35 And Moses coulde not go in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse, whyle the cloude abode theron, and the glory of ye LORDE fylled the Habitacion.
Exodus 40:35 Cross References - Coverdale
Leviticus 16:2
2 Speake vnto Aaron thy brother, yt he go not at all tymes in to ye ynnermer Sanctuary, within the vale before the Mercyseate, which is vpon the Arke, yt he dye not: for I wyll appeare in a cloude vpon ye Mercyseate.
1 Kings 8:11
11 so yt the prestes coulde not stonde & execute the office for the cloude: for the glory of the LORDE fylled the LORDES house.
2 Chronicles 5:13-14
13 And it was, as yf one dyd trompet and synge, as though a voyce had bene herde of praysinge and geuynge thankes vnto the LORDE. And whan the voyce arose from ye trompettes, cymbales and other instrumentes of musick, and from praysinge the LORDE (because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer) the house of the LORDE was fylled on the ynsyde with a cloude,
14 so yt the prestes coulde not stonde to mynister for the cloude: for the glory of the LORDE fylled the house of God.
2 Chronicles 7:2
2 so that ye prestes coulde not go in to the house of the LORDE, while ye glory of the LORDE filled ye LORDES house.
Isaiah 6:4
4 Yee the geastes and dorechekes moued at their crienge, and the house was ful of smoke.
Revelation 15:8
8 And the temple was full of smoke for the glory off God, and for his power, and no man was able to entre in to the temple, tyll the seuen plages of the seue angels were fulfilled.