24 And the Lord sayd vnto him: Away, and get thee downe, & thou shalt come vp, thou and Aaron with thee: but let not the priestes and the people presume for to come vp vnto the Lord, lest he destroy them
Exodus 19:24 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 19:12
12 And thou shalt set boundes vnto the people rounde about, & say: take heede to your selues that ye go not vp into the mount, or touche the border of it: whosoeuer toucheth the mounte, shall surelye dye
Exodus 19:21-22
Exodus 24:1
1 And he said vnto Moyses: Come vp vnto the Lorde, thou and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, & the threscore and ten elders of Israel, and ye shall worship a farre of
Exodus 24:9
9 Then went Moyses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and the threscore and ten elders of Israel vp
Matthew 11:12
12 From the dayes of Iohn the Baptist vntyll nowe, the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence, & the violent plucke it [vnto them.
Luke 13:24
24 Stryue to enter in at the strayte gate: for many I say vnto you, wyll seke to enter in, and shall not be able
Luke 16:16
16 The lawe & the prophetes [raigned] vntyll Iohn, and sence that tyme, the kyngdome of God is preached, & euery man stryueth to go in
John 1:17
17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses: but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christe
Romans 4:15
15 Because the lawe causeth wrath. For where no lawe is, there is no transgression
2 Corinthians 3:7-9
7 Yf the ministration of death, through the letters figured in stones, was in glorie, so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moyses, for the glorie of his countenaunce, whiche [glorie] is done away
8 Howe shall not the ministration of the spirite be much more in glorie
9 For yf the ministration of condempnation be glorie: much more doth the ministration of ryghteousnes exceede in glorie
10 For as many as are of the deedes of the lawe, are vnder the curse. For it is writte: Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe, to do them
11 But that no man is iustified by ye lawe in the sight of God, it is euident. For the iust shall lyue by fayth
Galatians 3:19
19 Wherfore then [serueth] the lawe? It was added because of transgressions, tyl the seede came to whom the promise was made: and it was ordayned by Angels in the hande of a mediatour
Galatians 3:22
22 But the scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne, that the promise by ye fayth of Iesus Christe shoulde be geuen vnto them that beleue
Hebrews 4:16
16 Let vs therfore come boldly vnto the throne of grace, that we may obteyne mercie, and fynde grace to helpe in time of neede
Hebrews 10:19-22
19 Hauyng therefore brethren, libertie to enter into holy [places] in the blood of Iesus
20 By the new and lyuing way, which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle, that is to say his flesshe
21 And [seyng we haue] an hye priest ouer the house of God
22 Let vs drawe nye with a true hearte, in assuraunce of fayth, sprinkeled in our heartes from an euyll conscience, and wasshed in body with pure water
Hebrews 12:18-25
18 For ye are not come vnto the mount that is touched, & vnto burnyng fyre, and vnto storme and darkenesse, and tempestes of weather
19 And sounde of a trompe, & the voyce of wordes: which [voyce] they that heard it, wisshed away, that the worde should not be spoken to them
20 (For they dyd not abyde that which was commaunded. If a beast touche the mountaine, it shalbe stoned, or thrust through with a darte
21 And so terrible was the syght which appeared, that Moyses sayde, I feare and quake.
22 But ye are come vnto ye mount Sion, and to the citie of the lyuyng God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to an innumerable companie of Angels
23 And vnto the congregation of the first borne, written in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spirites of iust and perfect men
24 And to Iesus the mediatour of the newe couenaunt, and to the blood of sprinklyng, that speaketh better then that of Abel
25 See that ye despise not hym that speaketh: For yf they escaped not, which refused hym that spake on earth: much more shall we [not escape] yf we turne away from hym that [speaketh] from heauen
Hebrews 12:29
29 For our God [is] a consumyng fyre