1 Moses answered, & sayde: Beholde, they shall not beleue me, ner heare my voyce, but shal saye: The LORDE hath not appeared vnto the.
2 The LORDE sayde vnto him: What is yt, that thou hast in thine hande? He saide a staff.
3 He sayde: Cast it from the vpon the grounde. And he cast it fro him: then was it turned to a serpent. And Moses fled fro it.
4 But ye LORDE saide vnto him: Stretch forth thine hande, & take it by the tayle. Then stretched he forth his hande, and toke it, and it became a staff agayne in his hande.
5 Therfore shal they beleue that ye LORDE God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac ye God of Iacob hath appeared vnto the.
6 And the LORDE sayde furthermore vnto him: Thrust thine hade in to yi bosome. And he thrust it in to his bosome, & toke it out: beholde, the was it leper like snowe.
7 And he saide: Put it in to yi bosome agayne. And he put it agayne in to his bosome, & toke it out: beholde, the was it turned againe as his flesh.
8 Yf they wil not beleue the, ner heare ye voyce of the first token, yet shal they beleue the voyce of the seconde token.
9 But yf they wil not beleue these two tokens ner heare thy voyce, then take of the water of the ryuer, and poure it vpon the drye londe: so shall the same water yt thou hast take out of ye ryuer, be turned vnto bloude vpo ye drye londe.
10 But Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Oh my LORDE, I am a man yt is not eloquet, from yesterdaye & yeryesterdaye, & sence the tyme yt thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt: for I haue a slowe speach, & a slowe tunge.
11 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Who hath made the mouth of man? Or who hath made the domme, or the deaf, or the seynge or ye blynde? Haue not I the LORDE done it?
12 Go now thy waye therfore, I wil be wt thy mouth, & teach the what thou shalt saye.
13 But Moses sayde: My LORDE, sende whom thou wilt sende.
14 Then was the LORDE very angrie at Moses, and saide: Do not I knowe then, yt thy brother Aaron the Leuite is well spoken? And beholde, he shal go forth to mete ye: & whan he seyth the, he shal reioyse from his hert.
15 Thou shalt speake vnto him, & put the wordes in his mouth: & I wil be with thy mouth & his, and teach you what ye shall doo:
16 & he shall speake vnto the people for the. He shal be thy mouth, & thou shalt be his God.
17 And take in thine hande this staff, wherwith thou shalt do tokens.
18 Moses wete, and came agayne vnto Iethro his father in lawe, and sayde vnto him: Let me go (I praye the) that I maye turne agayne vnto my brethre, which are in Egipte, and se whether they be yet alyue. Iethro sayde vnto him: Go thy waye in peace.
19 The LORDE sayde also vnto him in Madian: Go yi waye, turne againe in to Egipte, for ye me are deed, that sought after thy life.
20 So Moses toke his wife, and his sonnes, and caried them vpon an Asse, & wente againe into the lande of Egipte, & toke the staff of God in his hande.
21 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: When thou comest agayne in to Egipte, se yt thou do all the wonders (before Pharao) which I haue put in yi hade. But I wil harde his hert, yt he shall not let the people go.
22 And thou shalt saie vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Israel is my first borne sonne,
23 & I saye vnto the: Let my sonne go, yt he maye serue me: Yf thou wilt not let him go, then wil I slaye thy firstborne sonne.
24 And as he was by the waye in the Inne, the LORDE met him, and wolde haue slayne him.
25 Then toke Zipora a stone, and circumcyded the foreskynne of hir sonne, and touched his fete, and sayde: A bloudy brydegrome art thou vnto me.
26 The let he him go. But she sayde: A bloudy brydegrome, because of the circumcision.
27 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: Go mete Moses in the wildernes. And he wete, & met him on the mount of God, and kyssed him.
28 And Moses tolde Aaron all the wordes of the LORDE, which had sent him: & all the tokens yt he had charged him with all.
29 And they wete, & gathered all the elders of the childre of Israel.
30 And Aaron tolde all ye wordes, yt the LORDE had spoke vnto Moses: & dyd the tokens before the people,
31 & the people beleued. And whan they herde yt the LORDE vysited the children of Israel, and loked vpon their trouble, they bowed them selues, and worshipped.
Exodus 4 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 6:3
3 Then sayde ye LORDE: My sprete shal not allwaye stryue with man, for he is but flesh also. I wil yet geue him respyte an hundreth and twety yeares.
Genesis 12:7
7 Then the LORDE appeared vnto Abra, & sayde: This londe wil I geue vnto yi sede. And there he buylded an aulter vnto ye LORDE, which appeared vnto him.
Genesis 17:1
1 Now whan Abram was nyentye yeare olde and nyene, the LORDE appeared vnto him, & sayde vnto him: I am the allmightie God, walke before me, & be vncorrupte.
Genesis 17:3
3 Then fell Abram vpon his face.And God talked furthur, with him, and sayde:
Genesis 17:14
14 And yf there shalbe any manchilde vncircumcided in the foreskinne of his flesh, his soule shalbe roted out from his people, because he hath broken my couenaunt.
Genesis 18:1
1 Annd the LORDE apeared vnto him in the Okegroue of Mamre, as he sat in his tent dore in the heate of ye daie.
Genesis 18:14
14 Shulde eny soch thinge be to harde for the LORDE? Aboute this tyme (yf I lyue) I wil come to the agayne, & Sara shal haue a sonne.
Genesis 22:1-2
1 After these actes God tempted Abraham, and sayde vnto him: Abraham. And he answered: I am here.
2 And he sayde: Take ye sonne, this onely sonne of thine, eue Isaac whom thou louest, and go thy waye in to the londe of Moria, & offre him there for a burntofferynge, vpon a mountayne that I shal shew the.
Genesis 24:7
7 The LORDE, the God of heauen, which toke me fro my fathers house and from the londe of my kynred, and that talked with me, and sware also vnto me, and sayde: Vnto yi sede wyll I geue this londe: Euen he shall sende his angell before the, that thou maiest brynge my sonne a wife from thence.
Genesis 24:26
26 Then the man bowed himself, and thanked the LORDE,
Genesis 26:2
2 Then the LORDE appeared vnto him, and sayde: Go not downe in to Egipte, but tary in the lande that I shall saye vnto the.
Genesis 29:11
11 and kyssed Rachel, lift vp his voyce, and wepte,
Genesis 30:37
37 But Iacob toke staues of grene wyllies, hasell and of chestnottrees, and pylled whyte strekes in them,
Genesis 42:27
27 ut whan one opened his sacke to geue his Asse prouender in the Inne, he spyed his money in his sack mouth,
Genesis 45:3
3 And he sayde vnto his brethren: I am Ioseph, is my father yet alyue? And his brethren coulde not answere him, they were so abashed before his face.
Genesis 48:3
3 & sayde vnto Ioseph: The Allmightye God appeared vnto me at Lus in ye lade of Canaan, & blessed me,
Genesis 48:16
16 the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euell, blesse these laddes, yt they maye be called after my name, & after ye name of my fathers Abraha & Isaac, yt they maye growe & multiplye vpon earth.
Exodus 1:22
22 Then Pharao commauded all his people and sayde: All the sonnes that are borne, cast in to the water, but let all the doughters lyue.
Exodus 2:14
14 But he sayde: Who made the a ruler or iudge ouer vs? Wilt thou slaye me also, as thou slewest the Egipcian? The was Moses afrayed, and sayde: How is this knowne?
15 And Pharao herde of it, and sought for Moses, to slaye him. But Moses fled from Pharao, and kepte him in the lande of Madian, and sat him downe by a wells syde.
Exodus 2:23
23 And she bare him yet a sonne, whom he called Elieser, and sayde: The God of my father is my helper, and hath delyuered me from Pharaos hade.But after this in processe of tyme, the kynge of Egipte dyed. And the childre of Israel sighed ouer their laboure, and cried.
Exodus 2:25
25 And God loked vpon the childre of Israel, and God knew it.
Exodus 3:1
1 Moses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in lawe prest of Madian, & droue the shepe on the backsyde of the wyldernes, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.
Exodus 3:6
6 And he sayde morouer: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, ye God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. And Moses couered his face, for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.
7 And the LORDE sayde: I haue sene the trouble of my people in Egipte & haue herde their crye ouer those that oppresse them. I knowe their sorowe,
Exodus 3:15
15 And God sayde morouer vnto Moses: Thus shalt thou saye vnto the children of Israel: The LORDE God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, ye God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you, this is my name for euer, and my memoriall from childe to childes childe.
16 Go thy waye therfore, and gather the elders of Israel tother, and saye vnto them: The LORDE God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Iacob hath appeared vnto me, and sayde: I haue vysited you, and sene what is done vnto you in Egipte,
Exodus 3:18
18 And yf they heare yi voyce, then shalt thou and the elders of Israel go in to the kynge of Egipte, and saye vnto him: The LORDE God of ye Hebrues hath called vs. Let vs go now therfore thre dayes iourney in the wyldernes, yt we maye do sacrifice vnto the LORDE oure God.
Exodus 3:20
20 For I will stretch out myne hande, & smyte Egipte wt all maner of wonders which I will do therin: after yt shal he let you go.
Exodus 4:1
Exodus 4:8-9
8 Yf they wil not beleue the, ner heare ye voyce of the first token, yet shal they beleue the voyce of the seconde token.
9 But yf they wil not beleue these two tokens ner heare thy voyce, then take of the water of the ryuer, and poure it vpon the drye londe: so shall the same water yt thou hast take out of ye ryuer, be turned vnto bloude vpo ye drye londe.
Exodus 4:12
12 Go now thy waye therfore, I wil be wt thy mouth, & teach the what thou shalt saye.
Exodus 4:14-16
14 Then was the LORDE very angrie at Moses, and saide: Do not I knowe then, yt thy brother Aaron the Leuite is well spoken? And beholde, he shal go forth to mete ye: & whan he seyth the, he shal reioyse from his hert.
15 Thou shalt speake vnto him, & put the wordes in his mouth: & I wil be with thy mouth & his, and teach you what ye shall doo:
16 & he shall speake vnto the people for the. He shal be thy mouth, & thou shalt be his God.
Exodus 4:16
Exodus 4:20
20 So Moses toke his wife, and his sonnes, and caried them vpon an Asse, & wente againe into the lande of Egipte, & toke the staff of God in his hande.
Exodus 4:27
27 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: Go mete Moses in the wildernes. And he wete, & met him on the mount of God, and kyssed him.
Exodus 4:30-31
Exodus 4:31-31
31 & the people beleued. And whan they herde yt the LORDE vysited the children of Israel, and loked vpon their trouble, they bowed them selues, and worshipped.
Exodus 5:1
1 Afterwarde wente Moses & Aaron, & spake vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: let my people go, yt they maye kepe holy daye vnto me in the wildernes.
Exodus 6:12
12 But Moses spake before ye LORDE, & saide: Beholde, ye childre of Israel herke not vnto me, how shulde Pharao the heare me? And I am also of vncircumcised lyppes.
Exodus 6:30
30 And he answered before ye LORDE: Beholde, I am of vncircumcised lippes, how shall Pharao the heare me?
Exodus 7:1-2
1 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, I haue made the a God ouer Pharao, & Aaro yi brother shal be yi prophet.
2 Thou shalt speake all yt I comaude ye: but Aaron yi brother shal speake vnto Pharao, yt he maye let the childre of Israel go out of his lande.
3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte.
Exodus 7:9-20
9 Whan Pharao sayeth vnto you: Shew youre wonders, then shalt thou saye vnto Aaron: Take thy staff, and cast it before Pharao, & it shal turne to a serpent.
10 Then wete Moses & Aaron in vnto Pharao, & dyd as the LORDE comaunded them. And Aaron cast his staff before Pharao & before his seruauntes, & it turned to a serpet.
Exodus 7:10-20
Exodus 7:11-20
Exodus 7:12-20
Exodus 7:13-20
13 So Pharaos hert was hardened, and he herkened not vnto them, euen as the LORDE had sayde.
Exodus 7:13
Exodus 7:14-20
Exodus 7:15-20
15 Get ye vnto Pharao in the mornynge, beholde, he shal come vnto ye water, mete thou him vpo the waters brynke, & take ye staff which turned to a serpet, in thine hande,
16 & saye vnto him: The LORDE God of the Hebrues hath sent me vnto the, & sendeth ye worde: Let my people go, that they maye serue me in the wyldernesse: but hither to thou woldest not heare.
Exodus 7:16
16 & saye vnto him: The LORDE God of the Hebrues hath sent me vnto the, & sendeth ye worde: Let my people go, that they maye serue me in the wyldernesse: but hither to thou woldest not heare.
17 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Hereby shalt thou knowe, yt I am ye LORDE. Beholde, wt the staff yt I haue in my hande, wil I smyte the water which is in ye ryuer, & it shalbe turned in to bloude:
18 so that the fishes in the ryuer shall dye, & the ryuer shall stynke: & it shall greue the Egipcians to drynke of ye water of the ryuer.
19 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses: Saye vnto Aaron: Take yi staff, & stretch out thine hade ouer ye waters of Egipte, ouer their ryuers & brokes & pondes, & ouer all water poles, yt they maye be turned to bloude, & that there maye be bloude in all ye lande of Egipte, both in vessels of wodd and stone.
Exodus 7:19-20
19 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses: Saye vnto Aaron: Take yi staff, & stretch out thine hade ouer ye waters of Egipte, ouer their ryuers & brokes & pondes, & ouer all water poles, yt they maye be turned to bloude, & that there maye be bloude in all ye lande of Egipte, both in vessels of wodd and stone.
20 Moses & Aaron dyd as ye LORDE comaunded them, & lift vp the staff, & smote the water yt was in the ryuer, before Pharao & his seruauntes, & all the water in the ryuer was turned into bloude,
Exodus 7:20-20
20 Moses & Aaron dyd as ye LORDE comaunded them, & lift vp the staff, & smote the water yt was in the ryuer, before Pharao & his seruauntes, & all the water in the ryuer was turned into bloude,
21 & the fysh in the ryuer dyed, & the ryuer stanke, so yt the Egipcians coulde not drynke of the water of ye ryuer, & there was bloude in all the lande of Egipte.
22 And the Sorcerers also of Egipte, dyd likewyse with their Sorceries. But Pharaos hert was hardened, & he herkened not vnto the, like as the LORDE had sayde.
23 And Pharao turned himself, & wente home, & set not his hert there on.
24 All the Egipcias dygged roude aboute ye ryuer, for water to drinke: for they coude not drynke of ye water out of the ryuer.
25 And this endured seuen dayes longe, that the LORDE smote the ryuer.
Exodus 9:12
12 But the LORDE hardened Pharaos hert, so that he herkened not vnto them, eue as the LORDE had sayde vnto Moses.
Exodus 9:35-10:1
35 So Pharaos hert was hardened, yt he let not the childre of Israel go, eue as the LORDE had sayde by Moses.
Exodus 10:20
20 But the LORDE hardened Pharaos hert, that he let not the childre of Israel go.
Exodus 11:5
5 & all ye first borne in the lande of Egipte shall dye: from Pharaos first sonne (yt sytteth vpon his seate) vnto the first sonne of the mayde seruaunte which is behynde ye myll: & all the first borne amonge the catell:
Exodus 12:27
27 Ye shal saye: It is the sacrifice of the LORDES Passeouer, which passed ouer by the children of Israel in Egipte, whan he plaged the Egipcians, and saued oure houses. Then the people bowed them selues, and worshipped.
Exodus 12:29
29 And at mydnight the LORDE smote all the firstborne in the lande of Egipte: from Pharaos first sonne (which sat vpon his seate) vntyll the first sonne of the presoner that was in the preson, and all the firstborne of the catell.
Exodus 14:4
4 And I wyll harden his hert, yt he shal folowe after them, & I wil get me honoure vpon Pharao, and vpon all his power. And ye Egipcias shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE. And they dyd so.
Exodus 14:8
8 for the LORDE hardened ye hert of Pharao kynge of Egipte, that he folowed after the children of Israel. And the children of Israel wente out with an hye hande.
Exodus 17:9
9 And Moses sayde vnto Iosua: Chose vs out men, go out, & fight against Amaleck, tomorow wil I stode vpo the toppe of the hyll, & haue ye staff of God in my hande.
Exodus 18:3-4
Exodus 18:19
19 But herken vnto my voyce, I will geue the councell, and God shall be with the. Be thou vnto the people to God warde, and brynge the causes before God,
Exodus 19:3
3 And Moses wente vp vnto God. And the LORDE called vnto him out of the mount, and sayde: Thus shalt thou saye vnto the house of Iacob, and tell the children of Israel:
Exodus 19:5-6
Exodus 19:9
9 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, I wyll come vnto the in a thicke cloude, that the people maye heare my wordes, which I speake vnto the, and beleue the for euer. And Moses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the LORDE.
Exodus 20:18
18 And all the people sawe the thonder and the lightenynge, and the noyse of the trompet, and how that the mountayne smoked, and were afrayed, and stackerd, & stode afarre of,
Exodus 23:20
20 Beholde, I sende an angell before the, to kepe the in the waye, and to brynge the vnto the place, that I haue prepared.
Exodus 24:1
1 And he sayde vnto Moses: Come vp vnto the LORDE thou & Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seuetie elders of Israel, & worshipe afarre of.
Exodus 24:11
11 & he put not his hade vpo the pryncipall of Israel. And whan they had sene God, they ate & dronke.
Exodus 24:15-17
15 Now wha Moses came vp in to ye mout, a cloude mount:
16 & the glory of ye LORDE abode vpon mount Sinai, & couered it wt the cloude sixe dayes, & vpon the seueth daye he called Moses out of ye cloude.
17 And ye fashion of ye glory of ye LORDE was like a cosumynge fyre vpon the toppe of ye mount in the sight of the children of Israel.
Leviticus 10:3
3 Then sayde Moses vnto Aaron: This is it, that the LORDE sayde: I wil be sanctified vpo them that come nye me, and before all the people wil I be glorified. And Aaron helde his peace.
Leviticus 27:32
32 And all the tithes of oxen & shepe, & that goeth vnder the rod, the same is an holy tythe vnto the LORDE.
Numbers 12:10
10 and ye cloude also departed from the Tabernacle. And beholde, then was Miriam become leporus, as it were snowe. And Aaron turned him vnto Miriam, and sawe that she was leporous,
Numbers 12:13-15
13 But Moses cried vnto the LORDE, & sayde: Oh God, heale her.
14 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Yf hir father had spytte in hir face, shulde she not be ashamed seuen dayes? Let her be shut out of ye hoost seue dayes, after yt let her be receaued agayne.
15 So Miriam was shut out of the hoost seue dayes, & the people wente no farther, tyll Miriam was receaued againe.
Numbers 20:8-9
8 Take the staffe, & gather the cogregacion together, thou & thy brother Aaron, & speake vnto the rocke before their eyes, & it shall geue his water. And thus shalt thou prouyde the water out of the rocke, & geue the congregacion drynke, and their catell also.
9 The toke Moses the staffe before ye LORDE, as he commaunded him,
Numbers 20:11
11 And Moses lift vp his hande, & smote ye rocke wt the staffe two tymes. Then came ye water out abudantly, so yt the cogregacion dranke, and their catell also.
Numbers 22:22-23
22 But the wrath of God waxed whote, because he wete. And the angell of ye LORDE stode in the waye, to withstode him. But he rode vpo his Asse, & two seruauntes wt him.
23 And ye Asse sawe ye angell of ye LORDE stodinge in ye waye, & his swerde drawen in his hade. And ye Asse turned a syde out of ye waye, & wete in to the felde. But Balaam smote her, yt she shulde go in the waye.
Numbers 22:38
38 Balaam answered him: Lo, I am come vnto ye But how can I saye eny thinge els, the yt God putteth in my mouth? yt I must speake
Numbers 23:5
5 The LORDE put ye worde in Balaams mouth, and sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, and saye on this wise.
Numbers 23:12
12 He answered & saide: Must I not kepe & speake yt, which the LORDE putteth in to me mouth?
Numbers 23:16
16 And the LORDE mett Balaam, & put the worde in his mouth, & sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, & saye on this wyse.
Deuteronomy 2:30-33
30 But Sihon the kynge at Hesbon wolde not let vs go by him: for the LORDE yi God herdened his mynde, & made his hert tough that he mighte delyuer him in to thy hades, as it is come to passe this daye.
31 And ye LORDE sayde vnto me: Beholde, I haue begonne to delyuer Sihon with his londe before the: go to and coquere, and possesse his lode.
32 And Siho came out wt all his people to fight agaynst vs at Iahza.
33 But the LORDE oure God delyuered him in to oure handes, so that we smote him with his children and all his people.
Deuteronomy 2:36
36 from Aroer, which lyeth vpon the ryuer syde of Arnon, and from the cite on the ryuer vnto Gilead. There was no cite that coulde defende it selfe from vs: the LORDE oure God delyuered vs all before vs.
Deuteronomy 5:31
31 But thou shalt stonde here before me, that I maye tell the all the commaundementes, and ordinauces and lawes which thou shalt teach them yt they maye do therafter in the lode, which I shal geue the to possesse.
Deuteronomy 14:1
1 Ye are the children of the LORDE youre God, Cut not youre selues therfore, & make you no baldnesse betwene youre eyes ouer eny deed.
Deuteronomy 18:18
18 I wil rayse them vp a prophet from amonge their brethren like vnto the, and wyl put my wordes in his mouth, & he shal speake vnto them all that I shal comaunde him.
Deuteronomy 32:39
39 Se now that I I am, and that there is none other God but I.I can kyll and make alyue: what I haue smytten, that can I heale: and there is noman able to delyuer out of my hande.
Joshua 5:2-3
Joshua 11:20
20 And this was done so of the LORDE that their hert was so hardened, to come against the children of Israel with battayll, yt they mighte be daned, & no fauoure to be shewed vnto them, but to be destroyed, as the LORDE commaunded Moses.
Judges 2:1
1 But there came vp a messauger of ye LORDE from Gilgall vnto Bochim, and sayde: I haue caried you vp hither out of Egipte, and broughte you in to the londe that I sware vnto youre fathers, & saide: I wyl neuer breake my couenaunt wt you,
1 Samuel 1:17
17 Eli answered her, and sayde: Go yi waye in peace, the God of Israel shal graunte ye thy peticion that thou hast desyred of him.
1 Samuel 10:1-7
1 Then toke Samuel a glasse of oyle, and poured it vpo his heade, and kissed him, and sayde: Seist thou that the LORDE hath anoynted the, to be the prince ouer his enheritauce?
2 Whan thou goest now fro me, thou shalt fynde two men besyde Rachels graue in the coast of BenIamin at Zelzah, which shal saie vnto the: The asses are founde, whom thou wentest to seke: and beholde, thy father hath put the asses out of his mynde, and taketh thoughte for the, and sayeth: What shall I do for my sonne?
3 And whan thou goest on forth from thence, thou shalt come to the Oke of Thabor, there shall thre men fynde the, which go vp vnto God towarde Bethel: one beareth thre kiddes, another thre loaues of bred the thyrde a bottel with wyne:
4 and they shall salute the, and geue the two loaues, which thou shalt take of their hande.
5 After that shalt thou come to the hyll of God, where the Philistynes watch is: and wha thou comest there in to the cite, there shall mete the a company of prophetes commynge downe from the hye place, and before them a Psaltery, and tabret, a pype and a harpe, and they them selues prophecienge.
6 And the sprete of the LORDE shall come vpon the, and thou shalt prophecye with them, and shalt be chaunged in to another man.
7 Whan these tokens now come vnto the, then do what so euer commeth vnder thyne hande: for God is with the.
2 Samuel 6:7
7 Then waxed the wrath of the LORDE fearce agaynst Vsa, and God smote him there because of his presumpcio, so that he dyed there besyde the Arke of God.
2 Samuel 14:3
3 and thou shalt go in to the kynge, and speake for so vnto him. And Ioab tolde her what she shulde saye.
2 Samuel 16:7
7 Thus sayde Semei whan he cursed: Get the forth, get the forth thou bloudy hounde, thou man of Belial.
1 Kings 11:9
9 But the LORDE was wroth at Salomon, because his hert was turned asyde from ye LORDE God of Israel, which had two tymes appeared vnto him,
1 Kings 13:24
24 And wha he was gone, a lyon founde him by the waye, & slewe him, and his body was cast in ye waye. And the asse stode by him, and the lyon stode by the body.
1 Kings 19:4
4 But he him selfe wente a daies iourney in to ye wyldernes, & came in, & sat him downe vnder a Iuniper tre, & wy?shed vnto his soule yt he mighte dye, & sayde: It is now ynough LORDE, take my soule, for I am no better then my fathers.
1 Kings 19:8
8 And he arose, and ate and drake, and wente on thorow the strength of that meate fortye dayes and fortye nightes, eue vnto Horeb ye mount of God:
1 Kings 22:22
22 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherwith? He sayde vnto him: I wyll go forth, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all his prophetes. He saide: Thou shalt disceaue him, and shalt be able: go forth and do so.
2 Kings 5:7
7 And whan the kynge of Israel red the letter, he rente his clothes, & sayde: Am I God then, that I can kyll and quycke agayne, yt he sendeth vnto me, to heale the man fro his leprosy? Considre and se, how he seketh an occasion vnto me.
2 Kings 5:14
14 Then wete he downe, & wa?shed him selfe in Iordane seue tymes (as the man of God sayde) & his flesh was restored him agayne, euen as the flesh of a yonge childe and he was clensed.
2 Kings 5:27
27 But the leprosy of Naaman shal cleue vnto the & to thy sede for euer. Then wete he forth from him leporous as snowe.
1 Chronicles 21:7
7 But this displeased God righte sore: for he smote Israel.
1 Chronicles 21:16
16 And Dauid lifte vp his eyes, and sawe the angell of ye LORDE stondinge betwene heaue and earth, and a naked swerde in his hande stretched out ouer Ierusalem. Then Dauid and ye Elders beynge clothed with sack cloth, fell vpo their faces.
1 Chronicles 29:20
20 And Dauid sayde vnto the whole cogregacion: O prayse the LORDE yor God. And all the cogregacion praysed ye LORDE God of their fathers, & bowed them selues, & worshipped the LORDE & then the kynge,
2 Chronicles 20:18
18 The Iosaphat bowed him selfe wt his face to the earth, & all Iuda, & the inhabiters of Ierusalem fell before the LORDE, & worshipped the LORDE.
2 Chronicles 20:20
20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.
Job 5:18
18 For though he make a wounde, he geueth a medicyne agayne: though he smyte, his honde maketh whole agayne.
Job 12:2
2 Then (no doute) ye are the men alone, and wy?dome shal perish with you.
Psalms 25:4-5
Psalms 32:9
9 Sela. I wil enforme the, and shewe the the waye wherin thou shalt go: I wil fasten myne eyes vpon the.
Psalms 51:15
15 Open my lippes (O LORDE) that my mouth maye shewe thy prayse.
Psalms 78:51
51 When he made a waye to his fearfull indignacio, and spared not their soules from death, yee and gaue their catell ouer to the pestilence.
Psalms 82:6
6 I haue sayde: ye are goddes, ye all are the childre of ye most hyest.
Psalms 91:13
13 Thou shalt go vpo the Lyon and Adder, the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy fete.
Psalms 94:9
9 He that planted the eare, shal he not heare? he that made the eye, shal not he se?
Psalms 105:25
25 Whose hert turned, so that they hated his people, and dealt vntruly with his seruauntes.
Psalms 105:36
36 He smote all ye first borne in their lode, euen the chefe of all their substaunce.
Psalms 106:12-13
Psalms 110:2
2 The LORDE shal sende the rodde of thy power out of Sion, be thou ruler euen in ye myddest amonge thine enemies.
Psalms 135:8
8 Which smote the firstborne of Egipte, both of man and beest.
Psalms 143:10
10 Teach me to do the thinge that pleaseth the, for thou art my God: let thy louynge sprete lede me forth vnto the londe of rightuousnesse.
Psalms 146:8
8 The LORDE helpeth the vp that are fallen, the LORDE loueth the righteous.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
9 Therfore two are better then one, for they maye well enioye the profit of their laboure.
Isaiah 6:7
7 and touched my mouth, and sayde: lo, this hath touched thy mouth, & thy vnrightouousnes is taken a waye, and thy synne forgeuen.
Isaiah 6:10
10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.
Isaiah 7:9
9 And the chefe citie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte with you.
Isaiah 11:4
4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked.
Isaiah 28:10
10 Commaunde yt maye be commaunded, byd yt maye be bydde, forbyd that maye be forbydde, kepe backe yt maye be kepte backe, here a litle, there a litle.
Isaiah 35:5-6
Isaiah 42:7
7 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blinde, let out the prysoners, & them that syt in darknesse, out of the dongeon house.
Isaiah 49:2
2 he hath made my mouth like a sharpe swerde, vnder ye shadowe of his honde hath he defended me, and hyd me in his quyuer, as a good arowe,
Isaiah 50:4
4 The LORDE God hath geue me a wel lerned tuge, so that I can conforte them which are troubled, yee & yt in due season. He waked myne eare vp by tymes in ye mornynge (as ye scolemasters do) yt I might herke.
Isaiah 51:16
16 I shal put my worde also in thy mouth, and defende the with the turnynge of my honde: that thou mayest plante the heauens, and laye the foundacions of the earth, and saye vnto Sion: thou art my people.
Isaiah 59:21
21 I will make this conuenaunt with them (sayeth ye LORDE): My sprete that is come vpon the, & the wordes which I haue put in yi mouth, shal neuer go out of thy mouth, nor out of ye mouth of thy childre, no ner out of ye mouth of thy childers childre, from this tyme forth for euer more.
Isaiah 63:16
16 Yet art thou or father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquanted with vs. But thou LORDE art oure father and redemer, and thy name is euer lastinge.
17 O LORDE wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye? wherfore hast thou hardened oure hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one with vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake yt are of the generacio of thy heretage.
Isaiah 64:8
8 But now o LORDE, thou father of ours: we are the claye, and thou art oure potter, and we all are the worke of thy hondes.
Jeremiah 1:6
6 The sayde I: Oh LORDE God, I am vnmete, for I am yet but yonge.
Jeremiah 1:9
9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth,
Jeremiah 20:9
9 Wherfore, I thought from hence forth, not to speake of him, ner to preach eny more in his name. But the worde off the LORDE was a very burnynge fyre in my hert and in my bones, which when I wolde haue stopped, I might not.
Jeremiah 31:3
3 Euen so shal the LORDE now also apeare vnto me from farre, and saye: I loue the with an euerlastinge loue, therfore do I sprede my mercy before the.
Jeremiah 31:9
9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but with ioye will I bringe them hither agayne. I will lede them by the ryuers of water in a straight waye, where they shall not stomble: For I will be Israels father, and Epraim shalbe my firstborne.
Ezekiel 3:14
14 Now when the sprete toke me vp, and caried me awaye, I wente with an heuy and a soroufull mynde, but the honde off ye LORDE comforted me right soone.
Ezekiel 3:14-15
14 Now when the sprete toke me vp, and caried me awaye, I wente with an heuy and a soroufull mynde, but the honde off ye LORDE comforted me right soone.
15 And so in the begynnynge off the Moneth Abib, I came to the presoners, that dwelt by the water off Cobar, and remayned in that place, where they were: and so continued I amonge them seuen dayes, beinge very sory.
Ezekiel 3:26-27
26 And I will make thy tunge cleue so the rofe off thy mouth, that thou shalt be domme, and not be as a chider with them: for it is an obstinate housholde.
27 But when I speake vnto the, then open thy mouth, and saye: Thus saieth the LORDE God: who so heareth, let him heare: who so will not, let him leaue: for it is a frauwarde housholde.
Ezekiel 33:22
22 Now the honde of the LORDE had bene vpon me the euenynge, afore this man (which was escaped) came vnto me, and had opened my mouth, vntyll the mornynge that he came to me: Yee he opened my mouth, so yt I was nomore domme.
Hosea 11:1
1 When Israel was yoge, I loued him: and called my sonne out of the londe of Egipte.
Hosea 13:8
8 I wil come vpon them as a she beer, that is robbed of hir welpes, and I wil breake that stubburne herte of theirs. There wil I deuoure them as a lyon: yee the wylde beastes shal teare them.
Amos 3:6
6 Crie they out Alarum with the trompet in the cite, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there eny plage in a cite, without it be the LORDES doinge?
Amos 5:19
19 Yee like as when a ma runeth fro a lyon, and a Beer meteth with him: or, whe he commeth into the house, and leeneth his honde vpon the wall, a serpent byteth him.
Jonah 1:3
3 And Ionas made him ready to fle vnto Tharsis from the presence of the LORDE, and gat him downe to Ioppa: where he founde a shippe ready for to go vnto Tharsis. So he payde his fare, and wente aborde, that he might go with them vnto Tharsis from the presence of the LORDE.
Jonah 1:6
6 So the master of the shippe came to him and sayde vnto him: why slomberest thou? Vp, call vpon thy God: yf God (happly) wil thynke vpon vs, that we peryshe not.
Jonah 3:2
2 vp, and get the to Niniue that greate cite, & preach vnto them the preachinge, which I bade the.
Micah 7:14
14 Therfore fede thy people with thy rodde, the flocke of thine heretage which dwell desolate in the wodde: that they maye be fedde vpon the mount of Charmel, Basan & Galaad as afore tyme.
Matthew 2:20
20 sayinge: arise and take the chylde and his mother, & go into ye londe of Israel. For they are deed, which sought the chyldes life.
Matthew 7:2
2 For as ye iudge, so shal ye be iudged. And with what measure ye meete, with the same shall it be measured to you agayne.
Matthew 8:3
3 And Iesus put forth hys honde, & touched him, sayinge: I wyl, be thou cleane: & immediatly his leprosie was clensed?
Matthew 10:19-20
Matthew 11:5
5 The blynde se, and the lame go: the lepers are clensed, and ye deaf heare: the deed aryse ageyne, and the gospell is preached to the poore:
Matthew 13:41
41 The sonne of man shal sende forth his angels, & they shal gather out of his kingdome all thinges yt offende, & the yt do iniquyte,
Matthew 21:29
29 He answered and sayde: I wil not, but afterwarde he repented, and wente.
Matthew 28:20
20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.
Mark 13:11
11 Now whan they shal lede you and delyuer you vp, take ye no thought afore what ye shal saye: and ymagyn ye nothinge afore hande, but what so euer shal be geue you at the same houre, that speake: for it is not ye that speake, but the holy goost.
Mark 14:13-15
13 And he sent two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye into the cite, and there shal mete you a ma bearinge a pitcher with water, folowe him,
14 & where so euer he goeth in, there saye ye to the good man of the house: The Master sendeth the worde: Where is the gest house, wherin I maye eate the Easter labe, wt my disciples?
15 And he shal shewe you a greate parlour, which is paued & prepared, there make readye for vs.
Mark 16:18
18 Dryue awaye serpetes: And yf they drynke eny deedly thinge, it shal not hurte them: They shal laye their handes vpo the sicke, and they shal recouer.
Luke 1:68
68 Blessed be ye LORDE God of Israel, for he hath vysited and redemed his people.
Luke 7:50
50 But he sayde vnto the woman: Thy faith hath saued the, Go thy waye in peace.
Luke 8:13
13 But they on ye stone, are soch as whan they heare it, receaue the worde with ioye, and these haue no rote: they beleue for a whyle, and in the tyme of temptacion they fall awaye.
Luke 9:59-60
Luke 10:19
19 Beholde, I haue geuen you power to treade vpon serpetes and scorpions, and ouer all power of the enemye, and nothinge shall hurte you.
Luke 11:1
1 And it fortuned that he was in a place, and prayed. And whan he had ceassed, one of his disciples sayde vnto him: LORDE, teach vs to praye, as Ihon also taught his disciples.
Luke 12:11-12
Luke 21:14-15
Luke 21:15
15 for I wil geue you mouth & wyssdome, agaynst the which all youre aduersaries shal not be able to speake ner to resist.
John 2:5
5 His mother sayde vnto ye mynisters: Whatsoeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it.
John 5:36
36 Neuertheles I haue a greater wytnesse then the wytnesse of Ihon. For the workes which the father hath geue me to fynish, the same workes which I do, beare wytnesse of me, that the father hath sent me.
John 6:29
29 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto the: This is the worke of God, that ye beleue on him, whom he hath sent.
John 10:34-35
John 11:15
15 & I am glad for yor sakes, yt I was not there, that ye maye beleue. Neuertheles let vs go vnto hi.
John 11:42
42 Howbeit I knowe, that thou hearest me allwaye: but because of ye people that stonde by, I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.
John 12:37
37 And though he had done soch tokens before the, yet beleued they not on him,
John 12:40
40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them.
John 14:26
26 But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you.
John 20:27
27 After yt sayde he vnto Thomas: Reach hither yi fynger, and se my handes, and reach hither yi hade, & put it i to my syde, & be not faithlesse, but beleue.
John 20:31
31 But these are wrytte, yt ye shulde beleue, yt Iesus is Christ the sonne of God, & that ye thorow beleue might haue life in his name.
Acts 7:2
2 He sayde: Deare brethren and fathers, herken to, The God of glorye appeared vnto or father Abraha, whyle he was yet in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,
Acts 7:22
22 And Moses was learned in all maner wyssdome of the Egipcians, and was mightie in dedes & wordes.
Acts 7:25
25 But he thoughte that his brethren shulde haue vnderstonde, how that God by his hande shulde saue the, howbeit they vnderstode it not.
Acts 10:5-6
Acts 10:20
20 Aryse therfore, and get the downe, & go with the, and doute not, for I haue sent them.
Acts 15:28
28 For it pleased the holy goost and vs, to laye no charge vpon you, more then these necessary poyntes:
Acts 15:36
36 Neuertheles after certayne dayes Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: let vs go agayne, and vyset oure brethren thorow all the cities (wherin we haue shewed the worde of the LORDE) how they do.
Acts 16:36
36 And the keper of the preson tolde this sayenge vnto Paul: The officers haue sent hither, that ye shulde be lowse. Now therfore get you hece, and go in peace.
Acts 28:3-6
3 Whan Paul had gathered a bondell of stickes, and layed them on the fyre, there came a vyper out of the heate, and leape on Pauls hande.
4 Whan the people sawe the beest hange on his hande, they sayde amonge them selues: This man must nedes be a murthurer, who vengeaunce suffreth not to lyue, though he haue escaped the see.
5 But he shoke of ye beest in to the fyre, and and felt no harme.
6 Howbeit they wayted, wha he shulde haue swollen, or fallen downe deed sodenly. But whan they had loked a greate whyle, and sawe yt there happened no harme vnto him, they chaunged their myndes, and sayde that he was a God.
Romans 1:28
28 And as they regarded not to knowe God, euen so God gaue the vp in to a lewde mynde, to do those thinges which were not comly,
Romans 9:4
4 which are off Israel: vnto whom pertayneth the childshippe, and the glory, and the couenauntes and lawe, and the seruyce of God, and the promyses:
Romans 9:18
18 Thus hath he mercy on whom he wyl: and whom he wyl, he hardeneth.
Romans 11:8-10
8 As it is wrytten: God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnesse, eyes that they shulde not se, and eares that they shulde not heare, eue vnto this daye.
9 And Dauid sayeth: Let their table be made a snare to take the withall, & an occasion to fall, & a rewarde vnto the.
10 Let their eyes be blynded that they se not, and euer bowe downe their backes.
1 Corinthians 1:27
27 but that foolish is before the worlde, hath God chosen, that he mighte cofounde the wyse: And that weake is before ye worlde, hath God chosen, yt he mighte confounde the mightye.
1 Corinthians 2:1-4
1 And I brethre, wha I came vnto you came not wt hye wordes or hye wyssdome, to shewe vnto you the preachinge of Christ.
2 For I shewed not forth my selfe amonge you that I knewe eny thinge, saue onely Iesus Christ, euen the sam thate was crucified.
3 And I was amonge you in weaknes, and in feare, and in moch tremblinge:
4 and my worde and my preachinge was not with entysinge wordes of mans wyssdome, but in shewinge of the sprete and of power:
1 Corinthians 11:23
23 That which I delyuered vnto you, receaued I of the LORDE. For the LORDE Iesus the same nighte in the which he was betrayed, toke the bred,
1 Corinthians 15:1
1 I declare vnto you brethren, the Gospell that I haue preached vnto you (which ye haue also accepted, and in the which ye stode,
2 Corinthians 2:13
13 I had no rest in my sprete, because I founde not Titus my brother: but I toke my leue of them, and wente awaye in to Macedonia.
2 Corinthians 2:16
16 To these, ye sauoure of death vnto death: but vnto ye other, the sauoure of life vnto life. And who is mete therto?
2 Corinthians 6:18
18 & be youre father, & ye shalbe my sonnes and doughters, sayeth ye Allmightie LORDE.
2 Corinthians 7:6-7
2 Corinthians 10:10
10 For the pistles (saye they) are sore and stronge, but his bodely presence is weake, and his speache rude.
2 Corinthians 11:6
6 And though I be rude in speakynge, yet am I not rude in knowlege. Howbeit amoge you I am knowne to the vttemost.
Ephesians 6:19
19 and for me, that the worde maye be geuen me, that I maye open my mouth boldly, to vtter the secretes of the Gospell,
Philippians 2:21
21 for all other seke their awne, not that which is Iesus Christes.
1 Thessalonians 3:6-7
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
10 and with all deceauablenes of vnrighteousnes amonge them that perishe, because they receaued not the loue of ye trueth, that they might haue bene saued.
11 Therfore shal God sende them stroge delusion, that they shulde beleue lyes,
12 yt all they might be daned, which beleued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.
1 Timothy 6:1
1 Let as many seruauntes as are vnder the yocke, counte their masters worthy of all honoure, that the name of God and his doctrine be not euell spoken of.
Hebrews 12:23
23 and vnto the congregacion of the first borne, which are wrytten in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spretes of iust and perfecte men,
James 1:18
18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of life, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.
1 Peter 2:8
8 and a stone to stomble at, and a rock to be offended at, namely in the which stomble at ye worde, and beleue not that wheron they were set.