18 But first the citie of Hierusalem, and all the cities of Iuda, their kinges and princes, to make them desolate, amased, despised, and hissed at, and cursed, according as it is come to passe this day
Jeremiah 25:18 Cross References - Bishops
Joshua 6:18
18 And in any wyse be ye ware of the accursed thinges, lest ye make your selues accursed, & take of the accursed thynges, and make the hoast of Israel accursed, and trouble it
1 Kings 8:24
24 Thou that hast kept with thy seruaut Dauid my father that thou promisedst him: Thou spakest also with thy mouth and hast fulfilled it with thyne hand, as it is come to passe this day
2 Kings 22:19
19 Because thyne heart dyd melt, and because thou hast humbled thy selfe before me the Lorde, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabiters of the same, howe that they should be destroyed and accursed: and hast rent thy clothes and wept before me, of that also haue I hearde sayth the Lorde
Ezra 9:7
7 Since the time of our fathers haue we ben in great trespasse vnto this day, and because of our wickednesses haue we and our kinges and our priestes ben deliuered into the hande of the kinges of the nations, vnto the sworde, into captiuitie, into a spoyle, and into confusion of face, as it is to see this day
Nehemiah 9:36
36 Beholde, we are in bondage this day, and so is the lande that thou gauest vnto our fathers to eate the fruites and goodnesse thereof, beholde there are we bondmen
Psalms 60:3
3 Thou hast made thy people see heauie thinges: thou hast geuen vs wyne to drinke, that maketh vs tremble
Isaiah 51:17-22
17 Awake, awake, and stande vp O Hierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lorde hast drunken out the cup of his wrath, thou that hast supped of and sucked out the slumbryng cuppe to the bottome
18 For among all the sonnes whom he hath begotten, there is not one that may holde it vp, and not one to leade it by the hande of all the sonnes that he hath norished
19 Both these thinges are happened vnto thee, but who is sory for it? yea destruction, wastyng, hunger, and sworde, but who wyll comfort thee
20 Thy sonnes lye comfortlesse at the head of euery streete like a take venison, and are full of the terrible wrath of the Lorde, and punishment of thy God
21 And therfore thou miserable and drunken (howbeit not with wine) heare this
22 Thus saith the Lorde, thy Lorde and God, the defendour of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slumbryng cup out of his hande, euen the cup with the dregges of my wrath, that from hencefoorth thou shalt neuer drinke it more
Jeremiah 1:10
10 And beholde, this day do I set thee ouer the people and kyngdomes, that thou mayest roote out, breake of, destroy, and make waste, and that thou mayest builde vp and plant
Jeremiah 19:3-9
3 And say thus vnto them, Heare the worde of the Lorde ye kinges of Iuda, and ye citezins of Hierusalem, thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel: Beholde, I wyll bryng suche a plague vpon this place, that the eares of all that heare it shall glowe
4 And that because they haue forsaken me, and vnhalowed this place, and haue offered in it vnto straunge gods, whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kynges of Iuda haue knowen: they haue filled this place also with the blood of innocentes
5 And they haue set vp an aulter vnto Baal, to burne their children for a burnt offring vnto Baal, whiche I neither commaunded nor charged them, neither thought once thervpon
6 Beholde therfore the time commeth (saith the Lorde) that this place shall no more be called Thopheth, nor the valley of the chyldren of Hennom, but the valley of slaughter
7 For in this place wyll I bryng to naught the counsayle of Iuda and Hierusalem, and kyll them downe with the sworde before their enemies: and I wyll deliuer them into the handes of them that seeke their liues, and their dead carkasses will I geue to be meate for the foules of the ayre, & the beastes of the fielde
8 And I will make this citie so desolate and despised, that whosoeuer goeth thereby shalbe abashed, and iest vpon her, because of all her plagues
9 I will feede them also with the flesh of their sonnes and their daughters, yea euery one shall eate vp another in the besieging & straytnesse wherewith their enemies [that seeke their liues] shall kepe them in
Jeremiah 21:6-10
6 And wyll smite them that dwell in this citie, yea both men and cattell shall dye of a great pestilence
7 But after this (saith the Lorde) I shall deliuer Zedekias kyng of Iuda, and his seruauntes, his people, and such as are escaped in the citie from the pestilence, sworde, and hunger, into the power of Nabuchodonozor kyng of Babylon, yea into the handes of their enemies, into the handes of those that folowe vpon their liues, whiche shall smite them with the sworde, they shall not pitie them, they shal not spare them, they shall haue no mercy vpon them
8 And vnto this people thou shalt say, thus saith the Lorde: Beholde, I lay before you the way of life and death
9 Whoso abideth in the citie, shall perishe, either with the sworde, with hunger, or pestilence: but whoso goeth out to holde on the Chaldees part that besiege it, he shall saue his lyfe, and shall winne his soule for a pray
10 For I haue set my face against this citie (saith the Lorde) to plague it, and to do it no good: it must be geuen into the hande of the kyng of Babylon, and be brent with fire
Jeremiah 24:9
9 And I wyll make them to be a reprofe, a common byworde, a laughing stocke and shame in al the places where I shall scatter them
Jeremiah 25:9
9 Lo, I wyll sende out and call for all the people that dwell in the north saith the Lorde, and wyll prepare Nabuchodonozar the kyng of Babylon my seruaunt, and wyll bryng them vpon this lande, and vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are about them, and wyll vtterly roote them out: I wyll make them amased, a mockage, and a continuall desert
Jeremiah 25:11
11 And this whole lande shall become a wildernesse and astonished: and these nations shal serue the king of Babylon threscore yeres and ten
Jeremiah 44:22
22 Insomuche that the Lorde might no longer suffer the wickednesse of your inuentions, and the abhominable thinges whiche ye dyd: Is not your lande desolate and voyde, yea and abhorred, so that no man dwelleth therein any more, as it is come to passe this day
Ezekiel 9:5-8
5 And to the other he sayd, that I might here, Go ye after hym through the citie, and sinite, let your eye spare none, neither haue ye any pitie
6 Kyll and destroy both olde men and young, maydens, children, and women: but as for all those that haue the marke vpon them, see that ye touche them not, and begyn at my sanctuarie. Then they began at the auncient men which were before the house
7 And he sayde vnto them, Defyle ye the temple, fyll the courtes with the slayne, then go your way foorth. So they went out, and slue downe through the citie
8 Nowe when they had done the slaughter, and I yet escaped, I fell downe vpon my face, and cryed, saying: Ah Lorde God, wylt thou then destroy all the residue of Israel, in powryng out thy wrath vpon Hierusalem
Daniel 9:12
12 And he hath confirmed his wordes, which he spake against vs and against our iudges that iudged vs, to bring vpon vs such a great plague as neuer was vnder heauen, lyke as it is now come to passe in Hierusalem
Amos 2:5
5 Therfore will I send a fire into Iuda, which shall consume the palaces of Hierusalem
Amos 3:2
2 You only haue I knowen of al the families of the earth, therfore I will visite you for all your iniquities
1 Peter 4:17
17 For the tyme is [come] that iudgement must begin at the house of God. Yf it first [begin] at vs, what shall the ende be of them whiche beleue not the Gospell of God