26 And when your chyldren aske you, what maner of seruice is this ye do
Exodus 12:26 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 10:2
2 And that thou tell in the audience of thy sonne, & of thy sonnes sonne what thinges I haue done in Egypt, and the miracles which I haue done amongest them: that they may know howe that I am the Lorde
Exodus 13:8-9
8 And thou shalt shewe thy sonne in that day, saying: This is done because of that whiche the Lorde dyd vnto me when I came out of Egypt
9 And it shalbe as a signe vnto thee vppon thyne hande, and as a remembraunce betweene thyne eyes, that the Lordes lawe may be in thy mouth: for in a strong hande the Lorde brought thee out of Egypt
Exodus 13:14-15
14 And when thy sonne aske thee in time to come, saying: what is this? Thou shalt saye vnto hym: With a myghtie hande the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage
15 And when Pharao was very loth to let vs go, the Lorde slewe all the first borne in the lande of Egypt, aswell the first borne of man, as the firstlyng of beast: Therefore I sacrifice vnto the Lorde all the males that open the matrice: but all the first borne of my chyldren I redeeme
Exodus 13:22
22 The piller of the cloude departed not by daye, nor the pyller of fire by nyght, out of the syght of the people
Deuteronomy 6:7
7 And thou shalt shewe them vnto thy children, and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thine house, and as thou walkest by the way, & when thou lyest downe, and when thou risest vp
Deuteronomy 11:19
19 And ye shall teache them your chyldren, that they may talke of them when thou sittest in thyne house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou lyest downe, and when thou risest vp
Deuteronomy 32:7
7 Remember the dayes of the worlde that is past, consider the yeres of so many generations: Aske thy father, and he wyll shewe thee, thy elders, and they wyll tell thee
Joshua 4:6-7
6 That this may be a signe among you: That when your chyldren aske their fathers in tyme to come, saying, What [meane] these stones with you
7 Ye maye aunswere them: howe that the waters of Iordane deuided at the presence of the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, (For when it went ouer Iordane, the waters of Iordane deuided) And these stones are become a memoriall vnto the chyldren of Israel for euer
Joshua 4:21-24
21 And he spake vnto the chyldren of Israel, saying: If your chyldren aske their fathers in tyme to come, and saye: What [meane] these stones
22 Ye shall shewe your chyldren, and say: Israel came ouer this Iordane on drye lande
23 For the Lorde your God dried vp the water of Iordane before you, vntill ye were gone ouer, as ye Lorde your God dyd the red sea, which he dried vp before vs, tyll we were gone ouer
24 That all the people of ye world may knowe the hande of the Lorde howe mightie it is, and that ye might feare the Lorde your God for euer
Psalms 78:3-6
3 Which we haue hearde and knowen: and such as our fathers haue tolde vs
4 We wyll not hyde them from their children: nay we wyll set foorth in wordes to the generation to come, the prayses of God, and his myght and wonderfull workes that he hath done
5 For he reuiued a statute in Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe: in the whiche he commaunded our forefathers to teache their children
6 To the intent the posteritie shoulde knowe it, [and] children whiche shalbe borne: that they shoulde ryse vp and declare it to their children
Psalms 145:4
4 One generation shal praise thy workes vnto another: and they shall declare thy mightie power
Isaiah 38:19
19 But the lyuyng, yea the lyuyng knowledge thee, as I do this day: the father telleth his children of thy faythfulnesse
Ephesians 6:4
4 Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath: but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lorde