5 My Lord Yahweh Elohim opens my ear, and I do not rebel. Thereafter I am not turned away."
Isaiah 50:5 Cross References - CLV
Psalms 40:6-8
6 Sacrifice and approach present You do not desire, Yet a body have You prepared for me. The ascent approach and sin offering You do not ask for."
7 Then I said, Behold, I have come! In the roll of the scroll it is written concerning me;"
8 I delight to do what is acceptable to You, my Elohim, And Your law is in the midst of my internal parts."
Isaiah 35:5
5 Then unclosed shall be the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf shall be opened."
Isaiah 48:8
8 And moreover, you did not hear! Moreover, you did not know! Moreover, hitherto, I did not open your ear. For I know that you are treacherous, and a transgressor, from the belly, are you called."
Matthew 26:39
39 And coming forward a little, He falls on His face, praying and saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by from Me. However, not as I will, but as Thou!"
John 8:29
29 And He Who sends Me is with Me. He does not leave Me alone, for what is pleasing to Him am I doing always."
John 14:31
31 But that the world may know that I am loving the Father, and according as the Father directs Me, thus I am doing, rouse! We may be going hence!"
John 15:10
10 If ever you should be keeping My precepts, you will be remaining in My love, according as I have kept the precepts of My Father and am remaining in His love."
Acts 26:19
19 Whence, king Agrippa, I did not become stubborn as to the heavenly apparition, "
Philippians 2:8
8 and, being found in fashion as a human, He humbles Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."
Hebrews 5:8
8 even He also, being a Son, learned obedience from that which He suffered."
Hebrews 10:5-9
5 Wherefore, entering into the world, He is saying, Sacrifice and approach present Thou dost not will, Yet a body dost Thou adapt to Me."
6 In ascent approaches and those concerning sin Thou dost not delight.
7 Then said I, "Lo! I am arriving-In the summary of the scroll it is written concerning Me-To do Thy will, O God."
8 Further up, when saying that "Sacrifice and approach present and ascent approaches and those concerning sin Thou dost not will, neither dost Thou delight in them(which are being offered according to law),
9 then He has declared, "Lo! I am arriving to do Thy will, O God!He is despatching the first, that He should be establishing the second."