Daniel 3:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 Nabuchodonozor ye king made an image of gold, whiche was threescore cubites hie, and sixe cubites thicke: he set it vp in the plaine of Dura, in the prouince of Babylon

Exodus 20:23

23 Ye shall not make therfore with me gods of siluer, neyther shall ye make ye gods of golde

Exodus 32:2-4

2 And Aaron sayd vnto them: Plucke of the golden earynges which are in the eares of your wiues, of your sonnes, & of your daughters, & bring them vnto me 3 And all the people plucked of the golden earinges which they had in their eares, and brought them vnto Aaron 4 And he receaued them of their handes, & fashioned it with a grauer, & made of it a calfe of molten mettel: and they said, These be thy gods O Israel, which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt

Exodus 32:31

31 Moyses therefore went agayne vnto the Lorde, and sayde: Oh, this people haue sinned a great sinne, and haue made them gods of golde

Deuteronomy 7:25

25 The graue images of their gods shalt thou burne with fire: and couet not the golde and siluer that is on them, nor take it vnto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abhomination before the Lorde thy God

Judges 8:26-27

26 And the wayght of ye golden earinges that he required, was a thousand and seuen hundred sicles of golde, besyde chaynes and iewelles, and purple rayment that was on the kynges of Madian, and besyde the chaynes that were about their camels neckes 27 And Gedeon made an Ephod therof, and put it in his citie Ephrah: And all Israel went a whoryng after it in the same place, which thing became a ruyne vnto Gedeon and to his house

1 Kings 12:28

28 Wherupon the king toke counsel, and made two calues of golde, and sayd vnto them, It is muche for you to go vp to Hierusalem: Behold O Israel, these are thy goddes, which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt

2 Kings 19:17-18

17 Of a trueth Lorde, the kinges of Assyria haue destroyed nations and their landes 18 And haue set fire on their gods: For they were no gods, but the worke of the handes of man, euen of wood and stone: and they destroyed them

Esther 1:1

1 It came to passe that in the dayes of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus whiche raigned from India vnto Ethiopia, ouer an hundred and twentie and seuen prouinces

Psalms 115:4-8

4 Their idols are siluer and gold: euen the workes of mens handes 5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not 6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smell not 7 They haue handes and handle not, they haue feete and walke not: and they vtter no sounde out of their throtes 8 They that make them are lyke vnto them: euery one that putteth his trust in them

Psalms 135:15

15 As for the idols of the Heathen they are but siluer and golde: the worke of mens handes

Isaiah 2:20

20 In the selfe same day shall man cast away his gods of siluer, and his gods of golde, into the holes of Mowles and Backes, which he neuerthelesse had made to hym selfe to honour them

Isaiah 30:22

22 Ye shall destroy also the couering of your siluer images, and the decking of your golden idols, euen as filthynesse shalt thou put them away: And thou shalt say vnto it, Get thee hence

Isaiah 40:19-31

19 Shall the caruer make hym a carued image? and shall the goldesmith couer hym with golde, or cast hym into a fourme of siluer plates 20 Moreouer, shal the image maker that the poore man which is disposed may haue some thyng to set vp also, seeke out and choose a tree that is not rotten, and carue thereout an image that moueth not 21 Knowe ye nothyng? hearde ye neuer of it? hath it not ben preached vnto you since the beginning? haue ye not ben enfourmed of this by the foundation of the earth 22 It is he that sitteth vpon the circle of the world, whose inhabiters are [in comparison of him] but as grashoppers: he spreadeth out the heauens as a couering, he stretcheth them out as a tent to dwell in 23 He bringeth princes to nothing, and the iudges of the earth as though they were not 24 So that of them it may be sayde, they be not planted nor sowne agayne, neither their stocke rooted agayne in the earth: for assoone as he bloweth vpon them, they wither and fade away lyke the strawe in a whirle winde 25 To whom nowe will ye liken me, and whom shall I be lyke, saith the holy one 26 Lift vp your eyes on high, and consider who hath made those thinges which come out by so great heapes, and he calleth them al by their names: there is nothing hid from the greatnesse of his power, strength, and might 27 Howe may then Iacob thinke, or may Israel say, My wayes are hid from the Lord, and my God knoweth not of my iudgementes 28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not hearde that the euerlasting God, the Lorde whiche made all the corners of the earth, is neither weerie nor fainte? and that his wysdome can not be comprehended 29 It is he that geueth strength vnto the weerie, and power vnto the faint 30 Children are weerie and faint, and the strongest men fall 31 But vnto them that haue their trust in the Lorde, shall strength be increased: Egles winges shall growe vpon them, when they runne they shall not fall, and when they go they shall not be weerie

Isaiah 46:6

6 Take out siluer and gold out of your purses, and way it, and hyre a goldesmith to make a god of it, that men may kneele downe and worship it

Jeremiah 10:9

9 Siluer is brought out of Tharsis, and beaten to plates, and gold from Ophir, a worke that is made with the hande of the craftesman, and they are clothed with yelowe silke and scarlet: all these are the worke of cunning men

Jeremiah 16:20

20 Howe can a man make those his gods, which are not able to be gods

Daniel 2:31-32

31 Thou king sawest, and beholde, there [was] a great image: this great image whose brightnesse was excellent, stoode before thee, and the fourme therof was terrible 32 This images head was of fine gold, his brest and armes of siluer, his belly and his thighes of brasse

Daniel 2:48

48 So the king made Daniel a great man, and gaue him many & great giftes: he made hym ruler of all the countreys of Babylon, and the chiefe of the rulers aboue all the wyse men of Babylon

Daniel 3:30

30 { (3:97) So the king promoted Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, in the prouince of Babylon}

Daniel 5:23

23 But hast lift vp thy selfe against the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of his house were brought before thee, that thou and thy princes, with thy wyues and concubines, might drinke wine thereout: and thou hast praysed the gods of siluer and golde, of brasse and iron, of wood and stone, which neither see, heare, nor vnderstand: As for the God in whose hande consisteth thy breath and all thy wayes, thou hast not glorified him

Hosea 8:4

4 They haue ordeyned kinges, but not through me, they haue made princes, and I knewe it not: of their siluer and golde haue they made them idols, therfore shall they be destroyed

Habakkuk 2:19

19 Wo vnto hym that sayth to the wood, Awake: and to the dumbe stone, Rise vp, it shall teache [thee:] beholde it is layde ouer with gold and siluer, & there is no breath in it

Acts 17:29

29 Forasmuch then as we are the offpring of God, we ought not to thynke that the Godhead is lyke vnto golde, siluer, or stone, grauen by art, and mans deuice

Acts 19:26

26 Moreouer, ye see and heare, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much people, saying that they be not gods which are made with handes

Revelation 9:20

20 And the remnaunt of the men whiche were not killed by these plagues, repented not of the deedes of their handes, that they shoulde not worship deuyls, and idoles of golde, and syluer, & brasse, and stone, and of wood, whiche neither can see, neither heare, neither go

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