19 Wryte now therfore this songe, & teach it the children of Israel, and put it in their mouth, that this songe maye be a witnesse vnto me amonge the children of Israel.
Deuteronomy 31:19 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 4:15
15 Thou shalt speake vnto him, & put the wordes in his mouth: & I wil be with thy mouth & his, and teach you what ye shall doo:
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
9 Take hede to thy selfe now, and kepe well thy soule, that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue sene, and that they departe not out of thy hert all the dayes of thy life. And thou shalt teach them thy children and thy childers children,
10 the daye wha thou stodest before the LORDE thy God by mount Horeb, whan the LORDE sayde vnto me: Gather me the people together, that I maye make them heare my wordes, which they shal lerne, that they maye feare me all the dayes of their life vpon earth, & that they also maye teach their children.
Deuteronomy 6:7
7 & shalt whet them vpon yi children, and shalt talke of them, wha thou syttest in thyne house, & whan thou walkest by the waie: whan thou lyest downe, & wha thou rysest vp.
Deuteronomy 11:19
19 and teach them youre children, so that thou talke therof, whan thou syttest in thine house, or walkest by the waye: whan thou lyest downe, and whan thou rysest vp:
Deuteronomy 31:21-22
21 And so whan moch myschefe and tribulacion is come vpon them, this songe shall answere before them for a witnesse. It shall not be forgotten out of the mouth of their sede: for I knowe their ymaginacion, that they go aboute euen now, before I brynge them in to the londe, which I sware vnto them.
22 So Moses wrote this songe at the same tyme, and taughte it the children of Israel.
Deuteronomy 31:26
26 Take the boke of this lawe, and laye it by the syde of the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE youre God, that it maye be there a wytnesse agaynst the:
Deuteronomy 31:30-32:45
30 So Moses spake out the wordes of this songe euen to the ende, in the eares of all the congregacion of Israel.
Deuteronomy 32:30-45
30 How cometh it, yt one shall chace a thousande of them, and yt two shal put ten thousande to flyghte? Is it not so, euen because their rocke hath solde them, and because the LORDE hath geuen them ouer?
31 For oure rocke is not as their rocke, of this are oure enemies iudges themselues.
32 Their vyne is of the vyne of Sodom, and of the feldes of Gomorra: their grapes are the grapes of gall, they haue bytter clusters.
33 Their wyne is the poyson of Dragons, & the furious gall of Adders.
34 Is not this hid with me, and sealed vp in my treasures?
35 Vengeaunce is myne, and I wyll rewarde in due season. Their fote shall slyde, for the tyme of their destruccio is at honde, and the thinge that is to come vpon them, maketh haiste.
36 For the LORDE shall iudge his people, and shal haue compassion on his seruauntes. For he shal considre that their power is awaie, and that it is gone with them, which were shut vp and remayned ouer.
37 And he shal saye: Where are their goddes, their rocke wherin they trusted?
38 Of whose sacrifices they ate ye fatt, and dranke the wyne of their drynkofferinges? Let them ryse vp and helpe you, and be youre proteccion.
39 Se now that I I am, and that there is none other God but I.I can kyll and make alyue: what I haue smytten, that can I heale: and there is noman able to delyuer out of my hande.
40 For I wil lifte vp my hande to heauen, & wyl saye: I lyue euer.
41 Yf I whet ye edge of my swerde, and my hande take holde of iudgment, then wyll I auenge me on myne enemies, and rewarde them that hate me.
42 I wil make myne arowes dronken with bloude, and my swerde shal eate flesh ouer ye bloude of the slayne, and ouer the captyuite, and in that the enemies heade shall be discouered.
43 Reioyse ye Heythen with his people: for he wil auenge the bloude of his seruauntes, and wyl auenge him on his enemies, & wil be mercifull vnto the londe of his people.
44 And Moses came and spake all the wordes of this songe in the eares of the people, he and Iosua the sonne of Nun.
45 Now wha Moses had made an ende of speakinge all these wordes vnto all Israel,
2 Samuel 14:3
3 and thou shalt go in to the kynge, and speake for so vnto him. And Ioab tolde her what she shulde saye.
Isaiah 51:16
16 I shal put my worde also in thy mouth, and defende the with the turnynge of my honde: that thou mayest plante the heauens, and laye the foundacions of the earth, and saye vnto Sion: thou art my people.
Isaiah 59:21
21 I will make this conuenaunt with them (sayeth ye LORDE): My sprete that is come vpon the, & the wordes which I haue put in yi mouth, shal neuer go out of thy mouth, nor out of ye mouth of thy childre, no ner out of ye mouth of thy childers childre, from this tyme forth for euer more.
Jeremiah 1:9
9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth,
Ezekiel 2:5
5 yt whether they be obedient or no (for it is a frauwarde housholde) they maye knowe yet that there hath bene a prophet amonge them.
Matthew 10:18
18 And ye shall be brought before prynces and kynges for my sake, in witnes to them and to the gentyls.
John 12:48
48 He that refuseth me, and receaueth not my wordes, hath one allready that iudgeth him. The worde that I haue spoken, that shall iudge him at the last daye,