16 Ὅταν (Whenever) δὲ (now) νηστεύητε (you fast), μὴ (not) γίνεσθε (be) ὡς (like) οἱ (the) ὑποκριταὶ (hypocrites), σκυθρωποί (gloomy); ἀφανίζουσιν (they disfigure) γὰρ (for) τὰ (the) πρόσωπα (appearance) αὐτῶν (of them), ὅπως (so that) φανῶσιν (they might appear) τοῖς (-) ἀνθρώποις (to men) νηστεύοντες (as fasting). ἀμὴν (Truly) λέγω (I say) ὑμῖν (to you), ἀπέχουσιν (they have) τὸν (the) μισθὸν (reward) αὐτῶν (of them).
Matthew 6:16 Cross References - BIB
Matthew 6:2
2 Ὅταν (When) οὖν (therefore) ποιῇς (you do) ἐλεημοσύνην (acts of charity), μὴ (not) σαλπίσῃς (do sound a trumpet) ἔμπροσθέν (before) σου (you), ὥσπερ (as) οἱ (the) ὑποκριταὶ (hypocrites) ποιοῦσιν (do) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) συναγωγαῖς (synagogues) καὶ (and) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ῥύμαις (streets), ὅπως (so that) δοξασθῶσιν (they may have glory) ὑπὸ (from) τῶν (-) ἀνθρώπων (men). ἀμὴν (Truly) λέγω (I say) ὑμῖν (to you), ἀπέχουσιν (they have) τὸν (the) μισθὸν (reward) αὐτῶν (of them).
Matthew 6:5
5 Καὶ (And) ὅταν (when) προσεύχησθε (you pray), οὐκ (not) ἔσεσθε (you shall be) ὡς (like) οἱ (the) ὑποκριταί (hypocrites), ὅτι (for) φιλοῦσιν (they love) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) συναγωγαῖς (synagogues) καὶ (and) ἐν (on) ταῖς (the) γωνίαις (corners) τῶν (of the) πλατειῶν (streets) ἑστῶτες (standing) προσεύχεσθαι (to pray), ὅπως (so that) φανῶσιν (they might be seen) τοῖς (-) ἀνθρώποις (by men). ἀμὴν (Truly) λέγω (I say) ὑμῖν (to you), ἀπέχουσιν (they have) τὸν (the) μισθὸν (reward) αὐτῶν (of them).
Matthew 9:14-15
14 Τότε (Then) προσέρχονται (come) αὐτῷ (to Him) οἱ (the) μαθηταὶ (disciples) Ἰωάννου (of John), λέγοντες (saying), “Διὰ (Because of) τί (why) ἡμεῖς (we) καὶ (and) οἱ (the) Φαρισαῖοι (Pharisees) νηστεύομεν (do fast) ‹πολλά› (many times); οἱ (the) δὲ (however) μαθηταί (disciples) σου (of You) οὐ (not) νηστεύουσιν (fast)?”
15 Καὶ (And) εἶπεν (said) αὐτοῖς (to them) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), “Μὴ (Not) δύνανται (can) οἱ (the) υἱοὶ (sons) τοῦ (of the) νυμφῶνος (bridechamber) πενθεῖν (mourn) ἐφ’ (as) ὅσον (long as) μετ’ (with) αὐτῶν (them) ἐστιν (is) ὁ (the) νυμφίος (bridegroom)? ἐλεύσονται (Will come) δὲ (however) ἡμέραι (days) ὅταν (when) ἀπαρθῇ (shall have been taken away) ἀπ’ (from) αὐτῶν (them) ὁ (the) νυμφίος (bridegroom), καὶ (and) τότε (then) νηστεύσουσιν (they will fast).
Mark 2:18
18 Καὶ (And) ἦσαν (were) οἱ (the) μαθηταὶ (disciples) Ἰωάννου (of John) καὶ (and) οἱ (the) Φαρισαῖοι (Pharisees) νηστεύοντες (fasting). καὶ (And) ἔρχονται (they come) καὶ (and) λέγουσιν (say) αὐτῷ (to Him), “Διὰ (Because of) τί (why) οἱ (the) μαθηταὶ (disciples) Ἰωάννου (of John) καὶ (and) οἱ (the) μαθηταὶ (disciples) τῶν (of the) Φαρισαίων (Pharisees) νηστεύουσιν (fast), οἱ (-) δὲ (but) σοὶ (Your) μαθηταὶ (disciples) οὐ (not) νηστεύουσιν (fast)?”
Luke 2:37
37 καὶ (and) αὐτὴ (she) χήρα (was a widow) ἕως (of about) ἐτῶν (years) ὀγδοήκοντα (eighty and) τεσσάρων (four), ἣ (who) οὐκ (not) ἀφίστατο (departed) τοῦ (the) ἱεροῦ (temple), νηστείαις (with fastings) καὶ (and) δεήσεσιν (prayers) λατρεύουσα (serving) νύκτα (night) καὶ (and) ἡμέραν (day).
Luke 18:12
12 νηστεύω (I fast) δὶς (twice) τοῦ (in the) σαββάτου (week); ἀποδεκατῶ (I tithe) πάντα (all things), ὅσα (as many as) κτῶμαι (I gain).’
Acts 10:30
30 Καὶ (And) ὁ (-) Κορνήλιος (Cornelius) ἔφη (was saying), “Ἀπὸ (Ago) τετάρτης (four) ἡμέρας (days), μέχρι (until) ταύτης (this) τῆς (the) ὥρας (hour), ἤμην (I was) τὴν (at the) ἐνάτην (ninth hour) προσευχόμενος (praying) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) οἴκῳ (house) μου (of me); καὶ (and) ἰδοὺ (behold), ἀνὴρ (a man) ἔστη (stood) ἐνώπιόν (before) μου (me) ἐν (in) ἐσθῆτι (apparel) λαμπρᾷ (bright),
Acts 13:2-3
2 Λειτουργούντων (As were ministering) δὲ (now) αὐτῶν (they) τῷ (to the) Κυρίῳ (Lord) καὶ (and) νηστευόντων (fasting), εἶπεν (said) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) τὸ (-) Ἅγιον (Holy), “Ἀφορίσατε (Set apart) δή (then) μοι (to Me) τὸν (-) Βαρνάβαν (Barnabas) καὶ (and) Σαῦλον (Saul) εἰς (for) τὸ (the) ἔργον (work) ὃ (to which) προσκέκλημαι (I have called) αὐτούς (them).”
3 τότε (Then) νηστεύσαντες (having fasted), καὶ (and) προσευξάμενοι (having prayed), καὶ (and) ἐπιθέντες (having laid) τὰς (the) χεῖρας (hands) αὐτοῖς (on them), ἀπέλυσαν (they sent them off).
Acts 14:23
23 Χειροτονήσαντες (Having chosen) δὲ (now) αὐτοῖς (for them) κατ’ (in every) ἐκκλησίαν (church) πρεσβυτέρους (elders), προσευξάμενοι (having prayed), μετὰ (with) νηστειῶν (fasting) παρέθεντο (they committed) αὐτοὺς (them) τῷ (to the) Κυρίῳ (Lord), εἰς (in) ὃν (whom) πεπιστεύκεισαν (they had believed).
1 Corinthians 7:5
5 Μὴ (Not) ἀποστερεῖτε (deprive) ἀλλήλους (one another), εἰ (if) μήτι (not) ἂν (-) ἐκ (by) συμφώνου (mutual agreement), πρὸς (for) καιρὸν (a time), ἵνα (that) σχολάσητε (you might be at leisure) τῇ (-) προσευχῇ (for prayer); καὶ (and) πάλιν (again), ἐπὶ (together) τὸ (the) αὐτὸ (same) ἦτε (be), ἵνα (so that) μὴ (not) πειράζῃ (may tempt) ὑμᾶς (you) ὁ (-) Σατανᾶς (Satan), διὰ (through) τὴν (the) ἀκρασίαν (lack of self-control) ὑμῶν (of you).
2 Corinthians 6:5
5 ἐν (in) πληγαῖς (beatings), ἐν (in) φυλακαῖς (imprisonments), ἐν (in) ἀκαταστασίαις (riots), ἐν (in) κόποις (labors), ἐν (in) ἀγρυπνίαις (watchings), ἐν (in) νηστείαις (fastings);
2 Corinthians 11:27
27 κόπῳ (in labor) καὶ (and) μόχθῳ (toil), ἐν (in) ἀγρυπνίαις (watchings) πολλάκις (often); ἐν (in) λιμῷ (hunger) καὶ (and) δίψει (thirst), ἐν (in) νηστείαις (fastings) πολλάκις (often); ἐν (in) ψύχει (cold) καὶ (and) γυμνότητι (nakedness).