15 And in this confidence was I mynded the other tyme to come vnto you (that ye mighte haue yet another pleasure more)
2 Corinthians 1:15 Cross References - Coverdale
Romans 1:11
11 For I longe to se you, that I mighte bestowe vpon you some spirituall gifte to stregth you
Romans 15:29
29 But I am sure whan I come vnto you, that I shal come with ye full blessynge of the Gospell of Christ.
1 Corinthians 4:19
19 But I wil come to you shortly ( yf the LORDE wyl) and wyl knowe, not the wordes of the that are puft vp, but ye power.
1 Corinthians 11:34
34 But yf eny man honger, let him eate at home, that ye come not together vnto codempnacion. As for other thinges, I wil set them in order whan I come.
2 Corinthians 6:1
1 We as helpers therfore exhorte you, that ye receaue not ye grace of God in vayne.