Psalms 105:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 Confesse you [it] vnto God, call vppon his name: cause the people to vnderstande his deuises

Numbers 23:23

23 For there is no sorcerie in Iacob, nor soothsaying in Israel, according to this time it shalbe sayde of Iacob and Israel: What hath God wrought

1 Chronicles 16:7-22

7 And that same tyme Dauid did appoynt chiefely to thanke the Lorde by Asaph and his brethren 8 Confesse you [it] vnto God, call vpon his name: cause the people to vnderstande his deuises 9 Sing vnto him, sing psalmes vnto him: talke you of all his wonderous workes 10 Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them reioyce that do seeke God 11 Seeke God and his strength: seeke his face euermore 12 Remember the marueylous workes that he hath done: his wonders, and the iudgementes of his mouth 13 O ye seede of Abraham his seruaunt, ye his chosen children of Iacob 14 he is God our Lorde, his iudgementes are in all the earth 15 He hath ben mindfull alwayes of his couenaunt (for he promysed a word to a thousande generations: 16 euen of his couenaunt that he made with Abraham, and of his othe vnto Isaac 17 And he appoynted the same vnto Iacob for a law: and to Israel for an euerlasting couenaunt 18 Saying, vnto thee I wyll geue the lande of Chanaan: the lot of your inheritaunce 19 When they were a fewe men in number, and had ben straungers but a litle while in it 20 and when they went from one nation to another, from one kingdome to another people 21 He suffred no man to do them wrong: yea he reproued euen kinges for their sakes 22 Touche not myne annoynted: and triumph not ouer my prophetes

1 Chronicles 16:34

34 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is good, for his mercie endureth euer

1 Chronicles 25:3

3 Of Ieduthun: the sonnes of Ieduthun, Gedeliahu, Zeri, Iesaiahu, Hasabiahu, and Mathathiahu, sixe, vnder the handes of their father Ieduthun, which prophecied with a harpe, for to geue thankes & prayses vnto the Lorde

1 Chronicles 29:13

13 And nowe our God we thanke thee, and prayse thy glorious name

1 Chronicles 29:20

20 And Dauid saide to all the congregation: Now blesse the Lorde your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lorde God of their fathers, and bowed downe their heades, and worshipped the Lorde and the king

Psalms 89:1

Psalms 96:3

3 Declare his glory amongst the heathen: and his wonderous actes amongst all the people

Psalms 99:6

6 Moyses & Aaron among his priestes, and Samuel among such as call vpon his name: [these] called vpon God, and he hearde them

Psalms 106:1

1 Confesse you [it] vnto god, for he is gratious: and his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 136:1-3

1 Confesse you [it] vnto the Lord, for he is gratious: and his mercy [endureth] for euer 2 Confesse you [it] vnto the God of Gods: for his mercy endureth for euer 3 Confesse you [it] vnto the Lorde of Lordes: for his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 145:4-6

4 One generation shal praise thy workes vnto another: and they shall declare thy mightie power 5 I wyll set foorth in wordes the glorious maiestie of thy excellentnesse: and thy wonderous workes 6 I wyll also declare thy greatnesse: so that men shall speake of the force of thy terrible actes

Psalms 145:11-12

11 They shal shewe the glorie of thy kingdome: and talke of thy power 12 That they may make knowen to the children of men his manifolde power: & the glorious maiestie of his kingdome

Isaiah 12:4

4 And then shall ye say: Geue thankes vnto the Lorde, call vpon his name, declare his workes among the people, kepe them in remembraunce, for his name is excellent

Isaiah 51:10

10 Art not thou the same arme that hast wounded the proude, and hewen the dragon in peeces? Art not thou euen the same which hast dryed vp the deepe of the sea, which hast made playne the sea grounde, that the deliuered myght go through

Daniel 3:29

29 { (3:96) Therfore I make a decree, that euery people, nation, & language, which speake any blasphemie against the God of Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, shalbe drawen in peeces, and their houses shalbe made a takes: because there is no God that can deliuer after this sort}

Daniel 4:1-3

1 Nabuchodonozor king, vnto all people, natios, and languages that dwel vpon the whole earth, peace be multiplied among you 2 I thought it good to shewe the signes & marueylous workes that the hie God hath wrought vpo me 3 O how great are his signes, and howe mightie are his wonders? his kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome, & his dominion is fro generation to generation

Daniel 6:26-27

26 My commaundement is in all my dominion and kingdome, that men feare and stand in awe of Daniels God: for he is the liuing God which abideth euer, his kindgome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlasting 27 It is he that deliuereth and saueth, he doth wonders and marueylous workes in heauen and in earth, he hath preserued Daniel from the power of the lions

Joel 2:32

32 But whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord, shalbe saued: for there shalbe deliueraunce in mount Sion and in Hierusalem, as the Lord hath promised, and [also] in the remnaunt whom the Lorde shall call

Acts 9:14

14 And here he hath aucthoritie of ye hye priestes, to bynde all yt call on thy name

Romans 10:13

13 For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe saued

1 Corinthians 1:2

2 Unto the Church of God whiche is at Corinthus: To the that are sanctified in Christe Iesus, saintes by callyng, with all that call on the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe in euery place, both of theirs and ours

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.