Psalms 2 Cross References - Bishops

1 Why do the Heathen so furiously rage together? and why do the people imagine a vayne thing 2 The kynges of the earth stande vp: and the rulers take counsell together against god, and against his annointed 3 Let vs breake [say they] their bondes a sunder: and cast away their cordes from vs 4 He that dwelleth in heauen wyll laugh them to scorne: the Lorde wyll haue them in derision 5 Then wyll he speake vnto them in his wrath: and he wyll astonie them with feare in his sore displeasure 6 [Saying] euen I haue annointed [him] my kyng: vpon my holy hyll of Sion 7 I wyll declare the decree, God sayde vnto me: thou art my sonne, this day I haue begotten thee 8 Desire of me, and I wyll geue thee the heathen for thyne inheritaunce: and the vttermost partes of the earth for thy possession 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron: and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell 10 Wherfore be you nowe wel aduised O ye kinges: be you learned ye [that are] iudges of the earth 11 Serue ye God in feare: and reioyce ye with a trembling 12 Kisse ye the sonne lest that he be angrye, and [so] ye perishe [from] the way, if his wrath be neuer so litle kindled: blessed are all they that put their trust in hym

Genesis 41:40

40 Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house, and accordyng to thy worde shall all my people be ruled: only in the [kynges] seate wyll I be aboue thee

Genesis 41:43-44

43 And set hym vpon the best charet he had saue one: and they cried before him, tender father, and made hym ruler ouer all the lande of Egypt 44 And moreouer Pharao said vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao, and without thee shal no man lyft vp his hande or foote in all the lande of Egypt

Exodus 16:7

7 And in the morning ye shal see the glorye of the Lorde, because he hath heard your grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: And what are we, that ye haue murmured agaynst vs

1 Samuel 10:1

1 And the Samuel toke a vessell of oyle, and powred it vpon his head, and kissed him, and sayd: Hath not the Lord annoynted thee, to be captaine ouer his inheritaunce

1 Kings 19:18

18 And [thereto] I haue left me seuen thousande in Israel, of whiche neuer man bowed his knees vnto Baal, nor kissed him with his mouth

2 Kings 19:21

21 This is therefore the worde that the Lorde hath sayd of him: The virgin, euen the daughter of Sion hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne [O thou king of Assyria,] the daughter of Hierusalem hath shaken her head at thee

Job 23:13

13 He is still at one poynt, and who can turne him? he doth as him listeth, and bringeth to passe what he will

Psalms 1:6

6 For God knoweth the way of the righteous: and the way of the vngodly shall perishe

Psalms 2:5

5 Then wyll he speake vnto them in his wrath: and he wyll astonie them with feare in his sore displeasure

Psalms 2:7

7 I wyll declare the decree, God sayde vnto me: thou art my sonne, this day I haue begotten thee

Psalms 2:10

10 Wherfore be you nowe wel aduised O ye kinges: be you learned ye [that are] iudges of the earth

Psalms 11:4

4 But God is in his holy temple, Gods throne is in heauen: his eyes looke downe, his eye liddes tryeth the chyldren of men

Psalms 18:42

42 (18:41) I dyd beat them to powder, like vnto dust in a wynde: I haue brought them as lowe as durt in the streates

Psalms 21:8-9

8 Thine hande wyll finde out all thine enemies: thy right hande wyll finde out them that hate thee 9 Thou wilt make them like a burnyng furnace in tyme of thy furie: God wyll destroy them in his wrath, and fire shall consume them

Psalms 21:9-9

9 Thou wilt make them like a burnyng furnace in tyme of thy furie: God wyll destroy them in his wrath, and fire shall consume them

Psalms 21:11

11 For they intended mischiefe agaynst thee, and imagined a craftie deuice: [but] they coulde not [bring it to passe.

Psalms 22:27

27 (22:26) All the endes of the worlde shall remember them selues and be turned vnto God: and all the kinredes of the nations shall worshyp before thy face

Psalms 34:8

8 O taste and see how gracious God is: blessed is the man that trusteth in him

Psalms 37:13

13 The Lorde shall laugh him to scorne: for he seeth that his day is comming

Psalms 40:4

4 Many shall see it, and feare: and shall put their trust in God

Psalms 45:6

6 Thy throne O Lorde endureth for euer and euer: the scepter of ryghteousnesse is the scepter of thy kyngdome 7 Thou hast loued iustice and hated vngodlynesse: wherfore the Lorde euen thy Lorde hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse more then thy felowes

Psalms 45:12

12 And the daughter of Tyre shall come with a present: the riche among the people shall make their earnest prayer before thee

Psalms 46:6

6 The heathen make much a do, and the kyngdomes are moued: but [God] shewed his voyce, and the earth melted away

Psalms 48:1-2

1 Great is God, and hyghly to be praysed: in the citie of our Lorde, his holy hyll 2 The hyll of Sion is fayre in situation, and the ioy of the whole earth: vpon the north syde lyeth the citie of the great king

Psalms 48:4

4 (48:4a) For lo kinges did assemble, and passe by together

Psalms 50:2

2 Out of Sion: hath the Lorde appeared in perfect beautie

Psalms 50:16-22

16 But the Lorde sayd vnto the vngodly: why doest thou preache my lawes, and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth 17 Seyng that thou hatest discipline: and hast cast my wordes behynde thee 18 When thou sawest a thiefe, thou dydst consent vnto hym: and thou hast ben partaker with the adulterers 19 Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednesse: and with thy tongue thou hast set foorth deceipt 20 Thou sattest and spakedst agaynst thy brother: yea and hast slaundered thine owne mothers sonne 21 These thynges hast thou done and I helde my tongue, thou thoughtest that I am euen such a one as thou thy selfe art: but I wyll reproue thee, and I wyll set foorth in order before thine eyes [all that thou hast done. 22 Consider this I pray you, ye that forget the Lorde: lest I plucke you away, and there be none to delyuer you

Psalms 53:5

5 They shalbe greatly there afraide [where] no cause of feare is: for the Lord wyll breake the bones of hym that besiegeth thee, thou wylt put [them] to shame, because the Lorde hath despised them

Psalms 59:8

8 But thou O God wylt haue them in derision: thou wylt laugh all Heathen to scorne

Psalms 68:33

33 Who rydeth vpon the most hyghest eternall heauens: lo he sendeth out a mightie voyce in his voyce

Psalms 72:8

8 His dominion also shalbe from the one sea to the other: and from the fludde vnto the ende of the earth

Psalms 72:10-11

10 The kyng of Tharsis and of the Iles shall offer presentes: the kynges of Sheba & Seba shall bring giftes 11 All kynges wyll worshyp hym: all nations wyll do hym seruice

Psalms 74:18

18 Remember this O God, the enemie hath dishonoured: and the foolishe people hath blasphemed thy name

Psalms 74:23

23 Forget not the voyce of thine enemies: the mutteryng of them that hate thee ascendeth vp continually

Psalms 78:49-50

49 He cast vpon them the rage of his furie, anger, disdayne, and trouble: by sending foorth euill angels amongst them 50 He made away to his indignation, & spared not their soule from death: he gaue their lyfe to be subiect to the pestilence

Psalms 78:68

68 But he chose the tribe of Iuda: euen the hill of Sion which he loued

Psalms 82:1-8

1 God standeth in the congregation of God: he iudgeth in the midst of God 2 Howe long wyll ye geue wrong iudgement: and accept the persons of the vngodly? Selah 3 Iudge ryght vnto the poore and fatherlesse: dispatch according to iustice suche as be afflicted and in necessitie 4 Deliuer the poore and outcast: saue them from the hande of the vngodly 5 They knowe nothyng, they vnderstande nothing: they walke on styll in darknesse, [wherfore] all the foundations of the earth be out of course 6 I haue sayde ye are gods: and ye all are chyldren of the most highest 7 But ye shall dye lyke as a man [doth:] and princes them selues shall fall away lyke as other [do. 8 Arise O God, and iudge thou the earth: for thou shalt take all Heathen to thine inheritaunce

Psalms 83:4-8

4 They haue said, come, and let vs roote them out, that they be no more a people: and that the name of Israel may be no more in remembraunce 5 For they haue conspired all in one minde: & are confederate against thee 6 The pauilions of Edom and the Ismaelites: of Moab, and Hagerites 7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalec: the Philistines with the inhabitauntes of Tyre 8 Assur also is ioyned vnto them: they were a great ayde to the chyldren of Lot. Selah

Psalms 84:12

12 O God of hoastes: blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee

Psalms 89:7

7 God is very terrible in the assemblie of saintes: and to be feared aboue al them that are about him

Psalms 89:20

20 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt: I haue annoynted him with myne holye oyle

Psalms 89:23

23 I wyll breake into peeces his foes before his face: and ouerthrowe them that hate hym

Psalms 89:27

27 And I will make him my first borne: in higher state then kinges of the earth

Psalms 89:36-37

36 (89:35) His seede shall endure for euer: and his throne shalbe as the sunne before me 37 (89:36) [And] as the moone which shall continue for euermore: and shalbe a faithful witnesse in heauen. Selah

Psalms 95:1-8

1 Come let vs syng vnto God: let vs make an heartie reioysyng with a loude voyce vnto the rocke of our saluation 2 Let vs make speede to come before his face with a confession: let vs expresse vnto hym outwardly a heartie gladnesse with syngyng of psalmes 3 For God is a great Lorde: and a great kyng aboue all gods 4 In his hande are all the deepe corners of the earth: and the hygh toppes of hylles be his also 5 The sea is his, and he made it: and his handes fashioned the drye lande 6 Come, let vs worshyp and fall downe: let vs kneele before the face of God our maker 7 For he is our Lorde: and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheepe of his hande 8 To day yf ye wyll heare his voyce harden not your heartes as in the tyme of contention: as in the day of temptation in the wildernesse

Psalms 97:1

1 God raigneth, the earth shalbe glad: the multitude of the Iles shalbe glad [therof.

Psalms 99:1

1 God raigneth, the people be in a rage: he sitteth [betweene] the Cherubims, the earth quaketh

Psalms 110:1-2

1 God sayd vnto my Lorde: sit thou on my right hande, vntyll I make thyne enemies thy footestoole 2 God wyll sende the scepter of his power out of Sion: rule thou in the midst of thyne enemies

Psalms 110:5

5 The Lorde at thy right hande: wyll wounde euen kinges in the day of his wrath

Psalms 110:5-6

5 The Lorde at thy right hande: wyll wounde euen kinges in the day of his wrath 6 He wyll iudge the Heathen: he wyll fill euery place with dead bodyes, he wyll smyte the head of a great countrey

Psalms 115:3

3 Truely our Lorde is in heauen: he hath done whatsoeuer pleased him

Psalms 119:119-120

119 (119:7) Thou hast dispatched out of the way all the vngodly of the earth lyke drosse: therfore I loue thy testimonies 120 (119:8) My fleshe trembleth for feare of thee: and I am afrayde of thy iudgementes

Psalms 132:13-14

13 For God hath chosen [to be in] Sion: he had a desire that it might be an habitation for hym 14 This [is sayeth he] my rest for euer: heare I wyll dwell, for I haue a desire to it

Psalms 146:3-5

3 His spirite shall depart out of hym, he shall turne agayne to his earth: at that day all his thoughtes shall perishe 4 Blessed is he vnto whom the God of Iacob is an ayde: his trust is in God his Lorde 5 Who made heauen and earth, the sea and all that therin is: who mainteyneth the trueth for euer

Psalms 148:6

6 He hath set them sure for euer and euer: he hath geuen them a lawe which shall not be broken

Proverbs 1:26

26 Therfore wyll I also laugh at your destruction, and mocke you, when the thyng that ye feare commeth vpon you

Proverbs 16:20

20 He that handleth a matter wisely obteyneth good: and blessed is he that putteth his trust in the Lorde

Proverbs 21:30

30 There is no wysdome, there is no vnderstanding, there is no counsayle against the Lorde

Isaiah 8:9

9 Breake downe O ye people, and ye shalbe broken downe, hearken to all ye of farre countreys: muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you, and you shalbe torne in peeces

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace 7 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace, and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kingdome, to order the same, and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore: This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe

Isaiah 11:4

4 But with righteousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with equitie shall he refourme the simple of the worlde, and he shall smyte the worlde with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his mouth shall he slay the vngodly

Isaiah 26:3-4

3 By an assured purpose wylt thou preserue perfect peace, because they put their trust in thee 4 Put ye your trust alway in the Lord: for in the Lorde God there is strength for euermore

Isaiah 30:14

14 And the hurt thereof is lyke an earthen vessell whiche breaketh without helpe, so that in the bursting of it, there is not founde one sheuer to fetch fire in, or to take water withall out of the pit

Isaiah 30:18

18 Therefore doth the Lorde cause you to wayte, that he may haue mercy vpon you, to the entent that he may haue the preeminence when he is gratious vnto you: For the Lord is the God of iudgement, Blessed are all they that hope in hym

Isaiah 40:22

22 It is he that sitteth vpon the circle of the world, whose inhabiters are [in comparison of him] but as grashoppers: he spreadeth out the heauens as a couering, he stretcheth them out as a tent to dwell in

Isaiah 46:10

10 In the beginning of a thing I shewe the ende therof, & I tell before thinges that are not yet come to passe: My deuise standeth stedfastly stablished, and I fulfill all my pleasure

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kynges shalbe thy nursyng fathers, and queenes shalbe thy nursyng mothers: They shall fall before thee with their faces flat vpon the earth, & lick vp the dust of thy feete: that thou mayest knowe howe that I am the Lorde, and that who so putteth their trust in me shall not be confounded

Isaiah 52:15

15 Euen so shall the multitude of the gentiles speake of him, and kynges shall shut their mouthes before hym: for they haue seene that which was not tolde to them, and haue vnderstande that wherof they had not hearde

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saith the hye and excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuarie, and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite do I dwell, that I may heale a troubled minde, and a contrite heart

Isaiah 60:3

3 The gentiles shall come to thy light, & kinges to the brightnesse that springeth foorth vpon thee

Isaiah 60:10-11

10 Straungers shall buylde vp thy walles, and their kynges shall do thee seruice: for whe I was angrie, I smote thee, and of my mercy I pardoned thee 11 Thy gates shall stande open still both day and night, and neuer be shut, that the hoast of the gentiles may come, and that their kynges may be brought vnto thee 12 For euery people and kingdome that serueth not thee, shall perishe, and be destroyed with vtter destruction

Isaiah 61:1

1 The spirite of the Lord is vpon me: for the Lord hath annoynted me, and sent me to preache good tidinges vnto the poore, that I might binde vp the wounded heartes, that I might preache deliueraunce to the captiue, and open the prison to the that are bounde

Isaiah 66:1

1 Thus saith the Lorde: Heauen is my seate, and the earth is my footstoole: Where shall nowe the house stande that ye wyll builde vnto me? And where shalbe the place that I wyll dwell in

Isaiah 66:6

6 Then shalbe hearde a great noyse from the citie and the temple, the voyce of the Lorde, that wyll rewarde and recompence his enemies

Jeremiah 5:5

5 Therfore will I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them, if they knowe the way of the Lord, and iudgementes of their God: But these [in lyke maner] haue broken the yoke, and burst the bondes in sunder

Jeremiah 6:8

8 Amende thee (O Hierusalem) lest I withdrawe my heart from thee, and make thee desolate, and thy lande also, that no man dwell in it

Jeremiah 17:7

7 O blessed is the man that putteth his trust in the Lorde, and whose hope is in the Lorde hym selfe

Jeremiah 19:11

11 And say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes: Euen so wyll I destroy this people and citie, as a man breaketh an earthen vessell that can not be made whole agayne: in Thopheth shall they be buried, for they shall haue none other place

Daniel 2:44

44 And in the dayes of these kinges, shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed, and this kingdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: but it shall breake and destroy al these kingdomes, and it shal stand for euer

Daniel 7:13-14

13 I saw in visions by night, and behold there came one in the cloudes of heauen, lyke the sonne of man: which went vnto the aucient of dayes, before whom they brought him

Daniel 7:13

13 I saw in visions by night, and behold there came one in the cloudes of heauen, lyke the sonne of man: which went vnto the aucient of dayes, before whom they brought him 14 And he gaue him dominion & honour, and a kingdome, that al people, nations, and languages should serue him: his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away, and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed

Hosea 13:2

2 And nowe they sinne more and more, and of their siluer they haue made them molten images after the imaginatios of their owne braynes, [that is] very idols, and yet all is nothing but the worke of the craftesman: they say one to another, Whiles they sacrifice a man let them kisse the calues

Hosea 14:9

9 Who so is wise, shall vnderstande these thinges, and he that is right instruct wyll regarde them: for the wayes of the Lorde are righteous, such as be godly wyll walke in them: as for the wicked, they shall stumble therin

Zechariah 1:15

15 And sore displeased at the carelesse heathen: for where as I was but a litle angry, they helped forward the affliction

Matthew 2:16

16 Then Herode, when he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men, was excedyng wroth, and sent foorth, and slew all the chyldren that were in Bethlehe, and in all the coastes, as many as were two yere olde, or vnder, according to the tyme, which he had diligently searched out, of the wyse men

Matthew 3:17

17 And loe, there (came) a voyce from the heauens, saying: This is my beloued sonne, in whom I am well pleased

Matthew 8:29

29 And beholde, they cryed out, saying: O Iesu, thou sonne of God, what haue we to do with thee? Art thou come hyther, to torment vs before the tyme

Matthew 16:16

16 Simon Peter aunswered and sayde: Thou art Christe, the sonne of the lyuyng God

Matthew 17:5

5 Whyle he yet spake, beholde, a bryght cloude shadowed them: And beholde, [there came] a voyce out of the cloude, which sayde, this is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased, heare hym

Matthew 21:38

38 But when the husband men sawe the sonne, they sayde among them selues: this is the heire, come, let vs kyll hym, and let vs enioy his inheritaunce

Matthew 21:44

44 And whosoeuer falleth on this stone, shalbe broken in peeces: but on whomsoeuer it falleth, it shal all to grynd him

Matthew 22:7

7 But when the kyng hearde [therof], he was wroth, and sent foorth his men of warre, and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp their citie

Matthew 23:33-36

33 Ye serpentes, ye generation of vipers, howe wyll ye escape the dampnation of hell 34 Wherfore, beholde I sende vnto you prophetes, and wyse men, and Scribes, and [some] of them ye shall kyll and crucifie: and [some] of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from citie to citie 35 That vpon you may come all the ryghteous blood, which hath ben shed vpon the earth, from the blood of ryghteous Abel, vnto the blood of Zacharias, sonne of Barachias, whom ye slewe betwene the temple & the aulter 36 Ueryly I say vnto you: all these thynges shal come vpon this generatio

Matthew 26:3

3 Then assembled together the chiefe priestes, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, vnto the palace of the hye prieste, which was called Caiaphas

Matthew 26:59

59 The chiefe priestes, and elders, and all the councell, sought false witnesse agaynst Iesus, for to put hym to death

Matthew 27:1

1 When the mornyng was come, all the chiefe priestes, and the elders of the people, helde a councell agaynst Iesus to put hym to death

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto the, saying: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen and in earth

Luke 13:31

31 The same day, came there certaine of the pharisees, and sayde vnto hym: Get thee out, and depart hence, for Herode wyll kyll thee

Luke 18:32

32 For he shalbe deliuered vnto the gentiles, and shalbe mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on

Luke 19:14

14 But his citezins hated hym, and sent a message after hym, saying: We wyll not haue this man to raigne ouer vs

Luke 19:27

27 Moreouer, those mine enemies, which woulde not that I shoulde raigne ouer the, bring hyther, & slea them before me

Luke 19:43-44

43 For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thyne enemies also shall caste a banke about thee, and compasse thee rounde, and kepe thee in on euery syde 44 And make thee euen with ye grounde, and thy chyldren which are in thee: and they shall not leaue in thee one stone vpo another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitation

Luke 22:1-2

1 The feast of sweete breade drewe nye, which is called the Passouer 2 And ye hie priestes and scribes sought howe they myght kyll hym, for they feared the people

Luke 22:5

5 And they were glad, and promised to geue him money

Luke 22:22-23

22 And truely the sonne of man goeth as it is appoynted: but wo vnto that man by whom he is betrayed 23 And they began to enquire among them selues, which of them it was that shoulde do it

Luke 23:11-12

11 And Herode with his men of warre despised him: and when he had mocked hym, he arayed hym in whyte clothing, and sent hym agayne to Pilate 12 And the same day Pilate and Herode were made friendes together: For before they were at variaunce

John 1:14

14 And the same word became fleshe, and dwelt among vs ( and we sawe the glory of it, as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father) full of grace and trueth

John 1:18

18 No man hath seene God at any tyme: The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym

John 1:41

41 The same founde his brother Simon first, and sayth vnto hym: We haue founde Messias, which is by interpretation, the annoynted

John 3:16

16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleueth in hym, shoulde not perishe, but haue euerlastyng lyfe

John 3:34

34 For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the wordes of God: For God geueth not the spirite by measure vnto hym

John 5:23

23 Because that all men shoulde honour the sonne, euen as they honour the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not ye father which hath sent hym

John 11:49-50

49 And one of them named Caiaphas, beyng the hye priest that same yere, sayde vnto them: Ye perceaue nothyng at all 50 Nor consider, that it is expedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and not that all the people perishe

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayth vnto hym: I am the way, and the trueth, and the lyfe. No man cometh vnto the father, but by me

John 15:23

23 He that hateth me, hateth my father also

John 17:4-5

4 I haue glorified thee on the earth: I haue finished ye worke, which thou gauest me to do 5 And nowe glorifie thou me, O father, with thine owne selfe, with the glory which I had with thee yer the worlde was

Acts 2:34-36

34 For Dauid is not ascended into heaue, but he sayeth: The Lorde sayde to my Lorde, syt thou on my ryght 35 Untill I make thy foes thy footstoole 36 Therfore, let all the house of Israel know for a suretie, that God hath made that same Iesus, whom ye haue crucified, Lorde and Christe

Acts 4:5-8

5 And it came to passe on the morowe, that their rulers, and elders, & scribes 6 And Annas the chiefe priest, and Caiaphas, and Iohn, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kynrede of the hye priestes, were gathered together at Hierusalem 7 And when they had set them before them, they asked: by what power, or in what name haue ye done this 8 Then Peter, full of the holy ghost, sayde vnto them: Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel

Acts 4:25-26

25 Which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid, hast sayde: Why dyd the Heathen rage, & the people imagine vayne thynges 26 The kynges of the earth stoode vp, and the rulers came together, agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst his Christe

Acts 5:30-31

30 The God of our fathers raysed vp Iesus, whom ye slewe, & hanged on tree 31 Hym hath God lyft vp with his ryght hande, to be a prince and a sauiour, for to geue repentaunce to Israel, and forgeuenesse of sinnes

Acts 5:33

33 When they hearde that, they claue asunder, and sought meanes to slea the

Acts 8:36

36 And as they went on their way, they came vnto a certayne water, and the Eunuche sayde: See, here is water, what doth let me to be baptized

Acts 9:4

4 And he fell to the earth, and hearde a voyce saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me

Acts 10:38

38 Howe God annoynted Iesus of Nazareth, with the holy ghoste, and with power: Who went about doyng good, and healyng all that were oppressed of the deuyll, for God was with hym

Acts 12:1-6

1 At the same tyme Herode the king stretched foorth his handes to vexe certayne of the Churche 2 And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sworde 3 And because he sawe it pleased the Iewes, he proceaded further, and toke Peter also. (Then were the dayes of sweete bread. 4 And when he had caught hym, he put hym in pryson also, and delyuered hym to foure quaternions of souldiers to be kept, intendyng after Easter to bryng hym foorth to the people 5 And Peter was kept in pryson: But prayer was made without ceassyng of the Churche, vnto God for hym 6 And when Herode woulde haue brought hym foorth vnto the people, the same nyght slept Peter betweene two souldiers, bounde with two chaynes, and the kepers before the doore kept the pryson

Acts 13:33

33 God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their chyldren, in that he raysed vp Iesus agayne. As it is written in the seconde psalme: Thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee

Acts 16:22

22 And the people ran agaynst them, and the officers rent their clothes, and commaunded them to be beaten with roddes

Acts 17:5-6

5 But the Iewes whiche beleued not, moued with enuie, toke vnto them certaine vagaboundes and euyll men, and gathered a companie, and set all the citie on a rore, and made assault vnto the house of Iason, & sought to bryng them out to the people 6 And when they founde them not, they drewe Iason and certaine brethren vnto the heades of the citie, crying: these that trouble the world, are come hyther also

Acts 19:28-32

28 And when they hearde these sayinges, they were full of wrath, and cryed out, saying: great is Diana of ye Ephesians 29 And all the citie was on a rore, & they russhed into the common hall with one assent, and caught Gaius & Aristarcus, men of Macedonia, Paules companions 30 When Paule woulde haue entred in vnto ye people, the disciples suffred hym not 31 But certaine of ye chiefe of Asia, which were his friendes, sent vnto hym, desiryng hym that he would not preasse into the common hall 32 Some therfore cryed one thyng, and some another, and the assemblie was all out of quiet, and the more part knew not wherfore they were come together

Romans 1:4

4 And hath ben declared to be the sonne of God, with power after the spirite that sanctifieth, by the resurrectio from the dead, of Iesus Christe our Lorde

Romans 9:33

33 As it is written: Beholde, I put in Sion a stumblyng stone, and a rocke of offence: And whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded

Romans 10:11

11 For the scripture sayth: Whosoeuer beleueth on him, shall not be cofounded

Ephesians 1:12

12 That we shoulde be vnto the prayse of his glorie, whiche before beleued in Christe

Ephesians 1:22

22 And hath put all thynges vnder his feete, and gaue him [to be] the head ouer all thynges to the Churche

Philippians 2:9-11

9 Wherfore God also hath highly exalted hym, and geuen hym a name which is aboue euery name 10 That in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe, [of thynges] in heauen, and [thynges] in earth, and [thinges] vnder the earth 11 And that euery tongue should confesse that the Lorde, Iesus Christe [is] to the glorie of God the father 12 Wherfore, my dearely beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not as in my presence only, but nowe much more in my absence, worke out your owne saluation with feare and tremblyng

2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe 9 Which shalbe punisshed with euerlastyng dampnation, from the presence of the Lorde, & fro the glorie of his power

Hebrews 1:5-6

5 For vnto which of the Angels sayde he at any tyme: Thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee 6 And agayne, I wyll be to hym a father, and he shalbe to me a sonne? And agayne, when he bryngeth in the first begotten sonne into the worlde, he saith: And let all the Angels of God worship hym

Hebrews 1:9

9 Thou hast loued ryghteousnesse, and hated iniquitie: Therfore God, euen thy God, hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse, aboue thy felowes

Hebrews 3:6

6 But Christe as a sonne [hath rule] ouer his owne house, whose house are we, yf we holde fast the confidence and the reioycyng of that hope vnto the ende

Hebrews 4:1-2

1 Let vs feare therfore, lest at any tyme, by forsakyng the promise of entryng into his reste, any of you shoulde be defrauded 2 For vnto vs was the Gospell preached, aswell as vnto them: But the worde whiche they hearde dyd not profite them, not beyng coupled with fayth to them that hearde

Hebrews 5:5

5 Euen so, Christ also glorified not hym selfe to be made ye hye priest: but he that sayde vnto hym, thou art my sonne, to day haue I begotten thee [gaue it hym.

Hebrews 5:8

8 Though he were the sonne, yet learned he obediece, by these thinges which he suffred

Hebrews 12:22

22 But ye are come vnto ye mount Sion, and to the citie of the lyuyng God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to an innumerable companie of Angels

Hebrews 12:25

25 See that ye despise not hym that speaketh: For yf they escaped not, which refused hym that spake on earth: much more shall we [not escape] yf we turne away from hym that [speaketh] from heauen

Hebrews 12:28-29

28 Wherfore, we receauyng a kingdome which can not be moued, let vs haue grace, wherby we may so serue God acceptablie, with reuerence & godly feare 29 For our God [is] a consumyng fyre

1 Peter 1:21

21 Which by his meanes do beleue on God that raysed hym vp from death, and glorified hym, that ye might haue fayth and hope towarde God

1 Peter 2:6

6 Wherefore it is conteyned also in the scripture: beholde, I put in Sion a stone to be laide in the chiefe corner, elect and precious, and he that beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded 7 Unto you therfore which beleue, he is precious: but vnto them whiche beleue not, the stone which the buylders refused, the same is made the head of the corner 8 And a stone that men stumble at, and a rocke wherat they be offended, whiche stumble at the worde, and beyng disobedient, vnto the whiche thing they were euen ordeyned

Revelation 1:16

16 And he had in his ryght hande, seuen starres: And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sworde: And his face shone, euen as the sunne in his strength

Revelation 2:26-27

26 And whosoeuer ouercommeth, and kepeth my workes vnto the ende, to hym wyll I geue power ouer nations 27 And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken to sheuers

Revelation 6:16-17

16 And sayde to the hylles & rockes, fall on vs, and hyde vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the lambe 17 For the great day of his wrath is come: and who is able to endure

Revelation 12:5

5 And she brought foorth a man chylde, which shoulde rule all nations with a rodde of yron: And her sonne was taken vp vnto God, and to his throne

Revelation 14:1

1 And I loked, and lo, a lambe stoode on the mount Sion, and with hym an hundreth fourtie and foure thousande, hauyng his fathers name written in their foreheades

Revelation 14:9-11

9 And the thirde angell folowed them, saying with a loude voyce: If any man worshippe the beast and his image, and receaue his marke in his foreheade, or on his hande 10 The same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God: yea, of the pure wyne which is powred in ye cup of his wrath: And he shalbe punisshed in fyre & brimstone, before the holy angels, and before the lambe 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore: And they haue no rest day nor nyght which worship the beast and his image, and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name

Revelation 17:12-14

12 And the ten hornes which thou sawest, are ten kynges, which haue receaued no kyngdome as yet: but shall receaue power as kynges at one houre with the beast 13 These haue one mynde, and shal geue their power & strength vnto the beast 14 These shall fyght with the lambe, and the lambe shall ouercome them: For he is Lorde of Lordes, and Kyng of Kynges, and they that are on his syde, are called, and chosen, and faythfull

Revelation 17:14-14

14 These shall fyght with the lambe, and the lambe shall ouercome them: For he is Lorde of Lordes, and Kyng of Kynges, and they that are on his syde, are called, and chosen, and faythfull

Revelation 19:15

15 And out of his mouth went a sharpe sworde, that with it he shoulde smyte the heathen: and he shall rule the with a rodde of yron. And he trode the winefat of fiercenesse and wrath of almightie God

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