17 Awake, awake, and stande vp O Hierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lorde hast drunken out the cup of his wrath, thou that hast supped of and sucked out the slumbryng cuppe to the bottome
18 For among all the sonnes whom he hath begotten, there is not one that may holde it vp, and not one to leade it by the hande of all the sonnes that he hath norished
19 Both these thinges are happened vnto thee, but who is sory for it? yea destruction, wastyng, hunger, and sworde, but who wyll comfort thee
20 Thy sonnes lye comfortlesse at the head of euery streete like a take venison, and are full of the terrible wrath of the Lorde, and punishment of thy God
21 And therfore thou miserable and drunken (howbeit not with wine) heare this
22 Thus saith the Lorde, thy Lorde and God, the defendour of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slumbryng cup out of his hande, euen the cup with the dregges of my wrath, that from hencefoorth thou shalt neuer drinke it more