18 If men stryue together, and one smite another with a stone, or with his fyste, and he dye not, but lyeth in his bed
Exodus 21:18 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 2:13
13 And when he was gone out another day, beholde, two men of the Hebrues stroue together: And he saide vnto him that dyd the wrong, Wherefore smytest thou thy felowe
Exodus 21:20
20 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde with a rod, & they dye vnder his hande, he shalbe greeuously punished
Exodus 21:22
22 If men striue, & hurt a woman with chylde, so that her fruite depart from her, and yet no destruction folow: then he shalbe sore punished according as the womans husbande wyll laye to his charge, and he shall pay as the dayes men wyll appoynt hym
Numbers 35:16-24
16 And if any man smyte another with an instrument of iron that he dye, then is he a murtherer, and the murtherer shall dye for it
17 If he smyte hym with throwyng a stone, that a man may dye with, and if he dye, he that smote hym is a murtherer: let the same murtherer be slayne therefore
18 Or if he smyte hym with a handweapon of wood that a man may dye with, then if he dye, he is a murtherer: let the same murtherer be slaine therfore
19 The reuenger of blood him selfe shal slay the murtherer: when he meeteth hym, he shall slay hym
20 But if he thrust hym of hate, or hurle at hym by laying of wayte, that he dye
21 Or smyte hym with his hande of enmitie that he dye: he that smote hym shall dye the death, for he is a murtherer: the reuenger of the blood shall slay the murtherer when he meeteth hym
22 But if he pusshed hym vnaduisedly, and not of hate, or cast vpon hym any thing, and not in laying of wayte
23 Or any maner of stone that a man may dye with, and saw him not, and he caused it to fall vpon hym, and he dye, and was not his enemie, neither sought hym any harme
24 Then the congregation shal iudge betweene the slayer and the reuenger of blood, according to these lawes
Deuteronomy 25:11
11 If when men striue together one with another, the wife of the one drawe neare for to ryd her husbande out of the handes of hym that smyteth hym, and put foorth her hande and take hym by the secretes
2 Samuel 14:6
6 And thy hande mayde had two sonnes, and they two fought together in the fielde, where was no man to go betweene them, but the one smote the other, and slue him