12 Thus sayth the Lorde: Though ye be in concorde, and also many, yet so shall ye be cut downe, and passe: & [though] I haue afflicted thee [O Hierusalem] yet will I trouble thee no more
Nahum 1:12 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 12:12
12 For I wyll passe through the lande of Egypt this same nyght, and wyll smyte all the first borne of Egypt from man to beast, and vpon all the gods of Egypt I wyll execute iudgement: I [am] the Lorde
2 Kings 19:35
35 And it came to passe, that the selfe same night the angell of the Lorde went out, and smote in the hoast of the Assyrians an hundred fourescore & fyue thousand: And when the remnaunt were vp early in the morning, beholde they were all dead coarses
2 Kings 19:37
37 And it fortuned, that as he was in a temple worshipping Nisroch his God, Adramelech & Saresar his owne sonnes smote hym with the sworde: And they escaped into the lande of Armenia, and Asarhaddon his sonne raigned in his steade
Isaiah 7:20
20 At the same time shal the Lord shaue the heere of the head, and the feete, and the bearde cleane of, with the raser that he shall hyre beyonde the waters: namely with the king of the Assyrians
Isaiah 8:8
8 And shall breake in vpon Iuda, he shall flowe and passe thorowe, tyll he come vp to the necke thereof: he shall fill also the widenesse of thy lande with his wynges O Emmanuel
Isaiah 10:32-34
32 Yet shall he remaine at Nob that day: after that shall he lyft vp his hande against the mount of the daughter Sion the hyll of Hierusalem
33 But see, the Lord God of hoastes shall breake downe the bough with feare, he shall hewe downe the proude, and fell the high minded
34 The thickets also of the wood shall he roote out with iron, and Libanus shall haue a fall thorowe the mightie
Isaiah 14:24-27
24 The Lorde of hoastes hath sworne an othe, saying: It shall come to passe as I haue determined, and shalbe fulfylled as I haue deuised
25 So that Assyria shall I destroy in my lande, and vpon my mountaynes wil I treade hym vnder foote, wherthrough his yoke shall come from them, and his burthen shalbe taken from their shoulder
26 This deuise hath God taken through the whole worlde, and this is his hande stretched out ouer all people
27 For yf the Lord of hoastes determine a thyng, who is able to disanull it? And if he stretch foorth his hande, who may returne it agayne
Isaiah 17:14
14 At euen beholde there is trouble, and or euer it be mornyng lo it is gone: This is the portion of them that oppresse vs, and the lot of them that robbe vs
Isaiah 30:19
19 If the people remaine in Sion and at Hierusalem, thou shalt not be in heauinesse: but at the voyce of thy complaint shall he haue mercy vpon thee, and when he heareth it, he shall geue thee an aunswere
Isaiah 30:28-33
28 His breath is a vehement flud of water, that reacheth vp to the necke: that he may sift away the heathen in the siue of vanitie, and his breath is a brydle of errour in the iawes of the people
29 And ye shall sing lyke as in the night when the holy solempnitie beginneth, and ye shall haue gladnesse of heart, like as when one commeth with a pipe vnto the hill of the Lorde, and to the most mightie one of Israel
30 And the Lorde shall cause his glorious voyce to be hearde, and shall declare his stretched out arme with a terrible countenaunce, & with the flambe of a consuming fire, with noysome lightening, with a showre, and with hayle stones
31 For thorowe the voyce of the Lorde shall Assur be destroyed, which smote other men with the rodde
32 And it shall come to passe, that whyther soeuer he goeth the rodde shall cleaue vnto him which the Lorde shall laye vpon hym, with tabrettes and harpes: and with great warre shall he fight against his hoast
33 For the fire of hell is ordayned from the beginning, yea euen for the kyng is it prepared: This hath the Lorde set in the deepe, and made it wide, the burning whereof is fire and muche wood: The breath of the Lorde whiche is like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle it
Isaiah 31:8
8 Assur also shalbe slayne with the sworde, not with a mans sworde, neither shal the sworde of any man deuour hym, and he shall flee from the slaughter, and his choise young men shalbe discomfited
Isaiah 37:36
36 Thus the angell of the Lorde went foorth, and slue of the Assyrians hoaste an hundred fourescore and fiue thousande: and when men arose vp early in the mornyng, beholde they were slayne, and all lay full of dead bodyes
Isaiah 51:22
22 Thus saith the Lorde, thy Lorde and God, the defendour of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slumbryng cup out of his hande, euen the cup with the dregges of my wrath, that from hencefoorth thou shalt neuer drinke it more
Isaiah 60:18-20
18 Uiolence and robberie shall neuer be hearde of in thy lande, neither harme and destruction within thy borders: thy walles shalbe called health, and thy gates the prayse of God
19 The sunne shall neuer be thy day light, and the light of the moone shall neuer shine vnto thee: but the Lorde him selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting light, and thy God shalbe thy glory
20 Thy sunne shall neuer go downe, and thy moone shall not be hid: for the Lorde hym selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting light, and thy sorowfull dayes shalbe ended
Lamentations 3:31-32
Daniel 11:10
10 Wherfore his sonnes shalbe styrred vp, and shall gather together a mightie great hoast of people, & one shal come and ouerflowe and passe through: then shall he turne agayne and be stirred vp at his fortresse
Joel 2:19
19 Yea the Lorde wyll aunswere, and say to his people, Beholde I wyll sende you corne, and wine, and oyle, and wyll satisfie you therwith, and wyll not geue you ouer any more to be a reproche among the heathen
Nahum 1:15
15 Behold vpon the mountaynes the feete of him that bringeth good tidinges, that preacheth peace: kepe thy festiual dayes O Iuda, paye thy vowes: for the wicked [tiraunt] shal hereafter passe no more through thee, he is vtterly cut of
Revelation 7:16
16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst, neither shall the sunne lyght on them, neither any heate