1 By night in my bed I sought hym whom my soule loueth: yea diligently sought I him, but I found him not
2 I will get vp [thought] & go about the citie, in the wayes in all the streates wyll I seeke hym whom my soule loueth: but when I sought him I founde him not
3 The watchmen also that go about the citie, founde me [to whom I sayde] Sawe ye not hym whom my soule loueth
4 So when I was a litle past them, I founde him whom my soule loueth: I haue gotten holde vpon hym, and wyll not let him go, vntyll I bryng him into my mothers house, and into her chaumber that bare me
5 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem by the roes and hyndes of the fielde, that ye wake not vp my loue, nor touch her, till she be content her self
6 Who is this that commeth vp out of the wyldernesse like vapours of smoke, as it were a smell of myrre, frankensence, and all maner spices of the Apothecarie
7 Beholde, about Solomons bedsteede there stande threescore valiaunt, of the most mightie in Israel: They holde swordes euery one, and are expert in warre
8 Euery man also hath his sworde vpon his thigh, because of feare in the night
9 Kyng Solomon had made him selfe a pallace of the wood of Libanus
10 the pillers are of siluer, the couering of golde, the seate of purple, the grounde is pleasauntly paued with loue for the daughters of Hierusalem
11 Go foorth (O ye daughters of Sion) and beholde king Solomon in the crowne wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his mariage, and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart
Song of Songs 3 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 32:26
26 And he said: let me go, for the day breaketh. Whiche aunswered: I will not let thee go, except thou blesse me
Exodus 13:21-22
Exodus 30:34
34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Take vnto thee sweete spices, Starte, Onycha, sweete Galbanum: these spices with pure Frankensence, of eche a lyke wayght
Deuteronomy 8:2
2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lorde thy God led thee this fourtie yeres in the wildernesse, for to humble thee, & to proue thee, and to knowe what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest kepe his comaundementes, or no
1 Samuel 8:16
16 And he shal take your men seruauntes, and maide seruauntes, young men, and the chiefe of your asses, and put them to his worke
1 Samuel 14:52
52 And there was sore warre against the Philistines all ye dayes of Saul: And whomsoeuer Saul sawe to be a strong man, and meete for the warre, he toke him vnto him
1 Samuel 28:2
2 And Dauid sayde to Achis: Surelie thou shalt knowe what thy seruaunt can do. And Achis said to Dauid: Then I will make thee keper of my head for euer
2 Samuel 23:5
5 For so shal not my house be with God: For he hath made with me an euerlasting couenaunt, perfect and sure in all poyntes: and this is truly all my health, and all my desyre, that it growe, but not as grasse
1 Kings 9:22
22 But of the children of Israel dyd Solomon make no bondmen: But they were men of warre, his ministers, his lordes, his captaynes, and rulers of his charettes, and his horsemen
1 Kings 14:27
27 In whose steade king Rehoboam made brasen shieldes, and committed them vnto the handes [of the keping] of the captaynes of the garde, which wayted at the doore of the kinges house
2 Kings 6:17
17 And Elisa prayed and sayd: Lord I besech thee open his eyes that he may see. And the Lorde opened the eyes of the young man, and he loked: and beholde the mountayne was full of horses, and charets of fire round about Elisa
Nehemiah 4:21-22
21 And we wil be labouring in the worke. And the halfe part of them helde their speares from the morning spring, tyll the starres came foorth
22 And at the same time saide I vnto the people: Let euery one with his seruaut lodge within Hierusalem, that in the night season we may watch, and labour on the day time
Job 23:8-9
Psalms 4:4
4 Be ye angry, but sinne not: commune with your owne heart in your chaumber, and be styll. Selah
Psalms 6:6
6 I am weerie of my groning: I washe my bed euery nyght, and I water my coutche with my teares
Psalms 9:14
14 That I may shewe all thy prayses within the gates of the daughter of Sion: and reioyce in thy saluation
Psalms 22:1-2
Psalms 22:2-2
2 O my God I crye all the day tyme, and in the night season, and I ceasse not: but thou hearest not
Psalms 42:7-9
7 One deepe calleth another at the noyse of thy water pypes: all thy waues and stormes are gone ouer me
8 God wyll graunt his louing kindnesse on the day tyme: and in the nyght season I wyll syng of hym, and make my prayer vnto the Lorde of my lyfe
9 I wyll say vnto the Lorde of my strength: why hast thou forgotten me, why go I thus heauyly through the oppression of myne enemie
Psalms 43:2-5
2 For thou art the Lord of my strength: why hast thou reiect me, and why go I thus heauyly through the oppression of myne enemie
3 Sende foorth thy light and thy trueth: that they may leade me and direct me vnto thy holy hyll, & to thy tabernacles
4 And I wyll go vnto the aulter of the Lorde, euen vnto the Lorde of my ioy & gladnesse: and vpon the harpe I will acknowledge thee O Lorde my Lord
5 Why art thou so discouraged O my soule, & why art thou so vnquiet within me? attende thou vpon the Lorde, for I wyll yet acknowledge hym [to be] only my present saluation, & my Lorde
Psalms 45:3
3 Girde thee with thy sworde vpon thy thygh O thou most mightie: [that is] with thy glorie and thy maiestie
Psalms 48:11
11 (48:10) Mount Sion shall reioyce, and the daughters of Iuda shalbe glad: because of thy iudgementes
Psalms 63:6-8
Psalms 77:2-4
2 In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde: my hande all the nyght catched & ceassed not, my soule refused comfort
3 I called to remembraunce God, and I was disquieted: I conferred with my selfe, and my spirite was wrapped in pensiuenesse. Selah
4 Thou dydst kepe the watche of mine eies: I was amased & coulde not speake
Psalms 77:7-10
7 What, wyll the Lorde forsake me for euer? wyll he be no more intreated to be fauourable
8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer? and is his promise made from one generation to another, come vtterly to an ende
9 Hath God forgotten to be gratious? and will he shut vp his louing kindnesse in displeasure? Selah
10 And I sayde, this is my death: but the ryght hande of the most hyghest [may graunt] me yeres
Psalms 87:3
3 (87:2) Uery excellent thinges are spoken of thee: O thou citie of God. Selah
Psalms 91:5
5 Thou shalt not be afrayde of any terrour of the nyght: nor of any arrowe that sleeth by day
Psalms 130:1-2
Psalms 149:5-9
5 The saintes shalbe ioyful with glory: they shal expresse a ioyfull noyse in their beddes
6 The hygh promotions of the Lorde shalbe in their mouth: and a two edged sworde in their handes
7 That they may take auengement of the heathen: and correction of the nations
8 That they may bynde their kynges in chaynes: and their nobles with iron fetters
9 That they may execute the iudgement prescribed: this honour shalbe to all his saintes. Prayse ye the Lorde
Proverbs 1:20-21
Proverbs 4:13
13 Take fast holde of doctrine, and let her not go: kepe her, for she is thy life
Proverbs 8:2-3
Proverbs 8:17
17 I am louing vnto those that loue me: and they that seeke me early, shall finde me
Proverbs 8:34
34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching dayly at my gates, and geuing attendaunce at the postes of my doores
Song of Songs 1:3
3 and that because of the good and pleasaunt sauour of thy most precious baulmes. Thy name is a sweet smelling oyntment when it is shed foorth, therfore do the maydens loue thee
Song of Songs 1:5
5 I am blacke (O ye daughters of Hierusalem) but yet fayre and well fauoured, like as the tentes of the Cedarenes, and as the hanginges of Solomon
Song of Songs 1:7
7 Tell me O thou whom my soule loueth, where thou feedest the sheepe, where thou makest them rest at the noone day: for why shall I be like hym that goeth wrong about the flockes of thy companions
Song of Songs 1:13
13 a bundell of myrre is my loue vnto me, he wyll lye betwixt my brestes
Song of Songs 1:16
16 O howe fayre art thou my beloued, howe well fauoured art thou? Our bed is dect with flowres
Song of Songs 2:7
7 His left hande lyeth vnder my head, and his right hande shall imbrace me
Song of Songs 3:7
7 Beholde, about Solomons bedsteede there stande threescore valiaunt, of the most mightie in Israel: They holde swordes euery one, and are expert in warre
Song of Songs 3:9
9 Kyng Solomon had made him selfe a pallace of the wood of Libanus
Song of Songs 4:6
6 O that I might go to the mountaine of myrre, and to the hil of frankencense, til the day breake, and til the shadowes be past away
Song of Songs 4:12-14
12 A garden well locked is my sister, my spouse: a garden well locked, and a sealed well
13 The fruites that are planted in thee, are lyke a very paradise of pomegranates with sweete fruites, as Camphire, Nardus
14 & Saffron, Calamus, Sinamom, with all sweete smellyng trees, Myrre, Aloes, and all the best spyces
Song of Songs 5:5
5 I stoode vp to open vnto my beloued, and my handes dropped with Myrre, & the Myrre ranne downe my fingers vpon the locke
6 I opened vnto my beloued, but he was departed and gone his way: Now whe he spake, my heart was gone: I sought him, but I coulde not finde him: I cryed vpon hym, neuerthelesse he gaue me no aunswere
7 So the watchmen that went about the citie, founde me, smote me, and wounded me: yea they that kept the walles toke away my kerchaffe from me
8 I charge you therfore O ye daughters of Hierusalem, yf ye fynde my beloued, that ye tell hym howe that I am sicke for loue
Song of Songs 5:13
13 His cheekes are lyke a garden bed, wherin the Apothecaries plant all maner of sweete thynges. His lippes are lyke lilies that droppe sweete smellyng Myrre
Song of Songs 6:12
12 I knewe not that my soule had made me the charyot of the people that be vnder tribute
Song of Songs 7:5
5 That head that standeth vpon thee is lyke Carmel: and the heere of thy head is like purple, and like a kyng dwellyng among many water conduites
Song of Songs 7:11
11 O come on my loue, we wyll go foorth into the fielde, and take our lodgyng in the villages
Song of Songs 8:2
2 I wyll leade thee and bryng thee into my mothers house, that thou myghtest teache me, and that I myght geue thee drynke of the spiced wine, and of the sweete sappe of my pomegranates
Song of Songs 8:4
4 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem that ye wake not vp my loue, nor touche her, tyll she be content her selfe
5 (What is she this that cometh vp from the wildernesse, and leaneth vpon her loue?) I wake thee vp among the apple trees where thy mother conceaued thee, where thy mother [I say] brought thee into the worlde
Isaiah 3:16-17
16 Moreouer the Lord hath said, seing the daughters of Sion are waxen proude, & walke with stretched foorth neckes, and wanton lokes, goyng and trippyng nicely, and tinckelyng with their feete
17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the daughters of Sion, and shall discouer their filthinesse
Isaiah 4:4
4 After that the Lorde hath washt away the filthinesse of the daughters of Sion, and hath purged the blood out from Hierusalem in the spirite of iudgement and in the spirite of fire
Isaiah 9:6
6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace
Isaiah 21:6-8
6 For thus hath the Lorde sayde vnto me: Go and set a watchman to tel what he seeth
7 And he sawe a charret which two horsemen sat vpon, with the cariage of an Asse, and the cariage of a Camel: So he loked, and toke diligent heede
8 And he cryed, a lion, my Lorde I stande continually vpon the watche towre in the day tyme, and am appoynted to kepe my watch euery nyght
Isaiah 21:11-12
Isaiah 26:9
9 My soule hath longed for thee all the night, and with my spirite whiche is within me wyll I seeke thee early in the morning: For when thy iudgementes are in the earth, the inhabiters of the worlde shall learne righteousnesse
Isaiah 27:3
3 Euen I the Lorde do kepe it, in due seasons shall I water it: and lest the enemie do it any harme, I wyll both night and day preserue it
Isaiah 43:19
19 Beholde, I shall make a newe thing, and shortly shall it appeare, and shall you not knowe it? I wyll make a way in the desert, and riuers of water in the wyldernesse
Isaiah 45:19
19 I haue not spoken secretly, neither in darke places of the earth: I sayde not in vayne to the seede of Iacob, seeke me: I am the Lorde, whiche when I speake, do declare the thing that is righteous and true
Isaiah 49:14-18
14 But Sion sayde: God hath forsaken me, and my Lorde hath forgotten me
15 Will a woman forget her owne infant, and not pitie the sonne of her owne wombe? And though they do forget, yet wyll I not forget thee
16 Beholde, I haue written thee vp vpon my handes, thy walles are euer in my syght
17 They make haste who buildeth thee vp againe: as for those that ouerthrowe thee and make thee waste, they shall depart from thee
18 Lift vp thine eyes and loke about thee, all these gather them together and come to thee: As truely as I lyue saith the Lorde, thou shalt put them all vpon thee as an apparell, and girde them to thee as a bride doth her iewels
Isaiah 53:11
11 Of the trauayle and labour of his soule, shall he see the fruite & be satisfied: My righteous seruaunt shall with his knowledge iustifie the multitude, for he shall beare their sinnes
Isaiah 54:1-3
1 Be glad nowe thou baren that bearest not, reioyce, syng, and be mery thou that art not with childe: for the desolate hath mo childre then the maryed wyfe saith the Lorde
2 Make thy tent wyder, and spreade out the hanginges of thine habitation: spare not, lay foorth thy wardes, and make fast thy stakes
3 For thou shalt be multiplied on the ryght syde and on the left, and thy seede shall haue the gentiles in possession, and dwell in the desolate cities
Isaiah 55:6
6 Seke the Lorde whyle he may be founde, and call vpon hym whyle he is nye
Isaiah 55:6-7
Isaiah 56:10
10 For his watchmen are all blynde, they haue altogether no vnderstanding, they are all dumbe dogges not beyng able to barke, they are sleepy, sluggishe are they and lye snortyng
Isaiah 62:5
5 And lyke as a young man taketh a virgin to mariage, so shal thy sonnes be maried vnto thee: and as a bridegrome is glad of his bride, so shall thy God reioyce ouer thee
6 I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles O Hierusalem, which shall neither ceasse day nor night to preache the Lorde: and ye also that remember the Lorde, ye shall not kepe him close
Isaiah 64:7
7 There is no man that calleth vpon thy name, that standeth vp to take hold by thee: therefore hidest thou thy face from vs, and consumest vs, because of our sinnes
Jeremiah 2:2
2 Go thy way, crye in the eares of Hierusalem, and say, Thus saith the Lorde: I remember thee, the kindnesse of thy youth, and the loue of thy despousyng, in that thou folowedst me through the wildernesse in an vntylled lande
Jeremiah 5:1
1 Loke through Hierusalem, beholde and see, seeke through her streetes also within, yf ye can fynde one man that doth equall and ryght, or seketh for the trueth, and I shall spare that citie, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 29:13
13 Ye shall seke me and fynde me, yea yf so be that you seke me with your whole heart
Jeremiah 31:2
2 Thus saith the Lord: The people of Israel which escaped in the wildernesse from the sworde, founde grace to come into their rest
Jeremiah 32:41
41 Yea I wyll haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faithfully to plant them in this land with my whole heart and with my whole soule
Lamentations 3:25
25 O howe good is the Lord vnto them that put their trust in hym, and to the soule that seeketh after hym
Ezekiel 3:17
17 Thou sonne of man, I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt heare the worde at my mouth, and geue them warning from me
Ezekiel 33:2-9
2 Thou sonne of man, speake to the children of thy people, and tell them: When I sende a sworde vpon a lande, if the people of the lande take a man of their coastes, and set him to be their watchman
3 If when he seeth the sworde come vpon the lande, he shall blow the trumpet and warne the people
4 Then he that heareth the noyse of the trumpet and wyll not be warned, and the sworde come and take him away, his blood shalbe vpon his owne head
5 For he heard the sounde of the trumpet, and would not be warned, therefore his blood be vpon him: but he that receaueth warning, he shall saue his lyfe
6 Againe, if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, so that the people is not warned, if the sworde come then, and take any man from among them: the same shalbe taken away in his owne sinne, but his blood wyl I require at the watchmans hand
7 And thou O sonne at man, I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt here the worde at my mouth, and thou shalt warne them from me
8 If I say vnto the wicked, thou wicked, thou shalt surely dye: & thou speakest not to admonish the wicked of his way: that wicked man shall dye in his owne sinne, but his blood wyl I require at thy hande
9 Neuerthelesse, if thou warne the wicked of his way to tourne from it, and he yet wyll not be turned from his way: then shal he dye in his iniquitie, but thou hast deliuered thy soule
Hosea 2:19-20
Hosea 12:3-4
Joel 2:29-31
29 Also in those dayes vpon the seruauntes and vpon the handmaydens wyll I powre out my spirite
30 And I will shewe wonders in heauen and in earth, blood, and fire, and pillers of smoke
31 The sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and terrible day of the Lord come
Micah 4:8
8 And vnto thee O thou towre of the flocke, thou strong holde of the daughter Sion, vnto thee shall it come, euen the lordeship and kingdome to the daughter Hierusalem
Zephaniah 3:17
17 For the Lorde thy God in the mids of thee is mightie, he will saue [thee] he wil reioyce ouer thee with ioy, he wil quiet him selfe in his loue, he will reioyce ouer thee with gladnesse
Matthew 2:11
11 And went into the house, and founde the young chylde with Marie his mother, and fell downe, and worshypped hym, and opened their treasures, and presented vnto hym gyftes, golde, and frankensence, and mirre
Matthew 7:7
7 Aske, and it shalbe geuen you: seke, and ye shall fynde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you
Matthew 12:42
42 The Queene of the south shall ryse in the iudgement, with this generation, and shall condemne it: for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth, to heare the wisdome of Solomon. And beholde, in this place [is] one greater then Solomon
Matthew 26:40-41
Matthew 28:9
9 And as they went to tell his disciples, beholde, Iesus met them, saying: All hayle. And they came and helde him by the feete, and worshypped hym
Luke 13:24
24 Stryue to enter in at the strayte gate: for many I say vnto you, wyll seke to enter in, and shall not be able
Luke 14:21-23
21 And the seruaunt returned, & shewed his maister these thynges. Then was the good man of the house displeased, & sayde to his seruaunt: Go out quickly into the brode streates and lanes of the citie, and bryng in hyther the poore, and the feeble, and the halt, and the blynde
22 And the seruaunt sayde: Lorde, it is done as thou hast commaunded, and yet there is rowme
23 And the Lorde sayde to the seruaunt: Go out into the hye wayes & hedges, and compell them to come in, that my house may be fylled
Luke 15:6-7
6 And assoone as he commeth home, he calleth together his louers and neyghbours, saying vnto them: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde my sheepe which was lost
7 I say vnto you, that lykewyse ioy shalbe in heauen ouer one sinner that repenteth, more then ouer ninetie and nine iust persons, which neede no repentaunce
Luke 15:23-24
Luke 15:32
32 It was meete that we shoulde make mery and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alyue agayne: and was lost, and is founde
John 1:6
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was Iohn
John 3:29
29 He that hath ye bride, is the bridegrome. But the friende of the brydegrome, which standeth & heareth him, reioyceth greatly because of ye brydegromes voyce. This my ioy therfore is fulfylled
John 15:11
11 These thynges haue I spoken vnto you, that my ioy might remayne in you, and that your ioy myght be full
John 20:15
15 Iesus saith vnto her: Woman, why weepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposing that he had ben the gardener, saith vnto him: Sir, if thou haue borne him hence, tel me where thou hast layde hym, and I wyll fet hym
16 Iesus sayth vnto her, Marie. She turned her selfe, and sayde vnto hym: Rabboni, which is to say, Maister
17 Iesus saith vnto her: Touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father: But go to my brethren, and saye vnto them, I ascende vnto my father and your father, and to my God & your God
John 21:17
17 He sayde vnto hym the thirde tyme: Simon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thirde tyme, louest thou me: And he sayde vnto hym, Lorde thou knowest all thynges, thou knowest that I loue thee. Iesus sayth vnto hym: feede my sheepe
Acts 2:18-21
18 And on my seruauntes, and on my handemaydens, I wyll powre out of my spirite in those dayes, and they shall prophesie
19 And I wyll shewe wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fyre, and the vapour of smoke
20 The Sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the Moone into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come
21 And it shall come to passe, that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe saued
Romans 5:8
8 But God setteth out his loue towarde vs, seyng that whyle we were yet sinners, Christe dyed for vs
Romans 13:11
11 And chiefely consideryng the season, howe that it is tyme that we shoulde nowe awake out of slepe: For nowe is our saluation nearer, then when we beleued
1 Corinthians 15:34
34 Awake truely out of slepe, and sinne not: For some haue not the knowledge of God. I speake this to your shame
2 Corinthians 2:14-16
14 Nowe thankes be vnto God, whiche alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christe, and openeth the sauour of his knowledge by vs in euery place
15 For we are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christe in them that are saued, and in them which perisshe
16 To the one part [are we] the sauour of death, vnto death: and vnto the other part [are we] the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is meete vnto these thynges
Galatians 4:26
26 But Hierusalem which is aboue, is free: which is the mother of vs all
Ephesians 3:18-19
Ephesians 5:14
14 Wherefore he sayth: Awake thou that sleepest, and stande vp from the dead, and Christe shall geue thee lyght
Ephesians 6:16-18
16 Aboue all, takyng the shielde of fayth, wherwith ye may quenche all the fierie dartes of the wicked
17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sworde of the spirite, whiche is the worde of God
18 Praying alwayes in all prayer and supplication in the spirite, and watche thervnto with all instaunce and supplication, for all saintes
Philippians 2:9-11
9 Wherfore God also hath highly exalted hym, and geuen hym a name which is aboue euery name
10 That in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe, [of thynges] in heauen, and [thynges] in earth, and [thinges] vnder the earth
11 And that euery tongue should confesse that the Lorde, Iesus Christe [is] to the glorie of God the father
Philippians 4:18
18 But I haue receaued al, & haue plentie. I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus the thynges [which were sent] from you, an odoure of a sweete smel, a sacrifice acceptable, plesaunt to God
Colossians 1:18
18 And he is the head of the body of the Churche: he is the begynnyng, the first borne of the dead, that in all thynges he myght haue the preeminence
Colossians 3:1-2
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
6 Therefore let vs not sleepe, as [do] other: but let vs watche and be sober
7 For they that sleepe, sleepe in the night: and they that be druncken, are druncken in the nyght
8 But let vs which are of the day, be sober, puttyng on the brest plate of fayth and loue, and a helmet, the hope of saluation
1 Timothy 3:15-16
15 But yf I tary long, that thou mayest knowe howe thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God, whiche is the Church of the lyuyng God, the pyller and grounde of trueth
16 And without doubt, great is that misterie of godlynesse: God was shewed in the flesshe, was iustified in the spirite, was seene among the angels, was preached vnto the gentiles, was beleued on in the worlde, and was receaued vp in glorie
Hebrews 1:14
14 Are they not all ministring spirites, sent foorth into ministerie for their sakes which shalbe heyres of saluation
Hebrews 2:9
9 But hym that [for a whyle] was made lesse then the Angels, we see [that it was] Iesus, who through the sufferyng of death, was crowned with glorie and honour, that he by the grace of God, shoulde taste of death for all
Hebrews 13:13
13 Let vs go foorth therfore vnto hym out of the tentes, bearyng his reproche
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obey them that haue the ouersight of you, and submit your selues: for they watche for your soules, as they that must geue accomptes, that they may do it with ioy, and not with griefe: for that is vnprofitable for you
1 Peter 1:8
8 Whom ye haue not seene, and yet loue hym, in whom euen nowe though ye see hym not, yet do you beleue, & reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious
Revelation 1:5
5 And from Iesus Christe, which is a faythfull witnesse, and first begotten of the dead, and Lorde ouer the kynges of the earth: Unto hym that loued vs, and wasshed vs from our sinnes in his owne blood
Revelation 1:7
7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and all eyes shall see hym, and they also which pearsed hym: And all kinredes of the earth shall wayle before hym. Euen so. Amen
Revelation 3:11-12
11 Beholde, I come shortly: Holde that which thou haste, that no man take away thy crowne
12 Hym that ouercometh, wyll I make a pyller in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: And I wyll write vpon him the name of my God, and the name of the citie of my God, newe Hierusalem, which commeth downe out of heauen from my God, and [I wyll write vpon hym] my newe name
Revelation 3:12
12 Hym that ouercometh, wyll I make a pyller in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: And I wyll write vpon him the name of my God, and the name of the citie of my God, newe Hierusalem, which commeth downe out of heauen from my God, and [I wyll write vpon hym] my newe name
Revelation 5:8
8 And when he had taken the booke, the foure beastes and 24 elders fell downe before the lambe, hauyng euery one of them harpes, and golden vyals full of odours, which are the prayers of saintes
9 And they song a newe song, saying: Thou art worthy to take the booke and to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood, out of al kinrede, and tongue, and people, and nation
10 And hast made vs vnto our God kinges and priestes, and we shall raigne on the earth
Revelation 12:6
6 And the woman fled into wildernesse, where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feede her there a thousande two hundreth and threscore days
Revelation 12:14
14 And to the woman were geuen two winges, of a great Egle, that she myght flee into the wildernesse into her place, where she is norished for a tyme, tymes, and halfe a tyme, from the presence of the serpent
Revelation 14:6
6 And I sawe another angell flee in the middes of heauen, hauyng the euerlastyng Gospell, to preache vnto them that sit and dwel on the earth, and to all nations, and kinredes, and tongues, and people
Revelation 19:7
7 Let vs be glad, & reioyce, & geue honor to hym: for the mariage of the lambe is come, & his wyfe made her selfe redy
Revelation 19:12
12 His eyes were as a flambe of fire, and on his head were many crownes, and he had a name written, that no man knewe but he hym selfe
Revelation 22:9-10
9 And he sayde vnto me: see thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt, and the felowe seruaunt of thy brethren the prophetes, and of them which kepe the sayinges of this booke: But worshippe God
10 And he sayde vnto me, seale not the sayinges of the prophecie of this booke: For the tyme is at hande