8 Thou shalt take no gyftes: for gyftes blinde the seyng, and peruert the wordes of the righteous
Exodus 23:8 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 10:17
17 For the Lorde your God, is God of Gods, and Lorde of Lordes, a great God, a mightie and a terrible, whiche regardeth no mans person, nor taketh rewarde
Deuteronomy 16:19
19 Wrest not thou the lawe, nor knowe any person, neither take any rewarde: for giftes do blinde the eyes of the wise, & peruert the wordes of the righteous
1 Samuel 8:3
3 And his sonnes walked not in his wayes, but turned aside after lucre, and tooke rewarde, and peruerted the ryght
1 Samuel 12:3
3 Beholde here I am, beare recorde of me before the Lorde & before his annoynted: Whose oxe haue I taken? or whose asse haue I taken? whom haue I done wrong to? Whom haue I hurt? Or of whose hande haue I receaued any bribe, to blind myne eyes therwith? and I will restore it you
Psalms 26:10
10 In whose handes is wickednes: and their right hande is full of gyftes
Proverbs 15:27
27 The greedy couetous man rooteth vp his owne house: but who so hateth rewardes shall lyue
Proverbs 17:8
8 A gyft is as a precious stone vnto hym that hath it: but vnto whom soeuer it turneth, it maketh hym vnwise
Proverbs 17:23
23 The vngodly taketh gyftes out of the bosome, to wrest the wayes of iudgement
Proverbs 19:4
4 Riches maketh many frendes: but the poore is separated from his neighbour
Ecclesiastes 7:7
7 The wyse man hateth wrong dealing, and abhorreth the heart that coueteth rewardes
Isaiah 1:13
13 Offer me no mo oblations, for it is but lost labour: incense is an abhominable thyng vnto me, I may not away with your newe moones, your sabbathes & solempne meetynges, your solempne assemblies are wicked
Isaiah 5:23
23 Wo be vnto them that geue sentence with the vngodly for rewardes, but condempne the iust cause of the ryghteous
Ezekiel 22:12
12 Yea giftes haue ben receaued in thee to shed blood, thou hast taken vsurie and encrease, thou hast oppressed thy neighbours by extortion, and forgotten me, saith the Lorde God
Hosea 4:18
18 Their drunkennesse stinketh, they haue committed whordome: their rulers loue [to say] with shame, Bryng ye
Amos 5:12
12 For I knowe your manyfolde transgressions, and your mightie sinnes: they afflict the iust, they take rewardes, and they oppresse the poore in the gate
Micah 7:3
3 Yet they say they do wel, when they do euyll: the prince asketh, and the iudge [iudgeth] for a rewarde, therfore the great man speaketh out of the corruption of his soule, and so they wrappe it vp