Exodus 39:33 Cross References - Bishops

33 And they brought the tabernacle vnto Moyses [euen] the tabernacle and all his furniture, his taches, his boordes, his barres, his pillers, & his sockettes

Exodus 25:1-30

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying 2 Speake vnto the childre of Israel, that thei bring me an offering: ye shall take it of euery man that geueth it willingly with his heart 3 This is the offering whiche ye shall take of them, golde, and siluer, & brasse 4 And blewe silke, and purple, and scarlet, and white silke, and goates [heere. 5 And Rammes skynnes that are red, & the skynnes of Tarus, & Sittim wood 6 Oyle for lyght, spyces for annoyntyng oyle and for sweete sence 7 Onix stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brest plate 8 And let them make me a sanctuarie, that I may dwell amongst them 9 And accordyng to all that I shewe thee, both after the fashion of the tabernacle, and after the fashion of the ornamentes therof, euen so shall ye make it 10 And they shall make an arke of Sittim wood, two cubites and a halfe long, a cubite and a halfe brode, and a cubite and a halfe high 11 And thou shalt ouerlay it with pure golde, within and without shalt thou ouerlay it, and shalt make an hye vpon it a crowne of golde rounde about 12 And thou shalt caste foure ringes of golde for it, and put them in the foure corners therof: two ringes shalbe in the one corner, and two in the other 13 And thou shalt make barres of Sittim wood, and couer them with golde 14 And put the barres in the ringes along by the sydes of the arke, that the arke may be borne with them 15 And the barres shalbe in the ringes of the arke, and shall not be taken from it 16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the testimonie whiche I shall geue thee 17 And thou shalt make a mercy seate of pure golde: two cubites and a halfe long, and a cubite and a halfe brode 18 And thou shalt make two Cherubims of golde: euen of a whole worke shalt thou make them, in the two endes of the mercy seate 19 And the one Cherubim shalt thou make on the one ende, and the other on the other ende: euen of the same mercy seate shall ye make Cherubims in the two endes thereof 20 And the Cherubins shal stretch foorth theyr winges abrode ouer an hye, couering the mercy seate with their winges, and their faces shall loke one to another: euen to the mercy seateward shall the faces of the Cherubins be 21 And thou shalt put the mercy seate aboue vpon the arke, and in the arke thou shalt put the witnesse that I shall geue thee 22 And from thence I wyll testifie vnto thee, and I wyll common with thee from vpon the mercy seate, from betweene the two Cherubins whiche are vpon the arke of witnesse, of all thinges whiche I wyll geue thee in commaundement vnto the chyldren of Israel 23 Thou shalt also make a table of Sittim wood, of two cubites long, and one cubite brode, and a cubite & an halfe hye 24 And thou shalt couer it with pure golde, and make thereto a crowne of golde rounde about 25 And make vnto that an hoope of foure fingers brode rounde about, and make a golden crowne also to the hoope rounde about 26 And make for it foure ringes of golde, and put the rynges in the corners that are on the foure feete thereof 27 Euen ouer against the hoope shall the ringes be, to put in barres to beare the table withall 28 And thou shalt make ye barres of Sittim wood, & ouerlay them with golde, that the table may be borne with them 29 And thou shalt make his dishes, and spones, coueringes, & bowles to powre out with all: euen of fine golde shalt thou make them 30 And thou shalt set vpon the table shewe bread before me alway

Exodus 31:7-11

7 The tabernacle of the congregation, the arke of the testimonie, & the mercie seate that is thervpon, and all the furniture of the tabernacle 8 And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlesticke with all his furniture, and the aulter of incense 9 And the aulter of burnt offeryng and all his furniture, and the lauer with his foote 10 The vestmentes to minister in, and the holy garmentes for Aaron the priest, and the garmentes of his sonnes to minister in 11 And the annoyntyng oyle, and sweete incense for the sanctuarie: accordyng to all that I haue commaunded thee, shal they do

Exodus 35:11-19

11 The tabernacle, and the tent therof, & his couering, & his ringes, his boordes, his barres, his pillers and his sockets 12 The arke & the staues therof, with the mercy seate, & the vaile that couereth it 13 The table and his barres, and all his vessels, and the shew bread 14 The candelsticke of light and his furniture, and his lampes with the oyle for the lyght 15 The incense aulter and his barres, the annoyntyng oyle, and the sweete incense, and the hangyng of the doore at the entryng in of the tabernacle 16 The aulter of burnt sacrifice, with his brasen grediron, his staues, and all his vessels, the lauer and his foote 17 And the hangynges of the court, with his pyllers, and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the doore of the court 18 The pinnes of the tabernacle, and the pinnes of the court with their cordes 19 The ministring garmentes to minister in the holy place, and the holy vestmentes for Aaron the priest, and the vestmentes of his sonnes, that thei may minister in the priestes office

Exodus 36:1-38

1 And Besaleel wrought and Ooliab, and all wyse hearted men, to whom the Lord gaue wysdome and vnderstandyng, to knowe howe to worke all maner of worke for the seruice of the sanctuarie, and all that the Lorde had commaunded 2 And Moyses called Besaleel, Ooliab, and all the wyse hearted men, and such as the Lord had geuen wysdome vnto, and as many as their heartes couraged to come vnto the worke, to worke it 3 And they receaued of Moyses all the heaue offering whiche the chyldren of Israel had brought for the worke of the seruice of ye sanctuarie, to make it withall: And beside yt, they brought free offeringes vnto it euery day in ye morning 4 And all the wyse men that wrought all the holy worke, came euery man from his worke whiche they made 5 And they spake vnto Moyses, saying: The people bryng to muche, and more then enough for the seruice and worke whiche the Lorde hath commaunded to be made 6 And then Moyses gaue commaundement, and they caused it to be proclaymed throughout the hoast, saying: See that neither man nor woman prepare any more worke for the heaue offering of the sanctuarie: & so the people were forbydden to bryng 7 For the stuffe they had, was sufficient for all the worke to make it, & to much 8 [All the wyse hearted men therefore, and they that wrought for the tabernacle, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned silke, blewe silke, purple, and scarlet, with Cherubims of brodered worke made he them 9 The length of one curtaine was twentie & eyght cubites, & the breadth foure: and the curtaynes were all of one sise 10 And he coupled fiue curtaines by them selues, and other fiue by them selues 11 And he made loopes of blewe silke along by the edge of one curtayne, euen in the seluedge of the coupling curtaine: and lykewyse he made on the syde of the coupling curtayne on the other side 12 Fiftie loopes made he in the one curtayne, and fiftie in the edge of the couplyng curtayne on the other side: & the loopes helde one curtayne to another 13 And he made fiftie taches of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another with the taches: [& so] was it made one tabernacle 14 And he made eleuen curtaynes of goates heere, to be a tent ouer the tabernacle 15 The length of one curtayne had thirtie cubites, & was foure cubites brode, and they all eleuen of one sise 16 And he coupled fiue curtaynes by the selues, and sixe by them selues 17 And he made fiftie loopes along by the border of the vttermost couplyng curtayne, and fiftie in the edge of the other couplyng curtayne 18 And he made fiftie taches of brasse, to couple the tent together, that it myght be one 19 And he made a coueryng vpon the tent of Rammes skynnes red, and yet another of Taxus skynnes aboue that 20 And he made standyng boordes for the tabernacle, of Sittim wood 21 The length of a boorde was ten cubites, the breadth one cubite & a halfe 22 One boorde had two tenons, wherby they were ioyned one to another: and thus made he for all the boordes of the tabernacle 23 And he made twentie boordes for the south side of the tabernacle 24 And fourtie sockettes of siluer vnder the twentie boordes: two sockettes vnder one boorde for his two tenons, and two sockettes vnder another boorde for his two tenons 25 And for the other side of the tabernacle, whiche is towarde the north, he made twentie boordes 26 And their fourtie sockettes of siluer: two sockettes vnder one boorde, and two sockettes vnder the other boorde 27 And towarde the west ende of the tabernacle he made sixe bordes 28 And two other boordes made he in the corners of the tabernacle, for either side 29 And they were ioyned close beneath and aboue with a ring: and thus they dyd to both the corners 30 And there were eyght boordes, and sixteene sockettes of siluer: vnder euery boorde two sockettes 31 And he made barres of Sittim wood: fiue for the boordes of the tabernacle in the one side 32 And fiue for the boordes of the tabernacle in the other side, and fiue barres for the boordes of the tabernacle in the west ende 33 And he made the myddest barre to shut through the boordes, euen from the one ende to the other 34 And ouerlayde the boordes with gold, and made rynges of golde to thrust the barres through, and couered the barres with golde 35 And he made a vayle of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke: euen with Cherubims made he it of brodered worke 36 And he made thervnto foure pillers of Sittim wood, and ouerlayde them with golde: their knoppes were also of golde, and he cast for them foure sockettes of siluer 37 And he made an hangyng for the tabernacle doore, of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke of needle worke 38 And the fiue pyllers of it, with theyr knoppes: and ouerlayde the knoppes of them, and the hoopes with golde: theyr fiue sockettes also were of brasse

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