1 A Psalm. O make a new song to the Lord, because he has done works of wonder; with his right hand, and with his holy arm, he has overcome.
Psalms 98:1 Cross References - BBE
Genesis 3:15
15 And there will be war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed: by him will your head be crushed and by you his foot will be wounded.
Exodus 15:6
6 Full of glory, O Lord, is the power of your right hand; by your right hand those who came against you are broken.
Exodus 15:11
11 Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? who is like you, in holy glory, to be praised with fear, doing wonders?
Psalms 2:5-6
Psalms 33:3
3 Make a new song to him; playing expertly with a loud noise.
Psalms 45:3-5
3 Put on your sword, make it ready at your side, O strong chief, with your glory and power.
4 And go nobly on in your power, because you are good and true and without pride; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear.
5 Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's haters; because of them the peoples are falling under you.
Psalms 77:14
14 You are the God who does works of power: you have made your strength clear to the nations.
Psalms 86:10
10 For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God.
Psalms 96:1
1 O make a new song to the Lord; let all the earth make melody to the Lord.
Psalms 96:3
3 Make clear his glory to the nations, and his wonders to all the peoples.
Psalms 105:5
5 Keep in mind the great works which he has done; his wonders, and the decisions of his mouth;
Psalms 110:2-6
2 The Lord will send out the rod of your strength from Zion; be king over your haters.
3 Your people give themselves gladly in the day of your power; like the dew of the morning on the holy mountains is the army of your young men.
4 The Lord has made an oath, and will not take it back. You are a priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedek.
5 In the day of his wrath kings will be wounded by the Lord at your right hand.
6 He will be judge among the nations, the valleys will be full of dead bodies; the head over a great country will be wounded by him.
Psalms 136:4
4 To him who only does great wonders: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
Psalms 139:14
14 I will give you praise, for I am strangely and delicately formed; your works are great wonders, and of this my soul is fully conscious.
Psalms 149:1
1 Let the Lord be praised. Make a new song to the Lord, let his praise be in the meeting of his saints.
Isaiah 42:10
10 Make a new song to the Lord, and let his praise be sounded from the end of the earth; you who go down to the sea, and everything in it, the sea-lands and their people.
Isaiah 43:18-20
18 Give no thought to the things which are past; let the early times go out of your minds.
19 See, I am doing a new thing; now it is starting; will you not take note of it? I will even make a way in the waste land, and rivers in the dry country.
20 The beasts of the field will give me honour, the jackals and the ostriches: because I send out waters in the waste land, and rivers in the dry country, to give drink to the people whom I have taken for myself:
Isaiah 52:10
10 The Lord has let his holy arm be seen by the eyes of all nations; and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.
Isaiah 59:16
16 And he saw that there was no man, and was surprised that there was no one to take up their cause: so his arm gave salvation, and he made righteousness his support.
Isaiah 63:5
5 And I saw that there was no helper, and I was wondering that no one gave them support: so my arm did the work of salvation, and my wrath was my support.
Jeremiah 31:22
22 How long will you go on turning this way and that, O wandering daughter? for the Lord has made a new thing on the earth, a woman changed into a man.
Luke 1:49
49 For he who is strong has done great things for me; and holy is his name.
Luke 2:10-14
10 And the angel said, Have no fear; for truly, I give you good news of great joy which will be for all the people:
11 For on this day, in the town of David, a Saviour has come to birth, who is Christ the Lord.
12 And this is the sign to you: you will see a young child folded in linen, in the place where the cattle have their food.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a great band of spirits from heaven, giving praise to God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased.
John 16:33
33 I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.
Acts 2:11
11 Men of Crete and Arabia, to all of us they are talking in our different languages, of the great works of God.
Acts 19:20
20 So the word of the Lord was increased very greatly and was full of power.
Colossians 2:15
15 Having made himself free from the rule of authorities and powers, he put them openly to shame, glorying over them in it.
Hebrews 2:14-15
Revelation 3:21
21 To him who overcomes I will give a place with me on my high seat, even as I overcame, and am seated with my Father on his high seat.
Revelation 5:9
9 And their voices are sounding in a new song, saying, It is right for you to take the book and to make it open: for you were put to death and have made an offering to God of your blood for men of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation,
Revelation 6:2
2 And I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it had a bow; and there was given to him a crown: and he went out with power to overcome.
Revelation 14:3
3 And they made as it seemed a new song before the high seat, and before the four beasts and the rulers: and no man might have knowledge of the song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, even those from the earth whom God has made his for a price.
Revelation 15:3-4
3 And they give the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and full of wonder are your works, O Lord God, Ruler of all; true and full of righteousness are your ways, eternal King.
4 What man is there who will not have fear before you, O Lord, and give glory to your name? because you only are holy; for all the nations will come and give worship before you; for your righteousness has been made clear.
Revelation 17:14
14 These will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because he is the Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with him are named, marked out, and true.
Revelation 19:11-21
11 And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness.
12 And his eyes are a flame of fire, and crowns are on his head; and he has a name in writing, of which no man has knowledge but himself.
13 And he is clothed in a robe washed with blood: and his name is The Word of God.
14 And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all.
16 And on his robe and on his leg is a name, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
17 And I saw an angel taking his place in the sun; and he was crying with a loud voice, saying to all the birds in flight in the heavens, Come together to the great feast of God;
18 So that you may take for your food the flesh of kings, and of captains, and of strong men, and of horses and of those who are seated on them, and the flesh of all men, free and unfree, small and great.
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, come together to make war against him who was seated on the horse and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire.
21 And the rest were put to death with the sword of him who was on the horse, even the sword which came out of his mouth: and all the birds were made full with their flesh.