1 Kings 17:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And Elias ye The?bite one of the inhabiters of Gilead, saide vnto Achab: As truly as the LORDE God of Israel lyueth, whose seruaunt I am, there shal nether rayne ner dew come this yeare, excepte I speake it.

Deuteronomy 10:8

8 At the same season the LORDE separated out the trybe of Leui, to beare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, and to stonde before the LORDE, to mynister vnto him, and to prayse his name vnto this daye.

Judges 12:4

4 And Iephthae gathered all the men in Gilead, & foughte agaynst Ephraim. And the men in Gilead smote Ephraim, because they sayde: Ye Gileadites are as they yt fle awaye before Ephraim, (and dwell) amoge Ephraim & Manasse.

1 Kings 18:1

1 And after a longe season came ye worde of the LORDE vnto Elias in the thirde yeare, & sayde: Go thy waye, & shewe yi selfe vnto Achab, yt I maye cause it for to rayne vpon earth.

1 Kings 18:10

10 As truly as the LORDE thy God lyueth, there is no people ner kingdome, but my lorde hath sent thither to seke the. And whan they sayde: He is not here, he toke an ooth of the same kyngdome and nacion, that they had not founde the.

1 Kings 18:15

15 Elias saide: As truly as ye LORDE Zebaoth lyueth, before whom I stode, I wil shewe my selfe vnto him this daye.

1 Kings 22:14

14 Micheas sayde: As truly as the LORDE liueth, loke what the LORDE sayeth vnto me, yt wyl I speake.

2 Kings 3:14

14 Eliseus sayde: As truly as the LORDE Zebaoth lyueth, before whom I stode, yf I regarded not Iosaphat the kynge of Iuda, I wolde not regarde the, ner set oughte by ye.

2 Kings 5:16

16 Neuertheles he sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, before whom I stonde, I wil not take it. And he wolde nedes haue him to take it, but he wolde not.

Isaiah 49:18

18 Lift vp thine eyes, and loke aboute the: all these shal gather them together, and come to the. As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE) thou shalt put them all vpo the, as an apparell, and gyrde the to the, as a bryde doth hir Iewels.

Jeremiah 15:19

19 Vpon these wordes, thus sayde the LORDE vnto me: Yf thou wilt turne agayne, I shal set the in my seruyce: and yf thou wilt take out the thinge that is precious from the vyle, thou shalt be euen as myne owne mouth. They shal conuerte vnto the, but turne not thou vnto the:

Matthew 7:29

29 For he taught them as one hauynge power, and not as the Scribes.

Matthew 11:14

14 Also yf ye wil receaue it, this is Helias, which shulde come.

Matthew 16:14

14 They sayde: Some saye, yt thou art Iho the baptist, Some yt thou art Elias, Some yt thou art Ieremy, or one of ye prophetes.

Matthew 27:47

47 But some of the that stode there, when they herde yt sayde: He calleth Elias.

Matthew 27:49

49 But ye other sayde: holde, let se whether Elias wyl come, and delyuer him.

Luke 1:17

17 And he shal go before him in the sprete and power of Elias, to turne the hertes of ye fathers vnto the children, and the vnfaithfull vnto the wyssdome of the righteous, to make the people ready for the LORDE.

Luke 1:19

19 The angell answered, and sayde vnto him: I am Gabriell that stonde before God, and am sent to speake vnto the, and to shewe the these glad tydinges.

Luke 4:25-26

25 Neuertheles of a trueth I saye vnto you: There were many wedowes in Israel in ye tyme of Elias, wha the heaue was shut thre yeares and sixe monethes, and whan there was a greate derth in all the lande: 26 & to none of the was Elias sent, but onely vnto Sarepta of the Sydonyans to a wedowe.

Luke 9:30

30 and beholde, two men talked with him, Which were Moses and Elias,

Luke 9:33

33 And it chaunsed, whan they departed fro him, Peter sayde vnto Iesus: Master, here is good beynge for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias, and wyst not what he sayde.

Luke 9:54

54 But whan his disciples Iames and Ihon sawe that, they sayde: LORDE, wilt thou, that we commaunde, that fyre fall downe from heauen, and consume them, as Elias dyd?

Luke 21:36

36 Watch therfore cotynually, and praye, that ye maye be worthy to escape all this that shal come, & to stode before ye sonne of man.

John 1:21

21 And they axed him: What the? Art thou Elias? He sayde: I am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he answered: No.

John 1:25

25 And they axed him, & sayde vnto him: Why baptysest thou then, yf thou be not Christ, ner Elias, ner a prophet?

Acts 27:23

23 For this night stode by me the angell off God (whose I am, & who I serue)

Romans 11:2

2 God hath not thrust out his people, whom he knewe before. Or wote ye not what the scripture sayeth of Elias, how he maketh intercession vnto God agaynst Israel, and sayeth:

James 5:17

17 Helias was a ma mortall euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer, that it might not rayne: & it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes.

Revelation 11:6

6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and haue power ouer waters, to turne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth with all maner plages, as often as they will.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.