15 For all thinges do I for youre sakes, that the pleteous grace by the thakesgeuynge of many, maye redounde to the prayse of God.
2 Corinthians 4:15 Cross References - Coverdale
Psalms 50:14
14 Offre vnto God prayse and thankesgeuynge, and paye thy vowes vnto the most hyest.
Psalms 50:23
23 Who so offreth me thakes and prayse, he honoureth me: & this is the waye, wherby I wil shewe him the sauynge health of God.
Romans 8:28
28 But sure we are, that all thinges serue for the best vnto them that loue of God, which are called of purpose.
1 Corinthians 3:21-23
2 Corinthians 1:4-6
4 which comforteth vs in all oure trouble: in so moch yt we are able to comforte them that are in eny maner of trouble, with the same comforte wher with we oure selues are comforted of God.
5 For as the affliccios of Christ are plenteous in vs, euen so is or cosolacion plenteous by Christ.
6 But whether we haue trouble or comforte, it is done for youre welth. Yf it be trouble, it is done for youre coforte and health, which health sheweth hir power, in that ye suffre the same affliccions which we suffre. Yf it be comforte, it is done also for youre comforte and health.
2 Corinthians 1:11
11 by the helpe of youre prayer for vs that on oure behalfe many thankes maye be geuen by many personnes, for the gifte that is geuen vs.
2 Corinthians 8:19
19 Not onely that, but he is chosen also of the congregacions, to be a felowe with vs in oure iourney, for this benyuolence that is mynistred by vs vnto the prayse of the LORDE, and to stere vp youre prompte mynde,
2 Corinthians 9:11-12
11 that in all thinges ye maye be made riche vnto all singlenesse, which causeth thorow vs, thankesgeuynge vnto God.
12 For the hadreachinge of this colleccion not onely suppleeth the nede off the sayntes, but also is abudaunt herin, that for this laudable mynistracion many mighte geue thakes vnto God,
Galatians 1:24
24 and they praysed God in me.
Ephesians 3:20-21
Colossians 1:24
24 Now ioye I in my sufferynges, which I suffre for you, and fulfill that which is behynde of the passions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodyes sake, which is the congregacion,
Colossians 3:16-17
16 Let ye worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wyssdome. Teach and exhorte youre awne selues with psalmes and ymnes, and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them, synginge in youre hertes to the LORDE.
17 And what soeuer ye do in worde or worke, do all in the name of the LORDE Iesu, and geue thankes vnto God the father by him.
2 Timothy 2:10
10 Therfore suffre I all for the electes sakes, that they also mighte optayne the saluacion in Christ Iesu with eternall glory.
Hebrews 13:15-16
1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte:
1 Peter 4:11
11 Yf eny ma speake, let hi speake it as ye wordes of God. Yf eny man haue an office, let him execute it as out of the power yt God mynistreth vnto hi, yt God maye be praysed in all thinges thorow Iesus Christ, To who be honor and domynion for euer and euer Amen.
Revelation 4:8-11
8 And the foure beestes had eche one off them vj. wynges aboute him, and they were full of eyes with in. And they had no rest daye nether night, sayenge: holy, holy, holy, is the LORDE God almyghty, which was, and is, and is to come.
9 And when those beestes gaue glory and honour and thankes to him that sat on the seate, which lyueth for euer and euer:
10 ye xxiiij. elders fell downe before him that sat on the trone, and worshipped him yt lyueth for euer, and cast their crounes before ye trone, sayenge:
11 thou art worthy LORDE to receaue glory, and honor, and power, for thou hast created all thinges, and for thy willes sake they are, and were created.
Revelation 5:8-14
8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beestes and the xxiiij. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauinge harpes and golden vialles full of odoures (which are ye prayers of the sayntes)
9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take the boke & to ope the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redemed vs by thy bloud, out of all kynreddes, and toges, and people, and nacions,
10 & hast made vs vnto or God, kynges and prestes, and we shal raygne on ye earth.
11 And I behelde, and I herd the voyce of many angilles aboute the trone, and aboute the beestes and ye elders, and I herde thousand thousandes,
12 sayenge with a loude voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed, to receaue power, and riches & wissdome, and strength, and honoure and glory, and blessynge.
13 And all creatures, which are in heaue, & on the earth, & vnder the earth, & in the see, & all yt are in the, herd I sayenge: blessinge, honoure, glory, & power, be vnto him, yt sytteth vpo the seate, and vnto the labe for euermore.
14 And the foure beestes saide: Ame. And ye xxiiij. elders fell vpon their faces, and worshipped him that lyueth for euermore.
Revelation 19:4-6
4 And ye xxiiij: elders, & the foure beestes fell downe, and worshipped God that sat on the seate, sayenge: Amen: Alleluia.
5 And a voice came out of the seate, sayenge: prayse or LORDE God all ye that are his seruautes, & ye that feare him both small and greate.
6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.