Genesis Cross References - Bishops

1 In the beginnyng GOD created ye heauen and the earth 2 And the earth was without fourme, and was voyde: & darknes [was] vpon the face of the deepe, and the spirite of God moued vpon the face of the waters 3 And God sayde, let there be light: and there was light 4 And God sawe the lyght that it was good: and God deuided the lyght from the darknes 5 And God called the light day, and the darknes night: and the euenyng & the mornyng were the first day 6 And God said: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it make a diuision betwene waters and waters 7 And God made the firmament, and set the diuision betwene the waters which [were] vnder the firmament, and the waters that [were] aboue the firmament: and it was so 8 And God called the firmament the heauen: and the euenyng and the mornyng were the seconde day 9 And God saide: let the waters vnder the heauen be gathered together into one place, and let the drye lande appeare: and it was so 10 And God called the drie lande ye earth, and the gatheryng together of waters called he the seas: and God sawe that it was good 11 And God sayde: let the earth bryng foorth [both] budde and hearbe apt to seede, and fruitfull trees yeeldyng fruite after his kynde, which hath seede in it selfe vpon the earth: and it was so 12 And the earth brought forth [both] bud and hearbe apt to seede after his kynde, and tree yeeldyng fruite, whiche hath seede in it selfe, after his kynde 13 And God sawe that it was good. And the euenyng and the mornyng were the thirde day 14 And God sayde: let there be lyghtes in the firmament of the heauen, that they may deuide the day and the nyght, and let them be for signes, & seasons, and for dayes, and yeres 15 And let them be for lyghtes in the firmament of the heauen, that they maye geue light vpo the earth: and it was so 16 And God made two great lyghtes: a greater lyght to rule the day, and a lesse lyght to rule the nyght, and [he made] starres also 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heauen, to shyne vpon the earth 18 And to rule the day and nyght, and to make difference betweene the lyght and the darknesse: and God saw that it was good 19 And the euenyng and the mornyng were the fourth day 20 And God sayde: let the waters bryng foorth mouyng creature that hath lyfe, and foule that may flee vpon the earth in the open firmament of heauen 21 And God created great whales, and euery lyuyng & mouing creature, which the waters brought foorth after theyr kynde, & euery fethered foule after their kynde: and God saw that it was good 22 And God blessed them, saying: Be fruiteful, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the sea, and let foule multiplie in the earth 23 And the euenyng and mornyng were the fift day 24 And God sayde: let the earth bryng foorth lyuyng creature after his kynde, cattell, worme, and beastes of the earth after his kynde: and it was so 25 God made the beast of the earth after his kynde, and cattell after his kynde, and euery thyng that creepeth vpon the earth after his kynde: and God sawe that it was good 26 God saide: let vs make man in our image, after our lykenesse, and let them haue rule of the fisshe of the sea, & of the foule of the ayre, and of cattell, & of all the earth, and of euery creepyng thyng that creepeth vpon the earth 27 So God created man in his owne image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them 28 And God blessed them, and God sayde vnto them: be fruitefull, & multiplie, and replenishe the earth, & subdue it, and haue dominion of the fisshe of the sea, and foule of the ayre, & of euery lyuing thing that moueth vpon the earth 29 And God sayde: beholde, I haue geuen you euery hearbe bearing seede, which is in the vpper face of all ye earth, and euery tree in the which is the fruite of a tree bearing seede, [that] they may be meate vnto you 30 To euery beast of the earth also, and to euery birde of the aire, and to euery such thing that creepeth vpon ye earth, which doth liue, I haue geuen euery greene hearbe for meate: and it was so 31 And God sawe euery thyng that he had made: and beholde, it was exceedyng good. And the euenyng & the mornyng were the sixth day

Genesis 1:4

4 And God sawe the lyght that it was good: and God deuided the lyght from the darknes 5 And God called the light day, and the darknes night: and the euenyng & the mornyng were the first day

Genesis 1:7

7 And God made the firmament, and set the diuision betwene the waters which [were] vnder the firmament, and the waters that [were] aboue the firmament: and it was so 8 And God called the firmament the heauen: and the euenyng and the mornyng were the seconde day 9 And God saide: let the waters vnder the heauen be gathered together into one place, and let the drye lande appeare: and it was so 10 And God called the drie lande ye earth, and the gatheryng together of waters called he the seas: and God sawe that it was good 11 And God sayde: let the earth bryng foorth [both] budde and hearbe apt to seede, and fruitfull trees yeeldyng fruite after his kynde, which hath seede in it selfe vpon the earth: and it was so 12 And the earth brought forth [both] bud and hearbe apt to seede after his kynde, and tree yeeldyng fruite, whiche hath seede in it selfe, after his kynde 13 And God sawe that it was good. And the euenyng and the mornyng were the thirde day 14 And God sayde: let there be lyghtes in the firmament of the heauen, that they may deuide the day and the nyght, and let them be for signes, & seasons, and for dayes, and yeres 15 And let them be for lyghtes in the firmament of the heauen, that they maye geue light vpo the earth: and it was so

Genesis 1:18

18 And to rule the day and nyght, and to make difference betweene the lyght and the darknesse: and God saw that it was good 19 And the euenyng and the mornyng were the fourth day 20 And God sayde: let the waters bryng foorth mouyng creature that hath lyfe, and foule that may flee vpon the earth in the open firmament of heauen

Genesis 1:22

22 And God blessed them, saying: Be fruiteful, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the sea, and let foule multiplie in the earth 23 And the euenyng and mornyng were the fift day 24 And God sayde: let the earth bryng foorth lyuyng creature after his kynde, cattell, worme, and beastes of the earth after his kynde: and it was so 25 God made the beast of the earth after his kynde, and cattell after his kynde, and euery thyng that creepeth vpon the earth after his kynde: and God sawe that it was good

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and God sayde vnto them: be fruitefull, & multiplie, and replenishe the earth, & subdue it, and haue dominion of the fisshe of the sea, and foule of the ayre, & of euery lyuing thing that moueth vpon the earth 29 And God sayde: beholde, I haue geuen you euery hearbe bearing seede, which is in the vpper face of all ye earth, and euery tree in the which is the fruite of a tree bearing seede, [that] they may be meate vnto you 30 To euery beast of the earth also, and to euery birde of the aire, and to euery such thing that creepeth vpon ye earth, which doth liue, I haue geuen euery greene hearbe for meate: and it was so 31 And God sawe euery thyng that he had made: and beholde, it was exceedyng good. And the euenyng & the mornyng were the sixth day

Genesis 2:2

2 And in the seuenth day God ended his worke whiche he had made. And the seueth day he rested from all his worke which he had made

Genesis 2:5

5 And euery plant of the fielde before it was in the earth, and euery hearbe of the fielde before it grewe. For the Lord God had not [yet] caused it to rayne vppon the earth, neither [was there] a man to tyll the grounde

Genesis 2:9

9 Moreouer, out of the grounde made the Lorde God to growe euery tree, that was fayre to syght, and pleasaunt to eate: The tree of lyfe in the myddest of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and euyll

Genesis 2:16

16 And the Lorde God commaunded the man, saying: eating, thou shalt eate of euery tree of the garden

Genesis 2:18

18 And the Lord God sayde: It is not good yt the man should be alone, I wyll make hym an helpe lyke vnto hym 19 And so out of the grounde the Lorde God had shapen euery beast of the field, and euery foule of the ayre, and brought it vnto man, that he myght see howe he woulde call it. For lykewyse as man hym selfe named euery lyuyng thyng, euen so was the name therof

Genesis 2:19-20

19 And so out of the grounde the Lorde God had shapen euery beast of the field, and euery foule of the ayre, and brought it vnto man, that he myght see howe he woulde call it. For lykewyse as man hym selfe named euery lyuyng thyng, euen so was the name therof 20 And the man gaue names to all cattell, and foule of the ayre, & euery beast of the fielde: but for man founde he not an helpe lyke vnto hym 21 The Lord God caused a deepe sleepe to fall vpon Adam, and he slept, and he toke one of his ribbes, and closed vp the place with fleshe in steade therof 22 And the ribbe which the lord god had taken from man, made he a woman, & brought her vnto the man 23 And man saide: this is nowe bone of my bones, and fleshe of my fleshe, she shalbe called woman, because she was taken out of man 24 For this cause shall man leaue his father and his mother, and shalbe ioyned with his wyfe: and they shall become one fleshe 25 And they were both naked the man and his wife, and were not ashamed

Genesis 3:22

22 And the Lorde God sayde: Beholde, the man is become as one of vs, in knowing good and euyll: And now lest peraduenture he put foorth his hande, and take also of the tree of lyfe and eate, and lyue for euer

Genesis 5:1

1 This is the booke of the generations of Ada. In the day that God created man, in the lykenesse of God made he hym

Genesis 5:1-2

1 This is the booke of the generations of Ada. In the day that God created man, in the lykenesse of God made he hym 2 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the daye of their creation

Genesis 5:2-2

2 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the daye of their creation

Genesis 6:20

20 Of fethered foules also after their kinde, and of all cattell after their kinde: of euery worme of the earth after his kynde, two of euery one shall come vnto thee, to kepe [them] alyue

Genesis 7:11-12

11 In the sixe hundreth yere of Noahs lyfe, in the seconde moneth, the seuenteene day of ye moneth, in the same day were all the fountaynes of the great deepe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened 12 And the rayne was vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes

Genesis 7:14

14 They, and euery beast after his kinde, and al the cattel after their kinde, yea, and euery worme that creepeth vpon the grounde after his kinde, and euerye byrde after his kinde, and euery fleeyng and fethered foule

Genesis 8:17

17 And bryng foorth with thee euery beast that is with thee, of all fleshe, both foule and cattell, and euery worme that crepeth vpon the earth, that they may breede in the earth, and bring foorth fruite, and multiplie vpon earth

Genesis 8:19

19 Euery beast also, and euery worme, euery foule, and whatsoeuer crepeth vpon the earth after their kyndes, went out of the arke

Genesis 8:22

22 Yet therefore shall not sowyng tyme and haruest, colde and heate, sommer and wynter, day and nyght, ceasse all the dayes of the earth

Genesis 9:1

1 And god blessed Noah, and his sonnes, & saide vnto them, be fruitfull and multiplie, and replenishe the earth 2 The feare of you, & the dread of you, shalbe vpon euery beast of the earth, and vpon euery foule of the ayre, vpon al that moueth vpon the earth, and vpon all the fishes of the sea, into your hande are they deliuered 3 Euery thyng that moueth it selfe, and that liueth, shall be meate for you, euen as the greene hearbe haue I geue you all thinges

Genesis 9:3

3 Euery thyng that moueth it selfe, and that liueth, shall be meate for you, euen as the greene hearbe haue I geue you all thinges 4 But flesh in the life therof [which is] the blood therof, shall ye not eate

Genesis 9:6

6 Who so sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man 7 But be fruitefull, and multiplie you, breede in the earth, and increase therein

Genesis 9:13

13 I do set my bowe in the cloude, and it shall be for a token betweene me and the earth

Genesis 11:7

7 Come on, let vs go downe, and there confounde their language, that euerye one perceaue not his neighbours speache

Genesis 17:16

16 And I wyll blesse her, and geue thee a sonne of her: yea, I wyll blesse her, and she shalbe [a mother] of nations, yea & kynges of people shall sprynge of her

Genesis 17:20

20 And as concernyng Ismael also I haue hearde thee: for I haue blessed him, and wyll make him fruitefull, and wyl multiplie him excedingly: Twelue princes shall he beget, and I wyll make a great nation of hym

Genesis 22:17-18

17 That in blessing I wyll blesse thee, and in multiplying I wyll multiplie thy seede as the starres of heauen, and as the sande which is vpon the sea side, and thy seede shall possesse the gates of his enemies 18 And in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast hearde my voyce

Genesis 24:60

60 And they blessed Rebecca, and sayde vnto her: thou art our sister, growe into thousande thousandes, and thy seede possesse the gate of his enemies

Genesis 26:3-4

3 Soiourne in this lande, and I wyl be with thee, and wyll blesse thee: for vnto thee and vnto thy seede I wyll geue all these countreys, and I wyll perfourme the othe whiche I sware vnto Abraham thy father 4 And wyl make thy seede to multiplie as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seede al these countreys: and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

Genesis 26:24

24 And the Lorde appeared vnto hym the same night, and sayde: I am the God of Abraham thy father, feare not, for I am with thee, and wyl blesse thee and multiple thy seede for my seruaunt Abrahams sake

Genesis 30:27

27 To whom Laban aunswered: I pray thee, yf I haue founde fauour in thy syght [tary]: for I haue proued that the Lorde blessed me for thy sake

Genesis 30:30

30 For that litle which thou haddest before I came, is nowe increased into a multitude, and the Lord hath blessed thee through my trauell: but nowe when shall I make prouision for myne owne house also

Genesis 33:5

5 And he lyft vp his eyes, and sawe the women & the children, and said: whence hast thou these? And he aunswered: they are the children which god hath geuen thy seruaunt

Genesis 35:11

11 And God sayd vnto him: I am God almightie, be fruitefull and multiplie: a nation, and a multitude of nations shall spring of thee, yea and kinges shall come out of thy loynes

Genesis 49:25

25 From thy fathers God which hath helped thee, and from the almyghtie which hath blessed thee with blessinges from heauen aboue, with blessynges of the deepe that lyeth vnder, & with blessynges of the brestes and of the wombe

Exodus 1:7

7 And the children of Israel were fruitfull, encreased, multiplied, & waxed exceedyng myghtie, and the lande was full of them

Exodus 8:3

3 And the riuer shall scraule with frogges, whiche shall go vp and come into thine house, and into thy priuie chaumber where thou slepest, and vpon thy bed, & into the house of thy seruauntes, and vpon thy people, and into thyne ouens, and vpon al thy vitayles in store

Exodus 20:11

11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seuenth day: wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day, and halowed it

Exodus 31:18

18 And when the Lorde had made an end of commnuyng with Moyses vpon the mount Sinai, he gaue hym two tables of witnesse, euen tables of stone, writen with the finger of God

Leviticus 26:9

9 For I wyll haue respect vnto you, and make you increase, and multiplie you, and set vp my couenaunt with you

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 Yea, and lest thou lift vp thyne eyes vnto heauen, and when thou seest the sunne, the moone, and the starres, with all the hoast of heauen, shouldest be driuen to worship them, & serue them, and shouldest worship and serue the thynges, which the Lorde thy God hath made to serue all nations vnder the whole heauen

Deuteronomy 32:4

4 Perfect is the worke of the most mightie God, for all his wayes are iudgement: He is a God of trueth, without wickednesse, righteous and iust is he

Joshua 10:12-14

12 Then spake Iosuah to the Lorde in the day when the Lorde deliuered the Amorites before the children of Israel, & he sayd in the sight of Israel, Sunne, stande thou styll vpon Gibeon, and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon 13 And the sunne abode, and the moone stoode styll, vntyll the people auenged them selues vpon their enemies. Is not this written in the booke of the righteous? So the sunne [I say] abode in the middest of heauen, and hasted not to go downe by the space of a whole day 14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lorde hearde the voyce of a man: for the Lorde fought for Israel

1 Kings 4:33

33 And he spake of trees, euen from the Cedar tree that groweth in Libanon, vnto the Isope that springeth out of the wall: He spake also of beastes, of foules, of wormes, and of fishes

1 Chronicles 4:10

10 And Iabes called on the God of Israel, saying: If thou wilt blesse me in deede, and enlarge my coastes, and shalt let thyne hande be with me, and wilt kepe me from euyll that it hurt me not. And God graunted him his desire

1 Chronicles 16:26

26 For all the gods of the people are but idoles: but the Lorde made heauen

1 Chronicles 26:5

5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seuenth, Peulthai the eyght, for God blessed him

Nehemiah 9:6

6 Thou art Lorde alone, thou hast made heauen and the heauen of all heauens with all their hoast, the earth and all thinges that are therein, the sea & all that is therin, & thou preseruest them al, & the hoast of heauen worshippeth thee

Job 3:9

9 Let the starres of that night be dimme thorowe darkenesse of it, let it loke for light, but haue none, neither let it see the dawning of the day

Job 5:23

23 For the stones of the land shalbe confederate with thee, and the beastes of the fielde shalbe at peace with thee

Job 7:12

12 Am I a sea or a whale fish, that thou kepest me [so] in prison

Job 12:8-10

8 Or the encrease of the earth, and it shall shew thee: or the fishes of the sea, and they shall certifie thee 9 What is he but he knoweth that the hande of the Lorde made all these 10 In whose hande is the soule of euery liuing thing, and the breath of all mankinde

Job 25:3

3 Is there any number of his armies, and vpon whom shal not his light arise

Job 25:5

5 Beholde, the moone shyneth nothing in comparison to him, and the starres are vncleane in his sight

Job 26:5

5 Are not dead thinges shapen vnder the waters, and thinges by the waters side

Job 26:7

7 He stretcheth out the noorth ouer the emptie place, and hangeth the earth vpon nothing

Job 26:7-8

7 He stretcheth out the noorth ouer the emptie place, and hangeth the earth vpon nothing 8 He byndeth the water in his cloudes, & the cloude is not broken vnder them

Job 26:8

8 He byndeth the water in his cloudes, & the cloude is not broken vnder them

Job 26:10

10 He hath compassed the waters with certayne boundes, vntill the day and night come to an ende

Job 26:13

13 His spirite hath garnished the heauens, & his hand hath made the crooked serpent 14 Lo, this is now a short summe of his wayes: but howe litle a portion heare we of hym? who can vnderstande the thunder of his power

Job 28:5

5 Out of the same earth commeth bread, and vnder it as it were fire is turned vp

Job 31:26

26 Dyd I euer greatly regarde the rysing of the sunne? or had I the goyng downe of the moone in great reputation

Job 35:10

10 But none sayth, Where is God that made me? and that geueth vs occasion to praise him in the night

Job 36:30

30 Behold, he doth stretch his light vpon it, and couereth the bottome of the sea 31 For by these gouerneth he his people, and geueth them aboundance of meate

Job 37:11

11 He maketh the cloudes to labour in geuing moystnesse, and againe with his light he dryueth away the cloude

Job 37:18

18 Hast thou helped him to spreade out the heauens which are strong and bright as a loking glasse

Job 38:4

4 Where wast thou when I layed the foundations of the earth? Tell playnely, if thou hast vnderstanding

Job 38:7

7 Where wast thou when the morning starres praysed me together, and all the children of God reioyced triumphantly 8 Who shut the sea with doores, when it brake foorth as out of the wombe 9 When I made the cloudes [to be] a covering for it, and swadled it with the darke 10 When I gaue it my commaundement, making doores and barres for it 11 Saying, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shalt thou laye downe thy proude and hie waues 12 Hast thou geue the morning his charge since thy dayes, and shewed the day spring his place

Job 38:12

12 Hast thou geue the morning his charge since thy dayes, and shewed the day spring his place 13 That it might take holde of the corners of the earth, and that the vngodly might be shaken out of it 14 They are fashioned as is the clay with the seale, and all stand vp as a garment

Job 38:19

19 Then shewe me the way where light dwelleth, & where is the place of darkenesse

Job 38:22-26

22 Wentest thou euer into the treasures of the snow, or hast thou seene the secrete places of the hayle 23 Which I haue prepared against the time of trouble, against the time of battaile and warre 24 By what way is the light parted? and into what land breaketh the east winde 25 Who deuideth the waters into diuers chanels? or who maketh a way for the lightening and thunder 26 To cause it to rayne on the earth where no man is, and in the wildernesse where none inhabiteth

Job 38:31-32

31 Wylt thou hinder the sweete influences of the seuen starres? or loose the bandes of Orion 32 Canst thou bring foorth Mazzaroth in their time? canst thou also guide Arctutus with his sonnes

Job 38:39-40

39 Wylt thou hunt the pray for the lion? or fill the appetite of the lions whelpes

Job 38:39-41

39 Wylt thou hunt the pray for the lion? or fill the appetite of the lions whelpes 40 When they couche in their places, and tarie in the couert to lye in wayte

Job 38:40-41

40 When they couche in their places, and tarie in the couert to lye in wayte 41 Who prouideth meate for the rauen, when his young ones crye vnto God, and flee about for lacke of meate

Job 39:1

1 Knowest thou the time whe the wylde goates bring foorth their young among the stonye rockes? or layest thou wayte when the hindes vse to calue

Job 39:4

4 Yet their young ones grow vp, and waxe fatte through good feeding with corne: They go foorth, and returne not againe vnto them 5 Who letteth the wylde asse to go free? or who looseth the bondes of the wylde mule

Job 39:8

8 But seeke their pasture about the mountaines, and folowe the greene grasse 9 Wyll the vnicorne do thee seruice, or abide still by thy cribbe

Job 39:19

19 Hast thou geue the horse his strength, or learned him to ney coragiously

Job 39:30

30 His young ones also sucke vp blood: and where any dead body lyeth, there is he

Job 40:15

15 Beholde the beaste Behemoth, who I made with thee, which eateth haye as an oxe

Job 40:20

20 Surely the mountaines bring him foorth grasse, where all the beastes of the fielde take their pastime

Job 42:12

12 So the Lorde blessed the last dayes of Iob more then the first: for he had fourteene thousand sheepe, sixe thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses

Psalms 1:3

3 And he shalbe lyke a tree planted by the waters syde, that bryngeth foorth her fruite in due season: and whose leafe wythereth not, for whatsoeuer he doth it shall prosper

Psalms 8:1

1 O God our Lorde, howe excellent is thy name in all the earth? for that thou hast set thy glory aboue the heauens

Psalms 8:3

3 For I will consider thy heauens, euen the workes of thy fingers: the moone and the starres whiche thou hast ordayned

Psalms 8:3-4

3 For I will consider thy heauens, euen the workes of thy fingers: the moone and the starres whiche thou hast ordayned 4 What is man that thou art myndfull of him? and the sonne of man that thou visitest hym

Psalms 8:4-8

4 What is man that thou art myndfull of him? and the sonne of man that thou visitest hym 5 Thou hast made hym somthyng inferiour to angels: thou hast crowned him with glory and worship 6 Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the workes of thy handes: and thou hast put all thinges [in subiection] vnder his feete 7 (8:7a) All sheepe and oxen, & also the beastes of the fielde 8 (8:7b) the foules of the ayre, and the fishe of the sea, and whatsoeuer swymmeth in the seas

Psalms 19:1

1 The heauens declare the glorie of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy worke

Psalms 19:1-6

1 The heauens declare the glorie of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy worke

Psalms 19:1-2

1 The heauens declare the glorie of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy worke 2 A day occasioneth talke therof vnto a day: and a night teacheth knoweledge vnto a nyght

Psalms 19:2-6

2 A day occasioneth talke therof vnto a day: and a night teacheth knoweledge vnto a nyght

Psalms 19:2-2

2 A day occasioneth talke therof vnto a day: and a night teacheth knoweledge vnto a nyght 3 (19:3a) No language, no wordes, no voyce of theirs is hearde 4 (19:3b) yet their sounde goeth into all landes, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. (19:4a) In them he hath set a tabernacle for the sunne 5 (19:4b) which commeth foorth as a bridegrome out of his chamber, and reioyceth as a giaunt to runne his course 6 (19:5) His settyng foorth is from the vtmost part of heauen, and his circuite vnto the vtmost part therof: and there is nothing hyd from his heat

Psalms 19:6

6 (19:5) His settyng foorth is from the vtmost part of heauen, and his circuite vnto the vtmost part therof: and there is nothing hyd from his heat

Psalms 24:1-2

Psalms 24:1

1 The earth is Gods and all that therin is: the worlde, & they that dwell therin 2 For he hath laide the foundation of it vpon the seas: and he hath set it sure vpon the fluddes

Psalms 33:6

6 By the worde of God are the heauens made: and all the hoastes of them by the breath of his mouth 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon an heape: and layeth vp the deepe as treasures

Psalms 33:9

9 For he spake and it was: he commauded, and it was brought to passe

Psalms 50:9-10

9 I wyll take no bullocke out of thy house: nor goates out of thy foldes 10 For all the beastes of the forest are myne: and so are the cattel vpon a thousande hylles

Psalms 65:9-13

9 Thou visitest the earth, and thou makest it ouerflowne, thou enrichest it greatly: the riuer of God is full of water, thou preparest their corne, for so thou ordaynest it 10 Thou waterest her forowes, thou breakest downe her hillockes: thou makest it soft with the drops of rayne, and blessest the increase of it 11 Thou crownest the yere with thy goodnes: and thy cloudes drop fatnes 12 They drop vpon the dwellinges of the wyldernesse: and hilles be compassed with ioy 13 The downes be couered with sheepe: the valleys stande thicke with corne [so that] they showte [for ioy] and also sing

Psalms 69:34

34 (69:33) Let heauen and earth prayse hym: the sea and all that moueth therin

Psalms 74:16

16 The day is thine, & the nyght is thine: thou hast prepared the light & the sunne

Psalms 74:16-17

16 The day is thine, & the nyght is thine: thou hast prepared the light & the sunne 17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast ordeyned summer and wynter

Psalms 81:3

3 Blowe vp the trumpet in the newe moone, euen in the time appointed: and vpon our solempne feast day

Psalms 89:11-12

11 The heauens are thine, the earth also is thine: thou hast layde the foundation of the rounde worlde, and of all the plentie that is therin 12 Thou hast made the north and the south: Tabor and Hermon do reioyce in thy name

Psalms 90:2

2 Before the moutaynes were brought foorth, or euer the earth & the worlde were made: thou art God both from euerlastyng, and also vntyll euerlastyng

Psalms 95:5

5 The sea is his, and he made it: and his handes fashioned the drye lande

Psalms 96:5

5 As for all the gods of the heathen they be but idoles: and it is God that made the heauens

Psalms 97:11

11 There is sowen a lyght for the ryghteous: and gladnesse for such as be vpryght of heart

Psalms 100:3

3 (100:2) Be ye sure that God is the Lorde, it is he that hath made vs, and not we our selues: we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture

Psalms 102:25

25 (102:22) Thou hast before tyme layde the foundation of the earth: and the heauens are the worke of thy handes

Psalms 104:2

2 Who is decked with light as it were with a garment: spreadyng out the heauens like a curtayne 3 Who seeleth his vpper chaumbers with waters: and maketh the cloudes his charriot, and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde

Psalms 104:5-9

5 He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations: that it can neuer moue at any tyme 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe, lyke as with a garment: the waters stande vpon the hilles 7 At thy rebuke they flee: at the noyse of thy thunder they bluster downe apace 8 The hilles mount aloft: and the valleys settle downe beneath vnto the place where thou hast layde a foundation for them 9 Thou hast set them their boundes which they shall not passe: neither shall they returne agayne to couer the earth 10 Who also causeth the springes which runne betweene the hilles: to flowe into the riuers

Psalms 104:14-17

14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell: and hearbes for the vse of man

Psalms 104:14-15

14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell: and hearbes for the vse of man

Psalms 104:14

14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell: and hearbes for the vse of man 15 That he may bryng foorth foode out of the earth: both wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce, & also bread to strengthen mans heart

Psalms 104:15-15

15 That he may bryng foorth foode out of the earth: both wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce, & also bread to strengthen mans heart 16 The trees of God be satisfied: euen the Cedars of Libanus which he hath planted 17 Wherin the birdes make their nestes: in the fyrre trees the storke buyldeth 18 The high hilles are a refuge for goates: and so are the stonie rockes for conies 19 He hath made the moone for certayne seasons: and the sunne knoweth his goyng downe 20 Thou makest darknes and it is night: wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode

Psalms 104:20-20

20 Thou makest darknes and it is night: wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode

Psalms 104:20-24

20 Thou makest darknes and it is night: wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode 21 The Lions do roare after a pray: and in seeking their meate of God 22 When the sunne ariseth, they recoyle backe: and lay them downe to rest in their dennes 23 Man goeth foorth to his worke: and to do his seruice vntyll the euening

Psalms 104:23-24

23 Man goeth foorth to his worke: and to do his seruice vntyll the euening 24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches

Psalms 104:24-25

24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches

Psalms 104:24-26

24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches

Psalms 104:24-24

24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches 25 So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse: wherein are thinges creeping innumerable, both small and great beastes

Psalms 104:25-26

25 So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse: wherein are thinges creeping innumerable, both small and great beastes 26 There go the shippes, and there is that Leuiathan: whom thou hast made to take his pastime therin 27 These wayte all vpon thee: that thou mayest geue them meate in due season 28 When thou geuest it them, they gather it: and when thou openest thyne hand, they are filled with that which is good

Psalms 104:30

30 When thou sendest out thy spirite, they be recreated: and thou reuiuest the face of the earth 31 The glorious maiestie of God shal endure for euer: God wyll reioyce in his workes

Psalms 107:31

31 (107:29) O that men would confesse vnto god: his louyng kyndnes and meruaylous actes [done] to the chyldren of men

Psalms 107:38

38 (107:36) He blesseth them, so that they multiplie exceedingly: and he suffereth not their cattle to decrease

Psalms 111:5

5 He hath geuen meate vnto them that feare him: he wyll euer be myndfull of his couenaunt

Psalms 115:15

15 Ye are the blessed of God: which made heauen and earth 16 The heauen, the heauen [I say] is Gods: and he hath geuen the earth vnto the children of men

Psalms 118:27

27 It is the Lord God who hath geuen vs lyght: bynde a sacrifice with cordes vnto the hornes of the aulter

Psalms 119:91

91 (119:3) [All thynges] continue this day accordyng to thine ordinaunce: for all thinges be thy seruauntes

Psalms 121:2

2 My helpe commeth from God: who hath made heauen and earth

Psalms 124:8

8 (124:7) Our helpe is in the name of God: who hath made heauen and earth

Psalms 127:1-5

1 If GOD wyll not buylde the house, they labour in vayne that buylde it: if God kepe not the citie, the watchman waketh in vayne 2 [Is] it is a vayne thing for you that ye make haste to ryse vp early, that ye make delayes to take rest, eatyng the bread of sorowes: euen so he geueth sleepe to his welbeloued 3 Beholde, chyldren be the inheritage of God: and the fruite of the wombe is a rewarde 4 Like as arrowes be in the hande of the strong: euen so are the chyldren of youth 5 Happy is the man that hath filled his quiuer with them: they shall not be ashamed when they speake with their enemies in the gate

Psalms 128:3

3 Thy wyfe shalbe as a fruitfull vine: vpon the sides of thyne house. (128:4) Thy chyldren [shalbe] like oliue braunches: rounde about thy table

Psalms 128:3-4

3 Thy wyfe shalbe as a fruitfull vine: vpon the sides of thyne house. (128:4) Thy chyldren [shalbe] like oliue braunches: rounde about thy table 4 (128:5) Beholde, for thus shall the man be blessed: that feareth God

Psalms 134:3

3 God who made heauen and earth: blesse thee out of Sion

Psalms 136:5

5 Who by his excellent wysdome made the heauens: for his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 136:5-6

5 Who by his excellent wysdome made the heauens: for his mercy endureth for euer 6 Who layde out the earth aboue the waters: for his mercy endureth for euer 7 Who hath made great lightes: for his mercy endureth for euer 8 The sunne to rule in the day: for his mercy endureth for euer 9 The moone and the starres to gouerne in the night: for his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 136:25

25 Who geueth foode vnto all creatures: for his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 139:14

14 I wyll confesse it vnto thee, for that thy [doynges] are to be dreaded, I am made after a marueylous sort: thy workes be marueylous, and that my soule knoweth ryght well

Psalms 144:13-14

13 That the corners of our houses may be fylled, yeeldyng foorth all maner of stoore: that our cattell may bring foorth thousandes, [yea] ten thousandes in our streates 14 That our oxen may be strong [to labour] that there be no decay: no leadyng into captiuitie, and no complaynyng in our streates

Psalms 145:15-16

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon thee: and thou geuest them their meate in due season 16 Thou openest thyne hande: and thou satisfiest the desire of euery thing liuing

Psalms 146:6

6 Who executeth iudgement for those that are oppressed with wrong: who geueth foode to the hungry 7 God looseth those that be bounde: God geueth syght to the blynde

Psalms 147:8

8 Who couereth the heauen with cloudes: who prepareth rayne for the earth, who maketh grasse to growe vppon the mountaynes 9 He geueth vnto cattell their foode: [euen] vnto Rauens which call for it

Psalms 148:3

3 Prayse ye hym sunne and moone: praise hym all ye starres [that geue] lyght 4 Prayse ye hym all ye heauens: and ye waters that be aboue the heauens

Psalms 148:4

4 Prayse ye hym all ye heauens: and ye waters that be aboue the heauens 5 Euen they shoulde prayse the name of God: for he commaunded, and they were created

Psalms 148:5

5 Euen they shoulde prayse the name of God: for he commaunded, and they were created 6 He hath set them sure for euer and euer: he hath geuen them a lawe which shall not be broken

Psalms 148:10

10 Beastes and all cattell: wormes and fethered foules

Psalms 149:2

2 Israel shoulde reioyce in his maker: the children of Sion shoulde be ioyfull in their kyng

Psalms 150:1

1 Prayse ye the Lorde, prayse ye the Lord in his sanctuarie: praise ye him in the firmament of his power

Proverbs 3:19

19 With wysdome hath the Lorde layde the foundation of the earth, and thorow vnderstanding hath he stablished the heauens

Proverbs 8:22-30

22 The Lorde him selfe had me in possession in the beginning of his wayes, or euer he began his workes aforetime 23 I haue ben ordayned from euerlasting, and from the beginning or euer the earth was made 24 When I was borne there were neither depthes nor springes of water 25 Before the foundations of the mountaines were layde: yea before all hilles, was I borne 26 The earth, and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the dust it selfe 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present, when he compassed the deapthes about 28 When he hanged the cloudes aboue, when he fastened the springes of the deepe

Proverbs 8:28-29

28 When he hanged the cloudes aboue, when he fastened the springes of the deepe 29 When he shut the sea within certaine boundes, that the waters should not go ouer their markes that he commaunded: when he layde the foundations of the earth

Proverbs 8:29-29

29 When he shut the sea within certaine boundes, that the waters should not go ouer their markes that he commaunded: when he layde the foundations of the earth 30 I was with him ordring all thinges, deliting dayly and reioysyng alway before hym

Proverbs 10:22

22 The blessyng of the Lorde maketh riche: and bryngeth no sorowe of heart with it

Proverbs 16:4

4 The Lorde hath made all thynges for his owne sake: yea, the vngodly for the day of wrath

Ecclesiastes 1:7

7 All fluddes runne into the sea, and yet is the sea it selfe not fylled: For loke vnto what place the waters runne, thence they come to flowe agayne

Ecclesiastes 2:13

13 And I sawe that wisdome excelleth foolishnesse, as farre as light doth darknesse

Ecclesiastes 2:21

21 Forsomuch as a man shoulde weery hym selfe with wisdome, with vnderstandyng and oportunitie, and yet be fayne to leaue his labours vnto another that neuer sweat for them: This is also a vayne thyng, and great miserie

Ecclesiastes 7:29

29 Lo this onlye haue I founde, that God made man iust and right: but they sought many inuentions

Ecclesiastes 11:3

3 When the cloudes are full, they powre out raine vpon the earth. And when the tree falleth, whether it be towarde the south or north, in what place soeuer it fall, there it lieth

Ecclesiastes 11:7

7 The light is sweete, and a pleasaunt thing is it for the eyes to looke vpon the sunne

Ecclesiastes 12:1

1 Remember thy maker the sooner in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersitie come, and or the yeres drawe nye when thou shalt say, I haue not pleasure in them

Isaiah 6:8

8 Also I hearde the voyce of the Lorde on this maner: whom shall I sende, and who wyll be our messenger? Then I sayde, Here am I, sende me

Isaiah 13:10

10 For the starres and planettes of heauen shall not geue their light, the sunne shalbe darkened in the rising, and the moone shall not shine with her light

Isaiah 24:23

23 The moone shalbe abashed, and the sunne ashamed, when the Lorde of hoastes shal raigne in mount Sion and in Hierusalem with worship, and in the sight of suche as shalbe of his counsell

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is that shall dwell on hye, whose safegarde shalbe in a bulwarke of rockes: to hym shalbe geuen meate, and his waters shall not fayle

Isaiah 37:16

16 O Lorde of hoastes, thou God of Israel, which dwellest vpon Cherubim, thou art the God that only is God of all the kingdomes of the world, for thou only hast created heauen and earth

Isaiah 40:12-14

12 Who hath measured the waters in his fist? who hath measured heauen with his spanne, and hath comprehended all the earth of the worlde in three measures? who hath wayed the mountaynes and hylles in a ballaunce 13 Who hath directed the spirite of the Lorde? or who gaue hym counsayle, and shewed hym 14 Who is of his counsayle, and geueth hym vnderstandyng, and hath taught hym the path of iudgement? who taught hym cunnyng, and opened to hym the way of vnderstandyng

Isaiah 40:26

26 Lift vp your eyes on high, and consider who hath made those thinges which come out by so great heapes, and he calleth them al by their names: there is nothing hid from the greatnesse of his power, strength, and might

Isaiah 40:28

28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not hearde that the euerlasting God, the Lorde whiche made all the corners of the earth, is neither weerie nor fainte? and that his wysdome can not be comprehended

Isaiah 42:5

5 For thus saith God the Lorde vnto hym, euen he that made the heauens and spread them abroade, and set foorth the earth with her increase, whiche geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, and spirite to them that dwell therein

Isaiah 43:7

7 [namely] all those that be called after my name: For them haue I created, fashioned, and made for mine honour

Isaiah 44:24

24 Thus saith the Lorde thy redeemer, euen he that fassioned thee from thy mothers wombe: I the Lorde do all thinges my selfe alone, I only spreade out the heauens, and I only haue laide abrode the earth by my owne selfe

Isaiah 45:7

7 It is I that created light and darknesse, I make peace and trouble: yea euen I the Lorde do all these thinges

Isaiah 45:18

18 For thus saith the Lorde, Euen he that created heauen, the God that made the earth & fassioned it, and set it foorth, he dyd not make it for naught, but to be inhabited, euen I the Lorde, without whom there is none other

Isaiah 51:13

13 And forgettest the Lorde that made thee, that spread out the heauens, and layde the foundation of the earth: but thou art euer afrayde for the syght of thyne oppressour, which is redy to do harme: where is the wrath of the oppressour

Isaiah 51:16

16 I haue put my wordes in thy mouth, and haue defended thee in the shadowe of my hande, that I may plant the heauens, & lay the foundation of the earth, and say vnto Sion: thou art my people

Isaiah 55:10-11

10 And lyke as the rayne and snowe commeth downe from heauen, and returneth not thyther agayne, but watereth the earth, maketh it fruitfull and greene, that it may geue corne vnto the sower, and bread to hym that eateth 11 So the worde also that commeth out of my mouth shall not turne agayne voyde vnto me, but shall accomplishe my wyll, and prosper in the thing wherto I sende it

Isaiah 60:19

19 The sunne shall neuer be thy day light, and the light of the moone shall neuer shine vnto thee: but the Lorde him selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting light, and thy God shalbe thy glory

Isaiah 61:11

11 For like as the ground bringeth foorth her fruite, and as the garden shooteth foorth seede: so shall the Lorde God cause righteousnesse and prayse to floorishe foorth before all the heathen

Isaiah 64:8

8 But nowe, O Lorde, thou father of ours, we are thy clay, and thou art our potter, and we all are the worke of thy handes

Isaiah 65:17

17 For lo, I shall make a newe heauen and a newe earth: and as for the olde, they shall neuer be thought vpon, nor kept in minde

Jeremiah 4:23

23 I haue loked vpon the earth, and see it was waste and voyde: I loked towarde heauen, and it had no shine

Jeremiah 5:22

22 Feare ye not me, saith the Lorde? will ye not tremble at my presence? which bynde the sea with the sande by a continuall decree, so that it can not passe his boundes: for though it rage, yet can it do nothing, and though the waues therof do swell, yet may they not go ouer

Jeremiah 10:2

2 Thus saith the Lord: ye shal not learne after the maner of the heathen, and ye shall not be afraide for the tokens of heauen: for the heathen are afraide of suche

Jeremiah 10:10

10 But the Lorde is a true God, a liuing God, and an euerlasting kyng: if he be wroth, the earth shaketh, all the gentiles may not abide his indignation

Jeremiah 10:12

12 But [as for our God] he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome doth he order the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discretion hath he spread out the heauens

Jeremiah 10:12-13

12 But [as for our God] he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome doth he order the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discretion hath he spread out the heauens 13 At his voyce the waters gathered together in the ayre, he draweth vp the cloudes from the vttermost partes of the earth, he turneth lightning to raine, and bringeth foorth the windes out of their treasures

Jeremiah 17:8

8 For he shalbe as a tree that is planted by the water side, which spreadeth out the roote vnto moystnesse, whom the heate can not harme when it commeth, but his leafe shalbe greene: And though there growe but litle fruite because of drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to bryng foorth fruite

Jeremiah 27:5

5 I am he that made the earth, the men, and the cattell that are vpon the grounde with my great power & stretched out arme, and haue geuen it vnto whom it pleased me 6 And nowe wyll I deliuer all these landes into the power of Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon my seruaunt: the beastes also of the fielde shall I geue hym, to do hym seruice

Jeremiah 31:35

35 Thus saith the Lorde, which gaue the sunne to be a lyght for the day, and the moone and the starres to shine in the night, whiche moueth the sea, so that the fluddes thereof waxe fierce, his name is the Lorde of hoastes

Jeremiah 32:17

17 O Lorde God, it is thou that hast made heauen and earth with thy great power and hye arme, and there is nothing hid from thee

Jeremiah 33:20

20 Thus saith the Lorde: May the couenaunt whiche I haue made with day and night be broken, that there shoulde not be day and night in due season

Jeremiah 33:25

25 Therefore thus saith the Lord, If I haue made no couenaunt with day and night, and geuen no statute vnto heauen and earth

Jeremiah 51:15

15 Yea euen the Lorde of hoastes that with his power made the earth, with his wisdome prepared the round world, and with his discretion spread out the heauens

Lamentations 3:38

38 Out of the mouth of the most highest goeth not euyll and good

Ezekiel 32:2

2 Thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentation vpon Pharao the king of Egypt, and say vnto him, thou art lyke a lion of the heathen, and as a whale fishe in the sea: thou drawest out thy riuers, thou troublest the waters with thy feete, and stampest in their riuers

Ezekiel 32:7-8

7 When thou art put out, I wyll couer the heauen, and make his starres dim: I wyll spreade a cloude ouer the sunne, and the moone shall not geue her light 8 All the lightes of heauen wyll I make darke for thee: and bring darkenesse vpon thy lande, saith the Lorde God

Ezekiel 46:1

1 Thus saith the Lorde God: The gate of the inner court towarde the east shalbe shut the sixe working dayes: but in the Sabbath & in the day of the new moone it shalbe opened

Ezekiel 46:6

6 In the day of the new moneth, [it shalbe] a young bullocke without blemishe, and sixelambes, and a ramme also without blemishe

Hosea 2:8

8 And she dyd not knowe that I gaue her corne, and wine, and oyle, and multiplied her siluer and golde, which they bestowed on Baal

Joel 2:10

10 The earth shall quake before him, the heauens shall tremble, the sunne and the moone shalbe darke, and the starres shall withdrawe their shinyng

Joel 2:30-31

30 And I will shewe wonders in heauen and in earth, blood, and fire, and pillers of smoke 31 The sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and terrible day of the Lord come

Joel 3:15

15 The sunne and the moone shalbe darkned, and the starres shall withdrawe their light

Amos 5:8

8 He maketh the seuen starres and Orion, and he turneth the shadowe of death into the morning, and he maketh the day darke as night: he calleth the waters of the sea, and powreth them out vpon the open earth, the Lorde is his name

Amos 8:9

9 And in that day, sayth the Lord God, I will euen cause the sunne to go downe at noone, and I wil darken the earth in the cleare day

Jonah 1:9

9 And he aunswered them: I am an Hebrue, and I feare the Lorde God of heauen, which hath made the sea, and the drye lande

Jonah 1:17

17 And the Lorde prepared a great fishe to swalowe vp Ionas: & Ionas was in the belly of the fishe three dayes and three nightes

Jonah 2:10

10 And the Lorde spake vnto the fisshe, and it cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande

Nahum 2:10

10 Sacking, resacking, rasing, a dissolued heart and collision of knees, sorow in all loynes also, and the faces of them all as blacke as a pot

Habakkuk 3:11

11 The sonne [and] moone stoode still in [their] habitation, at the light of thyne arrowes they went, [and] at the bright shining of thy speares

Zechariah 12:1

1 The heauy burthen which the Lorde hath deuised for Israel. Thus saith the Lorde which spread the heauens abrode, layde the foundatio of the earth, and gaue man the breath of lyfe

Malachi 2:15

15 And did not he make one? yet had he aboundaunce of spiritie: And wherfore one? Because he sought a godly seede: therefore kepe your selues in your spirite, and let none transgresse against the wyfe of his youth

Matthew 2:2

2 Saying: Where is he that is borne kyng of Iewes? For we haue seene his starre in the east, and are come to worship hym

Matthew 3:10

10 Euen now is the axe also put vnto the roote of the trees: therefore, euery tree which bryngeth not foorth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire

Matthew 6:11

11 Geue vs this day our dayly breade

Matthew 6:25-26

25 Therfore I say vnto you, be not carefull for your lyfe, what ye shall eate, or drynke: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the lyfe more worth then meate? & the body then rayment 26 Beholde the fowles of the ayre: For they sowe not, neither do they reape, nor cary into the barnes: yet your heauenly father feedeth them. Are ye not much better then they

Matthew 6:30

30 Wherfore, yf God so clothe the grasse of the fielde, which though it stande to day, is to morowe cast into the ouen: shall he not much more [do] the same for you, O ye of litle fayth

Matthew 7:16-20

16 Ye shall knowe them by theyr fruites, Do men gather grapes of thornes? or fygges of thystles 17 Euen so, euery good tree, bryngeth foorth good fruite: But a corrupt tree, bryngeth foorth euyll fruite 18 A good tree, can not bryng foorth bad fruite: neither can a bad tree, bryng foorth good fruite 19 Euery tree that bryngeth not foorth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fyre 20 Wherfore, by theyr fruites, ye shall knowe them

Matthew 8:3

3 And Iesus put foorth his hande, and touched hym, saying: I wyll, be thou cleane. And immediatlye his leprosie was clensed

Matthew 8:27

27 But the men marueyled, saying: What maner of man is this, that both wyndes and sea obey hym

Matthew 11:25

25 At that tyme Iesus aunswered and sayde: I thanke thee O father, Lorde of heauen and earth, because thou hast hid these thinges from the wise and prudent, and hast shewed them vnto babes

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was three dayes, and three nyghtes, in the Whales belly: so shall the sonne of man be three dayes, and three nyghtes, in the heart of the earth

Matthew 13:24-26

24 Another parable put he foorth vnto them, saying: The kyngdome of heauen is likened vnto a man, which sowed good seede in his fielde 25 But whyle men slept, his enemye came & sowed tares among the wheate, and went his way 26 But when the blade was sprong vp, and had brought foorth fruite, then appeared the tares also

Matthew 16:2-3

2 He aunswered & sayde vnto them: when it is euenyng, ye say, [it wyll be] fayre weather: for the sky is redde 3 And in the mornyng, It wyll be foule weather to day: for the sky is lowryng redde. O ye hypocrites, ye can discerne the outwarde appearaunce of the sky: but can ye not discerne the signes of the tymes

Matthew 19:4

4 He aunswered and sayde vnto them: Haue ye not read, that he which created at the begynnyng, made them male and female

Matthew 24:29

29 Immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes, shal the sunne be darkened, and the moone shall not geue her lyght, and the starres shall fall from heauen, and the powers of heauen shalbe shaken

Matthew 27:45

45 Fro the sixth houre, was there darknesse ouer all the lande, vnto the nynth houre

Mark 4:28

28 For the earth bringeth foorth fruite of her selfe, first the blade, then the eare, after that, the full corne in the eare

Mark 10:6

6 But from the begynnyng of the creation, God made them male & female

Mark 13:19

19 For there shalbe in those dayes such tribulation, as was not from the begynnyng of creatures, which God created, vnto this tyme, neither shalbe

Mark 13:24

24 Moreouer, in those dayes, after that tribulation, the sunne shall waxe darke, and the moone shall not geue her light

Luke 6:43-44

43 For it is not a good tree, that bryngeth foorth euyll fruite: Neither is that an euyll tree, that bryngeth foorth good fruite 44 For euery tree is knowen by his fruite: for of thornes do not me gather fygges, nor of busshes, gather they grapes

Luke 6:44

44 For euery tree is knowen by his fruite: for of thornes do not me gather fygges, nor of busshes, gather they grapes

Luke 21:25-26

25 And there shalbe signes in the sunne and in the moone, & in the starres: and vpon the earth trouble among the nations, with perplexitie. The sea and the water shall rore 26 And mens heartes shal fayle them for feare, and for loking after those thinges which shall come on the world: For the powers of heauen shalbe shaken

Luke 23:45

45 And the sunne was darkned, and the vayle of the temple dyd rent, euen thorowe the middes

John 1:1-3

1 In the begynnyng was the worde, & the worde was with God: and that worde was God 2 The same was in the begynnyng with God 3 All thynges were made by it: and without it, was made nothyng that was made

John 1:5

5 And the lyght shyneth in darkenesse: and the darknesse comprehended it not

John 1:9

9 That [lyght] was the true lyght, which lyghteth euery man that commeth into the worlde

John 3:19

19 And this is the condempnation: that lyght is come into the worlde, and men loued darknesse rather then lyght, because their deedes were euyll

John 5:17

17 And Iesus aunswered them: My father worketh hitherto, and I worke

John 11:43

43 And when he thus had spoken, he cryed with a loude voyce: Lazarus, come foorth

John 14:23

23 Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto hym: If a man loue me, he wyll kepe my sayinges: and my father wyll loue hym, and we wyll come vnto hym, and dwell with hym

Acts 2:19-20

19 And I wyll shewe wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fyre, and the vapour of smoke 20 The Sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the Moone into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come

Acts 4:24

24 And when they hearde that, they lyft vp their voyces to God with one accorde, and sayde: Lorde, thou art God, which hast made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is

Acts 13:47

47 For so hath the Lorde commaunded vs. I haue made thee a lyght of the Gentiles, that thou be the saluation vnto the ende of the worlde

Acts 14:15

15 And saying: Sirs, why do ye these thynges? We are mortall men lyke vnto you, and preach vnto you, that ye shoulde turne from these vanities, vnto the lyuyng God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all thynges that are therin

Acts 14:17

17 Neuerthelesse, he left not hym selfe without witnesse, in that he shewed his benefites from heauen, in geuyng vs rayne and fruitefull seasons, fillyng our heartes with foode and gladnesse

Acts 17:20

20 For thou bryngest certaine straunge thinges to our eares: We would knowe therfore what these thynges meane

Acts 17:24

24 God that made the worlde, & all that are in it, seing that he is Lorde of heaue and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with handes

Acts 17:24-25

24 God that made the worlde, & all that are in it, seing that he is Lorde of heaue and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with handes 25 Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed of any thing, seing he him selfe geueth life and breath to all, euery where

Acts 17:25-25

25 Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed of any thing, seing he him selfe geueth life and breath to all, euery where 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on all ye face of the earth, & hath determined the tymes before appoynted, and also the boundes of their habitation

Acts 17:28-29

28 For in hym we liue, and moue, & haue our beyng, as certaine of your owne poetes sayde: for we are also his offpryng

Acts 17:28

28 For in hym we liue, and moue, & haue our beyng, as certaine of your owne poetes sayde: for we are also his offpryng 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offpring of God, we ought not to thynke that the Godhead is lyke vnto golde, siluer, or stone, grauen by art, and mans deuice

Romans 1:19-20

19 For that that may be knowen of God, is manifest among them, because God hath shewed it vnto them 20 For his inuisible thinges, being vnderstanded by his workes, through the creation of the worlde, are seene, that is, both his eternall power and godhead: So that they are without excuse

Romans 11:36

36 For of hym, and through hym, and for hym, are all thynges: To whom be glory for euer. Amen

1 Corinthians 3:13

13 Euery mans worke shal appeare. The day shall declare it, because it shalbe reuealed by the fire: And the fire shall trie euery mans worke what it is

1 Corinthians 8:6

6 Yet vnto vs is there but one God, [which is] the father, of whom are all thinges, and we in him, and one Lorde Iesus Christe, by whom are al thinges, and we by him

1 Corinthians 11:7

7 A man ought not to couer his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glorie of God: But the woman is the glorie of the man

1 Corinthians 11:7-9

7 A man ought not to couer his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glorie of God: But the woman is the glorie of the man 8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man 9 Neither was the man created for the womans sake: but the woman for the mans sake

1 Corinthians 15:41

41 There is another glorie of the sunne, and another glorie of the moone, and another glorie of the starres: For [one] starre differeth from [another] starre in glorie

2 Corinthians 3:18

18 But we all behold [as] in a mirrour, the glorie of the Lorde, with his face open, and are chaunged vnto the same similitude, from glorie to glorie, euen as of the spirite of the Lorde

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 In whom the god of this worlde hath blinded the myndes of them whiche beleue not, lest the lyght of the Gospell of the glorie of Christe (which is the image of God) should shine vnto them

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For it is God that commaundeth the lyght to shine out of darknesse, whiche hath shined in our heartes, for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glorie of God, in the face of Iesus Christe

2 Corinthians 9:10

10 He that ministreth seede vnto ye sower, ministreth bread also for foode, and multiplieth your seede, and encreaseth the fruites of your ryghteousnesse

Galatians 6:7

7 Be not deceaued, God is not mocked: For whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall he also reape

Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christe Iesus vnto good workes, whiche God hath ordeyned that we shoulde walke in them

Ephesians 3:9

9 And to bring to lyght to all men what the felowship of the misterie is whiche from the begynnyng of the world hath ben hid in god, which made all thinges through Iesus Christe

Ephesians 4:24

24 And to put on that newe man, which after God is shapen, in righteousnesse & holynesse of trueth

Ephesians 5:8

8 For ye were sometimes darknesse: but nowe are ye lyght in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of lyght

Ephesians 5:13

13 But all thynges, when they are rebuked of the lyght, are manifest: For all that which do make manifest, is lyght 14 Wherefore he sayth: Awake thou that sleepest, and stande vp from the dead, and Christe shall geue thee lyght

Colossians 1:15

15 Who is the image of the inuisible God, the first borne of all creatures 16 For by him were all thinges created, that are in heaue and that are in earth, visible and inuisible, whether [they be] maiestie or lordeshippe, either rule or power: All thynges were created by hym and for hym 17 And he is before all thynges, and in hym all thynges consist

Colossians 1:26

26 The misterie hyd sence the worlde began, and [sence the begynnyng of] generations: but nowe is opened to his saintes

Colossians 3:10

10 Hauyng put on the newe man, which is renued into the knowledge after the image of hym that made hym

1 Thessalonians 5:5

5 Ye are all the chyldren of lyght, and the chyldren of the daye: We are not of the nyght, neither of darkenesse

1 Timothy 4:3

3 Forbidding to marrie [& commaunding] to abstayne from meates whiche God hath created to be receaued with geuing thankes, of them whiche beleue, and knowe the trueth 4 For euery creature of God [is] good, and nothyng to be refused, yf it be receaued with thankes geuyng

1 Timothy 6:16

16 Who only hath immortalitie, dwelling in the light that no man can attayne vnto, Whom no man hath seene, neither can see, vnto whom be honour & power euerlastyng. Amen 17 Charge them which are riche in this world, that they be not hie minded, nor trust in vncertayne riches: but in ye lyuyng God, which geueth vs aboundauntly all thinges to enioy

Hebrews 1:2

2 Hath in these last dayes, spoken vnto vs in the sonne, whom he hath appoynted heyre of all thynges, by whom also he made the worldes

Hebrews 1:10

10 And thou Lorde, in the begynnyng hast layde the foundation of the earth: And the heauens are the workes of thy handes

Hebrews 2:6-9

6 But one in a certayne place witnessed, saying: What is man, that thou arte myndeful of hym? Or the sonne of man, that thou wouldest loke vpon hym 7 Thou madest hym for a litle whyle lower then the Angels, thou hast crowned him with glorie and honour, and hast set hym aboue the workes of thy handes 8 Thou hast put all thynges in subiectio vnder his feete. In yt he put all thinges vnder hym, he left nothyng that is not put vnder hym. But nowe, we see not yet all thynges put vnder hym 9 But hym that [for a whyle] was made lesse then the Angels, we see [that it was] Iesus, who through the sufferyng of death, was crowned with glorie and honour, that he by the grace of God, shoulde taste of death for all

Hebrews 3:4

4 For euery house is buylded of some man: But he that buylded all thynges, is God

Hebrews 6:7

7 For the earth which drynketh in the rayne that commeth oft vppon it, and bringeth foorth hearbes meete for them by whom also it is dressed, receaueth blessyng of God

Hebrews 11:3

3 Through fayth, we vnderstande that the worldes were ordeined by the word of God, and that thynges whiche are seene, were made of thynges whiche were not seene

James 3:7

7 All the natures of beastes, & of byrdes, and of serpentes, and thynges of the sea, are meeked and tamed of the nature of man

James 3:9

9 Therwith blesse we God the father: and therwith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God

James 3:12

12 Can the fygge tree, my brethren, beare oliue beries? either a vine beare figges? So can no fountayne geue both salt water and freshe also

2 Peter 3:5

5 For this they knowe not (and that wylfully) howe that the heauens were of olde, and the earth that was of the water, and by the water, by the worde of God

1 John 1:1

1 That whiche was fro the beginning, whiche we haue heard, which we haue seene with our eyes, whiche we haue loked vpo, & our handes haue handeled of, the worde of lyfe

1 John 1:5

5 And this is the tydynges whiche we haue hearde of hym & declare vnto you, that God is lyght, & in hym is no darkenesse at all

1 John 2:8

8 Agayne, a newe commaundement I write vnto you, that is true in hym, and [the same is true] also in you: For the darkenesse is past, and the true lyght nowe shyneth

1 John 5:7

7 For there are three which beare recorde in heauen, the father, the worde, and the holy ghost, and these three are one

Revelation 3:14

14 And vnto the Angel of the Churche which is in Laodicea, write: This saith Amen, the faythfull and true witnesse, the begynnyng of the creatures of God

Revelation 4:11

11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receaue glorie, and honour, and power: for thou hast created all thynges, and for thy pleasures sake they are &

Revelation 6:12

12 And I behelde when he had opened the sixt seale, and loe there was a great earthquake, & the sunne was as blacke as sackcloth made of heere, & the moone waxed all euen as blood

Revelation 8:12

12 And the fourth angell blewe, and the thirde part of the sunne was smytten, and the thirde part of the moone, and the thirde part of starres, so that the thirde part of them was darkened: and the day was smitten, that the third part of it shoulde not shyne, and lykewise the nyght

Revelation 9:2

2 And he opened the bottomlesse pit, and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great fornace, and the sunne and the ayre were darkened by the reason of the smoke of the pit

Revelation 10:6

6 And sware by hym that lyueth for euermore, which created heauen and the thynges that therin are, & the earth and the thinges that therin are, and the sea, and the thynges which therin are, that there shoulde be no longer tyme

Revelation 14:7

7 Saying with a loude voyce: Feare God, and geue honour to hym, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshippe hym that made heauen and earth, and the sea, and fountaynes of water

Revelation 16:8-9

8 And the fourth angell powred out his viall on the sunne, & power was geuen vnto hym to vexe men with heate of fyre 9 And men boyled in great heate, and blasphemed the name of God whiche hath power ouer these plagues, & they repented not, to geue hym glorie

Revelation 21:6

6 And he sayde vnto me, it is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the ende: I wyll geue to hym that is a thirst of the well of the water of lyfe freely

Revelation 21:23

23 And the citie hath no neede of the sunne, neither of the moone to lighten it: For the glorie of God dyd lighten it, and the Lambe is the lyght of it

Revelation 22:13

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the ende, the first and the last

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