1 The spirit of My Lord Yahweh is on Me, because Yahweh anoints Me to bear tidings to the humble. He sends Me to bind up the broken hearted, to herald to captives, liberty, and, to the blind, the unclosing of the eyes, and, to the bound, to take the jubilee,
Isaiah 61:1 Cross References - CLV
Psalms 2:6
6 I will pour a libation on My King, On Zion, My holy mountain.
Psalms 22:26
26 The humbled shall eat and shall be satisfied; And those seeking after Him shall praise Yahweh. May their hearts live for the future.
Psalms 25:9
9 He shall cause the humble to tread in right judgment, And He shall teach the humble His way."
Psalms 34:18
18 Yahweh is near to the broken of heart, And He shall save those crushed of spirit."
Psalms 45:7
7 You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore Elohim Your Elohim has anointed You With the oil of elation beyond Your partners.
Psalms 51:17
17 The sacrifices to Elohim are a broken spirit; A broken and crushed heart, O Elohim, You shall not despise."
Psalms 69:32
32 The humbled will see, and they shall rejoice. All those seeking after Elohim, let your heart revive."
Psalms 102:20
20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner, To unloose the sons of death,
Psalms 147:3
3 The One healing the broken heart And binding up their grievous wounds;
Psalms 149:4
4 For Yahweh is placing approval on His people; He is making the humble beautiful with salvation.
Isaiah 11:2-5
2 And the spirit of Yahweh shall rest on Him:A spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and mastery, a spirit of knowledge and the fear of Yahweh."
3 And His scent is in the fear of Yahweh. And not by the sight of His eyes will He judge, and not by the hearing of His ears will He correct."
4 Yet He will judge with righteousness the poor, and correct with equity for the humble of the land. And He will smite the earth with the club of His mouth, and with the spirit of His lips will He put to death the wicked."
5 And it comes that righteousness is the belt of His waist, and faithfulness the band of His loins."
Isaiah 42:1
1 Behold My Servant! I am upholding Him. My Chosen! Accepted by My soul! I bestow My spirit upon Him, and He shall bring forth judgment to the nations."
Isaiah 42:7
7 to unclose the eyes that are blind, to bring forth the prisoner from his enclosure, and those dwelling in darkness from the house of detention."
Isaiah 48:16
16 Draw near to me! Hear this! From the beginning, I did not speak in concealment, nor in a dark place of the earth. From the era of its coming, I was there, and now my Lord Yahweh sends me and His spirit."
Isaiah 49:9
9 to say to those bound, `Fare forth,' and to those in darkness, `Be revealed!' And on all their mountains shall they graze. And all ridges shall be their pasture."
Isaiah 49:24-25
Isaiah 52:9
9 Crash! Jubilate together, deserted places of Jerusalem, for Yahweh is comforting His people, and He has redeemed Jerusalem."
Isaiah 57:15
15 For thus says Yahweh, high and lifted up, who tabernacles the future, and holy is His name:"In the high and holy place am I tabernacling, and with the crushed and lowly spirit, to preserve alive the spirit of the lowly, and to preserve alive the heart of the crushed."
Isaiah 59:21
21 And I--this is My covenant with them,says Yahweh. "My spirit, which is on you, and My word, which I place in your mouth, shall not remove from your mouth, or from the mouth of your seed, or from the mouth of your seed's seed,says Yahweh, "Henceforth and till the eon."
Isaiah 66:2
2 Yet all these were made by My hand, and all these are coming to be Mine,averring is Yahweh. "Yet to this one will I look:to the humble and smitten spirit, and he who trembles at My word."
Jeremiah 34:8
8 The word that has been unto Jeremiah from Yahweh, after the making by the king Zedekiah of a covenant with all the people who [are] in Jerusalem, to proclaim to them liberty,
Daniel 9:24
24 Seventy sevens are segregated for your people and for your holy city:To detain transgression, to cause sin to end, to make a propitiatory shelter for depravity; to bring the righteousness of the eons, to seal the vision and the prophet, to anoint the holy of holies."
Hosea 6:1
1 Go, and we will return to Yahweh, our Elohim, for He tore to pieces, and He will heal us:He was smiting, and He will bind us up."
Zechariah 9:11-12
Matthew 3:16
16 Now, being baptized, Jesus straightway stepped up from the water, and lo! opened up to Him were the heavens, and He perceived the spirit of God descending as if a dove, and coming on Him.
Matthew 5:3-5
Matthew 11:5
5 The blind are receiving sight, and the lame are walking; lepers are being cleansed, and the deaf are hearing, and the dead are being roused, and to the poor the evangel is being brought."
Luke 4:18-19
18 The spirit of the Lord is on Me, On account of which He anoints Me to bring the evangel to the poor. He has commissioned Me to heal the crushed heart, To herald to captives a pardon, And to the blind the receiving of sight; To dispatch the oppressed with a pardon."
19 To herald an acceptable year of the Lord..."
Luke 7:22
22 And answering, Jesus said to them, "Go, report to John what you perceived and hear: that the blind are receiving sight, the lame are walking, lepers are being cleansed, and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being roused, and to the poor the evangel is being brought."
John 1:32-33
32 And John testifies, saying that "I have gazed upon the spirit, descending as a dove out of heaven, and it remains on Him."
33 And I was not aware of Him, but He Who sends me to be baptizing in water, That One said to me, 'On Whomever you may be perceiving the spirit descending and remaining on Him, This is He Who is baptizing in holy spirit.'"
John 1:41
41 This one first is finding his own brother, Simon, and is saying to him, "We have found the Messiah!(which is, being construed, "Christ")."
John 3:34
34 For He Whom God commissions is speaking God's declarations, for God is not giving the spirit by measure."
John 8:32-36
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will be making you free."
33 They answered Him, "The seed of Abraham are we, and we have never been slaves of anyone. How are you saying that 'You shall be becoming free'?
34 Jesus answered them, "Verily, verily, I am saying to you that everyone who is doing sin, is a slave of sin."
35 Now the slave is not remaining in the house for the eon. The son is remaining for the eon.
36 If ever, then, the Son should be making you free, you will be really free."
Acts 4:27
27 For of a truth, in this city were gathered against Thy holy Boy Jesus, Whom Thou dost anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, together with the nations and the peoples of Israel,
Acts 10:38
38 Jesus from Nazareth, as God anoints Him with holy spirit and power, Who passed through as a benefactor and healer of all those who are tyrannized over by the Adversary, for God was with Him."
Acts 26:18
18 to open their eyes, to turn them about from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, for them to get a pardon of sins and an allotment among those who have been hallowed by faith that is in Me.'"
Romans 6:16-22
16 Are you not aware that to whom you are presenting yourselves as slaves for obedience, his slaves you are, whom you are obeying, whether of Sin for death, or of Obedience for righteousness?
17 Now thanks be to God that you were slaves of Sin, yet you obey from the heart the type of teaching to which you were given over."
18 Now, being freed from Sin, you are enslaved to Righteousness."
19 As a man am I saying this, because of the infirmity of your flesh. For even as you present your members as slaves to Uncleanness and to Lawlessness for lawlessness, thus now present your members as slaves to Righteousness for holiness."
20 For when you were slaves of Sin, you were free as to Righteousness."
21 What fruit, then, had you then? - of which you are now ashamed, for, indeed, the consummation of those things is death."
22 Yet, now, being freed from Sin, yet enslaved to God, you have your fruit for holiness. Now the consummation is life eonian."
Romans 7:23-25
23 yet I am observing a different law in my members, warring with the law of my mind, and leading me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."
24 A wretched man am I! What will rescue me out of this body of death? Grace!
25 I thank God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Consequently, then, I myself, with the mind, indeed, am slaving for God's law, yet with the flesh for Sin's law."
2 Corinthians 7:6
6 But God, Who is consoling the humble, consoles us by the presence of Titus,
2 Timothy 2:25-26
Hebrews 1:9
9 Thou lovest righteousness and hatest injustice; Therefore Thou art anointed by God, Thy God, with the oil of exultation beyond Thy partners."