Acts 19:28 Cross References - Coverdale

28 Whan they herde this, they were full of wrath, cried out, and sayde: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians.

1 Samuel 5:3-5

3 And whan they of Asdod rose vp early on the morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face vpon the earth, before the Arke of the LORDE. But they toke vp Dagon, and set him agayne in his place. 4 Neuertheles whan they rose vp early on the nexte morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face agayne vpon the earth before the Arke of the LORDE: but his heade and both his hades hewen of vpon the thresholde, so that the block laie there onely. 5 Therfore the prestes of Dagon, and all they that go in to his house, treade not vpo the thressholde of Dagon at Asdod vnto this daye.

1 Kings 18:26-29

26 And they toke the bullock which he gaue them, & prepared it, & called vpon the name of Baal from the mornynge vntyll the noone daye, and sayde: O Baal heare vs. But there was nether voyce ner answere. And they hopped aboute the altare, as their vse was to do. 27 Now whan it was noone daye, Elias mocked them, and sayde: Crye loude. For he is a god, peradueture he is musynge, or hath somwhat to do, or is gone some iourneye, or happlye he slepeth, so that he wolde be waked vp. 28 And they cried loude, and prouoked the selues with knyues & botkens, (as their maner was) tyll ye bloude folowed. 29 But whan ye noone daye was past, they prophecied vntyll the tyme that the meatofferynge shulde be offered, & there was nether voyce ner answere, ner one to regarde them.

Psalms 2:2

2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted.

Isaiah 41:5-7

5 Beholde ye Iles, that ye maye feare, and ye endes of the earth, that ye maye be abasshed, draw nye, and come hither. 6 Euery man hath exorted his neghboure, and brother, and bydden him be stronge. 7 The Smyth conforted the moulder, & the Ironsmyth the hammerman, sayenge: It shalbe good, that we fasten this cast worke: and then they fastened it with nales, that it shulde not be moued.

Jeremiah 50:38

38 The swearde vpon their waters, so that they shalbe dried vp: For the londe worshippeth ymages, & delyteth in straunge wondrefull thinges.

Acts 7:54

54 Whan they herde this, it wente thorow ye hertes of the, and they gnasshed vpo him with their tethe.

Acts 16:19-24

19 But wha hir master and mastresse sawe that the hope of their vauntage was gone, they toke Paul and Sylas, drue them in to the market place before ye rulers, 20 & broughte the vnto the officers, and sayde: These men trouble oure cyte, & are Iewes, 21 and preach an ordynaunce, which is not laufull for vs to receaue, ner to obserue, seynge we are Romaynes. 22 And the people rane on them, and the officers rente their clothes, and comaunded them to be beaten with roddes. 23 And whan they had beaten them sore, they cast the in preson, and commaunded the iayler, to kepe them diligetly. 24 Which whan he had receaued soch commaundement, he cast the in to the ynner preson, and put their fete in the stockes.

Acts 18:19

19 & came downe to Ephesus, & lefte them there. But he himselfe wete in to the synagoge, and reasoned with the Iewes.

Acts 19:34-35

34 But whan they knewe that he was a Iewe, there arose a shoute of all, and cried the space of two houres: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians. 35 Whan the towne clarke had stylled the people, he sayde: Ye men of Ephesus, what man is it which knoweth not, that the cite of ye Ephesias is a worshipper of the greate goddesse Diana, and of the heauenly ymage?

Acts 21:28-31

28 and cryed: Ye men of Israel, helpe, this is the man, that teacheth all men euery where agaynst oure people, the lawe, and this place. He hath broughte Grekes also in to the temple, and hath defyled this holy place. 29 For they had sene Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the cite, him they thoughte yt Paul had broughte in to the temple. 30 And all the cite was moued, and the people ranne together. And they toke Paul, and drue him out off the temple, and forth with the dores were shut to. 31 But whan they wete aboute to kyll him, tydinges came to the chefe captayne of the company, that all Ierusalem was moued.

Revelation 12:12

12 Therfore reioyce ye heauens, and ye that dwell in them. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the see: for the deuell is come downe vnto you, which hath greate wrath, because he knoweth, that he hath but a short tyme.

Revelation 13:4

4 and they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beest, and they worshipped the beest, sayenge: who is like vnto the beest? who is able to warre with him?

Revelation 17:13

13 These haue one mynde, and shal geue their power and stregth vnto ye beeste.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.