Acts 21:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 Whan they herde that, they praysed the LORDE, and sayde vnto him: Brother, thou seyst how many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, and are all Zelous ouer ye lawe.

Psalms 22:23

23 O prayse the LORDE ye that feare him: Magnifie him all ye sede of Iacob, & let all ye sede of Israel feare hi.

Psalms 22:27

27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him.

Psalms 72:17-19

17 & shal be grene in the cite, like grasse vpo the earth. 18 His name shal endure for euer, his name shal remayne vnder the sonne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him, & all the Heithen shal prayse him. 19 Blessed be the LORDE God, euen the God of Israel, which only doth woderous thinges.

Psalms 98:1-3

1 O synge vnto the LORDE a new songe, for he hath done maruelous thinges. 2 With his owne right honde and with his holy arme hath he gotten the victory. 3 The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health, and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithe.

Isaiah 55:10-13

10 And like as the rayne & snowe cometh downe from heaue, & returneth not thither agayne, but watereth the earth, maketh it frutefull & grene, that it maye geue corne & breade vnto the sower: 11 So the worde also that commeth out of my mouth, shal not turne agayne voyde vnto me, but shal accoplish my wil & prospere in the thinge, wherto I sende it. 12 And so shal ye go forth wt ioye, & be led with peace. The mountaynes and hilles shal synge with you for ioye, and all the trees of the felde shal clappe their hondes. 13 For thornes, there shal growe Fyrre trees, & ye Myrte tre in the steade of breres. And this shal be done to the prayse of the LORDE, & for an euerlastinge toke, that shal not be taken awaye.

Isaiah 66:9-14

9 For thus sayeth the LORDE: Am I he that maketh other to beare, and beare not my self? Am not I he that beareth, and maketh baren? saieth thy God. 10 Reioyse with Ierusalem, & be glad with her, all ye that loue her. Be ioyful with her, all ye that mourned for her. 11 For ye shal sucke coforte out of hir brestes, and be satisfied. Ye shal taist, and haue delite in the plenteousnesse of hir power. 12 For thus sayeth the LORDE: beholde, I wil let peace i to her, like a water floude, & ye might of the Heithe like a flowinge streame. Then shal ye sucke, ye shal be borne vpon hir sydes, and be ioyful vpo hir knees. 13 For like as a childe is comforted of his mother, so shal I conforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem. 14 And when ye se this, youre herte shal reioyse, and youre bones shal florish like an herbe. Thus shal the honde of the LORDE be knowne amonge his seruauntes, and his indignacion amonge his enemies.

Matthew 13:31-33

31 Another parable put he forth vnto the, and sayde: The kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a grane of mustarde sede, which a man toke, and sowed it in his felde. 32 Which is the leest amonge all sedes. But whan it is growne, it is the greatest amonge herbes, and is a tre: so that the byrdes vnder the heauen come and dwell in the braunches of it. 33 Another parable spake he vnto the: The kyngdome of heaue is like vnto leue, which a woman toke, and myxte it amonge thre peckes of meele, tyll all was leuended.

Luke 12:1

1 There were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, in so moch that they trode one another: Then beganne he, and sayde first vnto his disciples: Bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, which is ypocrisye.

Luke 15:3-10

3 But he tolde the this symilitude, and sayde: 4 What man is he amonge you, that hath an hundreth shepe, and yf he loose one of the, that leaueth not the nyne and nyentye in the wyldernesse, and goeth after that which is lost tyll he fynde it? 5 And whan he hath founde it, he layeth it vpon his shulders with ioye: 6 and whan he commeth home, he calleth his fredes and neghbours, and sayeth vnto the: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde my shepe, yt was lost. 7 I saye vnto you: Eue so shal there be ioye in heauen ouer one synner that doth pennaunce, more then ouer nyne and nyentye righteous, which nede not repentaunce. 8 Or what woman is it that hath ten grotes, yf she loose one of them, that lighteth not a candell, and swepeth the house, and seketh diligently, tyll she fynde it? 9 And whan she hath founde it, she calleth hir frendes & neghbouresses, and sayeth: Reioyce with me, for I haue foude my grote, which I had lost. 10 Euen so (I tell you) shal there be ioye before the angels of God, ouer one synner yt doth pennaunce.

Luke 15:32

32 thou shuldest be mery and glad, for this yi brother was deed, and is alyue agayne: he was lost, and is founde agayne.

John 12:24

24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte the wheatcorne fall in to the grounde, and dye, it bydeth alone: But yf it dye, it bryngeth forth moch frute.

Acts 2:41

41 They that gladly receaued his preachinge, were baptysed, & the same daye there were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.

Acts 4:4

4 Howbeit many of the which herde the worde, beleued, and the nombre of ye men was aboute fyue thousande.

Acts 4:21

21 But they threatened them, and let them go, and founde nothinge how to punyshe them because of ye people: for they all praysed God because of that, which was done.

Acts 6:7

7 And the worde of God increased, and the nombre of the disciples multiplied greatly at Ierusalem. And there were many prestes also obedient vnto the fayth.

Acts 11:18

18 Whan they herde this, they helde their peace, and praysed God, and sayde: Then hath God also to the Heithen graunted repentaunce vnto life.

Acts 15:1

1 And there came certayne fro Iewry, and taughte the brethren: Excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses, ye can not be saued.

Acts 15:5

5 Then rose there vp certayne of the secte of ye Pharises (which beleued) and sayde: They must be circumcysed and comaunded, to kepe the lawe of Moses.

Acts 15:24

24 For so moch as we haue herde that certayne of oures are departed, and haue troubled you, and combred youre myndes, sayenge: ye must be circumcysed, and kepe ye lawe (to whom we gaue no soch commaundemet)

Acts 22:3

3 I am a man which am a Iewe, borne at Tharsis in Celicia, and broughte vp in this cite at the fete off Gamaliel, enfourmed diligently in the lawe of the fathers, and was feruent mynded to God warde, as ye all are also this daye,

Romans 10:2

2 For I beare them recorde, that they are zelous for Gods cause, but not wt vnderstondinge.

Romans 15:6-7

6 that ye beynge of one mynde, maye wt one mouth prayse God the father of oure LORDE Iesu Christ. 7 Wherfore receaue ye one another, as Christ hath receaued you to the prayse off God.

Romans 15:9-13

9 and that the Heythen mighte prayse God because of mercy, as it is wrytten: For this cause wyl I prayse the amoge the Getyles, and synge vnto thy name. 10 And agayne he sayeth: Reioyse ye Heythen with his people. 11 And agayne: Prayse the LORDE all ye Gentiles, and laude him all ye nacios. 12 And agayne Esay sayeth: There shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shal ryse to rule the Gentyles, in him shal the Gentyles trust. 13 The God off hope fyll you wt all ioye and peace in beleuynge, yt ye maye be plenteous in hope thorow ye power of the holy goost.

Galatians 1:14

14 and preuayled in the Ieweshippe aboue many of my companyons in my nacion, & was a moch more feruent manteyner of the tradicions of the fathers.

Galatians 1:24

24 and they praysed God in me.

2 Thessalonians 1:10

10 whan he shal come to be glorified in his sayntes, and to become maruelous in all them that beleue: because ye haue beleued oure testimony vnto you of the same daye.

Revelation 19:6-7

6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth. 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce, and geue honour to him: for the mariage of the labe is come, and his wife made her selfe ready.

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