Jeremiah 29:4-7

Coverdale(i) 4 Thus hath ye LORDE of hoostes ye God of Israel spoke, vnto all the presoners, yt were led fro Ierusale vnto Babilo: 5 Buylde you houses to dwell therein: plate you gardes, yt ye maye enioye the frutes thereof: 6 take you wyues, to beare you sonnes and doughters: prouyde wyues for youre sonnes, & hu?bondes for youre doughters: that they maye get sonnes & doughters, and that ye maye multiplie there. Laboure not to be fewe, 7 but seke after peace & prosperite of the cite, where in ye be presoners, & praye vnto God for it. For in the peace there of, shal yor peace be.