1 The selfe same worde that Esai the sonne of Amos sawe vpon Iuda and Hierusalem
Isaiah 2:1 Cross References - Bishops
Isaiah 1:1
1 The vision of Esai ye sonne of Amos, which he sawe vpon Iuda and Hierusalem, in the dayes of Uzia & Ioathan, Ahaz and Iehezekiah, kinges of Iuda
Isaiah 13:1
1 This is the burthen of Babylon, whiche Esai the sonne of Amos did see
Amos 1:1
1 The wordes of Amos, who was among the sheepheardes at Thecua, whiche he sawe vpon Israel in the dayes of Ozia king of Iuda, and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas king of Israel, two yere before the earth quake
Micah 1:1
1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto Micheas the Morasthite, in the dayes of Iotham, Ahas, & Hezekiah, kinges of Iuda, which he sawe concerning Samaria and Hierusalem
Micah 6:9
9 The Lordes voyce cryeth vnto the citie, and the man that shalbe saued considereth thy name: hearken what is your rodde, & heare him that warneth you
Habakkuk 1:1
1 The burde which Habacuc the prophete dyd see