24 lo, my daughter, the virgin, and his concubine, let me bring them out, I pray you, and humble you them, and do to them that which is good in your eyes, and to this man do not this foolish thing..
Judges 19:24 Cross References - CLV
Genesis 19:8
8 Behold, pray, my two daughters who have not known a man. Pray, forth will I bring them to you, and do you to them as is good in your eyes. But to these mortals you must not do anything evil, for therefore come they into the shadow of my rafters.
Genesis 34:2
2 And seeing her is Shechem, son of Hamor, the Hivite, the prince of the land. And taking her is he and lying with her and humiliating her.
Deuteronomy 21:14
14 Should it come to be that you find no delight in her, then you will dismiss her to go at her soul's desire. You shall not sell, yea sell her for silver; you shall not make a chattel of her, inasmuch as you have humiliated her.
Romans 3:8
8 and why not say, according as we are calumniated and according as some are averring that we are saying, that "We should be doing evil that good may be coming"? - whose judgment is fair."