11 For beholde this thing, what carefulnesse this godly sorow that ye toke, hath wrought in you: yea [what] clearing of your selues, yea [what] indignation, yea [what] feare, yea [what] vehemet desire, yea [what] zeale, yea [what] punishment. For in all thynges ye haue shewed your selues that ye were cleare in ye matter
2 Corinthians 7:11 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 44:6-7
2 Samuel 12:5-7
5 And Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man, and saide to Nathan: As the Lorde lyueth, the man that hath done this thing is the childe of death
6 He shal restore the lambe foure folde, because he did this thyng and had no pitie
7 And Nathan saide to Dauid, Thou art the man: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I annoynted thee king ouer Israel, and ryd thee out of the hand of Saul
Nehemiah 5:6-13
6 And when I heard their complaynt and such wordes, it displeased me sore
7 And I aduised so in my minde, that I rebuked the counsellers and the rulers, and saide vnto them: Euery one of you layeth great burdens vpon his brother. And I brought a great congregation against them
8 And saide vnto them: We after our habilitie haue redeemed our brethren the Iewes, which were solde vnto the heathen: And wyll you sell your brethre againe, and shall they be solde vnto vs? Then held they their peace, and coulde finde nothing to aunswere
9 And [Nehemia] saide, It is not good that ye do: Ought ye not to walke in the feare of our God, because of the rebuke of the heathen that are our enemies
10 I and my brethren, and my seruauntes, do lende them money and corne: I pray you let vs leaue of this burden
11 Therefore this same day I pray you see that ye restore them their landes againe, their vineyardes, olyue gardens, and their houses, and remit the hundred parte of the money, of the corne, wine, and oyle that ye haue exacted of them
12 Then saide they: We wyll restore them againe, & wyll require nothing of them, and wyll do as thou hast spoken. And I called the priestes, and tooke an oth of them that they should do so
13 And I shooke my lappe and saide: God shake out euery man after the same maner from his house & laboure that maintaineth not this worde, euen thus be he shaken out, and voyde. And all the congregation saide, Amen, and praysed the Lorde: And the people did according to this promise
Nehemiah 13:25
25 Then I reproued them, and cursed them, and smote certayne men of them, and made them bare: and toke an oth of them by God, Ye shall not geue your daughters vnto their sonnes, neither shall ye take their daughters vnto your sonnes, or for your selues
Job 42:6
6 Wherefore I geue myne owne selfe the blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes
Psalms 2:11
11 Serue ye God in feare: and reioyce ye with a trembling
Psalms 35:13
13 Neuerthelesse, when they were sicke I did put on sackcloth: I afflicted my soule with fasting, and my prayer returned into myne owne bosome
Psalms 38:9
9 Lorde thou knowest all my desire: and my gronyng is not hyd from thee
Psalms 42:1
1 Lyke as the Hart brayeth for water brookes: so panteth my soule after thee O God
Psalms 69:9
9 (69:8) For the zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me: and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee, are fallen vpon me
Psalms 119:139
139 (119:3) My zeale hath consumed me: because myne aduersaries haue forgotten thy wordes
Psalms 130:6
6 My soule [lifteth] more after God, then watchmen do after the morning: I say more then watchmen do after the mornyng
Psalms 145:19
19 He wyll fulfyll the desire of them that feare hym: he will also heare their crye, and he wyll saue them
Proverbs 14:16
16 A wyse man feareth, and departeth from euyll: but the foole is angry, and counteth hym selfe sure
Proverbs 28:14
14 Well is hym that standeth alway in awe: as for hym that hardeneth his heart, he shall fall into mischiefe
Song of Songs 8:6
6 O set me as a seale vpon thine heart, and as a seale vpon thine arme: for loue is myghtie as the death, and gelousie as the hell
Isaiah 26:8
8 Yea in the way of thy iudgementes, O Lord, haue we put our trust in thee: thy name also and the remembraunce of thee, is the thing that our soule longeth for
Isaiah 66:2
2 As for these thynges, my hande hath made them all, and they are all created saith the Lorde: which of them shall I then regarde? Euen hym that is poore and of a lowly troubled spirite, and standeth in awe of my wordes
Jeremiah 31:18-20
18 Moreouer, I hearde Ephraim that was led away captiue complayne on this maner: O Lorde thou hast correct me, & thy chastenyng haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe, conuert thou me and I shalbe conuerted: for thou art my Lorde God
19 Yea assoone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my selfe, and when I vnderstande, I shall smite vpon my thygh: For veryly I haue committed shamefull thynges: for I haue borne the reproofe and confusion of my youth
20 Upon this complaynt I thought thus by my selfe: Is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe with whom I haue had all my mirth and pastime? For since the tyme that I first comuned with hym, I haue hym euer in remembraunce: therfore my heart driueth me vnto hym, gladly and louyngly wyll I haue mercie vpon him, saith the Lorde
Daniel 6:14
14 When the king heard these wordes, he was sore displeased with him selfe, and set his heart on Daniel to deliuer him, and he laboured till the sonne went downe, to deliuer him
Zechariah 12:10-14
10 Moreouer, vpon the house of Dauid & vpon the citezins of Hierusalem wyll I poure out the spirite of grace & compassion, so that they shall loke vpon me whom they haue pearsed, and they shal lamet for him as men mourne for their onely begotten sonne: yea, and be sory for him, as men are sory for their first childe
11 Then shal there be a great mourning at Hierusalem, like as the lamentation at Adadremmon in the fielde of Mageddon
12 And the lande shal bewaile, euery kindred by them selues alone: the kindred of the house of Dauid by them selues, and their wyues by them selues: the kindred of the house of Nathan them selues, and their wyues by them selues
13 The kindred of the house of Leui them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues: the kindred of the house of Semei them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues
14 In lyke maner, all the other generations euery one by them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues
Matthew 5:29-30
29 If thy ryght eye offende thee, plucke it out, and cast it from thee. For better it is vnto thee, that one of thy members perishe, the that thy whole body should be cast into hell
30 And yf thy ryght hande offende thee, cut it of, and cast it from thee. For better it is vnto thee, that one of thy members perishe, then that all thy body shoulde be cast into hell
Mark 3:5
5 And when he had loked rounde about on them with anger, mournyng for the hardnesse of their heartes, he sayth to the man: stretch foorth thyne hande. And he stretched it out: And his hande was restored, euen as whole as the other
Mark 9:43-48
43 And yf thy hande offende thee, cut it of: It is better for thee to enter into lyfe maymed, then hauyng two handes, to go into hell, into fire that neuer shalbe quenched
44 Where their worme dyeth not, & the fire goeth not out
45 And yf thy foote offende thee, cut it of: It is better for thee to go halt into lyfe, then hauyng two feete, to be cast into hell, into fire that neuer shalbe queched
46 Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire goeth not out
47 And if thine eye offend thee, plucke it out: It is better for thee to go into the kyngdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire
48 Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire goeth not out
John 2:17
17 And his disciples remembred that it was written: The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me
Acts 17:16
16 Whyle Paul wayted for them at Athens, his spirite was moued in hym, when he sawe the citie geue to worshippyng of idoles
Romans 11:20
20 Well: because of vnbeliefe, they were broken of, and thou stodest stedfast in fayth. Be not hye mynded, but feare
Romans 14:18
18 For he that in these thynges serueth Christe, pleaseth God, and is comended of men
1 Corinthians 5:2
2 And ye swell, and haue not rather sorowed, that he that hath so done this deede myght be put from among you
1 Corinthians 5:13
13 Them that are without God iudgeth. Put away from among you that wicked person
1 Corinthians 12:25
25 Lest there shoulde be any stryfe in the body: but that the members shoulde haue the same care one for another
2 Corinthians 2:6
6 It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many
2 Corinthians 6:4
4 But in all thynges let vs behaue our selues as ye ministers of God, in much pacience, in afflictions, in necessities, in anguisshes
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Seyng that we haue these promises (dearely beloued) let vs clense our selues from all fylthynesse of the flesshe & spirite, and growe vp to full holynesse in the feare of God
2 Corinthians 7:7
7 And not by his comming only, but also by the consolatio whiche we receaued of you, when he tolde vs your desire, your wepyng, your feruent mynde towarde me, so that I reioyced the more
2 Corinthians 7:9
9 I nowe reioyce, not that ye were sorie, but that ye so sorowed to repent: for ye sorowed godly, so that in nothyng ye were hurt by vs
2 Corinthians 9:2
2 For I knowe the redinesse of your mynde, whereof I boast my selfe of you, vnto them of Macedonia, that Achaia was prepared a yere a go: and your zeale hath prouoked many
2 Corinthians 13:7
7 Truely I pray to God that ye do none euyll, not that we shoulde seeme approued: but yt ye shoulde do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates
Ephesians 4:26
26 Be ye angry, and sinne not, let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath
Ephesians 5:11
11 And haue no felowship with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse, but rather euen rebuke them
Philippians 2:12
12 Wherfore, my dearely beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not as in my presence only, but nowe much more in my absence, worke out your owne saluation with feare and tremblyng
1 Timothy 5:21-22
2 Timothy 2:15
15 Studie to shewe thy selfe approued vnto God, a workman not to be ashamed, rightlie deuidyng the worde of trueth
Titus 3:8
8 [This is] a faythfull saying: And of these thynges I wyll that thou confirme, that they which haue beleued in God, myght be carefull to shewe foorth good workes. These thynges are good and profitable vnto men
Hebrews 4:1
1 Let vs feare therfore, lest at any tyme, by forsakyng the promise of entryng into his reste, any of you shoulde be defrauded
Hebrews 12:15-16
1 Peter 1:17
17 And yf so be that ye call on the father, which without respect of person iudgeeth accordyng to euery mans worke, see that ye passe the tyme of your dwellyng here, in feare
1 Peter 2:2
2 And as newe borne babes, desire ye ye milke of the worde, which is without deceipt: that ye may growe therby [vnto saluatio
Jude 1:23
23 And other saue with feare, pullyng them out of the fyre, and haue compassion on the other, and hate euen the garment spotted by the fleshe
Revelation 3:19
19 As many as I loue, I rebuke and chasten: Be feruent therfore, & repent