Deuteronomy 28:56 Cross References - Coverdale

56 And the woman that afore hath lyued so tenderly and voluptuously amonge you, that she durste not set the sole of hir fote vpon the grounde for tendernes and voluptuousnes, shal be greued to loke vpon hir husbande that lieth in hir bosome, and on hir sonne, and on hir doughter:

Deuteronomy 28:54

54 so that it shal greue the man yt afore hath lyued tenderly and in voluptuousnes amonge you, to loke vpon his brother and vpon his wife yt lyeth in his bosome, and on the sonne that is left ouer of his sonnes,

Isaiah 3:16

16 Morouer thus saieth ye LORDE: Seinge the doughters of Sion are become so proude, and come in with stretched out neckes, and with vayne wanton eyes: seinge they come in trippinge so nycely with their fete:

Lamentations 4:3-6

3 The Lamyes geue their yonge ones suck wt bare brestes: but the doughter of my people is cruel, and dwelleth in the wyldernesse: like the Estriches. 4 The tonges of the suckinge children, cleue to ye rofe of their mouthes for very thurst. The yonge children axe bred, but there is noman, that geueth it them. 5 They that were wonte to fayre delicatly, perishe in the stretes: they that afore were brought vp in purple, make now moch of donge. 6 The synne of the doughter of my people is become greater, then ye wickednesse of Sodome, that sodely was destroyed, and not taken with hondes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.