26 a bell & a pomgranate rounde aboute, to do seruyce in, as the LORDE commaunded Moses.
Exodus 39:26 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 28:34
34 and belles of golde betwixte the same rounde aboute: that there be euer a golden bell and a pomgranate, a golden bell and a pomgranate rounde aboute the hemme of the same tunycle.
Deuteronomy 22:12
12 Thou shalt make gardes vpon the foure quarters of thy garment, wherwith thou couerest thy selfe.
Song of Songs 4:3
3 Thy lippes are like a rose coloured rybende, thy wordes are louely: thy chekes are like a pece of a pomgranate, besydes that which lyed hyd within.
Song of Songs 4:13
13 The frutes that sproute in the, are like a very paradyse of pogranates wt swete frutes:
Song of Songs 6:7
7 Thy chekes are like a pece of a pomgranate, besydes yt which lyeth hid within.
Matthew 9:20
20 And beholde, a woman which was diseased wt an yssue of bloude xij. yeres, came behynde hym, and touched the hem of hys vesture.