1 Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremie againe whe he was yet bounde in the court of the prison
Jeremiah 33:1 Cross References - Bishops
Jeremiah 32:2-3
2 What tyme as the kyng of Babylons hoast layde siege vnto Hierusalem: but Ieremie the prophete lay bounde in the court of the pryson, whiche was in the kyng of Iudaes house
3 Where Zedekias the kyng of Iuda caused hym to be layde, because he had prophecied on this maner: Thus saith the Lorde, Beholde, I wyll deliuer this citie into the handes of the kyng of Babylon, whiche shall take it
Jeremiah 32:8
8 And Hananeel myne vncles sonne came to me in the court of the pryson, according to the word of the Lord, and sayde vnto me: Bye my lande I pray thee, that lieth in Anathoth in the countrey of Beniamin, for by heritage thou hast right to loose it out for thy selfe, therfore redeeme it. Then I perceaued that this was the comaundement the Lorde
Jeremiah 37:21
21 Then Zedekia commaunded to put Ieremie in the fore entrie of the prison, and dayly to be geuen hym a cake of bread of the bakers streete, vntyll all the bread in the citie was eaten vp: Thus Ieremie remayned in the fore entrie of the prison
Jeremiah 38:28
28 So Ieremie abode styll in the fore entrie of the prison, vntyll the day that Hierusalem was wonne
2 Timothy 2:9
9 Wherin I suffer trouble as an euyll doer, euen vnto bondes: But the worde of God is not bounde