Leviticus 25:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 And ye shall halowe that yere, euen the fiftieth yere, and proclayme libertie throughout all the lande vnto all the inhabiters thereof: for it shalbe a Iubilee vnto you, and ye shall returne euery man vnto his possession, and euery man vnto his kinred agayne

Exodus 20:2

2 I am the Lord thy GOD, whiche haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, out of ye house of bondage

Leviticus 25:13

13 In the yere of this Iubilee ye shall returne euery man vnto his possession agayne

Leviticus 25:26-28

26 And yf he haue no man to redeeme it, and his hande hath gotten and founde as much as may be sufficient to bye it out agayne 27 The let hym count howe long it hath ben solde, and delyuer the rest vnto the man to whom he solde it, that he may returne to his possession agayne 28 But and yf his hande can not get sufficient to restore to the other agayne, the that which is solde shal remayne in the hande of hym that hath bought it, vntyll the yere of Iubilee: and in the Iubilee it shall come out, and he shall returne vnto his possession agayne

Leviticus 25:33-34

33 And yf a man purchase of the Leuites, the house that was solde, and the citie of their possession, shall go out in the yere of Iubilee: for the houses of the cities of the Leuites, are their possession among the children of Israel 34 But the fielde of the suburbes of their cities may not be solde: for it is their perpetuall possession

Leviticus 27:17-24

17 If he halowe his fielde immediatly fro the yere of Iubilee, it shalbe worth accordyng as thou doest esteeme it 18 But and if he halowe his fielde after the Iubilee, the priest shall recken vnto hym the money, accordyng to the number of the yeres that remayne, vnto the yeres of Iublilee folowyng, and it shalbe abated by thy estimation 19 If he that consecrated the fielde wyll redeeme it agayne, let hym put the fift part of the price that thou didst value it at therunto, and it shalbe his 20 And if he wyll not redeeme the fielde, but selleth the fielde to another man: he [that vowed] may redeeme it no more 21 But when the fielde goeth out in the yere of Iubilee, and it shalbe holy vnto the Lord, euen as a fielde seperate from common vses, and it shalbe the priestes possession 22 If a man sanctifie vnto the Lorde a fielde which he hath bought, and is not of the grounde of his inheritaunce 23 The priest shal recken vnto him what it is worth vnto the yere of Iubilee, and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same day, as a thyng consecrate vnto the Lorde 24 And in the yere of Iubilee, the fielde shall returne vnto him of whom it was bought, to hym whose inheritaunce of lande it was

Numbers 36:2-9

2 And sayd: The Lorde commaunded my Lorde to geue the land to inherite by lot to the chyldren of Israel: and my Lorde was commaunded by the Lord, to geue the inheritaunce of Zelaphead our brother, vnto his daughters 3 If they be maryed to any of ye sonnes of the other tribes of the chyldren of Israel, then shall their inheritaunce be taken from the inheritaunce of our fathers, and shalbe put to the inheritaunce of the tribe which they are receaued into, and so shal it be taken from the lot of our inheritaunce 4 And when the Iubilee of the children of Israel commeth, then shall their inheritaunce be put vnto the inheritaunce of the tribe wherinto they are receaued, and so shall their inheritaunce be taken away from the inheritaunce of the tribe of our fathers 5 And Moyses commaunded the chyldren of Israel, according to the worde of the Lorde, saying: The tribe of the sonnes of Ioseph haue sayd well 6 This therefore doth the Lorde commaunde the daughters of Zelaphead, saying: Let them be wyues, to whom they them selues thinke best: only to the familie of the tribe of their father shall they marry 7 So shall not the inheritaunce of the children of Israel remoue from tribe to tribe: for euery one of the chyldren of Israel shall ioyne hym selfe to the inheritaunce of the tribe of his fathers 8 And euery daughter that possesseth any inheritaunce in any tribe of the chyldre of Israel, shalbe wyfe vnto one of the kinred of the tribe of her father, that the chyldren of Israel may enioy euery man the inheritaunce of his father 9 Neither ought the inheritaunce to go from one tribe to another: but euery one of the tribes of the chyldren of Israel shalbe ioyned to his owne inheritaunce

Ezra 1:3

3 Whosoeuer nowe among you is of his people, the Lord his God be with him, and let him go vp to Hierusalem in Iuda, and builde the house of the Lorde God of Israel, he is the God that is at Hierusalem

Psalms 146:7

7 God looseth those that be bounde: God geueth syght to the blynde

Isaiah 49:9

9 That thou mayest say vnto the prisoners, go foorth, and to them that are in darknesse, come into the lyght: they shall feede thee in the hye wayes, and get their pasture in all hye places

Isaiah 49:24-25

24 Shall the spoyle be taken from the mightie? or the lawfull prisoner from the taker 25 But thus saith the Lorde: The prisoners shalbe taken from the mightie, & the spoyle shalbe recouered from the violent: for I wyll maynteyne thy cause agaynst thine aduersaries, and I wyll saue thy sonnes

Isaiah 61:1-3

1 The spirite of the Lord is vpon me: for the Lord hath annoynted me, and sent me to preache good tidinges vnto the poore, that I might binde vp the wounded heartes, that I might preache deliueraunce to the captiue, and open the prison to the that are bounde 2 That I might declare the acceptable yere of the Lorde, and the day of the vengeaunce of our God: that I might comfort all them that are in heauinesse 3 That I might geue vnto them that mourne in Sion, that I might geue [I say] beautie in steede of asshes, ioyfull oyntment for sighing, pleasaunt rayment for an heauie minde, that they might be called trees of righteousnesse, a planting of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in

Isaiah 63:4

4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart, and the yere when my people shalbe deliuered is come

Jeremiah 34:8

8 These are the wordes that the Lorde spake vnto Ieremie the prophete, when Zedekias was agreed with all the people at Hierusalem, that there shoulde be proclaymed a libertie

Jeremiah 34:13-17

13 Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel: I made a couenaunt with your fathers when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, saying 14 When seuen yeres are out, euery man shall let his bought seruaunt an Hebrue go free, if he haue serued hym sixe yeres: but your fathers obayed me not, and hearkened not vnto me 15 As for you ye were nowe turned, and dyd right before me, in that ye proclaymed euery man to let his neighbour go free, and in that ye made a couenaunt before me in the temple that beareth my name 16 But yet ye turned your selues againe, and blasphemed my name, in this, that euery man hath required his seruaunt and handemayde agayne whom ye had let go quite and free, and compelled them to serue you agayne, and to be bondmen and bondwomen 17 And therfore thus saith the Lord: Ye haue not obayed me, euery man to proclaime freedome vnto his brother and neighbour: wherefore I wyll call you vnto freedome, saith the Lorde, euen vnto the sworde, to the pestilence, and to hunger, and will make you to be plagued in all kyngdomes of the earth

Zechariah 9:11-12

11 Thou also [shalt be saued] through the blood of thy couenaunt: I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherin is no water 12 Turne you now to the strong holde ye that be in prison & long sore to be deliuered: euen this day I bring thee word that I wyl reward thee double againe

Luke 1:74

74 That we, beyng deliuered out of the handes of our enemies, might serue him without feare

Luke 4:16-21

16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was nursed: and, as his custome was, he wet into the synagogue on the Sabboth day, and stoode vp for to reade 17 And there was deliuered vnto hym the booke of the prophete Esaias: And whe he had opened the booke, he founde the place where it was written 18 The spirite of the Lord vpon me, because he hath annoynted me, to preache the Gospel to the poore he hath sent me, to heale the broken hearted, to preache deliueraunce to the captiue, & recouering of syght to the blynde, freely to set at libertie them that are bruised 19 And to preache the acceptable yere of the Lorde 20 And he closed the booke, and gaue it agayne to the minister, and sate downe: And the eyes of all them that were in ye synagogue, were fastened on hym 21 And he began to say vnto the: this day is this scripture fulfilled in your eares

John 8:32-36

32 And ye shall knowe the trueth, and the trueth shall make you free 33 They aunswered hym: We be Abrahams seede, and were neuer bonde to any man: howe sayest thou then, ye shalbe made free 34 Iesus aunswered them: Ueryly, veryly I say vnto you, that whosoeuer comitteth sinne, is the seruaunt of sinne 35 And the seruaut abideth not in ye house for euer: but the sonne abydeth euer 36 Yf the sonne therefore shall make you free, then are ye free in deede

Romans 6:17-18

17 But God be thanked, that ye were the seruautes of sinne: but ye haue obeyed with heart the fourme of doctrine, into the which ye were brought vnto 18 Being then made free fro sinne, ye are become ye seruauntes of ryghteousnesse

2 Corinthians 3:17

17 The Lorde is a spirite: And where the spirite of the Lorde [is] there [is] libertie

Galatians 4:25-5:1

25 For Agar is the mount Sina in Arabia, and bordreth vpon the citie, which is nowe [called] Hierusalem, and is in bondage with her chyldren

Galatians 5:13

13 For brethren, ye haue ben called into libertie: Only let not libertie be an occasio to the flesshe, but by loue serue one another

1 Peter 2:16

16 As free, and not as hauyng the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes, but euen as the seruauntes of God

2 Peter 2:19-20

19 Whyle they promise them libertie, where as they them selues are ye bonde seruauntes of corruption. For of whom a man is ouercome, vnto the same is he brought in bondage 20 For yf they, after they haue escaped from the fylthynesse of the worlde, thorowe the knowledge of the Lord, & the sauiour Iesus Christe, are yet tangled agayne therein, and ouercome, then is the later end worse with them then the begynnyng

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