1 Then Agrippa sayde vnto Paul, thou art permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched foorth the hande, and aunswered [for hym selfe
Acts 26:1 Cross References - Bishops
Proverbs 1:24
24 Because I haue called, and ye refused, I haue stretched out my hande, and no man regarded
Proverbs 18:13
13 He that geueth sentence in a matter before he heare it, the same to hym is folly and shame
Proverbs 18:17
17 The righteous declareth his owne cause first him selfe, and his neighbour commeth and tryeth hym
Ezekiel 16:27
27 Beholde, I did stretche out my hand ouer thee, and dyd minishe thy store of foode, and deliuered thee ouer into the wylles of them that hate thee, [euen] the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thyne abhominable wayes
John 7:51
51 Doth our lawe iudge any man, before it heare hym, and knowe what he hath done
Acts 9:15
15 The Lord sayde vnto hym: Go thy way, for he is a chosen vessell vnto me, to beare my name before the gentiles, & kynges, and the chyldren of Israel
Acts 22:1
1 Men, brethren, & fathers, heare ye mine aunswer whiche I make vnto you
Acts 25:16
16 To whom I aunswered: It is not the maner of the Romanes, for fauour to delyuer any man that he shoulde perishe, before that he which is accused, haue the accusers before hym, and haue licence to aunswere for hymselfe, concernyng the cryme layde agaynst hym
Acts 26:2
2 I thynke my selfe happy, king Agrippa, because I shall aunswere this day before thee, of all the thynges whereof I am accused of the Iewes
Romans 10:21
21 But agaynst Israel he sayeth: All day long haue I stretched foorth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynst me