1 The vision of Abdi, thus sayth the lord God against Edom: We haue hearde a rumor from the Lorde, & an ambassadour is sent among the heathen: arise, and let vs ryse vp against her to battayle
2 Behold, I haue made thee smal among the heathen, thou art vtterly despised
3 The pride of thyne heart hath deceaued thee, thou that dwellest in the cleftes of the rockes, whose habitation [is] hie, that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me downe to the grounde
4 Yea though thou exalt thy selfe as the egle, and make they nest among the starres, thence wil I bring thee downe, sayth the Lorde
5 Came theeues to thee, or robbers by night? how wast thou brought to silence? woulde they not haue stollen till they had inough? If the grape gatherers came to thee, woulde they not leaue [some] grapes
6 Howe are the thinges of Esau sought vp, [and] his treasures searched
7 All the men of thy confederacie haue driuen thee to the borders, the men that were at peace with thee haue deceaued thee, and preuailed against thee, [they that eate] thy bread haue layd a wounde vnder thee, there is none vnderstanding in him
8 Shal not I in that day, saide the lord, euen destroy the wise men out of Edom, and vnderstanding from the mount of Esau
9 And thy strong men O Theman shalbe afraid: because euery one of the mout of Esau shalbe cut of by slaughter
10 For thy crueltie against thy brother Iacob shame shall couer thee, and thou shalt be cut of for euer
11 When thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the straungers caried away his substaunce, and straungers entred into his gates, and cast lottes vpon Hierusalem, euen thou wast as one of them
12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother in the day that he was made a straunger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the childre of Iuda in the day of their destruction, thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction
13 Thou shouldest not haue entred into the gate of my people in the day of their destruction, neither shouldest thou haue once loked on their affliction in the day of their destructio, nor haue layd handes on their substaunce in the day of their destruction
14 Neither shouldest thou haue stand in the crosse wayes to cut of them that shoulde escape, neither shouldest thou haue shutte vp the remnaunt thereof in the day of affliction
15 For the day of the Lorde is neare vpon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shalbe done to thee, thy rewarde shall returne vpon thyne head
16 For as ye haue drunke vpon myne holy mountaine, so shall all the heathen drinke continually: yea, they shal drinke and swalowe vp, and they shalbe as though they had not ben
17 But vpon mount Sion shalbe deliueraunce, and it shalbe holy, and the house of Iacob shal possesse their possessions
18 And the house of Iacob shalbe a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flambe, and the house of Esau as stubble, and they shall kindle in them and deuoure them, and there shalbe no remnaunt of the house of Esau: for the Lorde hath spoken it
19 And they shall possesse the south side of the mount of Esau, and the plaine of the Philistines, and they shall possesse the fieldes of Ephraim, and the fieldes of Samaria, and Beniamin [shall haue] Gilead
20 And the captiuitie of his hoast of the children of Israel, which were among the Chanaanites [shall possesse] vnto Zarephath, and the captiuitie of Hierusalem which is in Sepharad, shall possesse the cities of the south
21 And they that shall saue, shall come vp to mount Sion to iudge the mount of Esau, and the kingdome shalbe the Lordes
Obadiah Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 27:11
11 Then said Iacob to Rebecca his mother: Beholde, Esau my brother is a heary man, and I am smoothe
Genesis 27:41
41 And Esau hated Iacob, because of the blessyng that his father blessed hym withall. And Esau sayde in his heart: The dayes of sorowyng for my father are at hande, then wyll I slaye my brother Iacob
Genesis 35:3
3 For we wyll aryse and go vp to Bethel, and I wyll make an aulter there vnto God, whiche hearde me in the day of my affliction, and was with me in the way whiche I went
Genesis 36:11
11 And the sonnes of Eliphas, were Theman, Omar, Sepho, and Gatham, and Cenaz
Numbers 20:14-21
14 And Moyses sent messengers from Cades vnto the kyng of Edom, thus sayeth thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauayle that we haue had
15 Our fathers went downe into Egypt, & we haue dwelt in Egypt a long tyme: and the Egyptians vexed vs and our fathers
16 And when we cryed vnto the Lorde, he hearde our voyce, and sent an angell, and hath set vs vp out of Egypt: And beholde, we are in Cades, euen in the vttermost citie of thy border
17 Let vs passe I pray thee through thy countrey: but we wyll not go through the fieldes or vineyardes, neither wyll we drynke of the water of the fountaynes: we wyll go by the kynges hye way, and neither turne vnto the ryght hande nor to the left, vntyll we be past thy borders
18 And Edom aunswered hym: Thou shalt not go by me, lest I come out agaynst thee with the sworde
19 The children of Israel sayd vnto him, we wyll go by the beaten way: and if I and my cattell drynke of thy water, I wyll pay for it: I wyll but only (without any harme) go through on my feete
20 He aunswered: Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out agaynst hym with much people, and with a mightie power
21 And thus Edom denied to geue Israel passage through his countrey: wherfore Israel turned away from hym
Numbers 24:18
18 And Edom shalbe possessed, & Seir shall fall to the possession of their enemies, and Israel shall do manfully
Numbers 24:18-19
Deuteronomy 2:5
5 Take ye good heede vnto your selues therfore: Ye shall not prouoke them, for I wyll not geue you of their lande, no not so much as a foote breadth, because I haue geuen mount Seir vnto Esau to possesse
Deuteronomy 24:21
21 When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyarde, thou shalt not gather the grapes cleane after thee: but leaue them for the straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wydowe
Joshua 13:2-3
2 This is the lande that yet remaineth: all the regions of the Philistines, and al Gessuri
3 From Nilus which is vpon Egypt, vnto the borders of Accaron northward, which land is counted vnto Chananie, euen fiue lordeshippes of the Philistines, the Azathites, Asdothites, Ascalonites, Gethites, Accaronites, and the Euites
Joshua 13:25
25 And their coastes were Iazer, and al the cities of Gilead, and halfe the lande of the children of Ammon vnto Aroer that lieth before Rabba
Joshua 13:31
31 And halfe Gilead, Astaroth, & Edrai, cities of the kingdome of Og in Basan, which pertayne vnto the children of Machir the sonne of Manasses, euen to the one halfe of the children of Machir by their kinredes
Joshua 15:21
21 And the vtmost cities of the tribe of the children of Iuda, towarde ye coastes of Edom southwarde, were Kabzeel, Eder, and Iagur
Joshua 15:33
33 And in the lowe countrey they had Esthaol, Zareah, and Asenah
Joshua 15:45-46
Joshua 18:21-28
21 These were the cities of the tribes of the chyldren of Beniamin throughout their kinredes: Iericho, Bethhagla, and the plaine of Casis
22 Betharabah, Samaraim, and Bethel
23 Auim, Parah, and Ophrah
24 Haamonai, Ophni, & Gaba, twelue cities with their villages
25 Gabaon, Ramah, Beeroth
26 Mispeh, Chephirah, and Mosah
27 Recem, Iarephel, and Tharela
28 Sela, Eleph, and Iebusi (which is Hierusalem) Gibath, and Ciriath, fourteene cities with their villages. This is the inheritaunce of the chyldren of Beniamin throughout their kinredes
Judges 1:7
7 And Adonibezek sayde, Three score and ten kinges hauing their thombes & great toes cut of, gathered their meate vnder my table: As I haue done, so God hath done to me agayne. And they brought him to Hierusalem, and there he died
Judges 1:18-19
Judges 2:16
16 Neuerthelesse the Lorde raysed vp iudges, which deliuered them out of the handes of their oppressers
Judges 3:9
9 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde, the Lorde stirred vp a sauer to the children of Israel, & saued them, euen Othoniel the sonne of Kenes, Calebs younger brother
1 Samuel 2:3
3 Talke no more proudly, let not arrogancie come out of your mouthes: for the Lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe
1 Samuel 2:7-8
7 The Lord maketh poore, and maketh ryche, bringeth lowe, and heaueth vp on hye
8 He rayseth vp the poore out of the dust, and lyfteth vp the beggar from the dounghyll, to set them among princes, and to make them inherite the seate of glory: For the pyllers of the earth are the lordes, and he hath set the worlde vpon them
2 Samuel 1:19
19 O noble Israel, he is slaine vpon thy hie places: howe are the mightie ouerthrowen
2 Samuel 16:12
12 It may be that the Lorde will loke on myne affliction, and do me good for his cursing this day
2 Samuel 19:20
20 For thy seruaunt doth knowe howe that I haue done amisse: And therfore behold, I am the first this day of all the house of Ioseph, that am come downe to meete my lorde the king
1 Kings 17:9-10
9 Up, and get thee to Zarphath, which is in Sidon, and dwell there: Beholde, I haue commaunded a wydow there to sustaine thee
10 So he arose, and went to Zarphath: and when he came to the gate of the citie, beholde the widow was there gathering of stickes: And he called to her, and said: set me I pray thee a litle water in a vessel, that I may drincke
2 Kings 13:5
5 (And the Lord gaue Israel a deliuerer, so that they went out from vnder the subiection of the Syrians: And the children of Israel dwelt in their tentes as before tyme
2 Kings 14:7
7 He slue of Edom in the salt valley ten thousand, and toke the castell on the rocke in the same battaile, and called the name of it Ioktheel vnto this day
2 Kings 17:24
24 And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, from Cutha, fro Aua, from Hamath, and from Sepharuaim, and put them in the cities of Samaria in steede of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities therof
2 Kings 24:10-16
10 In that tyme came the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon vp against Hierusalem, & the citie was besieged
11 And Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon came against the citie, and his seruauntes did besiege it
12 And Iehoachin the king of Iuda, came out to the king of Babylon, he and his mother, his seruauntes, his lordes, and his chamberlaynes: and the king of Babylon toke him in the eight yere of his raigne
13 And he carryed out thence al the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and the treasure of the kinges house, and brake al the vessels of golde which Solomon king of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde
14 And he carryed away all Hierusalem, and al the lordes, and all the strong men of warre, euen ten thousand, into captiuitie, and all the craftesmen, & kepers, none remaining saue the poore common people of the lande
15 And he carryed away Iehoachin to Babylon, and the kinges mother, and the kinges wyues, his chamberlaynes: & them that were mightie in the lande those carryed he away into captiuitie, from Hierusalem to Babylon
16 And all the actiue men of warre, euen seuen thousand, and craftesmen, and porters a thousand, all that were strong and apt for warre, did the king of Babylon bryng to Babylon captiue
2 Kings 25:11
11 But the rest of the people that were left in the citie, and them that were fled to the king of Babylon, with the remnaunt of the common people, did Nabusaradan the chiefe captayne of the men of warre carry away
1 Chronicles 1:45
45 And when Iobab also was dead, Husam of the lande of ye Themanites raigned in his steade
1 Chronicles 5:26
26 And the God of Israel stirred vp the spirite of Phul king of Assyria, & the spirite of Thiglath Pilneser king of Assyria, and caried them away: euen the Rubenites, the Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manasse, and brought them vnto Halah, Habor, Hara, and to the riuer Gosan, vnto this day
2 Chronicles 25:12
12 And other ten thousand did the children of Iuda take alyue, & caried them vnto the top of a rocke, and cast them downe from the top of the rocke, that they all to burst
Ezra 4:2
2 And they came to Zorobabel and to the principall fathers, and saide vnto them: We wyll builde with you, for we seeke the Lorde your God, as ye do, and we haue done sacrifice vnto him since the time of Asor Hadon the king of Assur which brought vs vp hither
Ezra 4:7-10
7 And in the dayes of Artaxerxes, wrote Mithridach, Tabel, and the other of his counsell, vnto Artaxerxes the king of Persia with faire wordes: And the writing of the letter was in the Syrians speache, and interpreted in the language of the Syrians
8 Rehum the recorder, and Samsai the scribe wrote a letter from Hierusalem to Artaxerxes the king, as it foloweth
9 Then Rehum the recorder, and Samsai the scribe, and other of their company, they of Dina, of Apharsath, of Tharpelai, of Persia, of Arache, of Babylon, of Susan, of Deha, of Elan
10 And other of the people whom the great & noble Asnappar brought ouer, and set in the cities of Samaria, and other that are nowe beyond the water, and Cheeneth
Ezra 4:17
17 Then sent the king an aunswere vnto Rehum the recorder and Samsai the scribe, and to the other of their companions that dwell in Samaria, and vnto the other that were beyond the water in Selam and Cheeth
Job 2:11
11 Nowe when Iobs three friendes heard of all the trouble that came vpon him, they came euery one fro his owne place [namely] Eliphas the Themanite, Bildad the Suhite, and Zophad the Naamathite: for they were agreed together to come to shewe their compassion vpon him, and to comfort hym
Job 5:12-14
12 He destroyeth the deuices of the subtyll, so that their handes are not able to perfourme that which they do enterprise
13 He compasseth the wise in their owne craftinesse, & maketh foolishe the counsell of the wicked
14 They runne into darknesse by fayre day, and grope at the noone day as in the night
Job 20:6-7
Job 31:29
29 Haue I euer reioyced at the hurt of myne enemie? or was I euer glad that any harme happened vnto him? [Oh, no.
Job 34:25-29
25 Therefore shall he declare their workes: he shall turne the night, and they shalbe destroyed
26 The vngodly doth he punishe openly
27 Because they tourned backe from him, and would not consider all his wayes
28 Insomuch that they haue caused the voyce of the poore to come vnto him, and now he heareth the complaint of such as are in trouble
29 When he geueth quietnesse, who can make trouble? and when he hydeth his face, who can beholde him? whether it be vpon nations, or vpo one man onely
Job 39:27-28
Psalms 2:6-9
6 [Saying] euen I haue annointed [him] my kyng: vpon my holy hyll of Sion
7 I wyll declare the decree, God sayde vnto me: thou art my sonne, this day I haue begotten thee
8 Desire of me, and I wyll geue thee the heathen for thyne inheritaunce: and the vttermost partes of the earth for thy possession
9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron: and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell
Psalms 22:17
17 (22:16b) I may tell all my bones. (22:17a) They stande staring & gasing vpon me
Psalms 22:28
28 (22:27) For the kingdome is Gods: and he is the gouernour ouer the nations
Psalms 31:8
8 Thou hast not shut me vp into the hande of the enemie: [but] hast set my feete in a large roome
Psalms 31:18
18 Let the lying lippes be put to scilence: which speake against ye righteous greeuous thinges with disdaine & contempt
Psalms 33:10
10 God bringeth the counsell of the Heathen to naught: and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect
Psalms 37:13
13 The Lorde shall laugh him to scorne: for he seeth that his day is comming
Psalms 41:9
9 Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me
Psalms 50:18
18 When thou sawest a thiefe, thou dydst consent vnto hym: and thou hast ben partaker with the adulterers
Psalms 54:7
7 For he hath deliuered me out of all my trouble: and mine eye hath seene [auengaunce] vpon mine enemies
Psalms 55:12-13
12 Truely he was not mine enemie that hath done me this dishonour, for then I coulde haue borne it: neither was he one that seemed to hate me that dyd magnifie hym selfe against me, for then I woulde haue hyd my selfe from him
13 But it was euen thou whom I esteemed as my selfe: my guyde, and myne owne familier companion
Psalms 59:10
10 My mercifull Lord wyll preuent me: the Lord will let me see [my desire] vpon mine enemies
Psalms 69:7
7 (69:7a) For thy sake haue I suffered reprofe, shame hath couered my face
Psalms 69:35
35 (69:34) For the Lorde wyll saue Sion, and builde the cities of Iehuda: that men may dwel there and haue it in possession
Psalms 75:8-9
Psalms 76:5-6
Psalms 83:5-9
Psalms 83:6-15
Psalms 83:7-15
Psalms 83:8-15
Psalms 83:9-15
9 But do thou vnto them, as vnto Midian: as vnto Sisera, as vnto Iabin at the brooke Kishon
10 Whiche perished at Ein Dor: and became as the doung of the earth
11 Make them, their princes, [and] al their captaynes: lyke Oreb, and lyke Zeeb, and lyke Salmunna
12 Whiche sayd, let vs take to our selues: the houses of God in possession
13 O my Lorde, make them lyke vnto a wheele: and as chaffe before the winde
14 Lyke as a fire that burneth vp the wood: and as the flambe that consumeth the mountaynes
15 Persecute them euen so with thy tempest: and make them afrayde with thy storme
Psalms 89:45
45 (89:44) Thou hast shortened the dayes of his youth: and thou hast couered him with shame. Selah
Psalms 92:11
11 And myne eye shall see those that lye in wayte for me: myne eare shall heare the malitious persons that rise vp agaynst me
Psalms 102:15
15 (102:13) And the heathen wyll feare thy name O God: and all the kynges of the earth thy glorious maiestie
Psalms 107:39-40
Psalms 109:29
29 Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame: & let them couer the selues with their owne cofusion, as with a garment
Psalms 110:5-6
Psalms 132:18
18 I wyll clothe his enemies with shame: but his crowne shall florishe vppon hym selfe
Psalms 137:7
Psalms 139:1
1 O God thou hast searched me to the quicke: and thou hast knowen me
Psalms 149:5-9
5 The saintes shalbe ioyful with glory: they shal expresse a ioyfull noyse in their beddes
6 The hygh promotions of the Lorde shalbe in their mouth: and a two edged sworde in their handes
7 That they may take auengement of the heathen: and correction of the nations
8 That they may bynde their kynges in chaynes: and their nobles with iron fetters
9 That they may execute the iudgement prescribed: this honour shalbe to all his saintes. Prayse ye the Lorde
Proverbs 16:18
18 Pryde goeth before destruction, and an hygh mynde before the fall
Proverbs 17:5
5 Who so scorneth the poore, blasphemeth his maker: and he that is glad at [another mans] hurt, shall not be vnpunished
Proverbs 18:12
12 Before destruction the heart of a man is proude: and before honour goeth humilitie
Proverbs 24:17-18
Proverbs 29:23
23 After pryde commeth a fall: but a lowly spirite bryngeth great worshyp
Isaiah 1:27
27 Sion shalbe redeemed with equitie, and her conuertes with righteousnesse
Isaiah 4:3-4
3 Then shall the remnaunt in Sion and the remnaunt at Hierusalem be called holy: [namely] all such as are written among the lyuyng in Hierusalem
4 After that the Lorde hath washt away the filthinesse of the daughters of Sion, and hath purged the blood out from Hierusalem in the spirite of iudgement and in the spirite of fire
Isaiah 5:24
24 Therfore, lyke as fire licketh vp the strawe, and as the flambe consumeth the stubble: euen so their roote shalbe as corruption, and their blossome shall vanishe away lyke dust: for they haue cast away the lawe of the Lorde of hoastes, and despised the worde of the holy one of Israel
Isaiah 8:9-10
9 Breake downe O ye people, and ye shalbe broken downe, hearken to all ye of farre countreys: muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you, and you shalbe torne in peeces
10 Take your counsell together, yet shall your counsell come to naught: determine the matter, yet shall it not prosper: for God is with vs
Isaiah 9:6-7
6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace
7 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace, and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kingdome, to order the same, and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore: This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe
Isaiah 10:13-14
13 For he standeth thus in his owne conceipt, This do I thorowe the power of myne owne hande, & thorowe my wysdome: for I am wyse, I am he that remoue the landes of the people, I rob their treasure, and haue pulled downe the inhabitauntes like a valiaunt man
14 My hand hath found out the strength of the people as it were a nest: and like as egges that were layde here and there, are gathered together, so do I gather all countreys, and there was none [so bolde] as to moue the winge, that dare open his mouth, or once whisper
Isaiah 10:14-14
14 My hand hath found out the strength of the people as it were a nest: and like as egges that were layde here and there, are gathered together, so do I gather all countreys, and there was none [so bolde] as to moue the winge, that dare open his mouth, or once whisper
15 Shall the axe boast it selfe against him that heweth therwith? or shal the sawe make any bragging against hym that ruleth it? That were euen lyke as if the rod did exalt it selfe against him that beareth it, or as though the staffe should magnifie it selfe [as who say] it were no wood
16 Therefore shall the Lorde the God of hoastes sende among his fatlinges leanenesse, and burne vp his glory as it were with a fire
17 And the light of Israel shalbe that fire, and his holy one shalbe the flambe: and it shall kindle and burne vp his thornes and bryers in one day
Isaiah 11:13-14
13 The hatred of Ephraim also and enemies of Iuda shalbe cleane rooted out: Ephraim shall beare none euyll wyll to Iuda, & Iuda shall not vexe Ephraim
14 But they both together shall flee vppon the shoulders of the Philistines towarde the west, and spoyle them together that dwell towarde the east: The Idumites and the Moabites shal come vnder their handes, and the Amonites shalbe obedient vnto them
Isaiah 14:1-2
1 But the Lorde wylbe mercyfull vnto Iacob, and will yet chose Israel againe, and set them in their owne land, straungers shall cleaue and get them to the house of Iacob
2 The people shall take them and carry them home to their owne land: and the house of Israel shall possesse them in the lande of the Lord, that they may be seruaunts and handmaydes: and they shall take those prysoners whose captiues they had ben before, and rule those that had oppressed them
Isaiah 14:12-15
12 Howe art thou fallen from heauen O Lucifer, thou faire mornyng chylde? Howe hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, which didst weaken the nations
Isaiah 14:12
12 Howe art thou fallen from heauen O Lucifer, thou faire mornyng chylde? Howe hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, which didst weaken the nations
13 For thou saydest in thine heart, I wyll clymbe vp into heauen, and exalt my throne aboue beside the starres of God, I wyll sit also vpon the mount of the congregation towarde the North
14 I wyll clymbe vp aboue the cloudes, and wyll be lyke the hyghest of all
15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe to the deepe of hell, to the sides of the lake
Isaiah 16:6
6 We haue hearde of the pride of Moab, he is very proude, presumptuous, arrogant, and full of indignation, and vayne are his lyes
Isaiah 17:6
6 Some gatheryng in deede shall there be left in it, euen as in the shakyng of an Oliue tree there remayne two or three berries in the toppe of the vppermost bowe, and foure or fyue in the brode fruitfull braunches thereof, saith the Lorde God of Israel
Isaiah 18:2-3
2 Sendyng messengers by the sea, euen in vessels of reedes ouer the water, Get you hence ye speedy messengers to a nation that is scattered abrode, and robbed of that they had, a fearefull people from their begynnyng hytherto, a nation troden downe by litle and litle, whose lande the fluddes haue spoyled
3 All the inhabitours of the worlde, and indwellers of the earth, loke vp whe he setteth vp a token in the mountaynes, and hearken when he bloweth with the trumpe
Isaiah 19:3
3 The mynde also of Egypt shalbe cleane without counsayle within it selfe, and the deuice that they take wil I destroy: and they shall seke counsayle at idols and at sorcerers, at workers with spirites, and at soothsayers
Isaiah 19:11-14
11 But you foolishe princes of Zoan, ye wise counsaylers of Pharao, whose wit is turned to foolishnesse, howe say ye vnto Pharao, I am come of wise men and of auncient kinges
12 Where are thy wise men? Let them tell thee yf they can, what the Lorde of hoastes hath deuised vpon Egypt
13 The princes of Zoan are become fooles, the princes of Noph are deceaued, they haue deceaued Egypt, euen they that were taken for the chiefe stay therof
14 In the middest of it hath the Lorde powred the spirite of wickednesse: and they haue deceaued Egypt in euery worke therof, euen as a drunken man staggereth in his vomite
Isaiah 19:16-17
16 In that day shall Egypt be lyke vnto women: It shalbe afrayde and stande in feare at the motion of the hande of the Lorde of hoastes which he shaketh ouer it
17 And Egypt shalbe afraide of the lande of Iuda: so that euery one that maketh mention of it shalbe afraide therat, because of the counsayle of the Lorde of hoastes which he deuised for it
Isaiah 19:20
20 And it shalbe a token and a witnesse vnto the Lorde of hostes in the lande of Egypt: For they shal crie vnto the Lord because of such as trouble them, and he shall sende them a sauiour and a great man to delyuer them
Isaiah 21:11
11 The burthen of Duma. He calleth to me out of Seir: watchman what hast thou espied by nyght? watchman what hast thou espied by nyght
Isaiah 23:9
9 Euen the Lorde of hoastes hath deuised this, to put downe the pride of all such as be glorious, and to minishe all them that be proude vpon the earth
Isaiah 24:13
13 For in the middes of the lande, euen among the people, it shall come to passe as at the shaking of oliues, and as the grapes are when the wine haruest is done
Isaiah 27:11
11 When the braunches of it are drye, they are broken of, & the women come and set them on fire: for it is a people of no vnderstanding, and therfore he that made them shall not fauour them, and he that created them shall geue them no grace
Isaiah 29:7-8
7 And the multitude of all nations that fight against Ariel, shalbe as a dreame seene by night: euen so shall they be that make warre against it, and strong holdes to ouercome it, and that lay any siege vnto it
8 In conclusion, it shalbe euen as when a hungry man dreameth that he is eating, and when he awaketh, his soule is emptie, or as when a thirstie man dreameth that he is drinking, and when he awaketh, he is yet fainte, and his soule hath appetite: euen so shall the multitude of all nations that fighteth against mount Sion
Isaiah 29:14
14 Therefore wyll I do marueyles among this people, euen marueylous thinges [I say] and a wonder: For the wysdome of their wyse men shall perishe, and the vnderstanding of their wittie men shall hyde it selfe
Isaiah 30:4
4 For his captaynes were at Zoan, and his embassadours came vnto Hanes
Isaiah 31:9
9 He shall go for feare to his strong holdes, and his princes shall flee from his standerd saith the Lord, whose fire is in Sion, and his fornace in Hierusalem
Isaiah 34:1-17
1 Come ye heathen and heare, take heede you people: hearken thou earth and all that is therin, thou rounde compasse and all that dwelleth thervpon
2 For the Lorde is angry with all people, & his displeasure is kindled agaynst all the multitude of them, he hath destroyed them, and delyuered them to the slaughter
3 So that their slayne shalbe cast out and their bodyes stincke, that euen the very hylles shalbe wet with the blood of them
4 All the starres of heauen shall waste, and the heauens shall folde together lyke a roll, and all the starres therof shall fall, lyke as the leaues fall from the vines and figge trees
5 For my sworde shalbe bathed in heauen, and shall immediatly come downe to iudgement vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed
Isaiah 34:5-8
5 For my sworde shalbe bathed in heauen, and shall immediatly come downe to iudgement vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed
6 And the Lordes sworde shalbe full of blood, and be rusty with the fatnesse and blood of lambes and goates, with the fatnesse of the kidneys of weathers: For the Lord shall kyll a great offering in Bozra, and a great slaughter in the lande of Idumea
Isaiah 34:6-8
6 And the Lordes sworde shalbe full of blood, and be rusty with the fatnesse and blood of lambes and goates, with the fatnesse of the kidneys of weathers: For the Lord shall kyll a great offering in Bozra, and a great slaughter in the lande of Idumea
7 There shall the vnicornes fall with them, and the bulles with the giauntes, and their lande shalbe throughly soked with blood, and their grounde corrupt with fatnesse
Isaiah 34:7-8
Isaiah 34:8-8
8 For it is the day of Gods vengeaunce, and the yere of recompence for the reuenge of Sion
9 And his fluddes shalbe turned to pitch, and his earth to brimstone, and therewith shall the lande be kindled
10 So that it shall not be quenched day nor nyght, but smoke euermore, and so foorth lye waste: and no man shall go through it for euer
11 But Pellicanes, Storkes, great Owles, and Rauens shall haue it in possession and dwell therin: for God shall spreade out the line of desolation vpon it, and the stones of emptinesse
12 Her nobles shall call, and there is no kyngdome: and all her princes shalbe nothyng
13 Thornes shall growe in their palaces, nettles & thistles in their strong holdes, that the dragons may haue their pleasure therin, and that they may be a court for Estriches
14 There shall straunge visures & monsterous beastes meete one another, and the wylde kepe company together: there shall the Lamia lye and haue her lodgyng
15 There shall the Owle make her nest, builde, be there at home, & bryng foorth her young ones: there shall the Kytes come together, eche one to his lyke
16 Seke through the booke of the Lorde and reade it: there shall none of these thynges be left out, there shall not one nor such lyke fayle: for his mouth commaundeth, and that same doth his spirite gather together, or fulfyll
17 He hath cast the lot for them, and to those beastes hath his hande deuided it by the line: therfore those shall possesse it for euer, from generation to generation shall they dwell therin
Isaiah 37:3
3 And they sayde vnto hym, Thus saith Hezekia: This is the day of trouble, of plague, and of blasphemie: for the children are come to the place of birth, but there is no power to bryng them foorth
Isaiah 37:24
24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lorde, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe: I wyll couer the hye mountaynes and sydes of Libanus with my horsemen, and there wyll I cut downe the hye Cedar trees, and the fayrest Firre trees: I wyll vp in the heyght of it, and into the chiefest of his tymber woods
Isaiah 42:14
14 I haue long holden my peace [saith the Lorde] I haue ben styll and refrained my selfe, but now I wyll crie like a trauayling woman, and at once wyll I destroy and deuour
Isaiah 45:3
3 I shall geue thee hid treasures and the thing whiche is secretly kept: that thou mayest know that I am the Lord God of Israel, whiche haue called thee by thy name
Isaiah 46:13
13 I shall bryng foorth my righteousnesse, it is not farre, and my health shall not tary long away: I wyll lay health in Sion, and in Israel my glory
Isaiah 47:7-8
7 And thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer, and beside all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, neither remembred what was the ende of that citie Hierusalem
8 Heare nowe therefore thou delicate one that sittest so carelesse, and speakest thus in thyne heart, I am alone, and without me is there none, I shal neuer be widowe nor desolate agayne
Isaiah 47:14
14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche if it be kindeled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemencie of the flambe, and yet it geueth no finders to warme a man by, nor cleare fire to sit by
Isaiah 49:25-26
25 But thus saith the Lorde: The prisoners shalbe taken from the mightie, & the spoyle shalbe recouered from the violent: for I wyll maynteyne thy cause agaynst thine aduersaries, and I wyll saue thy sonnes
26 And I wyll feede thine enemies with their owne fleshe, & make them drunken with their owne blood, as with sweete wine: And all fleshe shall knowe O Iacob that I am the Lorde thy sauiour, thy noble redeemer
Isaiah 51:22-23
22 Thus saith the Lorde, thy Lorde and God, the defendour of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slumbryng cup out of his hande, euen the cup with the dregges of my wrath, that from hencefoorth thou shalt neuer drinke it more
23 But I wil put it into their hande that trouble thee, which haue spoken to thy soule, Stoupe downe, that we may go ouer thee, make thy body euen with the grounde, and as the streete to go vpon
Isaiah 60:21
21 Thy people shalbe all righteous and possesse the lande euer, the floure of my planting, the worke of my hands wherof I wyll reioyce
Isaiah 63:1-6
1 What is he this that commeth fro Edom, with red coloured clothes from Bosra? He is honourablye arrayed, and commeth in mightyly with his power: I am he that teacheth righteousnesse, and am of power to helpe
Isaiah 63:1-3
1 What is he this that commeth fro Edom, with red coloured clothes from Bosra? He is honourablye arrayed, and commeth in mightyly with his power: I am he that teacheth righteousnesse, and am of power to helpe
2 Wherefore then is thy clothing red, and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wine presse
Isaiah 63:2-3
2 Wherefore then is thy clothing red, and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wine presse
3 I haue troden the presse my selfe alone, and of all people there is not one with me: Thus wyll I treade them downe in my wrath, and set my feete vpon them in myne indignation, and their blood shal be sprong vpon my clothes, and so wyll I stayne all my rayment
Isaiah 63:3-3
3 I haue troden the presse my selfe alone, and of all people there is not one with me: Thus wyll I treade them downe in my wrath, and set my feete vpon them in myne indignation, and their blood shal be sprong vpon my clothes, and so wyll I stayne all my rayment
4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart, and the yere when my people shalbe deliuered is come
5 I loked about me, and there was no man to shewe me any helpe, I marueyled that no man helde me vp: Then I helde me by myne owne arme, and my feruentnesse sustayned me
6 And thus wyll I treade downe the people in my wrath, and bathe them in my displeasure, and vpon the earth will I lay their strength
Jeremiah 3:18
18 Then those that be of the house of Iuda, shal go vnto the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the north, into the same lande that I haue geuen your fathers
Jeremiah 3:25
25 So do we also sleepe in our confusion, and shame couereth vs: for we & our fathers from our youth vp vnto this day haue sinned agaynst the Lord our God, and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde our God
Jeremiah 4:30
30 What wylt thou nowe do, thou being destroyed? For though thou clothest thy selfe with scarlet, and deckest thee with golde, though thou payntest thy face with colours nowe, yet shalt thou trimme thy selfe in vayne: For those that hitherto haue ben thy louers, shall abhorre thee, and go about to slay thee
Jeremiah 6:4-5
Jeremiah 9:25-26
25 Beholde the time commeth (saith the Lord) that I will visite all them whose foreskinne is vncircumcised, and the circumcised
26 The Egyptians, the Iewes, the Edomites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the shauen Madianites that dwel in the wildernesse: for all the gentiles are all vncircumcised in the fleshe, but all the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the heart
Jeremiah 13:19
19 The cities towarde the south shalbe shut vp, and no man shall open them: all Iuda shalbe caryed away captiue, so that none shall remayne
Jeremiah 20:10
10 Ueryly I hearde the euyll reportes of many, terrour was on euery side of me: complayne vpon hym say they, and we wyll tell his tale: Yea all myne owne companions, and suche as were conuersaunt with me, lay in wayte for my halting, saying: peraduenture he wylbe deceaued, and so shall we preuayle against hym, and be auenged of hym
Jeremiah 25:15-29
15 For thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto me: take this wine cup of indignation fro my hande, that thou mayest cause all people to whom I sende thee, for to drinke of it
Jeremiah 25:15-16
15 For thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto me: take this wine cup of indignation fro my hande, that thou mayest cause all people to whom I sende thee, for to drinke of it
16 That when they haue drunken therof, they may be madde and out of their wittes, when the sworde commeth that I wyll sende among them
Jeremiah 25:16-16
Jeremiah 25:17-29
17 Then toke I the cuppe from the Lordes hande, and made all people to drinke thereof vnto whom the Lorde had sent me
18 But first the citie of Hierusalem, and all the cities of Iuda, their kinges and princes, to make them desolate, amased, despised, and hissed at, and cursed, according as it is come to passe this day
19 Yea and Pharao the kyng of Egypt, his seruauntes, his princes, and his people altogether one with another
20 And all kinges of the lande of Hus, all kinges of the Philistines lande, Ascalon, Azah, Accaron, and the remnaunt of Asdod
21 The Edomites, the Moabites, and the Ammonites
Jeremiah 25:21-29
21 The Edomites, the Moabites, and the Ammonites
22 All the kinges of Tyrus and Sidon, the kinges of the Isles that are beyonde the sea
23 Dedan, Thema, Buz, and all them that dwell in the vttermost partes of the worlde
24 All the kinges of Arabia, and [generally] all the kinges that dwell in the desert
25 All the kinges of Zimri, al the kinges of Elam, all the kinges of the Medes
26 All the kinges towarde the north, whether they be farre or nye, euery one against his neighbour, yea and all the kyngdomes that are vpon the whole earth: and the kyng of Sesach shall drinke also after them
27 Therfore say thou vnto them, This is the commaundement of the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel: Drinke and be drunken, spewe and fall, that ye neuer arise, and that thorowe the sworde whiche I wyll sende among you
28 But yf they wyll not receaue the cup of thy hande, and drynke it, then tell them, thus doth the Lorde of hoastes threaten you, Drynke it you shall, and that shortly
29 For lo, I begyn to plague the citie that my name is geuen vnto, thinke ye then that I will leaue you vnpunished? ye shall not go quite: for why? I call for a sworde vpon all the inhabitours of the earth, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Jeremiah 30:7
7 Alas for this day, which is so dreadfull that none may be likened vnto it, and alas for the tyme of Iacobs trouble, from the which he shal yet be deliuered
Jeremiah 30:14
14 All thy louers haue forgotten thee, and care nothyng for thee: for I haue geuen thee a cruell stroke, and chastened thee roughly, and that for the multitude of thy misdeedes: for thy sinnes haue had the ouer hande
Jeremiah 31:4-6
4 I wyll repayre thee agayne O thou daughter of Israel, that thou mayest be fast and sure: thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne, and go foorth with them that leade the daunce
5 Thou shalt plant vines agayne vpon the hylles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plant, and commonly eate of it
6 For the dayes shall come when the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall crye, Arise, let vs go vp vnto Sion to our Lorde God
Jeremiah 32:44
44 Yea lande shalbe bought for money, and euidences made thervpon, and sealed before witnesses in the countrey of Beniamin, and rounde about Hierusalem, in the cities of Iuda, in the cities that are vpon the mountaynes, and them that lye beneath, yea and in the cities that are in the south: for I wyll bryng their prysoners hyther agayne, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 33:13
13 In the cities vpon the mountaynes, and in the cities that lye vpon the plaine, and in the cities of the south, in the lande of Beniamin, and rounde about Hierusalem, and in the cities of Iuda shall the sheepe passe agayne vnder the hande of him that telleth them, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 33:26
26 Then will I also cast away the seede of Iacob and Dauid my seruaunt, so that I wyll take no prince out of his seede to rule the posteritie of Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob: but yet I will turne agayne their captiuitie, and be mercyfull vnto them
Jeremiah 38:22
22 Beholde, all the women that are left in the kyng of Iudas house, shalbe led foorth vnto the kyng of Babylons princes: and they shall say, thou art deceaued, and the men in whom thou didst put thy trust, haue gotten thee vnder, & set thy feete fast in the mire, and gone their way from thee
Jeremiah 44:14
14 So that none of the remnaunt of Iuda whiche are gone to dwell in Egypt, shalbe left to come againe into the land of Iuda, although they thinke to come thyther agayne and to dwell there: for none shall come agayne but suche as are fled away
Jeremiah 44:28
28 Neuerthelesse, those that fled away for the sworde, shall come againe out of Egypt into the land of Iuda, but there shalbe very fewe of them: and all the remnaunt of Iuda that are gone into Egypt there to dwell, shall knowe whose words shalbe found true, theirs, or myne
Jeremiah 46:28
28 Feare thou not (O Iacob my seruaunt) saith the Lorde, for I am with thee, and wyll destroy all nations among whom I haue scattered thee: neuerthelesse I wyll not consume thee, but chasten thee and correct thee, yea and that with discretion, neither wyll I vtterly destroy thee
Jeremiah 48:29-30
Jeremiah 49:1
1 As concerning the Ammonites, thus the Lorde saith: Hath Israel no chyldren? or is he without any ayre? Why hath your kyng then taken Gad in? Wherefore doth his people dwell in his cities
Jeremiah 49:4
4 Wherfore gloriest thou in the valley? thy valley hath flowed away O thou rebellious daughter, and thinkest thou that thou art so safe by reason of thy treasure, that no man shall come to thee
Jeremiah 49:7-22
7 Upon the Edomites hath the Lord of hoastes spoken on this maner: Is there no more wysdome in Theman? Is there no more good counsayle among his people? Is their wysdome then turned cleane to naught
Jeremiah 49:7
7 Upon the Edomites hath the Lord of hoastes spoken on this maner: Is there no more wysdome in Theman? Is there no more good counsayle among his people? Is their wysdome then turned cleane to naught
8 Get you hence, turne your backes, creepe downe into the deepe O ye citizens of Dedan: for I wyll bryng destruction vpon Esau, yea and the day of his visitation
9 If the grape gatherers come vpon thee, shoulde they not leaue some grapes? If the night robbers come vppon thee, shoulde they not take so much as they thought were inough
Jeremiah 49:9
9 If the grape gatherers come vpon thee, shoulde they not leaue some grapes? If the night robbers come vppon thee, shoulde they not take so much as they thought were inough
10 But I wyll make Esau bare, and discouer his secretes, so that he shall not be able to byde them: His seede shalbe wasted away, yea his brethren and his neighbours, and he hym selfe shall not be left behynde
Jeremiah 49:10
10 But I wyll make Esau bare, and discouer his secretes, so that he shall not be able to byde them: His seede shalbe wasted away, yea his brethren and his neighbours, and he hym selfe shall not be left behynde
11 Thou shalt leaue thy fatherlesse chyldren behynde thee, and I wyll kepe them, and thy wydowes shal take their comfort in me
12 For thus hath the Lord spoken: Beholde, they that men thought were vnmeete to drinke of the cuppe, haue drunken with the first, and thinkest thou then to be free? No no, thou shalt neither be quit nor free: but thou must drinke also
Jeremiah 49:12
12 For thus hath the Lord spoken: Beholde, they that men thought were vnmeete to drinke of the cuppe, haue drunken with the first, and thinkest thou then to be free? No no, thou shalt neither be quit nor free: but thou must drinke also
13 For why? I haue sworne by my selfe saith the Lorde, that Bozrah shall become a wyldernesse, an open shame, a laughing stocke, and cursing, and all her cities shalbe a continuall desert
Jeremiah 49:13
13 For why? I haue sworne by my selfe saith the Lorde, that Bozrah shall become a wyldernesse, an open shame, a laughing stocke, and cursing, and all her cities shalbe a continuall desert
14 For I am perfectly infourmed of the Lorde, that he hath sent a message alredy vnto the heathen: Gather you together, and go foorth agaynst her, make you redy to battayle
15 For lo, I wyll make thee but small among the heathen, and litle regarded among men
16 Thy hye stomacke, and the pryde of thy heart hath deceaued thee, because thou doest dwell in the holes of stonye rockes, and hast the hye mountaynes in possession: Neuerthelesse, though thy nest were as hye as the Egles, yet I wyll cast thee downe saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 49:16
16 Thy hye stomacke, and the pryde of thy heart hath deceaued thee, because thou doest dwell in the holes of stonye rockes, and hast the hye mountaynes in possession: Neuerthelesse, though thy nest were as hye as the Egles, yet I wyll cast thee downe saith the Lorde
17 Moreouer, Idumea shalbe a wyldernesse, whoso goeth by it, shalbe abashed, and wonder at all her miserable plagues
Jeremiah 49:17-20
Jeremiah 49:18-20
18 Like as Sodom, Gomor, and the cities that lay there about, were turned vpside downe, saith the Lorde: so shalt no body dwell in Idumea, and no man shall haue his habitation there
19 Beholde, lyke as the lion, so shall a destroyer come vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane, vnto the strong dwelling place, & when I haue made hym quiet, I wyll make hym to flee from her, and all chosen men wyll I set in aray against her: Who is lyke vnto me? what is he that wyll striue with me? what sheephearde may stande in my handes
Jeremiah 49:19-20
19 Beholde, lyke as the lion, so shall a destroyer come vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane, vnto the strong dwelling place, & when I haue made hym quiet, I wyll make hym to flee from her, and all chosen men wyll I set in aray against her: Who is lyke vnto me? what is he that wyll striue with me? what sheephearde may stande in my handes
20 Therefore heare the counsell of the Lorde that he hath taken vpon Idumea, and his purpose that he hath deuised vpon the citizens of Theman: The least of the flocke shall trayle them, and looke what fayre habitation they haue, they shall make it waste, and them selues also
Jeremiah 49:20
20 Therefore heare the counsell of the Lorde that he hath taken vpon Idumea, and his purpose that he hath deuised vpon the citizens of Theman: The least of the flocke shall trayle them, and looke what fayre habitation they haue, they shall make it waste, and them selues also
Jeremiah 49:20-20
20 Therefore heare the counsell of the Lorde that he hath taken vpon Idumea, and his purpose that he hath deuised vpon the citizens of Theman: The least of the flocke shall trayle them, and looke what fayre habitation they haue, they shall make it waste, and them selues also
21 At the noyse of their fall the earth shall quake, the crye of their voyce shalbe hearde vnto the red sea
22 Beholde, the enemie shall come and flee vp hyther lyke as it were an Egle, and spreade his winges vpon Bozrah: then shall the heartes of the worthyes in Edom, be as the heart of a woman trauayling of chylde
Jeremiah 49:22
22 Beholde, the enemie shall come and flee vp hyther lyke as it were an Egle, and spreade his winges vpon Bozrah: then shall the heartes of the worthyes in Edom, be as the heart of a woman trauayling of chylde
Jeremiah 50:9-15
9 For lo, I wyll wake vp an hoast of people from the northren lande, & bryng them vpon Babylon, these shal lay siege to it, and winne it: their arrowes shall not misse, like as a cunnyng archer shooteth not wrong
10 And the Chaldees shalbe spoyled, and all they that spoyle them, shalbe satisfied saith the Lorde
11 Although ye were so chearfull & glad, to treade downe myne heritage, and fulfylled your pleasures as the calues in the grasse, and triumphed ouer them like bulles [when ye had gotten the victorie
12 Your mothers shalbe sore confounded, and they that bare you shall come to shame, she shalbe the least set by among the nations, voyde, wasted, & dryed vp
13 No man shalbe able to dwell there for the feare of the Lorde, but she shalbe whole desolate: all they that go by Babylon, shall stande styll & be abashed, and shall wonder at all her plagues
14 Go foorth in your aray agaynst Babylon rounde about all ye that can handle bowes, shoote at her, spare no arrowes: for she hath sinned agaynst the Lorde
15 Crye out agaynst her rounde about, she shall yelde her selfe, her foundations shall fall, and her walles shall come downe, for it shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lorde, yea vengeaunce shalbe taken of her: and as she hath done, so deale ye with her
Jeremiah 50:23
23 Howe happeneth it that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken and brused in sunder? Howe chaunceth it that Babylon is become a wildernesse among the heathen [on this maner?
Jeremiah 50:29
29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babylon, pitch your tentes rounde about her, that none escape, recompence her as she hath deserued, and accordyng as she hath done, so deale with her agayne: for she hath set vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde, agaynst the holy one of Israel
Jeremiah 50:36-37
36 The sworde vpon their soothsayers, as for those they shall become fooles: the sworde vpon their worthies, so that they shall stande in feare
37 The sworde vpon their horsemen and charrettes, and vpon all the comon people that dwell among them, so that they shall all become lyke women: The sworde vpon their treasure, so that it shalbe stollen away
Jeremiah 50:37-37
37 The sworde vpon their horsemen and charrettes, and vpon all the comon people that dwell among them, so that they shall all become lyke women: The sworde vpon their treasure, so that it shalbe stollen away
Jeremiah 51:27-28
27 Set vp a token in the lande, blowe the trumpets among the heathen, prouoke the nations agaynst her, call the kyngdomes of Ararat, Menni, and Ascanez, agaynst her, set the prince agaynst her, bryng as great a sort of terrible horses agaynst her as yf they were grashoppers
28 Prepare against them the people of the Medes, with their kynges, princes, and all their chiefe rulers: yea and the whole lande that is vnder hym
Jeremiah 51:46
46 Be not faynt hearted, and feare not at euery rumoure that shalbe hearde in the lande: for euery yere bryngeth newe tidinges, and in the yere folowing newe tidinges, and robbyng in the lande, and lorde vpon lorde
Jeremiah 51:51
51 For we are ashamed to heare the blasphemies, our faces were couered with shame, because the straunge aliauntes came into the sanctuarie of the Lorde
Jeremiah 51:53
53 Though Babylon clymed vp into heauen, and kept her power on hye, yet shall I sende her destroyers saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 52:28-30
28 This is the summe of the people whom Nabuchodonozor led away captiue: in the seuenth yere of his raigne he caryed away of the Iewes three thousande twentie and three
29 In the eyghteenth yere Nabuchodonozor caryed away from Hierusalem eyght hundred thirtie and two persons
30 In the three and twentie yere of Nabuchodonozor, Nabuzaradan the chiefe captayne toke away seuen hundred fourtie and fiue Iewes, prisoners. The whole summe of the prisoners is foure thousande and sixe hundred
Lamentations 1:1
1 Alas howe sitteth the citie so desolate, that sometime was full of people? Howe is she become lyke a widow which was great among nations? Howe is she brought vnder tribute that ruled landes
Lamentations 1:19
19 I called for my louers, but they beguiled me, for my priestes and counsaylers, but they perished, euen whyle they sought for meate to saue their lyues
Lamentations 4:21-22
21 And thou O daughter Edom that dwellest in the land of Huz, be glad and reioyce, for the cup shall come vnto thee also, thou shalt be dronken, and discouer thy nakednesse
Lamentations 4:21
21 And thou O daughter Edom that dwellest in the land of Huz, be glad and reioyce, for the cup shall come vnto thee also, thou shalt be dronken, and discouer thy nakednesse
22 Thy sinnes are wel punished O thou daughter Sion, he shall not suffer thee to be caried away: but thy wickednesse O daughter Edom shall he visite, and wyll discouer thy sinnes
Ezekiel 7:16
16 But they that flee away from them shall escape, and shalbe in the mountaynes lyke the doues of the valleys, all they shall mourne, euery one for his iniquitie
Ezekiel 7:18
18 They shall girde them selues with sackcloth, feare shall couer them, shame shalbe vpon all faces, and baldnesse vpon their heades
Ezekiel 23:22-25
22 Therfore O Aholibah, thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll raise vp thy louers agaynst thee from whom thy heart is departed, and gather them together agaynst thee on euery syde
23 [namely] the Babylonians and all the Chaldees, rulers, wealthy and mightie men, with all the Assyrians, all pleasaut young men, captaynes and princes, all valiaunt and renowmed, riding vpon horses
24 These shall come vpon thee with charrettes, wagons, and wheeles, and great multitude of people, with buckler, shielde, and helmet they shall beser thee on euery side: I wyll geue iudgement before them, yea they them selues shall iudge thee accordyng to their owne iudgement
25 I wyll lay mine indignation vpon thee, so that they shal deale cruelly with thee: they shall cut of thy nose and thine eares, and thy remnaunt shall fall by the sworde, they shall cary away thy sonnes and daughters, and the residue shalbe deuoured by the fire
Ezekiel 25:6-7
6 For thus sayth the Lorde God: Insomuch as thou hast clapped with thyne handes, and stamped with thy feete, yea and reioyced ouer the lande of Israel with all thy despite in heart
7 Behold therfore I wil stretche out my hande ouer thee, and deliuer thee to be spoyled of the heathen, & roote thee out from among the people, and cause thee to perishe out of the landes: yea I will make thee to be destroyed, that thou mayest know that I am the Lorde
Ezekiel 25:12-14
12 Thus sayth the Lorde God: For that Edom hath done in auenging reuengement vpon the house of Iuda, & hath done great offence and auenged hym selfe vpon them
13 Therfore thus sayth the Lord God, I wil reache out myne hand vpon Edom, and destroy man and beast out of it, I will make it desolate from Theman, & Dedanah shall fall by the sworde
Ezekiel 25:13
13 Therfore thus sayth the Lord God, I wil reache out myne hand vpon Edom, and destroy man and beast out of it, I will make it desolate from Theman, & Dedanah shall fall by the sworde
14 And I will execute my reuengement vpon Edom by the hande of my people Israel, they shall do in Edom according to my wrath and indignation, so that they shall knowe my vengeaunce, sayth the Lord God
Ezekiel 25:16
16 Therfore thus saith the Lord God, Behold I will stretche out my hande ouer the Philistines, and destroy the Cerethites, and cause all the remnaunt of the sea coast to perishe
Ezekiel 29:15
15 Yea it shalbe the smallest among other kingdomes, neither shall it exalt it selfe any more aboue the nations: for I wil so minishe them, that they shall no more rule the nations
Ezekiel 30:3
3 For the day is neare, the day of the Lorde is at hande, the darke day, the time of the nations shalbe
Ezekiel 34:12-13
12 Lyke as a shephearde when he hath ben among the flocke, seeketh after the sheepe that are scattered abroade: euen so wyll I seeke after my sheepe, and deliuer them out of all places where they haue ben scattered, in the cloudie and darke day
13 I wyll bring them out from the people, and gather them together out of the landes, I wyl bring them into their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers and in all the places of the countrey
Ezekiel 35:3-15
3 And say vnto it, thus saith the Lorde God: Beholde O thou mount Seir, I wyll vpon thee, I wyll reache out my hande ouer thee, yea waste and desolate wyll I make thee
4 Thy cities wyll I laye waste, & thou shalt lye voyde, that thou mayst knowe howe that I am the Lorde
5 Forsomuch as thou bearest an olde enmitie, and hast put the children of Israel to flight by the force of the sworde, in the time of their calamitie, [when their] iniquitie had an ende
Ezekiel 35:5-7
5 Forsomuch as thou bearest an olde enmitie, and hast put the children of Israel to flight by the force of the sworde, in the time of their calamitie, [when their] iniquitie had an ende
Ezekiel 35:5
5 Forsomuch as thou bearest an olde enmitie, and hast put the children of Israel to flight by the force of the sworde, in the time of their calamitie, [when their] iniquitie had an ende
6 Therefore as truely as I lyue, saith the Lorde God, I wyll prepare thee vnto blood, yea blood shall folowe vpon thee, except thou hate blood, euen blood shall persecute thee
Ezekiel 35:6-7
Ezekiel 35:7-7
7 Thus wyll I make the mount Seir desolate and waste, and cut out from it him that passeth out, and him that returneth
8 His mountaines wyll I fill with his slaine men, thy hils, valleys, and al thy riuers, the slaine with the sworde shall fall in them
9 I wyll make thee a perpetuall wildernes, so that thy cities shal not returne: that ye may knowe that I am the Lorde
Ezekiel 35:9
Ezekiel 35:10
10 And because thou hast saide, both these nations, and both these landes must be myne, and we wyll haue them in possession, whereas the Lorde was there
11 Therefore as truely as I lyue saith the Lorde God, I wyll euen do according to thy wrath, and according to thyne enuiyng which thou hast vsed in thyne hatred against them: and I wyll make my selfe knowen amongst them when I haue iudged thee
12 Yea and thou shalt knowe that I the Lorde haue heard all thy blasphemies, whiche thou hast spoken against the mountaines of Israel, saying, They are made waste, & geuen vs to deuour
13 Thus with your mouthes ye haue made your boastes against me, yea and multiplied your wordes against me, which I haue heard
14 Thus saith the Lord God: To the ioy of all the worlde wyll I make thee waste
15 And lyke as thou wast glad because the heritage of the house of Israel was destroyed, euen so wyll I do vnto thee: thou shalt be destroyed O mount Seir, and all Idumea wholly, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde
Ezekiel 35:15
15 And lyke as thou wast glad because the heritage of the house of Israel was destroyed, euen so wyll I do vnto thee: thou shalt be destroyed O mount Seir, and all Idumea wholly, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde
Ezekiel 36:6-12
6 Prophecie therefore vpon the lande of Israel, and speake vnto the mountaines and hils, to the riuers and dales, thus saith the Lorde God: Behold, this haue I spoken in my gelousie and terrible wrath, because ye haue borne the shame of the heathen
7 Therefore thus saith the Lorde God, I haue lyft vp my hande, surely the heathen that are about you, shall beare their shame
8 But you, O mountaynes of Israel, ye shall shoote out your braunches, and bring foorth your fruite to my people of Israel: for they are at hande to come
9 Beholde I come vnto you, and vnto you wyll I turne my face, that ye may be tilled and sowen
10 I wyll multiplie men vpon you, [euen] al the house of Israel wholly, the cities shalbe inhabited, and the decayed places shalbe repaired againe
11 And I wyll multiplie vpon you man and beast, which shal encrease and bring fruite: and I wyll cause you to dwell after your olde estate, & be better vnto you then at the beginning: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde
12 Yea I wyll cause men to walke vpon you, [euen] my people Israel, & they shall possesse thee, and thou shalt be their inheritaunce, & thou shalt no more hencefoorth depriue them of [men
Ezekiel 36:28
28 And so ye shall dwell in the lande that I gaue to your fathers: & ye shalbe my people, and I wil be your God
Ezekiel 37:16
16 Thou sonne of man, take one sticke, and write vpon it, Unto Iuda and to the children of Israel his companios. Then take another sticke and write vpon it, Unto Ioseph the stocke of Ephraim, & to all the housholde of Israel his companions
Ezekiel 37:19
19 Then geue them this aunswere, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will take the stocke of Ioseph, whiche is in the hand of Ephraim, and of the tribes of Israel his felowes, and wil put them with him, [euen] with the stocke of Iuda, and make them one stocke, and they shalbe one in my hande
Ezekiel 37:21-25
21 And thou shalt say vnto them, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen vnto whom they be gone, and will gather them together on euery side, and bring them againe into their owne lande
22 Yea I wil make one people of them in the land vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and one king shalbe king to them al: they shall no more be two peoples, neither be deuided from hencefoorth into two kingdomes
23 They shall also defile them selues no more with their idoles and abhominations, and al their wicked doynges: I wil saue them out of all their dwelling places wherin they haue sinned, and will so cleanse them, that they shalbe my people, and I wilbe their God
24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their king, and they all shall haue one sheepheard only: they shall walke in my iudgementes, and my commaundementes shall they kepe, and fulfill them
25 They shall dwell in the lande that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, wheras your fathers also haue dwelt, yea [euen] in the same land shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their prince for euer
Ezekiel 47:13-21
13 Thus saith the Lorde God: Let this be the border whereby ye shall inherite the lande according to the twelue tribes of Israel, Ioseph shall haue two portions
14 And ye shall inherite it one aswell as an other, concerning the which I lift vp my hande to geue it vnto your fathers: and this lande shall fall vnto you for inheritaunce
15 This is the border of the lande vpon the north side, from the maine sea toward Hethlon, as men go to Zedada
16 [namely] Hamah, Berotha, Sabarim, which are betweene the borders of Damascus, and betweene the borders of Hamah, Hazar Hatichon, that lyeth vpon the coastes of Hauran
17 Thus the borders from the sea foorth shalbe Hazar Enan, the border of Damascus, and the north northwarde, and the borders of Hamah: this is the north part
18 The east side shall ye measure from Hauran and Damascus, from Galead and the land of Israel by Iordane, and from the border vnto the cast sea: & this is the east part
19 The south side shalbe toward Teman, from Thamar to the waters of strife in Cades, and the riuer to the maine sea: and that is the south part towarde Teman
20 The west part also shalbe the great sea, from the borders till a man come ouer against Hamah: this is the west part
21 This lande shall ye part among you according to the tribes of Israel
Ezekiel 48:1-9
1 These are ye names of the tribes: from the north side to the coast towarde Hethlon, till thou comest vnto Hamah and Hazar, Enan, the borders of Damascus northward, the coast of Hamah, Dan shall haue his portion from the east quarter vnto the west
2 Upon the borders of Dan, from the east side vnto the west, shall Aser haue his portion
3 Upon the borders of Aser, from the east part vnto the west, shall Nephthali haue his portion
4 Upon the borders of Nephthali, from the east quarter vnto the west, shal Manasses haue his portion
5 Upon the borders of Manasses, from the east side vnto the west, shall Ephraim haue his portion
6 Upon the borders of Ephraim, from the east part vnto the west, shall Ruben haue his portion
7 Upon the borders of Ruben, from the east quarter vnto the west, shall Iuda haue his portion
8 Upon the borders of Iuda, from the east part vnto the west part, shalbe the offering which they shall offer of fiue and twentie thousand [canes] brode, and of length as one of the partes, from the east side vnto the west side: and the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst of it
9 The oblation that ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe fiue and twentie thousand long, and ten thousand brode
Daniel 2:22
22 He reuealeth the deepe & secrete thinges, he knoweth the thing that lieth in darknesse, for the light dwelleth with him
Daniel 2:35
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brasse, the siluer and gold broken al together, & became like ye chaffe of sommer floores, and the winde caryed them away, that no place was found for them: & the stone that smote the image became a great mountayne, and filled the whole earth
Daniel 2:44
44 And in the dayes of these kinges, shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed, and this kingdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: but it shall breake and destroy al these kingdomes, and it shal stand for euer
Daniel 7:14
14 And he gaue him dominion & honour, and a kingdome, that al people, nations, and languages should serue him: his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away, and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed
Daniel 7:27
27 And the kingdome and dominion, & the greatnes of the kingdome vnder the whole heaue, shalbe geuen to the people of high sainctes, whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome, and all powers shal serue and obey it
Daniel 12:3
3 They that be wyse, shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament: and they that turne many to righteousnesse, as the starres for euer and euer
Hosea 1:10-11
10 Yet the number of the chyldren of Israel shalbe as the sand of the sea, which can neither be measured nor tolde: and in the place where it was sayde vnto them, Ye are not my people: it shall be saide vnto them, Ye are the chyldren of the liuing God
11 Then shall the children of Iuda and the chyldren of Israel be gathered together, and appoynt them selues one head, and they shall come vp out of the lande: for great shalbe the day of Iezrahel
Hosea 13:13
13 Therfore shall sorowes come vpon him as vpon a woman that trauayleth: an vndiscrete sonne is he, els woulde he not stande styll at the tyme of birth of children
Joel 1:15
15 Alas for this day, for the day of the Lorde is at hande, euen as a destruction from the almightie shall it come
Joel 2:5
5 Lyke the noyse of charrettes vpon the toppes of the mountaynes they shall skip, like the noyse of a flamyng fire deuouryng the stubble, [and] as a strong people prepared to battayle
Joel 2:32
32 But whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord, shalbe saued: for there shalbe deliueraunce in mount Sion and in Hierusalem, as the Lord hath promised, and [also] in the remnaunt whom the Lorde shall call
Joel 3:3
3 And thei haue cast lottes for my people, and chaunged the boy for an harlot, and solde the gyrle for wine, that they might drynke
Joel 3:7-8
7 Beholde, I will rayse them out of that place whither you haue solde them, and wyll returne your recompence vpon your owne heades
8 And I wyll sell your sonnes and your daughters into the handes of the children of Iuda, and they shall sell them vnto the Sabeans, to a nation that dwelleth farre of: for the Lorde hath spoken it
Joel 3:11-14
11 Assemble your selues and come all you heathen, and gather your selues together rounde about, there shall the Lord cast downe thy mightie men
12 Let the heathen arise and come vp to the valley of Iehosaphat: for there will I sit to iudge all nations rounde about
13 Put in your sithes, for ye haruest is ripe: come ye [and] descende, for the wine presse is full, [yea] the presses ouerflowe: for their wickednesse is multiplied
14 O people, people [come] into the valley of finall iudgement: for the day of the Lorde is at hande in the valley of finall iudgement
Joel 3:17
17 So shall you knowe that I am the Lorde your God dwellyng in Sion my holy mountayne: then shall Hierusalem be holy, and there shall no straungers passe through here any more
Joel 3:19
19 Egypt shalbe waste, and Edom shalbe a desolate wildernesse: for the iniuries [done] to the children of Iuda: because they haue shed innocent blood in their lande
Joel 3:19-21
19 Egypt shalbe waste, and Edom shalbe a desolate wildernesse: for the iniuries [done] to the children of Iuda: because they haue shed innocent blood in their lande
20 But Iuda shal dwel for euermore, and Hierusalem from generation to generation
21 I wil also clense the blood of them [that] I haue not clensed, and the Lord dwelleth in Sion
Amos 1:6
6 Thus sayth the Lorde, For three wickednesses of Azza, and for foure I will not spare her: because they raried away prisoners into captiuitie to shut them vp in Edom
Amos 1:8
8 And I will cut of the inhabiter from Asdod, and him that holdeth the scepter from Ascalon, & turne my hande to Ecron, & the remnaunt of the Philistines shall perishe, sayth the Lorde God
9 Thus sayth the Lorde, For three wickednesses of Tyre, and for foure I will not spare her: because they shut the whole captiuitie in Edom, and haue not remembred the brotherly couenaunt
Amos 1:11-12
11 Thus sayth the Lord, For three wickednesses of Edom, and for foure I wil not spare him: because he pursued his brother with the sworde, and did cast of al pitie, and in his anger spoyled him continually, and his indignation he kept alwayes
Amos 1:11
11 Thus sayth the Lord, For three wickednesses of Edom, and for foure I wil not spare him: because he pursued his brother with the sworde, and did cast of al pitie, and in his anger spoyled him continually, and his indignation he kept alwayes
12 Therfore will I send a fire into Theman, which shal deuoure the palaces of Bozra
Amos 1:12
Amos 2:16
16 And he that is of mightie courage among the strong men, shal flee away naked in that day, sayth the Lorde
Amos 5:15
15 Hate the euill and loue the good, and establishe iudgement in the gate: it may be, that the Lord God of hoastes wilbe mercifull vnto the remnaunt of Ioseph
Amos 6:6
6 They drinke wine in bowles, and annoynt them selues with chiefe ointmentes: but no man is sorie for the affliction of Ioseph
Amos 9:2
2 Though they dig into hell, thence shall my hande take them, though they clime vp to heauen, thence will I bring them downe
Amos 9:8
8 Behold, the eyes of the Lorde God are vpon the sinful kingdome, and I wil destroy it cleane out of the earth: neuerthelesse, I wil not vtterly destroy the house of Iacob, sayth the Lorde
Amos 9:11-15
11 In that day will I rayse vp the tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe, and close vp the breaches thereof, and I will rayse vp his ruines, & I will buyld it, as in the dayes of olde
12 That they may possesse the remnaunt of Edom, & of all the heathen, because my name is called vpon them, sayth the Lorde that doeth this
Amos 9:12
12 That they may possesse the remnaunt of Edom, & of all the heathen, because my name is called vpon them, sayth the Lorde that doeth this
13 Behold the dayes come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall touche the mower, and the treader of grapes hym that soweth seede, and the mountaynes shal drop sweete wine, & all the hilles shall melt
14 And I wil bring againe the captiuitie of my people of Israel, and they shall buyld the wast cities, and inhabite them: and they shall plante vineyardes, and drinke the wine therof, they shall also make gardens, and eate the fruites of them
15 And I will plant them vpon their land, and they shal no more be pulled vp againe out of their lande which I haue geuen them, sayth the Lorde thy God
Obadiah 1:9-10
Obadiah 1:12
12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother in the day that he was made a straunger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the childre of Iuda in the day of their destruction, thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction
Obadiah 1:16
16 For as ye haue drunke vpon myne holy mountaine, so shall all the heathen drinke continually: yea, they shal drinke and swalowe vp, and they shalbe as though they had not ben
Obadiah 1:21
21 And they that shall saue, shall come vp to mount Sion to iudge the mount of Esau, and the kingdome shalbe the Lordes
Micah 2:13
13 The breaker shall come vp before them, they shall breake out, and passe by the gate, and go out by it: and their king shall go before them, and the Lorde shalbe vpon their heades
Micah 4:11
11 Now also are there many people gathered together against thee, saying: Sion shalbe condempned, and our eye shall loke vpon Sion
Micah 5:4-9
4 He shall stande faste, and geue foode in the strength of the Lorde, and in the maiestie of the name of the Lorde his God: and when they be conuerted, he shalbe magnified vnto the farthest partes of the worlde
5 And he shall be our peace: when the Assirians shall come into our lande, when he shal treade in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seuen sheepheardes, and eyght principall men
6 These shall subdue the lande of Assur with the sworde, and the lande of Nimrod with their naked weapons: Thus shall he deliuer vs from the Assirian when he commeth within our lande, and setteth his foote within our borders
7 And the remnaunt of Iacob shalbe among the multitude of people as the deawe of the Lord, and as the droppes vpon the grasse, that taryeth for no man and wayteth on no body
8 Yea the residue of Iacob shalbe among the gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lion among the beastes of the wood, and as the lions whelpe among the flockes of sheepe: which whe he goeth through, treadeth downe, teareth in peeces, and there is no man that can deliuer
Micah 5:8-9
8 Yea the residue of Iacob shalbe among the gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lion among the beastes of the wood, and as the lions whelpe among the flockes of sheepe: which whe he goeth through, treadeth downe, teareth in peeces, and there is no man that can deliuer
9 Thyne hand shalbe lyft vp vpon thyne enemies, and all thyne aduersaries shall perishe
Micah 5:15
15 And I wyll execute a vengeaunce in my wrath & indignation vpon the heathen, such as they haue not heard
Micah 7:1
1 Wo is me, I am become as one that goeth a gleanyng in the haruest: there are no mo grapes to eate, yet would I faine with al my hearte haue of the best fruite
Micah 7:8-10
8 O thou enemie of myne reioyce not at my fall, for I shall rise againe: & though I sit in darkenesse, yet the Lorde is my light
9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord, for I haue offended hym till he sit in iudgement vpon my cause, and see that I haue right: then will he bring me foorth to the light, and I shall see his righteousnesse
10 She that is myne enemie, shall loke vpon it and be confounded, which nowe sayth, Where is the Lorde thy God? myne eyes shall beholde her when she shalbe troden downe as the myre in the streetes
Micah 7:10-10
10 She that is myne enemie, shall loke vpon it and be confounded, which nowe sayth, Where is the Lorde thy God? myne eyes shall beholde her when she shalbe troden downe as the myre in the streetes
Micah 7:14
14 Therfore feede thy people with thy rod, the flocke of thyne heritage whiche dwel desolate in the wood, that they may be fed vpon the mount of Carmel, Basan, and Gilead, as aforetime
Nahum 1:10
10 For whyles the thornes cleaue together, and whyles they banquet out their feastes, they are deuoured vp as very drie stubble
Nahum 3:10
10 Notwithstanding she passed away, she went into captiuitie, her children also were dashed in peeces in the top of all the streetes: for her horrible men they cast lottes, and all her great states they chayned in fetters
Nahum 3:13
13 Behold thy men [are as baren] women in the middest of thee, the gates of thy lande shalbe set wyde open to thine enemies, fire hath deuoured thy barres
Habakkuk 1:9
9 They come all to spoyle: before their faces shalbe an eastwinde, and they shall gather the captiuitie as the sande
Habakkuk 2:8
8 Because thou hast spoyled many nations, all the remnaunt of the people shall spoyle thee, because of mens blood, and for the wrong [done] in the lande, in the citie, and vnto all that dwell therin
9 Wo he that coueteth an euyll couetousnesse to his house, that he may set his nest on hie, to escape from the power of euyll
Zephaniah 2:4-7
4 For Gaza shalbe destroyed, and Ascalon shalbe layde waste, they shall cast out Asdod at the noone day, and Accaron shalbe rooted vp
5 Wo vnto you that dwell vpon the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethims: the worde of the Lord shal come vpon you O Chanaan thou lande of the Philistines, I will destroy thee, so that there shall no man dwell in thee any more
6 And as for the sea coast, it shalbe heardmens cotages, and sheepefoldes
7 Yea it shalbe a portion for such as remayne of the house of Iuda, to feede therevpon, in the houses of Ascalon shal they rest towarde night: for the Lorde their God shall visite them, and turne away their captiuitie
Zephaniah 2:15
15 This is the proude and carelesse citie that sayd in her heart, I am, and there is els none besides me: O howe is she made so wast that the beastes lie in her? Who so goeth by, mocketh her, & poynteth at her with his finger
Zechariah 1:15
15 And sore displeased at the carelesse heathen: for where as I was but a litle angry, they helped forward the affliction
Zechariah 8:3
3 Thus saith the Lord: I wyl returne vnto Sion, & wyll dwell in the middest of Hierusalem: so that Hierusalem shalbe called, A faithful and true citie, the hil of the Lorde of hoastes, an holy hill
Zechariah 9:5-7
5 This shall Ascalon see, and be afraide: Gaza shalbe very sory, so shal Accaron also, because her hope is come to confusion: For the king of Gaza shall perishe, and at Ascalon shall no man dwell
6 Straungers shall dwel at Asdod, and as for the pride of the Philistines I shal roote it out
7 Their blood wyl I take away from their mouth, & their abhominatios from betweene their teeth: Thus they that shalbe left shalbe for our God, he shalbe as a prince in Iuda, and Accaron like as a Iebusite
Zechariah 9:11-17
11 Thou also [shalt be saued] through the blood of thy couenaunt: I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherin is no water
12 Turne you now to the strong holde ye that be in prison & long sore to be deliuered: euen this day I bring thee word that I wyl reward thee double againe
13 For Iuda haue I bent as a bowe for me, Ephraim [his hande] haue I filled, & thy sonnes O Sion wyl I rayse vp against the Grekes, and make thee as a Giauntes sworde
14 The Lorde God shalbe seene aboue them, and his dartes shall go foorth as the lightning: the Lorde God shall blowe the trumpet, & shall come foorth as a storme out of the south
15 The lord of hoastes shal defend them, they shal consume & deuour, and subdue them with sling stones, they shall drincke & rage as it were through wine, they shalbe filled lyke the basons, and as the hornes of the aulter
16 The Lorde their God shall deliuer them in that day, as the flocke of his people: For as precious stones of a Diademe they shalbe set vp ouer his lande
17 O how prosperous and goodly a thing shall that be? For the corne shall make the young men cheareful, and the newe wine the maydens
Zechariah 10:5-12
5 They shalbe as giauntes, which in the battaile treade downe their enemies in the myre of the streetes: they shal fight, for the Lorde shalbe with them, and the horsemen shalbe confounded
6 I wyll comfort the house of Iuda, & preserue the house of Ioseph, I wyll bring them againe, for I pitie them, and they shalbe like as they were when I had not cast them of: for I the lord am their God, and wyll heare them
Zechariah 10:6-12
6 I wyll comfort the house of Iuda, & preserue the house of Ioseph, I wyll bring them againe, for I pitie them, and they shalbe like as they were when I had not cast them of: for I the lord am their God, and wyll heare them
7 Ephraim shalbe as a giaunt, and their heart shalbe cheareful as through wine: yea their children shal see it, and be glad, and their heart shal reioyce in the Lord
Zechariah 10:7-12
Zechariah 10:8-12
Zechariah 10:9-12
9 I wyll sowe them among the people, that they may thincke vpon me in farre countryes, they shal liue with their children, and turne againe
10 I wyll bring them againe also from the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria: I wyll cary them into the lande of Gilead & to Libanus, and place shall not be founde for them
Zechariah 10:10-12
10 I wyll bring them againe also from the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria: I wyll cary them into the lande of Gilead & to Libanus, and place shall not be founde for them
11 He shal go vpon the sea of trouble, and smyte the sea waues, so that all the depe floodes shalbe dryed vp: the proude boasting of Assur shalbe cast downe, & the scepter of Egypt shalbe taken away
12 I wil comfort them in ye lord, that they may walke in his name, saith the Lord
Zechariah 12:6
6 In that time wyll I make the princes of Iuda lyke an hot burning ouen with wood, and like a fire brand among the strawe, so that they shall consume al the people rounde about them both vpon the right hande and the left: Hierusalem also shalbe inhabited againe, [namely] in the same place where Hierusalem standeth
Zechariah 14:9
9 And the Lorde him selfe shal be king ouer all the earth: At that time shall there be one Lorde onely, and his name shall be but one
Zechariah 14:14-18
14 Iuda shall fight against Hierusalem, and the armies of al the heathen shalbe gathered together rounde about, with golde and siluer, and a very great multitude of apparell
15 And this plague shall go ouer horses, mules, cammels, asses, & all the beastes that shalbe in the hoast, like as yonder plague was
16 Euery one that remayneth then of all the people which came against Hierusalem, shall go vp early to worship the king [euen] the Lorde of hoastes, and to kepe the feast of tabernacles
17 And loke what generation vpon the earth goeth not to Hierusalem for to worshippe the king the Lorde of hoastes, vpon the same shall come no rayne
18 If the kindred of Egypt go not vp, and come not, it shall not [rayne] vpon them: This shalbe the plague wherewith the Lorde wyll smyte all the heathen that come not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles
Zechariah 14:20-21
20 At that time shall the ryding geare of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde: the kettels in the lordes house shalbe lyke the basons before the aulter
21 Yea, all the kettels in Hierusalem and Iuda shalbe holy vnto the Lorde of hoastes: and al they that slay offringes, shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: And at that time there shalbe no mo Chanaanites in the house of the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 1:3-4
3 And I hated Esau, & made his mountaynes waste, and his heritage a wildernesse for Dragons
4 Though Edom say, We are impouerished, but we wil returne and builde the desolate places: yet saith the Lorde of hoastes, They shal builde, but I wil destroy: & they shal cal them, The border of wickednes, & the people with whom the Lorde is angry for euer
Malachi 1:4
4 Though Edom say, We are impouerished, but we wil returne and builde the desolate places: yet saith the Lorde of hoastes, They shal builde, but I wil destroy: & they shal cal them, The border of wickednes, & the people with whom the Lorde is angry for euer
Malachi 1:4-5
4 Though Edom say, We are impouerished, but we wil returne and builde the desolate places: yet saith the Lorde of hoastes, They shal builde, but I wil destroy: & they shal cal them, The border of wickednes, & the people with whom the Lorde is angry for euer
5 And your eyes shall see: and you shal say, The Lorde wylbe magnified vpon the borders of Israel
Matthew 6:10
10 Let thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be done, as well in earth, as it is in heauen
Matthew 6:13
13 And leade vs not into temptation, but delyuer vs from euyll. For thyne is the kyngdome, and the power, and the glory, for euer. Amen
Matthew 6:19-20
Matthew 7:2
2 For with what iudgement ye iudge, ye shalbe iudged: And with what measure ye meate, it shalbe measured to you agayne
Matthew 24:6
6 Ye shal heare of warres, & rumours of warres: See that you be not troubled. For all [these thynges] must come to passe, but the ende is not yet
Matthew 27:40-43
40 And saying: Thou that destroyedst the temple, & buyldest it in three dayes, saue thy selfe. If thou be the sonne of God, come downe from the crosse
41 Lykewyse also the hye priestes, mockyng hym, with the scribes, and elders, [and pharisees] sayde
42 He saued other, hym selfe can he not saue. If he be the kyng of Israel, let him nowe come downe from the crosse, and we wyll beleue hym
43 He trusted in God, let hym delyuer hym nowe, yf he wyll haue hym: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God
Mark 13:7
7 When ye shall heare of warres, and tidynges of warres, be ye not troubled: For such thynges must nedes be, but the ende is not yet
Luke 1:32-33
Luke 1:51-52
Luke 4:26
26 And vnto none of the was Elias sent, saue vnto Sarepta, a citie of Sidon, vnto a woman that was a wydowe
Luke 19:41
41 And when he was come neare, he behelde the citie, and wept on it
Luke 22:30
30 That ye may eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome, & sit on seates iudgyng the twelue tribes of Israel
John 13:18
18 I speake not of you all. I knowe whom I haue chosen. But that the scripture may be fulfylled: He that eateth bread with me, hath lyft vp his heele agaynst me
1 Corinthians 3:12
12 If any man buylde on this foundation, golde, syluer, precious stones, tymber, haye [or] stubble
1 Corinthians 3:19-20
1 Corinthians 6:2-3
1 Timothy 4:16
16 Take heede vnto thy selfe, and vnto doctrine, and continue therein: For in doying this, thou shalt both saue thy selfe, and them that heare thee
James 2:13
13 For he shall haue iudgement without mercie, that sheweth no mercie: And mercie reioyceth agaynst iudgement
James 3:5
5 Euen so the tongue is a litle member also, & boasteth great thynges. Beholde how great a matter a litle fire kindleth
James 5:20
20 Let the same knowe, that he which conuerteth the sinner from going astray out of his way, shall saue a soule from death, and shall hyde the multitude of sinnes
1 Peter 4:17
17 For the tyme is [come] that iudgement must begin at the house of God. Yf it first [begin] at vs, what shall the ende be of them whiche beleue not the Gospell of God
2 Peter 2:18
18 For when they haue spoken the great swellyng wordes of vanitie, they entice through lustes in the voluptuousnesse of the fleshe, them that were cleane escaped, from them whiche are wrapped in errour
Jude 1:16
16 These are murmurers, complayners, walkyng after their owne lustes, whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They haue men in great reuerence because of aduantage
Revelation 11:15
15 And the seuenth angell blewe, & there were made greate voyces in heauen, saying: the kyngdomes of this worlde are our Lordes, and his Christes, and he shall raigne for euermore
Revelation 13:5
5 And there was geuen vnto hym a mouth, that spake great thynges and blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto hym, to do .xlij. monethes
Revelation 17:12-17
12 And the ten hornes which thou sawest, are ten kynges, which haue receaued no kyngdome as yet: but shall receaue power as kynges at one houre with the beast
13 These haue one mynde, and shal geue their power & strength vnto the beast
14 These shall fyght with the lambe, and the lambe shall ouercome them: For he is Lorde of Lordes, and Kyng of Kynges, and they that are on his syde, are called, and chosen, and faythfull
15 And he sayde vnto me: The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are people, and folke, & nations, and tongues
16 And the ten hornes which thou sawest vpon the beast, are they that shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eate her fleshe, and burne her with fire
17 For God hath put in their heartes to fulfyll his wyll, and to do with one consent, for to geue their kyngdome vnto the beast, vntyll the wordes of God be fulfylled
Revelation 18:7-8
7 And as much as she glorified her selfe & lyued wantonly, so much powre ye in for her of punishement & sorowe: for she said in her heart, I sit being a queene, and am no wydowe, and shall see no sorowe
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and sorowe, and hunger, and she shalbe brent with fire: for strong is the Lorde whiche shall iudge her
Revelation 18:10
10 And shall stande a farre of for feare of her punishment, saying: Alas, alas, that great citie Babylon, that myghtie citie, for at one houre is thy iudgement come
Revelation 19:6
6 And I hearde the voyce of much people, euen as the voyce of many waters, and as the voyce of strong thundringes, saying, Alleluia: for the Lorde our God omnipotent raigneth
Revelation 19:11-13
11 And I sawe heauen open, & beholde a white horse, and he that sate vpon him was called faythfull and true, and in ryghteousnesse he doth iudge and make battayle
12 His eyes were as a flambe of fire, and on his head were many crownes, and he had a name written, that no man knewe but he hym selfe
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in blood, and his name is called the worde of God
Revelation 20:4
4 And I sawe thrones, and they sate vpon them, and iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Iesus, and for the word of God, and whiche had not worshipped the beast neither his image, neither had taken his marke vpon their foreheads, or in their handes: and they lyued and raigned with Christe a thousand yeres
Revelation 21:27
27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thyng, neither whatsoeuer worketh abhomination, or maketh lyes: but they only which are written in the lambes booke of lyfe