Job 2:1 Cross References - CAB

1 And it came to pass on a certain day, that the angels of God came to stand before the Lord, and the devil came among them to stand before the Lord.

Job 1:6

6 And it came to pass one day, that behold, the angels of God came to stand before the Lord, and the devil came with them.

Isaiah 6:1-2

1 And it came to pass in the year in which King Uzziah died, that I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and the house was full of His glory. 2 And seraphim stood round about Him; each one had six wings; and with two they covered their face, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.

Luke 1:19

19 And the angel answered and said to him, "I am Gabriel, who stands before God, and I was sent to speak to you and to proclaim the good news to you of these things.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all ministering spirits being sent out to minister for the sake of those who are about to inherit salvation?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.