45 As it is wrytten: The first man Adam was made in to a naturall life, and the last Ada in to a spiritual life.
1 Corinthians 15:45 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 2:7
7 And ye LORDE God shope man eue of the moulde of the earth, & brethed in to his face ye breth of life. And so was man made a lyuynge soule.
John 1:4
4 In him was the life, and the life was the light of men:
John 4:10
10 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Yf thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth vnto the, geue me drynke, thou woldest axe of him, and he wolde geue the, the water of life.
John 4:14
14 But whosoeuer shal drynke of the water that I shal geue him, shal neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shal geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, which spryngeth vp in to euerlastinge life.
John 5:21
21 For as the father rayseth vp the deed, and maketh them lyue, eue so the sonne also maketh lyuynge whom he wyll.
John 5:25-29
25 Verely verely I saye vnto you: The houre cometh, & is now allready, yt the deed shal heare ye voyce of ye sonne of God: and they that heare it, shal lyue.
26 For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in himself:
27 & hath geue hi power also to execute iudgmet because he is the sonne of ma.
28 Maruayle not ye at this: for ye houre cometh, in ye which all that are in ye graues, shal heare his voyce,
29 and shal go forth, they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of life: but they that haue done euell, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.
John 6:33
33 For this is that bred of God, which commeth from heauen, and geueth life vnto the worlde.
John 6:39-40
39 This is ye will of the father, which hath sent me, that of all that he hath geue me, I shulde lose nothinge, but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the last daye.
40 This is the wyl of him which hath sent me, that, who soeuer seyth the sonne and beleueth on him, haue euerlastinge life, and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye.
John 6:54
54 Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, hath euerlastinge life: and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye.
John 6:57
57 As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake.
John 6:63
63 It is ye sprete that quyckeneth, ye flesh profiteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake, are sprete, and are life.
John 6:68
68 Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life:
John 10:10
10 A thefe cometh not, but for to steale, kyll, and destroye. I am come, yt they might haue life, and haue it more abundauntly.
John 10:28
28 And I geue the euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and noma shal plucke the out of my hande.
John 11:25-26
John 14:6
6 Iesus sayde vnto him: I am the waye, and the trueth, and the life. Noman cometh to the father but by me.
John 14:19
19 It is yet a litle whyle, the shal the worlde se me nomore, but ye shal se me: for I lyue, and ye shal lyue also.
John 17:2-3
Acts 3:15
15 but ye slewe the prynce of life, whom God hath raysed from the deed, of the which we are witnesses.
Romans 5:12-14
12 Wherfore as by one man synned entred in to the worlde, and death by ye meanes off synne:
13 euen so wente death also ouer all men, in so moch as they all haue synned. For synne was in ye worlde vnto the lawe: but where no lawe is, there is not synne regarded.
14 Neuertheles death reigned from Adam vnto Moses, euen ouer them also that synned not with like trangression as dyd Adam, which is ye ymage of him yt was to come.
Romans 5:17
17 For yf by ye synne of one, death raigned by the meanes of one, moch more shal they which receaue the abudaunce of grace and of the gifte vnto righteousnes, raigne in life by ye meanes of one Iesus Christ.
Romans 5:21
21 that, like as synne had reigned vnto death, eue so mighte grace reigne also thorow righteousnes to euerlastinge life by the meanes of Iesus Christ.
Romans 8:2
2 For ye lawe of ye sprete (yt bryngeth life i Christ Iesu) hath made me fre fro the lawe of synne & death.
Romans 8:10-11
10 Neuertheles yf Christ be in you, then is the body deed because of synne. But the sprete is life for righteousnes sake.
11 Wherfore yf the sprete of him, that raysed vp Iesus from the deed, dwell in you, then shal euen he also that raysed vp Christ from the deed, quycke youre mortal bodies, because yt his sprete dwelleth in you.
1 Corinthians 15:47-49
Philippians 3:21
21 which shal chauge or vyle body, yt it maye be like fashioned vnto his glorious body, acordinge to ye workynge wherby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto himselfe.
Colossians 3:4
4 But whan Christ or life shal shewe himselfe, the shal ye also appeare with him in glory.
1 John 1:1-3
1 That which was from ye begynnynge, which we haue herde, which we haue sene with or eyes, which we haue loked vpon, and or handes haue handled of the worde of life:
2 and the life hath appeared, and we haue sene, and beare wytnes, and shewe vnto you ye life that is euerlastinge, which was with the father, and hath apeared vnto vs.
3 That which we haue sene & herde, declare we vnto you, that ye also maye haue fellishippe with vs, and that oure fellishippe maye be with the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ.
1 John 5:11-12
Revelation 16:3
3 And the seconde angel shed out his viall vpo the see, and it turned as it were in to the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuinge thinge dyed in the see,
Revelation 21:6
6 And he sayde vnto me: it is done I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnynge, and the ende. I wil geue to him that is a thyrst of the well of the water of life fre.
Revelation 22:1
1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of life clere as cristall: proceadinge out of the seate of God and of ye lambe
Revelation 22:17
17 And the sprete and the bryde saye: Come. And let him that heareth, saye also: Come. And let him that is a thyrst, come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of life fre.