2 Chronicles 28:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Achas was twentye yeare olde whan he was made kynge, and reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem, and dyd not that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE, as did Dauid his father,

2 Kings 16:1-20

1 In the seuententh yeare of Pecah ye sonne of Romelia, was Achas the sonne of Iotham kynge of Iuda. 2 Twetye yeare olde was Achas wha he was made kynge, & reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem, & dyd not yt which was righte in the sighte of ye LORDE his God, as dyd Dauid his father: 3 for he walked in the waye of the kynges of Israel, Yee and caused his sonne to go thorow the fyre, after the maner of the abhominacions of the Heythen, whom the LORDE droue awaye before the childre of Israel. 4 And he dyd sacrifice, and brent incense vpon the hye places, & vpon all hilles, and amonge all grene trees. 5 Then wente Rezin the kynge of Syria, and Pecah the sonne of Romelia kynge of Israel vp to Ierusalem to fighte agaynst it, and layed sege to Achas: but they coulde not wynne it. 6 At the same tyme dyd Rezin the kynge of Syria, brynge Eloth agayne vnto Syria, and thrust ye Iewes out of Eloth. But the Syrians came & dwelt therin vnto this daye. 7 Neuertheles Achas sent messaungers vnto Teglatphalasser ye kynge of Assiria, sayege: I am thy seruaunt & thy sonne, come vp & helpe me out of ye hande of the kynge of Syria, & of the kynge of Israel, which are rysen vp agaynst me. 8 And Achas toke the syluer & golde yt was founde in ye house of ye LORDE, & in the treasures of ye kynges house, & sent a present to ye kynge of Assiria. 9 And ye kinge of Assiria cosented vnto him, & wente vp to Damascon, & wanne it, & caried them awaye vnto Cira, & slewe Rezin. 10 And kynge Achas wete to Damascon for to mete Teglatphalasser ye kynge of Assiria. And wha he sawe an altare yt was at Damascon, kynge Achas sent a patrone & symilitude of ye same altare vnto the prest Vrias, euen as it was made. 11 And Vrias the prest buylded an altare, and made it acordinge as kynge Achas had sent vnto him from Damascon, tyll Achas ye kynge came from Damascon. 12 And whan ye kynge came from Damascon, and sawe the altare, he offred theron, 13 & kyndled his burntofferynges and meatofferynges vpon it, and poured his drynkofferinges theron, & caused the bloude of ye deedofferynges which he offred, to be sprenkled vpon the altare. 14 But the brasen altare that stode before the LORDE, put he awaye, so that it stode not betwene the altare and the house of the LORDE, but set it in the corner on the north syde of the altare. 15 And Achas the kynge comaunded Vrias ye prest, & sayde: Vpo the greate altare shalt thou kyndle ye burntoffrynge in the mornynge, & the meatoffrynge in the euenynge, & the kynges burntoffrynge & his meatoffrynge, & the burntoffrynge of all the people in the londe, wt their meatoffrynge & drynkoffrynge. And all the bloude of the burntofferynges, & all the bloude of the other offrynges shalt thou sprenkle theron: but with the brasen altare wyll I deuyse what I can. 16 Vrias the prest dyd all acordinge as Achas the kynge commaunded him. 17 And kynge Achas brake downe the seates, and put a waye the ketell from aboue, and toke the lauer from the brasen bullockes that were there vnder, and set it vpon ye pauement of stone. 18 And the pulpit for the Sabbath which they had buylded in the house, and ye entrye of the kynges house turned he vnto the house of the LORDE, for the kynge of Assirias sake. 19 What more there is to saye of Achas, what he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in ye Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 20 And Achas fell on slepe with his fathers, & was buried wt his fathers in the cite of Dauid. And Ezechias his sonne was kynge in his steade.

1 Chronicles 3:13

13 whose sonne was Achas, whose sonne was Ezechias, whose sonne was Manasses,

2 Chronicles 17:3

3 And the LORDE was wt Iosaphat: for he walked in the olde wayes of his father Dauid, & soughte not Baalim,

Isaiah 1:1

1 This is the prophecy of Esay the sonne of Amos, which he shewed vpon Iuda and Ieruasalem: In the tyme of Osias, Ioathan, Ahas, and Ezechias kynges of Iuda.

Isaiah 7:1-12

1 It happened in the tyme of Ahas the sonne of Ionathas, which was the sonne of Ioathan Kynge of Iuda: that Rezin the Kinge of Siria, and Poca Romelies sonne, Kynge of Israel: wente vp toward Ierusalem to besege it (but wanne it not.) 2 Now when the house of Dauid (that is Ahas) herde worde therof, yt Siria and Ephraim were confederate together: his herte quaked (yee and ye hertes also of his people) like as a tre in the felde, that is moued with the wynde. 3 Then sayde God vnto Esay: go mete Ahas (thou and thy sonne Sear Iasub) at the heade of ye ouer pole, in the fote path by the fullers grounde, 4 and saye vnto him: take hede to thyself and be still, but feare not, nether be faynt harted, for these two tales: that is: for these two smokynge fyre brandes, the wrath and furiousnes of Rezin the Sirian and Romelies sonne: 5 because that the Kynge of Siria Ephraim and Romelies sonne haue wekedly conspyred agaynst the, 6 sayenge: We will go downe in to Iuda, vexe the, and brynge them vnder vs, and set a Kynge there, euen the sonne of Taball. 7 For thus saieth the LORDE God ther to, It shall not so go forth, nether come so to passe: 8 for the headcitie of ye Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rezin. And after fyue and threscore yeare, shal Ephraim be nomore a people. 9 And the chefe citie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte with you. 10 Morouer, God spake vnto Ahas, sayenge: 11 requyre a token of the LORDE thy God, whether it be towarde the depth beneth or towarde ye hight aboue. 12 The sayde Ahas: I will requyre none, nether will I tempte the LORDE.

Hosea 1:1

1 This is the worde of the LORDE, that came vnto Oseas the sonne of Beeri, in the dayes of Osias, Ioathan, Achas & Ezechias kinges of Iuda: and in the tyme of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kynge of Israel.

Micah 1:1

1 This is the worde of the LORDE, that came vnto Micheas the Morastite, in the dayes of Ioathan, Achas and Ezechias kiges of Iuda: which was shewed him vpon Samaria and Ierusalem.

Matthew 1:9

9 Osias begat Ioatham: Ioatham begat Achas: Achas begat Ezechias:

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