Song of Songs 2:17 Cross References - Bishops

17 Come agayne O my beloued, and be lyke as a roe or a young hart vpon the wyde mountaines

Song of Songs 2:8-9

8 I charge you (O ye daughters of Hierusalem) by the roes and hindes of the fiede, that ye wake not vp my loue, nor touche her, tyll she be content her selfe 9 Me thinke I heare the voyce of my beloued: lo, there commeth he hopping vpon the mountaines, and leaping ouer the litle hilles

Song of Songs 4:6

6 O that I might go to the mountaine of myrre, and to the hil of frankencense, til the day breake, and til the shadowes be past away

Song of Songs 8:14

14 O get thee away my loue, and be as a roe or a young hart vpon the sweete smellyng mountaynes

Luke 1:78

78 Through ye tender mercy of our God, wherby the day spryng from an hygh hath visited vs

Romans 13:12

12 The nyght is passed, the day is come nye. Let vs therfore caste away the deedes of darknesse, & let vs put on the armour of lyght

Hebrews 8:5

5 Who serue vnto the example and shadowe of heauenly thinges, as Moyses was admonished of God, when he was about to finishe the tabernacle: For see, saith he, that thou make all thynges accordyng to the patterne shewed to thee in the mount

Hebrews 10:1

1 For the lawe, hauyng the shadow of good thynges to come, and not the very fashion of the thinges the selues, can neuer with those sacrifices whiche they offer yere by yere continually, make the commers therevnto perfect

2 Peter 1:19

19 We haue also a ryght sure worde of prophesie, wherevnto yf ye take heede, as vnto a lyght that shyneth in a darke place, ye do well, vntyll the day dawne, and the day starre arise in your heartes

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.