2 and it comes to pass in the third year, that Jehoshaphat king of Judah comes down unto the king of Israel,
3 and the king of Israel said unto his servants, `Have you not known that ours [is] Ramoth-Gilead? and we are keeping silent from taking it out of the hand of the king of Aram!.
4 And he said unto Jehoshaphat, `Do you go with me to battle [to] Ramoth-Gilead?' and Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, `As I am, so you; as my people, so your people; as my horses, so your horses..
5 And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, `Seek, I pray you, to-day, the word of Yahweh;.
6 and the king of Israel gathers the prophets, about four hundred men, and said unto them, `Do I go against Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or do I forbear?' and they say, `Go up, and the Lord does give [it] into the hand of the king..
7 And Jehoshaphat said, `Is there not here a prophet of Yahweh besides, and we seek by him?.
8 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, `Yet--one man to seek Yahweh by him, and I have hated him, for he does not prophesy concerning me good, but evil--Micaiah son of Imlah;' and Jehoshaphat said, `Let not the king say so..
9 And the king of Israel calls unto a certain eunuch, and said, `Hasten Micaiah son of Imlah..
10 And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah are sitting, each on his throne, clothed with garments, in a threshing-floor, at the opening of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets are prophesying before them.
11 And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah makes for himself horns of iron, and said, `Thus said Yahweh, By these you do push the Arameans till they are consumed;.
12 and all the prophets are prophesying so, saying, `Go up to Ramoth-Gilead, and prosper, and Yahweh has given [it] into the hand of the king..
13 And the messenger who has gone to call Micaiah has spoken unto him, saying, `Lo, I pray you, the words of the prophets, with one mouth, [are] good towards the king; let it be, I pray you, your word as the word of one of them--and you have spoken good..
14 And Micaiah said, `Yahweh lives; surely that which Yahweh said unto me--it I speak..
15 And he comes in unto the king, and the king said unto him, `Micaiah, do we go unto Ramoth-Gilead, to battle, or do we forbear?' and he said unto him, `Go up, and prosper, and Yahweh has given [it] into the hand of the king..
16 And the king said unto him, `How many times am I adjuring you that you speak nothing unto me but truth in the name of Yahweh?.
17 And he said, `I have seen all Israel scattered on the hills as sheep that have no shepherd, and Yahweh said, These have no master; they turn back each to his house in peace..
18 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, `Have I not said unto you, He does not prophesy of me good, but evil?.
19 And he said, `Therefore, hear a word of Yahweh; I have seen Yahweh sitting on His throne, and all the host of the heavens standing by Him, on His right and on His left;"
20 and Yahweh said, Who does entice Ahab, and he does go up and fall in Ramoth-Gilead? and this one said thus, and that one is saying thus.
21 `And the spirit goes out, and stands before Yahweh, and said, I--I do entice him; and Yahweh said unto him, By what?
22 and he said, I go out, and have been a spirit of falsehood in the mouth of all his prophets; and He said, You do entice, and also you are able; go out and do so.
23 And now, lo, Yahweh has put a spirit of falsehood in the mouth of all these your prophets, and Yahweh has spoken concerning you--evil..
24 And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah draws nigh, and smites Micaiah on the cheek, and said, `Where [is] this--he has passed over--the Spirit of Yahweh--from me to speak with you?.
25 And Micaiah said, `Lo, you are seeing on that day, when you go in to the innermost chamber to be hidden..
26 And the king of Israel said, `Take Micaiah, and turn him back unto Amon head of the city, and unto Joash son of the king,
27 and you have said, Thus said the king, Place you this one in the house of restraint, and cause him to eat bread of oppression, and water of oppression, till my coming in peace..
28 And Micaiah said, `If you at all return in peace--Yahweh has not spoken by me;' and he said, `Hear, O peoples, all of them..
29 And the king of Israel goes up, and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, to Ramoth-Gilead.
30 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat to disguise himself, and to go into battle, `And you, put on your garments.' And the king of Israel disguises himself, and goes into battle.
31 And the king of Aram commanded the heads of the charioteers whom he has--thirty and two--saying, `You do not fight with small or with great, but with the king of Israel by himself..
32 And it comes to pass, at the heads of the charioteers seeing Jehoshaphat, that they said, `He [is] only the king of Israel;' and they turn aside to him to fight, and Jehoshaphat cries out,
33 and it comes to pass, at the heads of the charioteers seeing that he [is] not the king of Israel, that they turn back from after him.
34 And a man has drawn with a bow, in his simplicity, and smites the king of Israel between the joinings and the coat of mail, and he said to his charioteer, `Turn your hand, and take me out from the camp, for I have become sick..
35 And the battle increases on that day, and the king has been caused to stand in the chariot, over-against Aram, and he dies in the evening, and the blood of the wound runs out unto the midst of the chariot,
36 and he causes the cry to pass over through the camp, at the going in of the sun, saying, `Each unto his city, and each unto his land..
37 And the king dies, and comes into Samaria, and they bury the king in Samaria;"
38 and [one] rinses the chariot by the pool of Samaria, and the dogs lick his blood--when the armor they had washed--according to the word of Yahweh that He spoke.
39 And the rest of the matters of Ahab, and all that he did, and the house of ivory that he built, and all the cities that he built, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
40 And Ahab lies with his fathers, and Ahaziah his son reigns in his stead.
41 And Jehoshaphat son of Asa has reigned over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel,
42 Jehoshaphat [is] a son of thirty and five years in his reigning, and twenty and five years he has reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Azubah daughter of Shilhi.
43 And he walks in all the way of Asa his father, he has not turned aside from it, to do that which [is] right in the eyes of Yahweh; only the high places have not turned aside, yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.
44 And Jehoshaphat makes peace with the king of Israel;
45 and the rest of the matters of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he got, and with which he fought, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
46 And the remnant of the whoremongers who were left in the days of Asa his father he took away out of the land;
47 and there is no king in Edom; he set up a king.
48 Jehoshaphat made ships at Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold, and they went not, for the ships were broken in Ezion-Geber.
49 Then said Ahaziah son of Ahab unto Jehoshaphat, `Let my servants go with your servants in the ships;' and Jehoshaphat was not willing.
50 And Jehoshaphat lies with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David his father, and Jehoram his son reigns in his stead.