1 And I having come to you, brothers, did not come according to excellency of speech or wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God.
2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him having been crucified.
3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4 And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
5 so that your faith might not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
6 But we speak wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to naught.
7 But we speak in a mystery, the wisdom of God having been hidden, which God foreordained before the ages for our glory,
8 which none of the rulers of this age has understood. For if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it has been written: “What no eye has seen, and no ear has heard, and has not entered into heart of man, what God has prepared for those loving Him.”
10 For God has revealed it to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
11 For who among men knows the things of the man, except the spirit of the man within him? So also, no one knows the things of God, except the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, that we may know the things having been granted to us by God,
13 which also we speak, not in words taught of human wisdom, but in those taught of the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means.
14 But the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them, because spiritually they are discerned.
15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, but he himself is judged by no one.
16 “For who has known the mind of the Lord? Who will instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2 Cross References - BLB
Acts 18:1-4
1 And after these things, having departed from Athens, he came to Corinth.
2 And having found a certain Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, and Priscilla his wife, recently having come from Italy because of Claudius having commanded all the Jews to depart out of Rome, he came to them,
3 and because of being of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked. For they were tentmakers by the trade.
4 And he was reasoning in the synagogue on every Sabbath, persuading both Jews and Greeks.
Acts 20:21
21 earnestly testifying both to the Jewish and to Greeks repentance in God and faith in our Lord Jesus.
Acts 22:18
18 and saw Him saying to me, ‘Make haste and go away with speed out of Jerusalem, because they will not receive your testimony about Me.’
Romans 16:18
18 For such do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own belly; and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
1 Corinthians 1:6
6 as the testimony about Christ was confirmed in you,
1 Corinthians 1:17
17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel; not in wisdom of discourse, so that the cross of the Christ should not be emptied of its power.
1 Corinthians 2:4
4 And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
1 Corinthians 2:13
13 which also we speak, not in words taught of human wisdom, but in those taught of the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means.
2 Corinthians 10:10
10 For they say, “The letters indeed are weighty and strong, but the presence of the body is weak, and the speech having been ignored.”
2 Corinthians 11:6
6 But even if I am unpolished in speech, yet I am not in knowledge; but in every way, we have been made manifest to you in all things.
2 Thessalonians 1:10
2 Timothy 1:8
8 Therefore you should not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, His prisoner; but suffer together for the gospel, according to the power of God,
1 John 4:14
14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.
1 John 5:11-13
11 And this is the testimony: that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
12 The one having the Son has life; the one not having the Son of God does not have life.
13 I have written these things to you, the ones believing in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.
Revelation 1:2
2 who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, as much as he saw.
Revelation 1:9
9 I John, your brother and fellow-partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance in Jesus, was in the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
Revelation 19:10
10 And I fell before his feet to worship him. And he says to me, “See that you not do this. I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers, holding the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
John 17:3
3 Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.
1 Corinthians 1:22-25
22 Forasmuch as both Jews ask for signs, and Greeks seek wisdom,
23 we, however, preach Christ having been crucified, a stumbling block indeed to the Jewish and foolishness to Gentiles,
24 but those called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God stronger than men.
Galatians 3:1
1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as having been crucified?
Galatians 6:14
14 But for me, may it be never to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.
Philippians 3:8-10
8 But indeed, therefore, I also count all things to be loss because of the excelling knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, because of whom I have lost all things, and esteem them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is of the Law, but that which is through faith from Christ, the righteousness of God on the basis of faith,
10 to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,
Acts 17:1
1 And having passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
Acts 17:6-12
6 But not having found them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers before the city authorities, crying out, “These ones having upset the world come here also,
7 whom Jason has received. And these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, proclaiming another to be king, Jesus.”
8 And they stirred up the crowd and the city authorities, hearing these things.
9 And having taken security from Jason and the rest, they let go them.
10 And the brothers sent away both Paul and Silas immediately by night to Berea, who having arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 Now these, who were more noble than those in Thessalonica, received the word with all readiness, on every day examining the Scriptures, whether these things were so.
12 Therefore many of them indeed believed, and not a few of the prominent Grecian women and men.
Acts 18:1
1 And after these things, having departed from Athens, he came to Corinth.
Acts 18:6
6 But of them opposing and reviling him, having shaken out the garments, he said to them, “Your blood be upon your head; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.”
Acts 18:12
12 But Gallio being proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord rose up against Paul and led him to the judgment seat,
Acts 20:18-19
1 Corinthians 4:10-13
10 We are fools on account of Christ, but you are wise in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; You are honored, but we are without honor.
11 As far as the present hour, we both hunger and thirst, and are poorly clad, and are buffeted, and wander homeless,
12 and we toil, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure;
13 being slandered, we entreat. We have become as the residue of the world, the refuse of all, until now.
2 Corinthians 4:1
1 Because of this, having this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart.
2 Corinthians 4:7-12
7 Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassingness of the power may be from God, and not from us,
8 being hard pressed in every way but not being crushed, being perplexed but not despairing,
9 being persecuted but not being forsaken, being struck down but not being destroyed,
10 always carrying around the death of Jesus in our body, so that the life of Jesus also should be manifested in our body.
11 For we the living are always being delivered to death on account of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our mortal flesh.
12 So then, death works in us, but life in you.
2 Corinthians 4:16
16 Therefore we do not lose heart; but indeed if our outward man is being brought to decay, yet our inner self is being renewed day and day.
2 Corinthians 6:4
4 in everything, rather, we are commending ourselves as God’s servants: in great endurance, in tribulations, in hardships, in distresses;
2 Corinthians 7:5
5 And indeed, of us having come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest; but we are being pressed in every way: conflicts on the outside, fears within.
2 Corinthians 10:1
1 Now I, Paul, myself exhort you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I who indeed as to appearance am humble among you, but being absent am bold toward you.
2 Corinthians 11:29-30
2 Corinthians 12:5-10
5 Concerning such a man I will boast; but concerning myself I will not boast, except in the weaknesses.
6 For if I should desire to boast, I will not be a fool, for I will be speaking the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should credit to me more than what he sees in me, or anyone hears of me,
7 and the surpassingness of the revelations. Therefore, that I should not become conceited, a thorn in my flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, that he might buffet me, so that I should not become conceited.
8 Three times I begged the Lord for this, that it might depart from me.
9 And He said to me, “My grace suffices you, for the power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore will I boast rather most gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10 Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, and difficulties for Christ; for when I might be weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 13:4
4 For indeed He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God’s power. For we also are weak in Him, but we will live with Him by God’s power toward you.
2 Corinthians 13:9
9 For we rejoice when we might be weak, but you might be strong. But this also we pray: for your perfection.
Galatians 4:13-14
John 16:8-15
8 And having come, He will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment:
9 concerning sin indeed, because they do not believe in Me;
10 and concerning righteousness, because I go away to the Father and you behold Me no more;
11 and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
12 Yet I have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.
13 But when He the, Spirit of truth, shall come, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He may hear, He will speak. And He will declare to you the things coming.
14 He will glorify Me, for He will take from that which is Mine and will disclose it to you.
15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Because of this, I said that He will take from that which is Mine and will disclose it to you.
Acts 20:27
27 For I did not shrink back from proclaiming to you the whole counsel of God.
Acts 26:28
28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Within so little time do you persuade me to become a Christian?”
Romans 15:19
19 in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit of God, so as for me, from Jerusalem and around unto Illyricum, to have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ,
1 Corinthians 2:1
1 And I having come to you, brothers, did not come according to excellency of speech or wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God.
1 Corinthians 4:20
20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
Galatians 1:10
10 For presently do I seek approval of men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Colossians 2:4
4 I say this so that no one might delude you by persuasive speech.
1 Thessalonians 1:5
5 because our gospel came to you not in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit, and with much full assurance, just as you know what we were among you on account of you.
1 Peter 1:12
12 to whom it was revealed that they were serving not themselves, but you, in those things which now have been proclaimed to you by those having proclaimed the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit having been sent from heaven, into which angels desire to look.
2 Peter 1:16
16 For we have not made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ having followed out cleverly devised fables, but having been eyewitnesses of His majesty.
2 Peter 2:18
18 For speaking arrogant words of vanity, they entice to sensuality with the passions of the flesh those barely escaping from those living in error,
Acts 16:14
14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, worshiping God, was listening. The Lord opened her heart to attend to the things being spoken by Paul.
1 Corinthians 3:6
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept it growing.
2 Corinthians 4:7
7 Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassingness of the power may be from God, and not from us,
2 Corinthians 6:7
7 in the word of truth, in the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left;
2 Corinthians 12:9
9 And He said to me, “My grace suffices you, for the power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore will I boast rather most gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Matthew 5:48
48 You shall be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 13:22
22 And the one having been sown among the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, but the care of this present age and the deceit of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Matthew 19:21
21 Jesus was saying to him, “If you desire to be perfect, go, sell what you are possessing, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in the heavens; and come, follow Me.”
Luke 16:8
8 And the master praised the unrighteous manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the sons of this age are more shrewd than the sons of the light in their own generation.
Acts 4:25-28
25 having spoken by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of Your servant, our father David: ‘Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples devise vain things?
26 The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.’
27 For in truth, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, were gathered together in this city against Your holy servant Jesus whom You anointed,
28 to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose had determined beforehand to happen.
1 Corinthians 1:18-20
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those indeed perishing, but to us being saved it is the power of God.
19 For it has been written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; and the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
1 Corinthians 1:28
28 and the low-born of the world, and the things being despised, God also chose—the things not being—that He might annul the things being,
1 Corinthians 2:8
8 which none of the rulers of this age has understood. For if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
1 Corinthians 14:20
20 Brothers, do not be children in the minds. Yet in the evil, be little children; but in the thinking, be full grown.
2 Corinthians 1:12
12 For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and more abundantly toward you, in the purity and sincerity of God, and not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God.
2 Corinthians 4:4
4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so as for not to beam forth the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
2 Corinthians 13:11
11 Finally, brothers, rejoice! Be perfected, be exhorted, be of the same mind, be at peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Ephesians 2:2
2 in which once you walked according to the age of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience,
Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And He gave some indeed to be apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some shepherds and teachers,
12 toward the perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ,
13 until we all may attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a complete man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,
Philippians 3:12-15
12 Not that already I have obtained it or already have been perfected, but I am pursuing, if also I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
13 Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing indeed: Forgetting the things behind and reaching forward to the things ahead,
14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.
15 Therefore as many as are mature should be of this mind. And if you are minded in anything differently, even this God will reveal to you.
Colossians 4:12
12 Epaphras greets you, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, always struggling for you in the prayers, so that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God.
Hebrews 5:14
14 But solid food is for the mature, the ones by constant use having trained the senses for distinguishing both good and evil.
James 3:2
2 For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, this one is a perfect man, able indeed to bridle the whole body.
James 3:15
15 This is not the wisdom coming down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
1 Peter 5:10
10 And the God of all grace, the One having called you to His eternal glory in Christ, of you having suffered a little while, He Himself will perfect, will confirm, will strengthen, and will establish you.
Matthew 11:25
25 At that time, Jesus answering said, “I fully consent to You, Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth, that You did hide these things from the wise and learned, and did reveal them to little children.
Matthew 13:35
35 so that it might be fulfilled that having been spoken by the prophet, saying: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world.”
Romans 16:25-26
25 Now to Him being able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery having been kept secret in times of the ages,
26 but now having been made manifest also through the prophetic Scriptures, according to the commandment of the Eternal God, having been made known to all the Gentiles unto the obedience of faith—
Ephesians 1:4
4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world for us to be holy and blameless before Him, in love
Ephesians 3:4-9
4 which, by reading, you are able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,
5 which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as now it has been revealed in the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets,
6 that the Gentiles are joint-heirs, and a joint-body, and joint-partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus, through the gospel,
7 of which I became servant according to the gift of God’s grace, having been given to me according to the working of His power.
8 To me, the very least of all saints, was given this grace: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ
9 and to enlighten all what is the administration of the mystery having been hidden from the ages in God, the One having created all things,
Colossians 1:26-27
2 Timothy 1:9
9 the One having saved us and having called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, having been given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal,
1 Peter 1:11
11 inquiring into what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ in them was signifying, testifying beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and the glories after these,
1 Peter 5:1
1 I exhort the elders among you, a fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, who am also a partaker of the glory being about to be revealed:
2 Peter 1:3
3 Accordingly, His divine power has given us all things toward life and godliness, through the knowledge of the One having called us by His own glory and excellence,
Revelation 13:8
8 And all dwelling on the earth will worship it, of whom their names have not been written from the founding of the world in the book of life of the Lamb having been slain.
Luke 23:34
34 And Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they cast lots, dividing His garments.
John 3:19-21
19 And this is the judgement, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light; for their deeds were evil.
20 For everyone practicing evil hates the Light and does not come to the Light, so that his works may not be exposed;
21 but the one practicing the truth comes to the Light, that his works may be manifest as having been done in God.”
John 7:48
48 Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on Him?
John 8:19
19 Therefore they were saying to Him, “Where is Your Father?” Jesus answered, “You know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.”
John 9:39-41
39 And Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, that those not seeing may see, and those seeing may become blind.”
40 Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things, and they said to Him, “Are we also blind?”
41 Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But since you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.”
John 12:40-43
40 “He has blinded their eyes, and has hardened their heart, that they should not see with the eyes, and understand with the heart, and turn, and I will heal them.”
41 Isaiah said these things because he saw His glory and spoke concerning Him.
42 Nevertheless, indeed many even of the rulers believed in Him, but on account of the Pharisees they were not confessing, so that they might not be put out of the synagogue.
43 For they loved the glory of men more than the glory of God.
John 15:22-25
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 The one hating Me hates My Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works that no other has done, they would not have had sin; but now they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father.
25 But this is that the word having been written in their Law may be fulfilled: ‘They hated Me without cause.’
John 16:3
3 And they will do these things because they do not know the Father nor Me.
Acts 3:16-17
Acts 7:2
2 And he began to speak: “Men, brothers, and fathers, listen! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, being in Mesopotamia, before his dwelling in Haran,
Acts 13:27
27 For those dwelling in Jerusalem and their rulers, not having known Him and the voices of the prophets that are being read on every Sabbath, having condemned Him, they fulfilled them.
1 Corinthians 1:26-28
26 For consider your calling, brothers, that not many were wise according to the flesh, not many powerful, not many of noble birth.
27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world that He might shame the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world that He might shame the strong;
28 and the low-born of the world, and the things being despised, God also chose—the things not being—that He might annul the things being,
1 Corinthians 2:6
6 But we speak wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to naught.
2 Corinthians 3:14
14 But their minds were hardened; for until the present day, the same veil remains at the reading of the old covenant, not being lifted, which is being removed in Christ.
1 Timothy 1:13
13 being formerly a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and insolent; but I was shown mercy, because I did it in unbelief, being ignorant.
James 2:1
1 My brothers, do not with partiality hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ of glory.
Matthew 20:23
23 He says to them, “Indeed you will drink My cup, but to sit on My right hand and on My left, this is not Mine to give, but for whom it has been prepared by My Father.”
Matthew 25:34
34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, those being blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom having been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that He gave the only begotten Son, so that everyone believing in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life.
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that God works together all things for good to those loving God, to those being called according to His purpose,
Hebrews 11:16
16 But now they stretch forward to a better one, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed of them, to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.
James 1:12
12 Blessed is the man who endures trial, because, having been approved, he will receive the crown of life that He has promised to those loving Him.
James 2:5
5 Listen, my beloved brothers: Has not God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He promised to those loving Him?
1 John 4:19
19 We love because He first loved us.
Matthew 11:25-27
25 At that time, Jesus answering said, “I fully consent to You, Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth, that You did hide these things from the wise and learned, and did reveal them to little children.
26 Yes, Father, for this was well-pleasing before You.
27 All things have been delivered to Me by My Father. And no one knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and to whom the Son might choose to reveal Him.
Matthew 13:11
11 And answering He said to them, “Because it has been granted to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it has not been granted.
Matthew 16:17
17 And Jesus answering, said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona! For flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in the heavens.
Luke 2:26
26 And it was divinely revealed to him by the Holy Spirit not to see death before that he should see the Lord’s Christ.
Luke 10:21
21 In the same hour, He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I fully consent to You, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and have revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for thus was it well-pleasing before You.
John 14:26
26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and will bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you.
John 16:13
13 But when He the, Spirit of truth, shall come, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He may hear, He will speak. And He will declare to you the things coming.
Romans 8:26-27
26 Now likewise also, the Spirit joins to help us in weakness; for we do not know the things which we should pray for as it behooves, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession with inexpressible groanings.
27 And the One searching hearts knows what is the mindset of the Spirit, because He intercedes for the saints according to God.
Romans 11:33-36
33 O, the depth of riches, both of wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?”
35 “Or who has first given to Him, and it will be recompensed to him?”
36 For from Him and through Him and unto Him are all things. To Him be the glory to the ages! Amen.
1 Corinthians 2:11
11 For who among men knows the things of the man, except the spirit of the man within him? So also, no one knows the things of God, except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 12:8-11
8 For truly, to one is given a word of wisdom by the Spirit, and to another a word of knowledge according to the same Spirit,
9 and to a different one faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
10 and to another working of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another distinguishing of spirits, and to a different one various kinds of tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues.
11 Now one and the same the Spirit works all these things, apportioning individually to each as He wills.
1 Corinthians 14:30
30 But if a revelation should be made to another sitting by, let the first be silent.
Galatians 1:12
12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but by a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 3:3
3 that He made known to me the mystery by revelation, just as I have written before in brief,
Ephesians 3:5
5 which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as now it has been revealed in the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets,
1 John 2:20
20 And you have the anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know.
1 John 2:27
27 And you, the anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But just as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, you shall abide in Him.
Revelation 1:1
1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants what things it behooves to take place in quickness. And He signified it through having sent His angel to His servant, John,
Romans 11:33-34
1 Corinthians 2:10
10 For God has revealed it to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
Romans 8:1
1 Therefore there is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:5-6
Romans 8:15-16
Romans 8:32
32 For He who spared not the own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, with Him, grant us all things?
1 Corinthians 1:27
27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world that He might shame the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world that He might shame the strong;
1 Corinthians 3:22
22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come—all are yours,
James 4:5
5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit that He has made to dwell in us yearns with envy”?
1 John 4:4-5
1 John 5:19-20
Revelation 12:9
9 And the great dragon was thrown out, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, deceiving the whole inhabited world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Revelation 22:6
6 And he said to me, “These words are faithful and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show His servants the things that must come to pass in quickness.”
Luke 12:12
12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what it behooves you to say.”
Acts 2:4
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit was giving to them to utter forth.
1 Corinthians 2:14
14 But the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them, because spiritually they are discerned.
1 Corinthians 9:11
11 If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it a great thing if we will reap material things from you?
1 Corinthians 10:3-5
1 Corinthians 12:1-3
1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.
2 You know that when you were pagans, to mute idols you were led, as being carried away.
3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking in the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is accursed,” and no one is able to say, “Jesus is Lord,” if not in the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 14:2
2 For the one speaking in a tongue speaks not to men, but to God. For no one hears, but in the Spirit he utters mysteries.
Ephesians 5:19
19 speaking to each other in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
Colossians 3:16
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing each other in all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with grace in your hearts to God.
Matthew 13:11-17
11 And answering He said to them, “Because it has been granted to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it has not been granted.
12 For whoever has, to him will be given, and he will be in abundance. And whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
13 Because of this I speak to them in parables: ‘Because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.’
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, saying: ‘In hearing you will hear and never understand; and in seeing you will see and never perceive.
15 For the heart of this people has grown dull, and they barely hear with the ears, and they have closed their eyes, lest ever they should see with the eyes, and they should hear with the ears, and they should understand with the heart, and should turn, and I will heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
17 For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not see; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear.
Matthew 16:23
23 And having turned, He said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For your thoughts are not of the things of God, but the things of men.”
John 3:3-6
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, except anyone be born from above, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.”
4 Nicodemus says to Him, “How is a man able to be born, being old? Is he able to enter into the womb of his mother a second time, and to be born?”
5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless anyone be born of water and of the Spirit, he is not able to enter into the kingdom of God.
6 That having been born of the flesh is flesh, and that having been born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 5:44
44 How are you able to believe, receiving glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the only God?
John 6:44-45
John 8:43
43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to hear My word.
John 8:51-52
John 10:20
20 And many of them were saying, “He has a demon and is insane. Why do you listen to Him?”
John 10:26-27
John 12:37
37 Although so many of His signs had been done before them, they did not believe in Him,
John 15:26
26 When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes forth from the Father, He will bear witness concerning Me.
Acts 17:18
18 And also some of the Epicureans and Stoics, philosophers, encountered him, and some were saying, “What may this babbler desire to say?” but others, “He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods,” because he was proclaiming the gospel of Jesus and the resurrection.
Acts 17:32
32 Now having heard of a resurrection of the dead, some indeed began to mock him, but some said, “We will hear you concerning this again also.”
Acts 18:15
15 But if it is a question about a word, and names, and in reference to your law, you will see to it yourselves. I resolve not to be a judge of these things.”
Acts 25:19
19 But they had certain questions against him concerning their own religion and concerning a certain Jesus having been dead, whom Paul was affirming to be alive.
Acts 26:24-25
Romans 8:5-8
5 For those being according to flesh mind the things of the flesh; but those according to Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
6 For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit, life and peace,
7 because the mind of the flesh is hostility toward God; for it is not subject to the Law of God, for not even can it be.
8 And those being in the flesh are not able to please God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those indeed perishing, but to us being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:23
23 we, however, preach Christ having been crucified, a stumbling block indeed to the Jewish and foolishness to Gentiles,
1 Corinthians 2:12
12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, that we may know the things having been granted to us by God,
1 Corinthians 15:44
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual.
1 Corinthians 15:46
46 However, the spiritual was not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so as for not to beam forth the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
5 For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord; and ourselves as your servants for the sake of Jesus.
6 For it is God, having said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” who shone in our hearts for the radiance of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:20
20 Now we know that the Son of God is come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
Jude 1:19
19 These are those causing divisions, worldly-minded, not having the Spirit.
John 7:17
17 If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching, whether it is from God, or I speak from Myself.
Acts 15:1-5
1 But certain ones having come down from Judea were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you are not able to be saved.”
2 Having been brought about, then, no small commotion and discussion by Paul and Barnabas with them, they appointed Paul and Barnabas and certain others out from them to go up to Jerusalem, to the apostles and elders, about this question.
3 Therefore indeed having been sent forward by the church, they were passing through both Phoenicia and Samaria, relating in detail the conversion of the Gentiles, and they were bringing great joy to all the brothers.
4 And having come to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders. And they declared all that God had done with them.
5 Now certain of those who believed, from the sect of the Pharisees, rose up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the Law of Moses.”
Acts 16:3
3 Paul wanted this one to go forth with him, and having taken him, he circumcised him on account of the Jews being in those parts; for they all knew that his father was a Greek.
1 Corinthians 3:1
1 And I, brothers, was not able to speak to you as to spiritual, but as fleshly—as to infants in Christ.
1 Corinthians 4:5
5 Therefore do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord shall have come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the motives of the hearts; and then the praise will come to each from God.
1 Corinthians 14:37
37 If anyone considers himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things I write to you are the commands of the Lord.
Galatians 2:3-5
3 But not even Titus who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised,
4 even because of the false brothers brought in secretly, who came in by stealth to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus that they will enslave us,
5 to whom we did not yield in subjection for even an hour, so that truth of the gospel would be preserved with you.
Galatians 6:1
1 Brothers, even if a man should be caught in some trespass, you the spiritual ones restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.
Ephesians 4:13-14
13 until we all may attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a complete man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,
14 so that no longer we might be infants, being tossed by waves and being carried about by every wind of teaching in the cunning, in the craftiness of men with a view to the scheming of deceit.
Philippians 1:10
10 for you to approve the things being excellent, so that you may be pure and blameless unto the day of Christ,
Colossians 1:9
9 Because of this also, we from the day we heard, do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding
1 Thessalonians 5:21
21 but test all things. Hold fast to the good.
1 John 4:1
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
John 15:15
15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because all things that I heard from My Father, I have made known to you.
John 16:13-16
13 But when He the, Spirit of truth, shall come, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He may hear, He will speak. And He will declare to you the things coming.
14 He will glorify Me, for He will take from that which is Mine and will disclose it to you.
15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Because of this, I said that He will take from that which is Mine and will disclose it to you.
16 A little while and you behold Me no longer; and again a little while and you will see Me.”
John 17:6-8
6 I revealed Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, and to Me You gave them, and they have kept Your word.
7 Now they have known that all things You have given Me are of You.
8 For the words that You have given Me I have given them, and they received them, and knew truly that I came forth from You; and they believed that You sent Me.
Romans 11:34
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?”