Ephesians 5:26 Cross References - Bishops

26 To sanctifie it, clensyng [it] in the fountayne of water in the worde

Ezekiel 16:9

9 Then washed I thee with water, and purged thy blood from thee, and I annointed thee with oyle

Ezekiel 36:25

25 Then wyll I sprinckle cleane water vpon you, and ye shalbe cleane: yea from all your vncleannes and from all your idols shall I cleanse you

Zechariah 13:1

1 In that time shall the house of Dauid and the citezins of Hierusalem haue an open wel to washe of sinne and vncleannesse

John 3:5

5 Iesus aunswered: Ueryly, veryly, I say vnto thee, except a man be borne of water and of the spirite, he can not enter into the kyngdome of God

John 15:3

3 Nowe are ye cleane through the worde which I haue spoken vnto you

John 15:8

8 Herein is my father glorified: that ye beare much fruite, and become my disciples

John 17:7

7 Nowe they haue knowen yt al thinges whatsoeuer yu hast geuen me are of thee

John 17:17-19

17 Sanctifie them through thy trueth. Thy worde is the trueth 18 As thou diddest sende me into ye world, eue so haue I also sent the into ye world 19 And for their sakes sanctifie I my selfe, that they also myght be sanctified through the trueth

Acts 22:16

16 And nowe why taryest thou? aryse, & be baptized, & wasshe away thy sinnes, in callyng on the name of the Lorde

Acts 26:18

18 To open their eyes, that they may be turned from darknesse to lyght, & from the power of Satan vnto God, that they may receaue forgeuenes of sinnes, & inheritaunce among them which are sanctified by fayth that is towarde me

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And such were some of you: but ye are wasshed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirite of our God

Ephesians 6:17

17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sworde of the spirite, whiche is the worde of God

Titus 2:14

14 Which gaue hym selfe for vs, that he myght redeeme vs from all vnryghteousnesse, and pourge vs a peculier people vnto hym selfe, zelous of good workes

Titus 3:5-7

5 Not of workes which [be] in ryghteousnesse wrought, but accordyng to his mercie, he saued vs by the fountayne of regeneration and renuyng of the holy ghost 6 Which he shed on vs richlie through Iesus Christe our sauiour 7 That we iustified by his grace, should be made heyres accordyng to the hope of eternall lyfe

Hebrews 9:14

14 Howe much more the blood of Christe, which through the eternall spirite offered hym selfe without spot to God, shall purge your conscience fro dead workes, to serue the lyuyng God

Hebrews 10:10

10 In ye which wyll we are made holy, euen by the offeryng of the body of Iesus Christe once for all

Hebrews 10:22

22 Let vs drawe nye with a true hearte, in assuraunce of fayth, sprinkeled in our heartes from an euyll conscience, and wasshed in body with pure water

James 1:18

18 Of his owne wyll begat he vs with the worde of trueth, that we shoulde be the first fruites of his creatures

1 Peter 1:2

2 Elect accordyng to the foreknoweledge of God the father, vnto the sanctifiyng of the spirite, through obedience & sprinklyng of ye blood of Iesus Christ: Grace & peace be multiplied vnto you

1 Peter 1:22-23

22 Euen ye which haue purified your soules through the spirite in obeying the trueth, with brotherly loue vnfayned, see that ye loue one another with a pure heart feruentlye 23 For ye are borne a newe, not of mortal seede: but of immortal, by the worde of God, which lyueth and lasteth for euer

1 Peter 3:21

21 To the which also the figure agreeth that nowe saueth vs, euen baptisme, not the puttyng away of the fylth of the fleshe, but in that a good conscience maketh request to God, by the resurrection of Iesus Christe

1 John 5:6

6 This Iesus Christe, is he that came by water and blood: not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the spirite that beareth witnesse, because the spirite is trueth

Jude 1:1

1 Iude the seruaunt of Iesus Christe, the brother of Iames: To them which are called and sanctified in God the father, and preserued in Iesus Christe

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.