Genesis 49:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 And Iacob called for his sonnes, and sayde: Come together, that I may tell you what shall come on you in the last dayes

Numbers 24:14

14 And nowe behold, I go vnto my people: Come therfore, and I wyll aduertise thee what this people shall do to thy folke in the latter dayes

Deuteronomy 4:30

30 When thou art in tribulation, & when all these thynges that be here spoken of, are come vpon thee, euen in the latter dayes yf thou turne to the Lorde thy God, & shalt be obedient vnto his voyce

Deuteronomy 31:12

12 Gather the people together, men, women, and children, and the straunger that is within thy gates, that they may heare, and learne, and feare the Lorde your God, and kepe and obserue all the wordes of this lawe

Deuteronomy 31:28-29

28 Gather vnto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speake these wordes in their eares, and call heauen and earth to recorde against them 29 For I am sure, that after my death ye will vtterly be corrupt, and turne from the way which I haue commaunded you: and tribulation wyll come vpon you in the latter dayes, because ye shall haue wrought wickednesse in the syght of the Lorde, to prouoke hym through the workes of your handes

Deuteronomy 33:1-29

1 This is the blessyng wherwith Moyses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death, and sayde 2 The Lorde came from Sinai, and rose vp from Seir vnto them, and appeared from mount Pharan, & he came with ten thousande of saintes, and in his ryght hand a lawe of fire for them 3 And he loued the people, all his saintes also are in thy handes: They were smitten to go after thy feete, and to receaue of thy wordes 4 Moyses gaue vs a lawe for an inheritaunce of the congregation of Iacob 5 And he was in Israel king, when the heades of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together 6 Let Ruben lyue, and not dye, and be fewe in number 7 This same also happen to Iuda: And he sayde: Heare Lorde the voyce of Iuda, & bryng him vnto his people: his handes shalbe good enough for hym, yf thou helpe hym agaynst his enemies 8 And vnto Leui he sayde: Thumim and Urim shalbe with thee, and with euery one that is godly in thee: Thou dyddest proue hym also in the temptation, & striuedst with hym at the waters of stryfe 9 He that hath sayde vnto his father & to his mother (I haue not seene hym) and he that knewe not his brethren, nor knewe his owne children, those are they that haue obserued thy worde, and shall kepe thy couenaunt 10 They shall teache Iacob thy iudgementes, and Israel thy lawe: They shall put incense before thy nose, and the burnt sacrifice vpon thine aulter 11 Blesse Lorde his first fruites, and accept the worke of his handes: smyte the loynes of the that rise agaynst him, and of them that hate hym, that they ryse not agayne 12 And of Beniamin he sayde: The beloued of the Lorde shall dwell in safetie vpon hym, and the Lorde shall couer hym all the day long, and he shall dwell betweene his shoulders 13 And of Ioseph he sayde: Blessed of the Lorde is his lande for the fruites of heauen, through the deawe & springes that lye beneath 14 And for the sweete fruites of the increase of the sunne, and rype fruites of the moone 15 For the first fruites of the principall mountaynes, and for the fruites that the hylles bryng foorth for euer 16 And for the fuites of the earth, and fulnesse therof: and for the good wyll of hym that dwelt in the bushe, shall the blessing come vpon the head of Ioseph, and vpon the toppe of the head of hym that was seperated from among his brethren 17 His first borne oxe hath beautie, and his hornes are as the hornes of an vnicorne, and with them he shall trouble the nations together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde: These are also ten thousandes of Ephraim, and the thousandes of Manasses 18 And vnto Zabulon he sayde: Reioyce Zabulon in thy goyng out, and thou Isachar in thy tentes 19 They shall call the people vnto the hyll, & there they shall offer offeringes of righteousnesse: For they shall sucke of the aboundaunce of the sea, and of treasure hyd in the sande 20 And vnto Gad he sayde: Blessed be he that inlarged Gad: he dwelleth as a Lion that catcheth for a pray the arme with the head 21 He loked to hym selfe at the beginning, because there was a portion of the lawgeuer hid, & he came with the heades of the people, and executed the ryghteousnesse of the Lorde, and his iudgementes with Israel 22 And vnto Dan he sayde: Dan is a Lions whelpe, he shal leape fro Basan 23 And vnto Nephthali he sayde: O Nephthali, satisfied with Gods fauour, and full with the blessing of the Lorde, possesse thou the west and the south 24 And to Aser he sayde: Aser shalbe blessed with children, he shalbe acceptable vnto his brethren, and shall dyp his foote in oyle 25 Thy shoes shalbe iron and brasse, and thy strength shall continue as long as thou lyuest 26 There is none lyke vnto the God of Israel, which though he syt vpon the heauen [as vpon an horse] yet is he thine helper, whose glorie is in the celestiall places 27 The eternall God is thy refuge, and vnder the armes of the euerlastyng God shalt thou lyue: He shall cast out the enemie before thee, and say, destroy them 28 Israel then shall dwell in safetie and alone, and the fountayne of Iacob shalbe vpon a lande of corne and wine, and his heauens shall drop the deawe 29 Happy art thou O Israel, who is like vnto thee O people, that art saued in the Lorde which is the shielde of thy helpe and sworde of thy glorie? Thine enemies haue lost their strength to thee warde, and thou shalt treade vpon their hye places

Psalms 25:14

14 (25:12) The secrete of God is among them that feare hym: and he wyll make knowen vnto them his couenaunt

Psalms 105:15

15 (105:12) Touche not mine annoynted: and triumph not ouer my prophetes

Isaiah 2:2

2 And [this] shall come to passe in the latter dayes: the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe prepared in the heyght of the mountaynes, and shalbe hygher then the hylles, and all nations shall preasse vnto hym

Isaiah 22:14

14 And it came to the eares of the Lorde of hoastes, This iniquitie shall not be purged from you tyll ye dye, saith the Lorde God of hoastes

Isaiah 39:6

6 Beholde, the tyme wyll come that euery thyng which is in thyne house, and all that thy progenitours haue layde vp in store vntyll this day, shalbe caryed to Babylon, and nothing left behynde, thus saith the Lorde

Isaiah 53:1

1 But who hath geuen credence vnto our preaching? or to whom is the arme of the Lorde knowen

Jeremiah 23:20

20 And the wrath of the Lorde shall not turne agayne, vntill he perfourme and fulfill the thought of his heart: and in the latter dayes ye shall knowe his meaning

Daniel 2:28-29

28 But there is a God in heauen that reuealeth secretes, & sheweth the king Nabuchodonozor what is for to come in the latter dayes. Thy dreame and that whiche thou hast seene in thyne head vpon thy bed, is this 29 O king, when thou wast in thy bed, thoughtes came into thy mynde what should come hereafter: so he that is the opener of misteries, telleth thee what is for to come

Daniel 2:47

47 The king aunswered Daniel, & sayde: Of a trueth your God is a God of gods, and the Lorde of kinges, and a reuealer of secretes, seing thou couldest reueale this secrete

Daniel 10:1

1 In the third yere of Cyrus king of Persia, there was shewed vnto Daniel, otherwyse called Baltassar, a matter, yea a true matter, but it is yet a long time vnto it: he vnderstoode the matter, and perceaued what the vision was

Daniel 10:14

14 And I am come to shew thee what shall come vnto thy people in the latter dayes: for it wyll be long yet or the vision be fulfilled

Amos 3:7

7 Surely the Lord God wil do nothing, but he reuealeth his secrete vnto his seruauntes the prophetes

Micah 4:1

1 But in the latter dayes it wyll come to passe that the hill of the Lordes house shalbe prepared in the toppe of the mountaines, and shalbe set vp hygher then any mountaynes or hilles, and people shall prease vnto it

Luke 2:26

26 And a reuelation was geuen hym of the holy ghost, not to see death, before he had seene the Lordes Christe

Acts 2:17

17 And it shalbe in the last dayes (sayth God) of my spirite I wyll powre out vpon all fleshe: And your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie, and your young men shall see visions, and your olde men shall dreame dreames

Romans 1:17-18

17 For by it is the ryghteousnes of God opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: the iuste shall lyue by fayth 18 For the wrath of God appeareth from heauen, against all vngodlynesse & vnrighteousnes of men, which withholde the trueth in vnrighteousnes

1 Timothy 4:1

1 Nowe the spirite speaketh euidently, that in the latter tymes some shall depart from the fayth, geuing heede vnto spirites of errour, & doctrines of deuyls

2 Timothy 3:1

1 This knowe also, that in the last dayes, perylous tymes shalbe at hande

Hebrews 1:2

2 Hath in these last dayes, spoken vnto vs in the sonne, whom he hath appoynted heyre of all thynges, by whom also he made the worldes

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and good workes 25 Not forsakyng the assemblyng of our selues together, as the maner of some [is] but exhortyng one (another) and so much the more, as ye see the day approchyng

Hebrews 13:1

1 Let brotherly loue continue

Revelation 4:1

1 After this, I loked, and beholde a doore was open in heaue: and the first voyce which I heard, was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which saide: Come vp hyther, and I wyll shewe thee thynges which must be fulfylled hereafter

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