1 Crye I pray thee, if there be any that will aunswere thee, & loke thou vpon any of the holy
Job 5:1 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 33:2-3
2 The Lorde came from Sinai, and rose vp from Seir vnto them, and appeared from mount Pharan, & he came with ten thousande of saintes, and in his ryght hand a lawe of fire for them
3 And he loued the people, all his saintes also are in thy handes: They were smitten to go after thy feete, and to receaue of thy wordes
Job 4:18
18 Beholde, he founde not trueth in his seruauntes, and in his angels there was folly
Job 15:8-10
Job 15:15
15 Beholde he doth not trust his sainctes, yea, the very heauens are not cleane in his sight
Psalms 16:3
3 But all my delyght is [to do good] vnto the saintes that are in the earth: and vnto such as excell in vertue
Psalms 106:16
16 They enuied also at Moyses in the tentes: [and] at Aaron the saint of God
Isaiah 41:1
1 Be styll you Ilandes and hearken vnto me: let the people lay their strength together, let them come hither, and then shew their cause: we will go to the lawe together
Isaiah 41:21-23
21 Stande at your cause saith the Lord, & bryng foorth your strongest grounde, saith the kyng of Iacob
22 Let them bring foorth their gods, and let their gods tel vs what shall chaunce hereafter, yea let them shewe vs the thinges that are past what they be, let them declare them vnto vs, that we may take them to heart, and knowe them hereafter
23 Either shewe vs thinges for to come, and tell vs what shall be done hereafter, so shall we know that ye are gods: do something either good or bad, so wyl we both knowledge the same, and tell it out
Ephesians 1:1
1 Paul an apostle of Iesus Christe by the wyll of God: To the saintes which are at Ephesus, and to the faythfull in Christe Iesus
Hebrews 12:1
1 Wherfore, seyng that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses, lay away all that presseth downe, & the sinne that hangeth so fast on, let vs run with patience vnto the battayle that is set before vs