Exodus 39:41 Cross References - Coverdale

41 ye mynistringe vestimetes of Aaro ye prest, to do seruyce in ye Sanctuary, & the garmetes of his sonnes, yt they might execute ye prestes office.

Exodus 28:2

2 & thou shalt make holy clothes for Aaro yi brother, honorable and glorious,

Exodus 31:10

10 the mynistrynge vestimentes of Aaron ye prest, and the garmentes of his sonnes to serue like prestes,

Exodus 39:1

1 Of the yalowe sylke, scarlet, & purple, they made Aarons mynistringe vestimentes, to do seruyce in the Sanctuary, as ye LORDE comaunded Moses.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.