9 and that the Heythen mighte prayse God because of mercy, as it is wrytten: For this cause wyl I prayse the amoge the Getyles, and synge vnto thy name.
10 And agayne he sayeth: Reioyse ye Heythen with his people.
11 And agayne: Prayse the LORDE all ye Gentiles, and laude him all ye nacios.
12 And agayne Esay sayeth: There shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shal ryse to rule the Gentyles, in him shal the Gentyles trust.
13 The God off hope fyll you wt all ioye and peace in beleuynge, yt ye maye be plenteous in hope thorow ye power of the holy goost.