Ezekiel 14:6 Cross References - Coverdale

6 Wherfore, tell the house of Israel: thus saieth the LORDE God: Be conuerted, forsake youre Idols, and turne youre faces from all yor abhominacions.

1 Samuel 7:3

3 But Samuel sayde vnto all the house of Israel: Yf ye turne you withall youre hert vnto the LORDE, then put awaye from you the straunge goddes and Astaroth, and directe youre hert vnto the LORDE and serue him onely, so shall he delyuer you out of the hande of the Philistynes.

1 Kings 8:47-49

47 and yf they remembre them selues in the londe where they are captyue, and turne, and make their intercession vnto the in the londe of their captyuite, and saye: We haue synned, & done amysse, and haue bene vngodly, 48 and so turne vnto ye with all their hert, and with all their soule in the lode of their enemies (which led them awaye captyue) and make their prayer vnto the towarde the waye of their londe, that thou hast geuen vnto their fathers, euen towarde the cite which thou hast chosen, and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name: 49 then heare thou their prayer and supplicacion in heauen, from the seate of thy dwellynge, and execute iudgment for them,

2 Chronicles 29:6

6 for oure fathers haue trespaced, and done yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE oure God, and haue forsaken him. For they turned their faces from the habitacio of ye LORDE oure God, & turned their backes on it,

Nehemiah 1:8-9

8 Yet call to remembraunce ye worde that thou comaundedst thy seruaunt Moses, and saydest: Yf ye trasgresse, then wil I scater you abrode amonge the nacios. 9 But yf ye turne vnto me, and kepe my commaundementes & do them: though ye were cast out vnto the vttemost parte of heauen yet wyl I gather you from thence, and wyll brynge you from thence, eue vnto the place, that I haue chosen for my name to dwell there.

Isaiah 2:20

20 Then, the shal ma cast awaye his goddes of syluer and golde (which he neuertheles had made to honoure the) vnto Molles and Backes:

Isaiah 30:22

22 Morouer yf ye destroye the syluer workes of youre Idols, and cast awaye the golden coapes that ye deckt them withall (as fylthynes) and saie, get you hence:

Isaiah 55:6-7

6 Seke the LORDE while he maye be founde, call vpo him while he is nye. 7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Jeremiah 8:5-6

5 Wherfore then is this people and Ierusalem gone so farre backe, that they turne not againe? They are euer the longer the more obstinate, and will not be conuerted. 6 For I haue loked, and considered: but there is no ma, that speaketh a good worde: there is no man, that taketh repetaunce for his synne, that will so moch as saye: wherfore haue I done this? But euery man (as soone as he is turned backe) runneth forth still, like a wilde horse in a battayl.

Jeremiah 13:27

27 yi aduoutrie, thy deedly malice, thy beastlynes and thy shamefull whordome. For vpon the feldes and hilles I haue sene thy abhominacions. Wo be vnto the (o Ierusale) whe wilt thou euer be clensed enymore?

Jeremiah 31:18-20

18 Morouer I herde Ephraim, (that was led awaye captyue) complayne on this maner: O LORDE, thou hast correcte me, and thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou art my LORDE God. 19 Yee as soone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstonde, I shall smyte vpon my thee. For verely I haue comitted shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confucion. 20 Vpon this complaynte, I thought thus by myself: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I first comoned with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my very herte dryueth me vnto him: gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 50:4-5

4 In those dayes & at that tyme (saieth the LORDE) the childre of Israel shall come, they & the children of Iuda, wepinge & makinge haist, & shal seke the LORDE their God. 5 They shall axe the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, & come, and hange vpon the, in a couenaunt that neuer shal be broken.

Lamentations 3:39-41

39 Wherfore them murmureth the lyuinge man? let him murmoure at his owne synne, 40 Let vs loke well vpon oure owne waies, & remembre oure selues, and turne agayne to ye LORDE. 41 Let vs lift vp oure hertes with oure hondes vnto the LORDE, that is in heauen.

Ezekiel 8:16

16 And so he brought me in to the inwarde courte of the LORDES house: & beholde, at the porte of the LORDES house, betwixte the fore entrie and the aulter, there were fyue and twenty men, that turned their backes vpon the Temple of the LORDE, & their faces towarde the easte, and these worshipped the Sonne.

Ezekiel 14:4

4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: thus saieth the LORDE God: Euery man of the house of Israel that beareth his Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in his owne wickednesse, and commeth to a prophet, to enquere eny thinge at me by him: vnto that man wil I the LORDE myself geue answere, acordinge to the multitude of his Idols:

Ezekiel 16:63

63 that thou mayest thincke vpo it, be ashamed, and excuse thine owne confucion nomore: when I haue forgeuen the, all that thou hast done, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 18:30

30 As for me, I wil iudge euery man, acordinge to his wayes, O ye house of Israel, saieth the LORDE God. Wherfore, be conuerted, and turne you clene from all youre wickednesse, so shal there no synne do you harme.

Ezekiel 36:31-32

31 Then shal ye remebre yor owne wicked wayes, and youre ymaginacios, which were not good: so that ye shal take displeasure at youre owne selues, by reason of youre synnes and abhominacions. 32 But I wil not do this for youre sakes (saieth the LORDE God) be ye sure of it. Therfore (o ye house of Israel) be ashamed of youre synnes.

Hosea 14:1-3

1 Tvrne the now (o Israel) vnto ye LORDE thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednesse. 2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the LORDE, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all oure synnes, receaue vs graciously, & then wil we offre ye bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. 3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether will we ryde vpon horses eny more. As for the workes of oure hondes, we wil nomore call vpon them: For it is thou that art oure God, thou shewest euer mercy vnto the fatherlesse.

Hosea 14:8

8 O Ephraim, what haue I to do with Idols eny more? I wil graciously heare him, & lede him forth. I wil be vnto the as a grene Fyrre tre, vpon me shalt thou fynde thy frute.

Jonah 3:7-9

7 And it was cried and commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the kige and his lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beest, oxe or shepe taist ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drincke water: 8 but put on sack cloth both man and beest, and crye mightely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne fro his euell waye, and from the wickednesse, yt he hath in honde. 9 Who can tell? God maye turne, and repete, and cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.

Zephaniah 3:11

11 In that tyme shalt thou nomore be confounded, because of all thy ymaginacions, wher thorow thou haddest offended me: for I wil take awaye the proude boosters of thine honoure from the, so that thou shalt nomore tryumphe because of my holy hill.

Matthew 3:8-10

8 Bewarre, brynge forth due frutes of pennaunce. 9 Thinke not now, to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you, that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. 10 Euen now is the axe put vnto ye rote of the trees: therfore euery tre which bringeth not forth good frute, shalbe hewe downe, and cast into the fyre.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

Acts 17:30

30 And truly God hath ouersene the tyme of ignoraunce: But now he commaundeth all men euery where to repente,

Acts 26:20

20 but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusale, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.

Romans 6:21

21 What frute had ye at that tyme in those thinges, wherof ye are now ashamed? For the ende of soch thinges is death.

James 4:8-10

8 Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. 9 Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge, and youre ioye to heuynes. 10 Cast downe youre selues before the LORDE, and he shal lift you vp.

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