5 Pharaos hooste also was come out of Egipte: which when the Caldees that beseged Ierusalem, perceaued, they departed from thence. 6 Then came the worde of the LORDE vnto Ieremy the prophet, sayege: 7 Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel, This answere shal ye geue to the kynge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos hooste which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egipte in to his owne londe:

Jeremiah 37:7

7 Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel, This answere shal ye geue to the kynge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos hooste which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egipte in to his owne londe:

Jeremiah 37:10

10 For though ye had slayne the whole hooste off the Caldees. that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tent, yet shulde they stonde vp, and set fyre vpon this cite.

Jeremiah 38:17

17 Then sayde Ieremy vnto Sedechias: Thus saieth ye LORDE off hoostes the God of Israel: Yf case be, that thou wilt go forth vnto the kynge off Babilons prynces, thou shalt saue thy life, and this cite shall not be bret, yee both thou and thy housholde shall escape with youre lyues. 18 But yff thou wilt not go forth to the kynge off Babilons prynces, then shal this cite be delyuered in to the hondes of the Caldees which shal set fyre vpon it, and thou shalt be able to escape them.

Jeremiah 38:23

23 Therfore all thy wyues with their children shall fle vnto the Caldees, and thou shalt not escape their hondes, but shalt be ye kynge of Babilons presoner, & this cite shall be brent.

Jeremiah 39:5-7

5 But the Caldees hooste folowed fast after them, and toke Sedechias in the felde of Iericho, and brought him presoner to Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilo vnto Reblatha, that lieth in the londe off Hemath where he gaue iugdment vpon him. 6 So the kynge of Babilon caused the children of Sedechias and all the nobles off Iuda be slayne, before his face at Reblatha 7 And made Sedechias eyes be put out, and boude him with chaynes, and sent him to Babilon.

Jeremiah 39:7-7

7 And made Sedechias eyes be put out, and boude him with chaynes, and sent him to Babilon.

Jeremiah 48:40

40 For thus saieth the LORDE: Beholde, the enemie shal come flyenge as an Aegle, and sprede his wynges vpon Moab.

Jeremiah 48:44

44 Who so escapeth the feare, shal fall in the pyt: and who so getteth out off the pyt, shall be taken in the snare. For I will bringe a yeare off visitacion vpon Moab, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 49:16

16 Thy hie stomack & the pryde of thy herte haue disceaued ye, because thou wilt dwell in the holes of stony rockes, and haue the hie mountaynes in possession. Neuertheles though thy nest were as hie as the Aegles, yet wil I cast the downe, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 50:44

44 Beholde, like as the Lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Ethan, so wil I dryue the forth, and make them runne agaynst her. But whom shal I chose out, & ordene to soch thinge? For who is like me, or who wil stryue with me? or what shepherde maye stonde agaynst me?

Jeremiah 51:13

13 O thou that dwellest by the greate waters, o thou that hast so greate treasure and riches, thyne ende is come: & the rekenynge of thy wynnynges.

Jeremiah 52:3

3 Wherfore the LORDE was angrie at Ierusalem & Iuda, so longe till he had cast the out of his presence. And Sedechias fel from the kynge of Babilon. 4 But in ye ix. yeare of his raigne, In the teth Moneth, the tenth daye of the Moneth it happened, that Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon with all his hooste came before Ierusalem, & beseged it, & made them bulworkes rounde aboute it.

Jeremiah 52:7-11

7 So all the souldyers brake awaye, and fled out of the cite by night, thorow the waye of the porte betwene the two walles by the kynges garden. Now ye Caldees had copassed the cite rounde aboute, yet wente these men their waye towarde the wildernesse. 8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, and toke Sedechias the kinge in the felde of Iericho, when his hoost was runne from him.

Jeremiah 52:8

8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, and toke Sedechias the kinge in the felde of Iericho, when his hoost was runne from him. 9 So they caried the kynge awaye presoner to Reblatha, vnto the kinge of Babilon in the londe of Hemath, where he gaue iudgment vpon him. 10 The kinge of Babilo also caused Sedechias sonnes be slayne before his face, yee & put all the prynces of Iuda to death at Reblatha. 11 Morouer he put out the eyes of Sedechias, caused him be bounde with cheynes, to be caried vnto Babilon: & let him lie in preson, till he dyed.

Jeremiah 52:11

11 Morouer he put out the eyes of Sedechias, caused him be bounde with cheynes, to be caried vnto Babilon: & let him lie in preson, till he dyed.

Jeremiah 52:31-34

31 In the xxxvij yeare after that Ioachim the kinge of Iuda was caried awaye in the xxv daye of the xij Moneth, Euilmerodach kinge of Babilon (the same yeare yt he reigned) gaue Ioachim the kinge of Iuda his pardon, and let him out of preson, 32 and spake louyngly to him: And set his trone aboue ye trones of the other kinges that were with him in Babilon. 33 He chaunged also the clothes of his preson, yee and he ate with him all his life longe. 34 And he had a cotinuall lyuynge geuen him of the kinge of Babilon, euery daye a certayne thinge alowed him, all the dayes of his life, vntill he dyed.

Lamentations 1:13

13 From aboue hath he sent downe a fyre, in to my bones and chastened me: he hath layed a net for my fete, and throwne me wyde open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must euer be mournynge.

Lamentations 4:17

17 Wherfore yet oure eyes fayle vs, whyle we loke for vayne helpe: seynge we be euer waitynge vpon a people, that can do vs no good,

Lamentations 4:19

19 Oure persecuters are swifter then the Aegles of the ayre: they folowed vpon vs ouer the mountaynes, and layed wait for vs in ye wildernesse. 20 The very breth of oure mouth; euen the anoynted LORDE himself shalbe take in oure synnes, of whom we saye: Vnder his shadowe we shal be preserued amonge the Heithen.

Lamentations 5:6

6 Afore tyme we yelded oure selues to the Egipcians, and now to the Assirians, only that we might haue bred ynough.

Lamentations 5:10

10 Oure skynne is as it had bene brent in an ouen, for very sore honger.

Ezekiel 1:2

2 Now the fifth daye off the Moneth made out the fyfth yeare off kynge Ioachims captiuyte.

Ezekiel 2:3-5

3 And he sayde: Beholde, thou sonne off man: I will sende the to the children off Israel, to those runnagates and obstinate people: for they haue take parte agaynst me, and are runne awaye fro me: both they, and their forefathers, vnto this daye. 4 Yee I will sende ye vnto a people yt haue rough vysages and stiff stomackes: vnto whom thou shalt saye on this maner: This the LORDE God himselff hath spoken, 5 yt whether they be obedient or no (for it is a frauwarde housholde) they maye knowe yet that there hath bene a prophet amonge them.

Ezekiel 2:8

8 Therfore (thou sonne of man) obeye thou all thinges, that I saye vnto ye, and be not thou stiffnecked, like as they are a stiffnecked housholde. Open thy mouth, and eate that I geue the.

Ezekiel 3:9

9 so that thy foreheade shall be harder then an Adamat or flynt stone: that thou mayest feare them ye lesse, and be lesse afrayed off them, for they are a frauwerde housholde.

Ezekiel 4:2

2 how it is beseged, how bulworkes and stroge diches are grauen on euery syde off it: descrybe also tentes, and an hoost off men rounde aboute it.

Ezekiel 5:10

10 For in the the fathers shal be fayne to eate their owne sonnes, and the sonnes their owne fathers. Soch a courte will I kepe in the, and the whole remnaunt will I scatre in to all the wyndes.

Ezekiel 5:12

12 One thirde parte within the, shall die of the pestilence and of honger: Another thirde parte shall be slayne downe rounde aboute the, with the swearde: The other thirde parte that remayneth, will I scatre abrode towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out the swearde after them.

Ezekiel 6:7

7 Youre slayne men shall lie amonge you, that ye maye lerne to knowe, how yt I am the LORDE.

Ezekiel 6:10

10 and shal lerne to knowe, how that it is not in vayne, that I the LORDE spake, to bringe soch mysery vpon them.

Ezekiel 12:9-11

9 Thou sonne of man, yf Israel, yt frauwerde housholde axe the, and saye: what dost thou there? 10 Then tell them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: This punyshment toucheth the chefe rulers at Ierusalem, and all the house of Israel, that dwell amonge them: 11 Tell them: I am youre shewtoken: like as I haue done, so shal it happen vnto you: Flyt shal ye also, and go in to captiuyte.

Ezekiel 12:13

13 My lyne will I sprede out vpon him, and catch him in my net, and carie him to Babilon, in the lode of the Caldees: which he shal not se, & yet shal he dye there. 14 As for all his helpers, and all his hoostes that be aboute him: I will scatre them towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out a swearde after them.

Ezekiel 12:25

25 For it is I the LORDE, that speake it: and what so euer I ye LORDE speake, it shal be perfourmed, and not be slacke in commynge. Yee euen in youre dayes (O ye frauwarde housholde) will I deuyse somethinge, & bringe it to passe, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 13:14

14 As for ye wall, that ye haue dawbed with vntempered morter, I wil breake it downe, & make it eauen with the grounde: so that the foundacion therof shal remoue, & it shal fall, yee & ye youre selues shall perish in the myddest therof: to lerne you for to knowe, that I am the LORDE.

Ezekiel 13:23

23 therfore shall ye spie out nomore vanyte, ner prophecie youre owne gessinges: for I wil delyuer my people out of youre honde, that ye maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE.

Ezekiel 15:7

7 and set my face agaynst them: they shall go out from the fyre, and yet the fyre shall consume them. Then shal ye knowe, that I am the LORDE, when I set my face agaynst them,

Ezekiel 16:59

59 For thus saieth the LORDE God: I shulde (by right) deale with the, as thou hast done. Thou hast despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunte.

Ezekiel 17:3

3 and saye: Thus saieth the LORDE God: There came a greate Aegle with greate wynges, yee wt mightie longe wynges, and full of fethers of dyuerse colours, vpon the mount of Libanus, and toke a braunch from a Cedre tre,

Ezekiel 17:5-6

5 He toke also a braunch of the londe, and planted it in a frutefull grounde, he brought it vnto greate waters, & set it as a willye tre therby.

Ezekiel 17:5

5 He toke also a braunch of the londe, and planted it in a frutefull grounde, he brought it vnto greate waters, & set it as a willye tre therby. 6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate wyne stocke, but lowe by the grounde: thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches.

Ezekiel 17:6

6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate wyne stocke, but lowe by the grounde: thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches. 7 But there was another Aegle, a greate one, which had greate wynges and many fethers: and beholde, ye rotes of this vyne had an huger after him, and spred out his braunches towarde him, to water his frutes:

Ezekiel 17:9

9 Speake thou therfore, thus saieth the LORDE God: Shal this vyne prospere? shal not his rotes be pluckte out, his frute broken of, his grene braunches wythereed and fade awaye? yee without ether stronge arme or many people, shal it be plucked vp by the rotes. 10 Beholde, it was planted: shall it prospere therfore? Shall it not be dryed vp and withered, yee euen in the shutinge out of his blossomes, as soone as ye east wynde bloweth?

Ezekiel 17:12-21

12 Speake to that frauwarde housholde: knowe ye not, what these thinges do signifie? Tell them: Beholde, the kinge of Babilon came to Ierusalem, and toke the kinge & his prynces, and ledde them to Babilon. 13 He toke of the kinges sede, and made a couenaunt with him, and toke an ooth of him: The prynces of the londe toke he with him also,

Ezekiel 17:13

13 He toke of the kinges sede, and made a couenaunt with him, and toke an ooth of him: The prynces of the londe toke he with him also, 14 that the londe might be holden in subieccion, and not to rebelle, but kepe the couenaunt, and fulfill it.

Ezekiel 17:14

14 that the londe might be holden in subieccion, and not to rebelle, but kepe the couenaunt, and fulfill it. 15 But he fell from him, & sent his Embassitours in to Egipte, that he might haue horses & moch people. Shulde that prospere? Shulde he be kepte safe, that doth soch thinges? Or shulde he escape, that breaketh his couenaunt?

Ezekiel 17:15

15 But he fell from him, & sent his Embassitours in to Egipte, that he might haue horses & moch people. Shulde that prospere? Shulde he be kepte safe, that doth soch thinges? Or shulde he escape, that breaketh his couenaunt?

Ezekiel 17:15-17

15 But he fell from him, & sent his Embassitours in to Egipte, that he might haue horses & moch people. Shulde that prospere? Shulde he be kepte safe, that doth soch thinges? Or shulde he escape, that breaketh his couenaunt? 16 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: He shal dye at Babilon, in ye place where the kinge dwelleth, that made him kinge: whose ooth he hath despised, and whose couenaunt he hat broken.

Ezekiel 17:16-17

16 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: He shal dye at Babilon, in ye place where the kinge dwelleth, that made him kinge: whose ooth he hath despised, and whose couenaunt he hat broken. 17 Nether shall Pharao with his greate hoost and multitude of people, maynteyne him in the warre: when they cast vp diches, and set vp bulworkes to destroye moch people.

Ezekiel 17:17-17

17 Nether shall Pharao with his greate hoost and multitude of people, maynteyne him in the warre: when they cast vp diches, and set vp bulworkes to destroye moch people. 18 For seinge he hath despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his honde thervpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape.

Ezekiel 17:18

18 For seinge he hath despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his honde thervpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape.

Ezekiel 17:18-19

18 For seinge he hath despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his honde thervpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape. 19 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, I will bringe myne ooth that he hath despysed, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne heade.

Ezekiel 17:19-19

19 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, I will bringe myne ooth that he hath despysed, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne heade. 20 I wil cast my net aboute him, and catch him in my yarne. To Babilon will I cary him, there will I punysh him, because of the greate offence that he made me. 21 As for those yt fle from him out of ye hoost, they shalbe slayne with the swearde. The residue shalbe scatred towarde all the wyndes: and ye shal knowe, that I the LORDE haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 19:11-12

11 hir stalkes were so stronge, that men might haue made staues therof for officers: she grew so hie in hir stalkes. So when men sawe that she exceaded ye heith and multitude of hir braunches, 12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre.

Ezekiel 19:12-14

12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre. 13 But now she is planted in the wildernesse, in a drye and thurstie grounde. 14 And there is a fyre gone out of hir stalkes, which hath bret vp hir braunches and hir frute: so that she hath no mo stronge stalkes, to be staues for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thinge.

Ezekiel 20:35-36

35 & wil bringe you in to the wildernesse of the people, & there I will reason with you face to face. 36 Like as I punished yor forefathers in the wildernesse, so wil I punish you also, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 20:40

40 But vpon my holy hill, eue vpon the hie hill of Israel shal all the house of Israel and all that is in the londe, worshipe me: and in the same place will I fauoure them, and there will I requyre youre heaueoffringes, and the firstlinges of youre oblacions, with all youre holy thinges.

Ezekiel 20:49

49 Then sayde I: O LORDE, they wil saye of me: Tush, they are but fables, that he telleth.

Ezekiel 21:23-27

23 Neuertheles, as for ye soythsayenge, they shall holde it but for vanite, euen as though a iest were tolde them: Yee and they them selues remembre their wickednesse, so that by right they must be take and wonne. 24 Therfore saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as ye youre selues shewe your offence, and haue opened youre wickednesse, so that in all youre workes men maye se youre synnes: Yee in so moch (I saye) that ye youre selues haue made mencion therof, ye shalbe taken by violence. 25 O thou shameful wicked gyde of Israel, whose daye is come: euen the tyme that wickednesse shall haue an ende:

Ezekiel 21:25-27

25 O thou shameful wicked gyde of Israel, whose daye is come: euen the tyme that wickednesse shall haue an ende: 26 Thus saieth the LORDE God: take awaye the mytre, and put of the crowne, and so is it awaye: the humble is exalted, and the proude brought lowe.

Ezekiel 21:26

26 Thus saieth the LORDE God: take awaye the mytre, and put of the crowne, and so is it awaye: the humble is exalted, and the proude brought lowe. 27 Punysh, punysh, yee punysh them will I, and destroye them: and that shall not be fulfilled, vntill he come, to whom the iudgment belongeth, and to whom I haue geue it.

Ezekiel 22:14

14 Is thy herte able to endure it, or maye thy hondes defende them selues, in the tyme that I shall bringe vpon the? Euen I the LORDE that speake it, will bringe it also to passe.

Ezekiel 24:3

3 Shewe yt obstinate housholde a parable, & speake vnto the: Thus sayet the LORDE God: Get the a pot, set it on, & poure water in to it:

Ezekiel 24:14

14 Euen I the LORDE haue so deuysed: Yee it is come therto allredy, that I will do it. I will not go backe, I will not spare, I wil not be intreated: but acordinge to thy wayes ad ymaginacions, thou shalt be punyshed, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 24:19

19 And ye people sayde vnto me: wilt thou not tell vs, what that signifieth, which thou doest?

Ezekiel 29:6-7

6 that all they which dwell in Egipte, maye knowe, that I am the LORDE: because thou hast bene a staff of rede to the house of Israel. 7 When they toke holde of ye wt their hode thou brakest and prycdest them on euery syde: and yff they leaned vpo the, thou brakest, ad hurtdest the reynes of their backes.

Ezekiel 29:14

14 and wil bringe the presoners off Egipte agayne in to the londe off Pathures their owne natyue countre, that they maye be there a lowly small kyngdome:

Ezekiel 31:4

4 The waters made him greate, and the depe set him vp an hye. Roude aboute the rotes of him rane there floudes of water, he sent out his litle ryuers vnto all the trees of the felde.

Ezekiel 31:6

6 All foules of the ayre made their nestes in his brauches, vnder his bowes gedred all the beastes of ye felde, & vnder his shadow dwelt all people.

Ezekiel 32:3

3 Thus sayeth the LORDE God: I wil sprede my net ouer ye, namely, a greate multitude of people: these shal dryue the into my yarne,

Ezekiel 34:29

29 I wil set vp an excellet plate for them, so yt they shal suffre no more hunger in the londe, nether beare the reprofe of ye Heithen eny more.

Ezekiel 37:22

22 yee I wil make one people of the in ye londe, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kinge. They shall nomore be two peoples from hensforth, nether be deuyded in to two kingdomes:

Ezekiel 38:22

22 With pestilece and bloude wil I punysh him: stormy rayne and hale stones, fyre and brymstone, wil I cause to rayne vpon him and all his heape, yee and vpon all that greate people that is with him.

Ezekiel 40:2

2 euen into the londe of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me downe vpo a maruelous hie mountayne, whervpon there was a buyldinge (as it had bene of a cite) towarde the north.

Daniel 2:35

35 then was the yron, the earth, the copper, the syluer and golde broken altogether in peces: and became like the chaffe off corne, that the wynde bloweth awaye from ye somer floores, that they ca nomore be foude. But the stone that smote the ymage, became a greate mountayne, which fulfylleth the whole earth:

Daniel 2:38

38 & hath delyuered the all thinges, that are amoge ye children off men: the beastes off the felde, ad the foules vnder the heaue, and geuen the dominion ouer them all. Thou art that golde heade.

Daniel 2:44-45

44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer. 45 And where as thou sawest, that without eny hondes there was cut out of the mount a stone, which brake the yron, the copper ye earth, the syluer and golde in peces: by that hath ye greate God shewed the kynge, what wyl come after this. This is a true dreame, and the interpretacion of it is sure.

Daniel 4:10-14

10 I sawe a vision in my heade vpon my bed: and beholde, there stode a tre vpon the grounde, 11 which was very hye, greate and mightie: ye heyth reached vnto the heaue, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earth: 12 his leaues were fayre, he had very moch frute, so yt euery ma had ynough to eate therin. The beastes of the felde had shadowes vnder it, and the foules off the ayre dwelt in the bowes therof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it. 13 I sawe in my heade a vision vpon my bed: & beholde, a watcher (eue an holy angel) came downe from heauen, 14 and cryed mightely, sayenge: Hew downe the tre, breake off his braunches, shake of his leaues, and scatre his frute abrode: that all the beestes maye get them awaye from vnder him, and the foules from his braunches.

Daniel 4:21-23

21 whose leaues were fayre, ad the frute moch: vnder the which the beastes of the felde had their habitacion, and vpon whose braunches the foules of the ayre dyd syt: 22 Euen thou (o kynge) art the tre, greate & stroge. Thy greatnesse increaseth, & reacheth vnto the heauen, so doth thy power to the endes of the earth.

Daniel 4:22-23

22 Euen thou (o kynge) art the tre, greate & stroge. Thy greatnesse increaseth, & reacheth vnto the heauen, so doth thy power to the endes of the earth. 23 But where as the kynge sawe a watcher euen an holy angel, that came downe from heauen, and sayde: hew downe the tre, and destroye it: yet leaue the groun of the rote in the earth, and bynde him vpon the playne felde with cheynes off yron and stele: He shall be wet with the dew off heauen, and his parte shalbe with the beestes of the felde, till seuen yeares be come and gone vpon him:

Daniel 7:4

4 The first was as a lyon, and yet had he Aegles wynges. I sawe, that his wynges were plucte from him, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon his fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte.

Hosea 2:2

2 As for youre mother, ye shal chyde with her, and reproue her: for she is not my wife, nether am I hir hu?bode: vnlesse she put awaye hir whordome out of my sight, and hir aduoutry from hir brestes.

Hosea 7:12

12 but whyle they be goinge here and there, I shal sprede my net ouer them, & drawe them downe as ye foules of the ayre: and acordinge as they haue bene warned, so will I punysh them.

Hosea 8:1

1 Set the horne to thy mouth, and blowe: get the swiftly (as an Aegle) vnto the house of the LORDE: for they haue broken my couenannt, and transgressed my lawe.

Hosea 10:4

4 They comon together, and sweare vayne oothes: they be cofederate together, therfore groweth their punyshment, as the wedes in the forowes of the londe.

Hosea 12:1

1 Ephraim kepeth the ayre, and foloweth after the east wynde: he is euer increasinge lyes & destruction. They be confederate with the Assirians, their oyle is caried in to Egipte.

Hosea 12:10

10 I haue spoke thorow the prophetes, and shewed dyuerse visions, and declared my self by the ministracion of ye prophetes.

Hosea 13:15

15 Yet can I se no comforth, for when he is now the goodliest amonge the brethren, the east wynde (euen the wynde of the LORDE) shal come downe from the wildernesse, and drye vp his condytes, and drynke vp his welles: he shal spoyle the treasure of all pleasaunt vessels.

Hosea 14:7

7 They that dwel vnder his shadowe, shulde come agayne, & growe vp as the corne, & florish as the vyne: he shulde haue as good a name, as the wyne of Libanus.

Amos 9:1

1 I sawe the LORDE stondinge vpon the aulter, and he sayde: smyte the dore cheke, that the postes maye shake withall. For their couetousnesse shal fall vpon all their heades, and their posterite shalbe slayne with the swerde. They shall not fle awaye, there shall not one off them escape, ner be delyuered.

Amos 9:9-10

9 For lo, this I promyse: though I siffte ye house of Israel amonge all nacions (like as they vse to sifte in a syue) yet shall not ye smallest grauel stone fall vpo the earth: 10 But all the wicked doers of my people, that saye: Tush, the plage is not so nye, to come so hastely vpon vs: those shal perish with the swerde. 11 At that tyme wil I buylde agayne the tabernacle off Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what is broke, I shal repayre it: Yee I shal buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,

Micah 4:1

1 But in the latter dayes it wil come to passe, that the hill off the LORDES house shalbe set vp hyer the eny moutaynes or hilles: Yee the people shall preese vnto it,

Micah 6:2

2 O Heare the punyshment of the LORDE, ye mountaynes, and ye mightie foundacios of ye earth: for the LORDE wil reproue his people, ad reason with Israel:

Zechariah 3:8

8 Heare o Iesua thou hye prest, thou & thy frendes that dwell before the, for they are woderous people. Beholde, I will bringe forth the braunch of my seruaunt:

Zechariah 4:12-14

12 I spake morouer, & sayde vnto him: what be these ij. olyue braunches which (thorow ye two golden pipes) emptie them selues into the golde? 13 He answered me, & sayde: knowest thou not, what these be? And I sayde: No, my lorde. 14 Then sayde he: These are the two olyue braunches, that stonde before the ruler of the whole earth.

Zechariah 5:3-4

3 Then sayde he vnto me: This is the curse, yt goeth forth ouer the whole earth: For all theues shalbe iudged after this boke, & all swearers shalbe iudged acordinge to the same. 4 I wil bringe it forth (saieth the LORDE of hoostes) so yt it shal come to the house of the thefe, & to the house of him, that falsely sweareth by my name: & shal remayne in his house, & cosume it, with the tymbre & stones therof.

Zechariah 6:12-13

12 and speake vnto him: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: Beholde, the man whose name is the braunch: & he that shall springe vp after him, shal buylde vp the temple of the LORDE: 13 yee euen he shall buylde vp the temple of the LORDE. He shal beare the prayse, he shall syt vpon the LORDES trone, and haue the dominaciou. A prest shall he be also vpon his trone, & a peaceable councell shalbe betwixte them both.

Malachi 3:5

5 I will come & punysh you, & I myself wil be a swift wytnes agaynst the witches, agaynst the aduouterers, agaynst false swearers: yee ad agaynst those, that wrogeously kepe backe the hyrelynges dewty: which vexe the wyddowes & the fatherlesse, & oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Matthew 13:13-14

13 Therfore speake I vnto the by parables, for with seynge eyes they se not, & with hearinge eares they heare not, for they vnderstonde it not. 14 And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue.

Matthew 13:32

32 Which is the leest amonge all sedes. But whan it is growne, it is the greatest amonge herbes, and is a tre: so that the byrdes vnder the heauen come and dwell in the braunches of it.

Matthew 13:35

35 yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoke by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Matthew 13:47-48

47 Agayne, ye kyngdome of heaue is like vnto a nett cast in to ye see, wherwith are take all maner of fyshes: 48 & wha it is ful, me drawe it out vnto ye shore, & sytt & gather ye good i to the vessels, but cast the bad awaye.

Matthew 13:51

51 And Iesus sayde vnto them: Haue ye vnderstode all these thinges? They sayde: Yee LORDE.

Matthew 15:16-17

16 And Iesus sayde vnto the: Are ye yet the without vnderstondinge? 17 Perceaue ye not, yt what soeuer goeth in at ye mouth, descedeth downe in to ye bely, & is cast out into the draught?

Matthew 16:11

11 Why perceaue ye not then, yt I spake not to you of bred, whe I saide: bewarre of ye leue of ye Pharises & of ye Saduces?

Matthew 21:19

19 And in the waye he sawe a fygge tre, and came vnto it, and founde nothinge theron, but leaues onely, and sayde vnto it: Neuer frute growe on the from hence forth. And immediatly the fygge tre wythred awaye.

Matthew 22:17-21

17 Tell us therfore, how thinkest thou? Is it laufulll to geue tribute vnto the Emperoure, or not? 18 Now wha Iesus perceaued their wickednes, he sayde: O ye ypocrites, why tepte ye me? 19 Shewe me ye tribute money. And they toke hi a peny. 20 And he saide vnto the: Whose is this ymage and superscription? 21 They sayde vnto him: The Emperours. Then sayde he vnto them: Geue therfore vnto the Emperour, that which is the Emperours: and geue vnto God, that which is Gods.

Matthew 23:33

33 O ye serpentes, O ye generacion of vypers, how wyl ye escape the damnacion of Hell?

Matthew 24:28

28 For where so euer a deed carcase is, there wyl the Aegles be gathered together.

Matthew 24:35

35 Heauen and earth shal perishe, but my wordes shal not perishe.

Mark 4:13

13 And he sayde vnto them: Vnderstonde ye not this parable? How wyl ye then vnderstonde all other parables?

Mark 4:33-34

33 And by many soch parables he spake the worde vnto the, there after as they might heare it, 34 & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately.

Mark 11:20

20 And on the morow they passed by, and sawe the fygge tre, that it was wythred vnto the rote.

Luke 1:33

33 & he shal be kinge ouer ye house of Iacob for euer & there shalbe no ende of his kyngdome.

Luke 1:52-53

52 He putteth downe the mightie from the seate, and exalteth them of lowe degre. 53 He fylleth the hongrie with good thinges, and letteth the riche go emptye.

Luke 9:45

45 But they wyst not what that worde meaned, and it was hyd from them, that they vnderstode it not. And they were afrayed to axe him of that worde.

Luke 14:21-23

21 And the seruaunt came, and brought his lorde worde agayne therof.Then was the good man of the house displeased, and sayde vnto his seruaut: Go out quyckly in to the stretes and quarters of ye cite, and brynge in hither the poore and crepell, and lame and blynde. 22 And the seruaut sayde: lorde, it is done as thou hast comaunded, and there is yet more rowme. 23 And the lorde sayde vnto the seruaunt: Go out into the hye wayes, and to the hedges, and compell them to come in, that my house maye be fylled.

Luke 21:33

33 Heauen and earth shal passe, but my wordes shal not passe.

Luke 21:35

35 For as a snare shal it come on all them that dwell vpon earth.

John 12:24

24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte the wheatcorne fall in to the grounde, and dye, it bydeth alone: But yf it dye, it bryngeth forth moch frute.

John 15:5-8

5 I am the vyne, ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same bryngeth forth moch frute: for without me can ye do nothinge. 6 He that abydeth not in me, is cast out as a vyne braunche, and it wythereth, and men gather it vp, and cast it in to the fyre, and it burneth.

John 15:6-8

6 He that abydeth not in me, is cast out as a vyne braunche, and it wythereth, and men gather it vp, and cast it in to the fyre, and it burneth. 7 Yf ye abyde in me, and my wordes abyde in you, ye shal axe what ye wyl, & it shal be done vnto you. 8 Herin is my father praysed, that ye brynge forth moch frute, and become my disciples.

Acts 8:30

30 The ranne Philippe vnto him, and herde him rede the prophet Esay, and sayde: Vnderstodest thou what thou readest?

Acts 10:11-12

11 and sawe heaue open, and a vessell comynge downe vnto him, as it had bene a greate lynne clothe, knytt at the foure corners, and was let downe to ye earth, 12 wherin were all maner of foure foted beestes of the earth, & wylde beestes, and wormes, and foules of the ayre.

Romans 1:31

31 without vnderstondinge, couenaunt breakers, vnlouynge, stubborne, vnmercifull:

1 Corinthians 1:27-28

27 but that foolish is before the worlde, hath God chosen, that he mighte cofounde the wyse: And that weake is before ye worlde, hath God chosen, yt he mighte confounde the mightye. 28 And the vyle and despysed before the worlde hath God chosen, yee and that which is nothinge, that he mighte destroye that which is oughte,

1 Corinthians 13:12

12 Now we se thorow a glasse in a darke speakynge, but the shal we se face to face. Now I knowe vnperfectly: but the shal I knowe eue as I am knowne.

Galatians 3:28

28 Here is nether Iewe ner Greke: here is nether bode ner fre: here is nether man ner woman, for ye are all one in Christ Iesu.

Colossians 3:11

11 where there is no Greke, Iewe, circumcision, vncircumcision, Barbarous, Sithian, bode, fre: but Christ is all and in all.

1 Timothy 1:10

10 to whoremongers, to the that defyle them selues with mankynde, to menstealers, to lyars, to periured, & so forth yf there be eny other thinge yt is cotrary to ye wholsome doctryne,

2 Timothy 3:3

3 vnkynde, truce breakers, false accusers, ryatours, fearce, despysers of them which are good,

Hebrews 2:3

3 how shal we escape, yf we despyse so greate a saluacion: which after that it beganne to be preached by the LORDE himselfe, was confirmed vpon vs, by them that herde it,

Jude 1:12

12 These are spottes which of youre kindnes feast togedder, without feare, fedynge the selues. Cloudes they are withouten water, caried about of wyndes, and trees without frute at gadringe tyme, twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes.

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore.

Revelation 18:3

3 for all nacios haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures.

Revelation 18:11-19

11 And the marchauntes off the earth shall wepe and wayle in them selues, because no man will bye their ware eny more, 12 the ware of golde, and syluer, and of precious stones, off pearle, & sylke, and purple, and skarlet, & all Thynen wod, and all manner vessels of yuery, and all manner vessels of most precious wod, and of brasse, and of yron, 13 & synomom and odours, and oyntmentes, and frankynsence, and wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, and catell, and shepe, and horses, and charrettes, and bodies and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in pryce, are departed from the, and thou shalt fynde them no more. 15 The marchauntes of these thinges which were wexed ryche by her, shall stonde afarre of for feare of the punysshment of her, wepynge and waylinge, 16 and sayenge: alas alas, that greate cite, that was clothed in sylke, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stone, and pearles: 17 for at one houre so greate ryches is come to naught. And euery shippe gouerner, and all they that occupie shippes, and shippmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of, 18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite? 19 And they cast dust on their heades, and cryed wepynge, and waylinge, and sayde: Alas, Alas the greate cite, wherin were made ryche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her wares: for at one houre is she made desolate.

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